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Microsomal preparations from rat adipose tissue catalyse the transfer of [14C]mannose from GDP-[14C]mannose to an endogenous acceptor forming a [14C]mannosyl lipid. The mannosyl lipid co-chromatographs with hen oviduct dolichyl monophosphate β-mannose on three solvent systems. It is stable to mild alkaline hydrolysis, but strong alkaline treatment yields a compound that co-migrates with mannose 1-phosphate. The mannosyl lipid is labile to mild acid hydrolysis, yielding [14C]mannose. Formation of the compound is reversible by GDP, but not GMP, and is stimulated by exogenous dolichyl phosphate.

The kinetics of transfer of [14C]mannose from GDP-[14C]mannose to form dolichyl monophosphate mannose were studied by using preparations derived from rats fed on one of four diets: G (high glucose), L (high lard), F (fructose) or GC (high glucose, 0.9% cholesterol). The Km and Vmax. values for transfer from GDP-mannose were virtually indistinguishable in the four preparations.

In the absence of exogenous dolichyl phosphate, the largest amount of transfer of [14C]mannose into the mannosyl lipid was observed with preparations from fructose-fed animals. Preparations from glucose-fed animals showed about 60% as much transfer, whereas membranes from rats fed the other diets showed intermediate values between the fructose- and glucose-fed animals. The inclusion of cholesterol in the glucose diet elicited an increase in transfer of mannose.

Under conditions of saturating exogenous dolichyl phosphate, preparations from lard-fed animals have 1.5 times as much enzyme activity as do preparations from animals fed the other three diets.

