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The effect of prostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin) on renal and intrarenal hemodynamics and function was studied in mongrel dogs to elucidate the role of this novel prostaglandin in renal physiology. Starting at a dose of 10?8 g/kg/min, PGI2 decreased renal vascular resistance and redistributed the blood flow away from the outer cortex (zone 1) and towards the juxtamedullary cortex (zone 4). At 3 × 10?8 g/kg/min, the renal vascular resistance decreased even further, but at this dose the mean arterial blood pressure also declined 13% indicating recirculation of this prostaglandin. PGI2 infusion at a vasodilatory dose resulted in natriuresis and kaliuresis. With a decline in filtration fraction, these changes were most likely secondary to the hemodynamic effects of this prostaglandin. Unlike PGE2, PGI2 had no direct effect on free water clearance indicating lack of activity at the collecting duct. PGI2 may be the important renal prostaglandin involved in modulating renal vascular resistance and intrarenal hemodynamics as well as influencing systemic blood pressure.  相似文献   
The ability to remove unwanted proteins is an important cellular feature. Classically, this involves the enzymatic addition of ubiquitin moieties followed by degradation in the proteasome. Nedd4 proteins are ubiquitin ligases important not only for protein degradation, but also for protein trafficking. Nedd4 proteins can bind to target proteins either by themselves or through adaptor protein Ndfip1 (Nedd4 family-interacting protein 1). An alternative mechanism for protein removal and trafficking is provided by exosomes, which are small vesicles (50-90-nm diameter) originating from late endosomes and multivesicular bodies (MVBs). Exosomes provide a rapid means of shedding obsolete proteins and also for cell to cell communication. In the present work, we show that Ndfip1 is detectable in exosomes secreted from transfected cells and also from primary neurons. Compared with control, Ndfip1 increases exosome secretion from transfected cells. Furthermore, while Nedd4, Nedd4-2, and Itch are normally absent from exosomes, expression of Ndfip1 results in recruitment of all three Nedd4 proteins into exosomes. Together, these results suggest that Ndfip1 is important for protein trafficking via exosomes, and provides a mechanism for cargoing passenger proteins such as Nedd4 family proteins. Given the positive roles of Ndfip1/Nedd4 in improving neuronal survival during brain injury, it is possible that exosome secretion provides a novel route for rapid sequestration and removal of proteins during stress.  相似文献   
Summary Two methods have been used to identify the protein products of the Escherichia coli K-12 ilv region at 84 min and the flanking rrnC (counterclockwise) and rho (clockwise) loci. First, a set of dilv specialized transducing phages, including some phages that carry rho and others that carry part of rrnC, was used to infect UV irradiated cells. The proteins produced by the infecting dilv phage were selectively labelled with radioactive amino acids and identified by SDS gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Second, restriction enzyme fragments were cloned from the dilv phage into pBR322 and the plasmid specific gene products produced in maxicells were similarly identified by SDS gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. The proteins produced were correlated with specific genes and restriction enzyme fragments present in the dilv phage and the pBR322 derivatives. Several ilv gene products that have previously been refractory to protein purification attempts have been identified for the first time by this technique. The presence of mutations at the ilvO site is shown to activate the cryptic ilvG gene and to result in the production of a 62,000 dalton protein. A 15,000 dalton protein of unknown function is synthesized from a DNA segment between ilv and rrnC. The rho gene was cloned from dilv phage into pBR322 and shown to be dominant to a rho mutation on the host cromosome. The rho gene product and four additional proteins coded by genes near or between rho and ilv have been detected.  相似文献   
This report describes the cloning and expression of both subunits of PKA in the opportunistic fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. The predicted translation product of the regulatory subunit, pkaR, is defined as a type II regulatory subunit. The gene encoding the A. fumigatus catalytic subunit, pkaC, contains the conserved kinase and activation domains that are characteristic of PkaC proteins. Both subunit mRNAs are expressed throughout the asexual life cycle of A. fumigatus. Message levels of pkaR and pkaC are higher during co-cultivation with alveolar epithelial cells than during culture alone.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of selected electron donors and electron acceptors on the anaerobic biodegradation of DDT and its major metabolites in a muck soil with a long history of exposure to the pesticide. Loss of DDT was measured in anaerobic microcosms supplemented with H2, lactate, and acetate. The greatest loss of DDT (approximately 87 %) was observed in microcosms amended with lactate and no additional electron acceptor compared to the no additional electron donor or acceptor sets. An increase in measureable concentrations of DDx was observed in un-amended microcosms. In larger scale mesocosms, significant increases in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) corresponded with low redox potentials. Increases in DOC corresponded with sharp increases in measured concentrations of DDx, followed by a decrease in measured DDT concentrations in lactate-amended mesocosms. Our studies indicate that sorbed DDx is released upon anaerobic incubation, and that indigenous microorganisms capable of DDx degradation respond to lactate additions. Both the potential for release of sorbed DDx and the potential for biodegradation of DDx should be considered during remediation of DDx-contaminated organic soils at low redox potentials.  相似文献   
The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is the rate-limiting step for sodium reabsorption across tight epithelia. Cyclic-AMP (cAMP) stimulation promotes ENaC trafficking to the apical surface to increase channel number and transcellular Na+ transport. Removal of corticosteroid supplementation in a cultured cortical collecting duct cell line reduced ENaC expression. Concurrently, the number of vesicles trafficked in response to cAMP stimulation, as measured by a change in membrane capacitance, also decreased. Stimulation with aldosterone restored both the basal and cAMP-stimulated ENaC activity and increased the number of exocytosed vesicles. Knocking down ENaC directly decreased both the cAMP-stimulated short-circuit current and capacitance response in the presence of aldosterone. However, constitutive apical recycling of the Immunoglobulin A receptor was unaffected by alterations in ENaC expression or trafficking. Fischer Rat Thyroid cells, transfected with α,β,γ-mENaC had a significantly greater membrane capacitance response to cAMP stimulation compared to non-ENaC controls. Finally, immunofluorescent labeling and quantitation revealed a smaller number of vesicles in cells where ENaC expression was reduced. These findings indicate that ENaC is not a passive passenger in regulated epithelial vesicle trafficking, but plays a role in establishing and maintaining the pool of vesicles that respond to cAMP stimulation.  相似文献   
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