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Blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption is a common feature of numerous neurologic disorders. A fundamental question in these diseases is the extent inflammatory immune cells contribute to CNS vascular permeability. We have previously shown that CD8 T cells play a critical role in initiating BBB disruption in the peptide-induced fatal syndrome model developed by our laboratory. However, myelomonocytic cells such as neutrophils have also been implicated in promoting CNS vascular permeability and functional deficit in murine models of neuroinflammatory disease. For this reason, we evaluated neutrophil depletion in a murine model of CD8 T cell-initiated BBB disruption by employing traditionally used anti-granulocyte receptor-1 mAb RB6-8C5 and Ly-6G-specific mAb 1A8. We report that CNS-infiltrating antiviral CD8 T cells express high levels of granulocyte receptor-1 protein and are depleted by treatment with RB6-8C5. Mice treated with RB6-8C5, but not 1A8, display: 1) intact BBB tight junction proteins; 2) reduced CNS vascular permeability visible by gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging; and 3) preservation of motor function. These studies demonstrate that traditional methods of neutrophil depletion with RB6-8C5 are broadly immune ablating. Our data also provide evidence that CD8 T cells initiate disruption of BBB tight junction proteins and CNS vascular permeability in the absence of neutrophil support.  相似文献   
The maximum chlorophyll fluorescence lifetime in isolated photosystem II (PSII) light-harvesting complex (LHCII) antenna is 4 ns; however, it is quenched to 2 ns in intact thylakoid membranes when PSII reaction centers (RCIIs) are closed (Fm). It has been proposed that the closed state of RCIIs is responsible for the quenching. We investigated this proposal using a new, to our knowledge, model system in which the concentration of RCIIs was highly reduced within the thylakoid membrane. The system was developed in Arabidopsis thaliana plants under long-term treatment with lincomycin, a chloroplast protein synthesis inhibitor. The treatment led to 1), a decreased concentration of RCIIs to 10% of the control level and, interestingly, an increased antenna component; 2), an average reduction in the yield of photochemistry to 0.2; and 3), an increased nonphotochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching (NPQ). Despite these changes, the average fluorescence lifetimes measured in Fm and Fm' (with NPQ) states were nearly identical to those obtained from the control. A 77 K fluorescence spectrum analysis of treated PSII membranes showed the typical features of preaggregation of LHCII, indicating that the state of LHCII antenna in the dark-adapted photosynthetic membrane is sufficient to determine the 2 ns Fm lifetime. Therefore, we conclude that the closed RCs do not cause quenching of excitation in the PSII antenna, and play no role in the formation of NPQ.  相似文献   
Inhibitory signaling through Tyr985 of the leptin receptor contributes to the attenuation of anorectic leptin action in obese animals. Leptin receptor (LEPR-B) Tyr985Leu homozygote mutant mice (termed l/l) were previously generated to study Tyr985's contributions to inhibition of LEPR-B signaling; young female l/l mice display a lean, leptin-sensitive phenotype, while young male l/l are not significantly different from wild-type. We report here that testosterone (but not estrogen) determines the sex-specificity of the l/l phenotype. This provides additional insight into the cellular mechanism by which gonadal hormones determine central sensitivity to leptin, and may help elucidate the long-noted sex differences in leptin sensitivity. Additionally, we observed that Tyr985 signaling protects against a diet-dependent switch that exacerbates obesity with high fat feeding, such that the enhanced leptin sensitivity of l/l mice on a normal diet leads to increased adiposity in the face of chronic high-fat diet.  相似文献   
Supplementation of animal feed with phytases has proven to be an effective strategy to alleviate phosphorous contamination of soil and water bodies. The inability of non-ruminant animals to digest phytates in corn and soybeans contributes to environmental contamination. Alkaline phytase from lily pollen (LlALP) exhibits unique catalytic and thermal stability properties that could be useful as a feed supplement. rLlALP2 was successfully expressed in Pichia pastoris; however, enzyme yields were modest (8-10 mg/L). In this paper, we describe our efforts to enhance rLlALP2 yield by investigating the influence of the following potential limiting factors: transgene copy number, codon bias, sequence optimization, and temperature during expression. Data presented indicate that increasing rLlAlp2 copy number was detrimental to heterologous expression, clones with one copy of wt-rLlAlp2 produced the highest activity, clones with two, four and seven or more copies produced 70%, 25% and 10% respectively, of enzyme activity implying that gene dosage is not limiting rLlALP2 yield. Use of a sequence-optimized rLlAlp2 increased the yield of the active enzyme by 25-50% in one/two copy clones, suggesting that translational efficiency is not a major bottleneck for rLlALP2 expression. Reducing the temperature during heterologous expression led to increases of 1.2-20-fold suggesting that protein folding and post-translational processes may be the dominant factors limiting rLlALP2 expression. Early knowledge of the transgene copy number allowed us to develop a more rational strategy for yield enhancement. Cumulatively, sequence optimization and temperature reduction led to the doubling of rLlALP2 enzyme activity in P. pastoris.  相似文献   