The spore load of Ascosphaera species spores on larval chalkbrood cadavers and newly emergent adults of the alfalfa leafcutting bee, Megachile rotundata, was determined. The spore content of chalkbrood cadavers ranged from 3 × 106 to 5 × 108. Adults emerging through zero to nine cadavers carried spores on all body parts examined by scanning electron microscopy. Estimates of the total number of spores obtained from a series of adult washes ranged from 9 × 104 to 8 × 107. Some adult males which emerged through no cadavers carried 104 to 105 spores, indicating that nesting materials might also have been contaminated. However, the control of chalkbrood in commercial bee populations may not be accomplished simply by providing clean nesting materials as adults may still emerge through diseased larvae.  相似文献   
Unidirectional flux rates of saturated fatty acids, saturated alcohols, and bile acids were measured in an intact rat diaphragm preparation. The logarithm of the permeability coefficients for fatty acids containing from five to ten carbon atoms was a linear function of the number of carbon atoms in the fatty acid chain. Incremental free energies of solution were +336 cal · mol−1 for the addition of a hydroxyl group and −258 cal · mol−1 for the addition of a methylene group. These incremental free energies were similar to those obtained by other investigators in other animal tissues, and our data suggest a structural similarity between membranes in different tissues and in different species. The muscle membrane exhibited anomalously high permeabilities for fatty acids containing less than five carbon atoms. Since muscle lacks tight junctions, this result suggests that small non-electrolytes traverse polar regions or aqueous pores within the cellular membrane.  相似文献   
Geranylgeranylation of RhoA small G-protein is essential for its localization to cell membranes and for its biological functions. Many RhoA effects are mediated by its downstream effector RhoA kinase. The role of protein geranylgeranylation and the RhoA pathway in the regulation of endothelial cell survival has not been elucidated. The hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl (HMG)-CoA reductase inhibitor lovastatin depletes cellular pools of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate and farnesol pyrophosphate and thereby inhibits both geranylgeranylation and farnesylation. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were exposed to lovastatin (3 microm-30 microm) for 48 h, and cell death was quantitatively determined by cytoplasmic histone-associated DNA fragments as well as caspase-3 activity. The assays showed that lovastatin caused a dose-dependent endothelial cell death. The addition of geranylgeraniol, which restores geranylgeranylation, rescued HUVEC from apoptosis. The geranylgeranyltransferase inhibitor GGTI-298, but not the farnesyltransferase inhibitor FTI-277, induced apoptosis in HUVEC. Cell death was also induced by a blockade of RhoA function by exoenzyme C3. In addition, treatment of HUVEC with the RhoA kinase inhibitors Y-27632 and HA-1077 caused dose-dependent cell death. Y-27632 did not inhibit other well known survival pathways, such as NF-kappa B, ERK, and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt. However, there was an increase in p53 protein level concomitant with Y-27632-induced cell death. Unlike the apoptosis induced by TNF-alpha, which occurs only with inhibition of new protein synthesis, apoptosis induced by inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase, geranylgeranyltransferase, or RhoA kinase was blocked by cycloheximide. Our data indicate that inhibition of protein geranylgeranylation and RhoA pathways induce apoptosis in HUVEC and that induction of p53 or other proapoptotic proteins is required for this process.  相似文献   
Due to conflicting reports concerning the relationship between phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) activity and mass in plasma, the protein concentration and activity of PLTP were assessed in fractions isolated by fast protein liquid chromatography from the plasma of healthy normolipidemic individuals. Using both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, PLTP was identified by Western blot analysis after both SDS and non-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, and quantitated by dot blot. PLTP activity was determined using a labeled vesicle/HDL assay. PLTP mass corresponded substantially with the activity distribution using the polyclonal antibody on dot blot with some inactive PLTP being present. However, the monoclonal antibody preferentially reacted with inactive PLTP, primarily associated with LDL and large HDL, overestimating inactive PLTP. Western blot analysis of non-denaturing gradient gels, using the polyclonal antibody, indicated that active PLTP was associated with numerous discrete HDL subpopulations (7.6-12.0 nm) with the major portion being 9-12 nm. Inactive PLTP was associated with particles of 12 to >17 nm. The monoclonal antibody demonstrated a different pattern of reactivity on gradient gels, showing strong reactivity with the inactive PLTP in particles of 12 to >17 nm, but less reactivity with particles of 7.6-12 nm. The differences in reactivities of antibodies for active versus inactive PLTP can account for some of the discrepancies reported in the literature regarding the relationship between PLTP mass and activity.  相似文献   
In yeast, certain resident trans-Golgi network (TGN) proteins achieve steady-state localization by cycling through late endosomes. Here, we show that chitin synthase III (Chs3p), an enzyme involved in the assembly of the cell wall at the mother-bud junction, populates an intracellular reservoir that is maintained by a cycle of transport between the TGN and early endosomes. Traffic of Chs3p from the TGN/early endosome to the cell surface requires CHS5 and CHS6, mutant alleles of which trap Chs3p in the TGN/early endosome. Disruption of the clathrin adaptor protein complex 1 (AP-1) restores Chs3p transport to the plasma membrane. Similarly, in AP-1 deficient cells, the resident TGN/early endosome syntaxin, Tlg1p, is missorted. We propose that clathrin and AP-1 act to recycle Chs3p and Tlg1p from the early endosome to the TGN.  相似文献   
Neurochemical Research - Dopamine is an important neuromodulator in the brain that binds to dopamine D1-like receptors (D1, D5) as well as dopamine D2-like receptors (D2, D3, D4). The D2 receptor...  相似文献   