H7N9 has caused fatal infections in humans. A safe and effective vaccine is the best way to prevent large-scale outbreaks in the human population. Parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5), an avirulent paramyxovirus, is a promising vaccine vector. In this work, we generated a recombinant PIV5 expressing the HA gene of H7N9 (PIV5-H7) and tested its efficacy against infection with influenza virus A/Anhui/1/2013 (H7N9) in mice and guinea pigs. PIV5-H7 protected the mice against lethal H7N9 challenge. Interestingly, the protection did not require antibody since PIV5-H7 protected JhD mice that do not produce antibody against lethal H7N9 challenge. Furthermore, transfer of anti-H7 serum did not protect mice against H7N9 challenge. PIV5-H7 generated high HAI titers in guinea pigs, however it did not protect against H7N9 infection or transmission. Intriguingly, immunization of guinea pigs with PIV5-H7 and PIV5 expressing NP of influenza A virus H5N1 (PIV5-NP) conferred protection against H7N9 infection and transmission. Thus, we have obtained a H7N9 vaccine that protected both mice and guinea pigs against lethal H7N9 challenge and infection respectively.  相似文献   
Borrelia burgdorferi synthesizes an HtrA protease (BbHtrA) which is a surface-exposed, conserved protein within Lyme disease spirochetes with activity toward CheX and BmpD of Borrelia spp, as well as aggrecan, fibronectin and proteoglycans found in skin, joints and neural tissues of vertebrates. An antibody response against BbHtrA is observed in Lyme disease patients and in experimentally infected laboratory mice and rabbits. Given the surface location of BbHtrA on B. burgdorferi and its ability to elicit an antibody response in infected hosts, we explored recombinant BbHtrA as a potential vaccine candidate in a mouse model of tick-transmitted Lyme disease. We immunized mice with two forms of BbHtrA: the proteolytically active native form and BbHtrA ablated of activity by a serine to alanine mutation at amino acid 226 (BbHtrAS226A). Although inoculation with either BbHtrA or BbHtrAS226A produced high-titer antibody responses in C3H/HeJ mice, neither antigen was successful in protecting mice from B. burgdorferi challenge. These results indicate that the search for novel vaccine candidates against Lyme borreliosis remains a challenge.  相似文献   
Alternative splicing of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genomic RNA is necessary to produce the complete viral protein complement, and aberrations in the splicing pattern impair HIV-1 replication. Genome splicing in HIV-1 is tightly regulated by the dynamic assembly/disassembly of trans host factors with cis RNA control elements. The host protein, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A1, regulates splicing at several highly conserved HIV-1 3′ splice sites by binding 5′-UAG-3′ elements embedded within regions containing RNA structure. The physical determinants of hnRNP A1 splice site recognition remain poorly defined in HIV-1, thus precluding a detailed understanding of the molecular basis of the splicing pattern. Here, the three-dimensional structure of the exon splicing silencer 3 (ESS3) from HIV-1 has been determined using NMR spectroscopy. ESS3 adopts a 27-nucleotide hairpin with a 10-bp A-form stem that contains a pH-sensitive A+C wobble pair. The seven-nucleotide hairpin loop contains the high-affinity hnRNP-A1-responsive 5′-UAGU-3′ element and a proximal 5′-GAU-3′ motif. The NMR structure shows that the heptaloop adopts a well-organized conformation stabilized primarily by base stacking interactions reminiscent of a U-turn. The apex of the loop is quasi-symmetric with UA dinucleotide steps from the 5′-GAU-3′ and 5′-UAGU-3′ motifs stacking on opposite sides of the hairpin. As a step towards understanding the binding mechanism, we performed calorimetric and NMR titrations of several hnRNP A1 subdomains into ESS3. The data show that the UP1 domain forms a high-affinity (Kd = 37.8 ± 1.1 nM) complex with ESS3 via site-specific interactions with the loop.  相似文献   
1. Diel rhythms of foraging activity by animal flower visitors can reflect niche partitioning and are considered an important component of selection on floral traits. However, it has been notoriously difficult to obtain objective information on the patterns of flower visitation by crepuscular and nocturnal insects. 2. Motion-activated cameras were used for field-based studies of hawkmoth foraging behaviour on six African plant species. 3. The results showed that short-tongued hawkmoth species forage mainly around dusk and then sporadically throughout the night, whereas long-tongued hawkmoth species feed consistently throughout the night, with a peak shortly before midnight. 4. These results provide the first quantitative estimates of diel patterns of interactions between multiple hawkmoth and plant species and, when combined with qualitative reports from other studies, suggest that differences in diel activity between the two main hawkmoth functional groups (short- and long-tongued) are consistent across the Old and New Worlds.  相似文献   
Airway epithelial tight junctions (TJs) serve to separate the external and internal environments of the lung. However, the members of the claudin family that mediate this function have not been fully delineated. We characterized the claudin expression in normal airways removed from human donors during lung transplantation and determined the contribution of each claudin to airway barrier function. Stable cell lines in NIH/3T3 and human airway (IB3.1) cells were constructed expressing the claudin components found in the human airway, claudin-1, -3, or -5. The effects of claudin expression on transepithelial resistance, permeability coefficients, and claudin-claudin interactions were assessed. Claudin-1 and -3 decreased solute permeability, whereas claudin-5 increased permeability. We also detected oligomerization of claudin-5 in cell lines and in freshly excised human airways. Coimmunoprecipitation studies revealed heterophilic interactions between claudin species in both cell lines and human airway epithelium. These suggest that airway TJs are regulated by claudinclaudin interactions that confer the selectivity of the junction.  相似文献   
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