To develop an effective genome editing tool for blueberry breeding, CRISPR-Cas9 and CRISPR-Cas12a were evaluated for their editing efficiencies of a marker gene, beta-glucuronidase (gusA), which was previously introduced into two blueberry cultivars each a single-copy transgene. Four expression vectors were built, with CRISPR-Cas9 and CRISPR-Cas12a each driven by a 35S promoter or AtUbi promoter. Each vector contained two editing sites in the gusA. These four vectors were respectively transformed into the leaf explants of transgenic gusA blueberry and the resulting transgenic calli were induced under hygromycin selection. GUS staining showed that some small proportions of the hygromycin-resistant calli had non-GUS stained sectors, suggesting some possible occurrences of gusA editing. We sequenced GUS amplicons spanning the two editing sites in three blueberry tissues and found about 5.5% amplicons having editing features from the calli transformed with the 35S-Cas9 vector. Further, we conducted a second round of shoot regeneration from leaf explants derived from the initial Cas9- and Cas12a-containing calli (T0) and analyzed amplicons of the target editing region. Of the newly induced shoots, 15.5% for the 35S-Cas9 and 5.3% for the AtUbi-Cas9 showed non-GUS staining, whereas all of the shoots containing the Cas12a vectors showed blue staining. Sanger sequencing confirmed the editing-induced mutations in two representative non-GUS staining lines. Clearly, the second round of regeneration had enriched editing events and enhanced the production of edited shoots. The results and protocol described will be helpful to facilitating high-precision breeding of blueberries using CRISPR Cas technologies.

5-Oxo-7-glutathionyl-8,11,14-eicosatrienoic acid (FOG(7)), a biologically active glutathione (GSH) adduct of the eicosanoid 5-oxo-eicosatrienoic acid (5-oxoETE), is the major metabolite formed within the murine peritoneal macrophage. The conjugation of GSH to electrophilic 5-oxoETE in vitro was found to be catalyzed by both soluble glutathione S-transferase and membrane-bound leukotriene C(4) (LTC(4)) synthase. The cytosolic glutathione S-transferase-catalyzed products were not biologically active; however, the adduct formed from recombinant LTC(4) synthase had identical mass spectrometric properties and biological activity to the macrophage-derived FOG(7). The biosynthesis of FOG(7) in the macrophage was inhibited by MK-886, a known inhibitor of LTC(4) synthase, suggesting that this nuclear membrane-bound enzyme might be responsible for GSH conjugation to 5-oxoETE in the intact cell. Subcellular fractionation revealed that the microsomal fraction from the murine macrophage contained the enzyme responsible for FOG(7) biosynthesis. Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of LTC(4) synthase in the microsomal fraction that did not catalyze conjugation of GSH to 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, indicating an absence of microsomal glutathione S- transferase activity. These results suggest that LTC(4) synthase, thought to be specific for the conjugation of GSH to LTA(4), can also recognize 5-oxoETE as an electrophilic substrate.  相似文献   
Folylpoly-gamma-glutamate synthetase (FPGS) is the enzyme responsible for metabolic trapping of reduced folate cofactors in cells for use in nucleotide and amino acid biosynthesis. There are two isoforms of FPGS expressed in mouse tissues, one is expressed in differentiated tissue, principally liver and kidney, and the other in all rapidly proliferating cell types. The present study sought the functional difference that would explain the evolution of two mouse FPGS species. Recombinant cytosolic mouse isozymes were compared with respect to steady state kinetics, chain length of polyglutamate derivatives formed, and end-product inhibition by the major reduced folylpentaglutamate cofactors. Both isoforms were equally effective in catalyzing the addition of a mole of glutamic acid to reduced folate monoglutamate substrates. Each isoform was also capable of forming long chain polyglutamate derivatives of the model folate, 5,10-dideazatetrahydrofolate. In contrast, the FPGS isoform derived from rapidly proliferating tissue was much more sensitive to inhibition by (6R)-5,10-CH(2)-H(4)PteGlu(5) and (6S)-H(4)PteGlu(5) than the isoform expressed in differentiated tissues, as demonstrated by 13- and 6-fold lower inhibition constants (K(i)), respectively. Interestingly, each isozyme was equally sensitive to inhibition by (6R)-10-CHO-H(4)PteGlu(5). We drew the conclusion that the decreased sensitivity of the FPGS expressed in mouse liver and kidney to feedback inhibition by 5,10-CH(2)-H(4)PteGlu(5-6) and H(4)PteGlu(5-6) may have evolved to permit accumulation of a larger folate cofactor pool than that found within rapidly proliferating tissue.  相似文献   
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