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Zusammenfassung Die Gefäße sprossen während zweier Wachstumsphasen in den Nerv ein: bei 11 cm langen Feten liegen 125 Gefäße innerhalb des N. tibialis (R. poplitea), auch bei 23 cm langen Feten finden sich etwa gleichviel Haargefäße im Endoneuralraum. Bei 39 cm langen Feten hat sich die Kapillarzahl etwa verdreifacht. Die Kapillarzahl pro Quadratmillimeter Endoneuralraum ist tabellarisch zusammengefaßt, die kritische Schichtdicke für einzelne Altersstufen errechnet worden.Bereits beim 11 cm langen Feten sind innerhalb des Nerven zarte Septen zu erkennen, aus denen sich bei 16 cm langen das Stratum lamellare perineurii entwickelt hat. Die Zahl der Lamellen vermehrt sich während des intrauterinen Lebens bis auf fünf. Das Stratum fibrosum perineurii et epineurii entwickelt sich erst beim über 35 cm langen Feten. Als erste Bindegewebsstruktur legen sich Teile des interfaszikulären Bindegewebes in Form von dreieckigen Zwickeln um die größeren Nervengefäße. Gleichzeitig runden sich die vorher eckig begrenzten Nervenfaserbündel ab. Während des intrauterinen Wachstums verdicken sich die Faszikel stetig. Allerdings schwanken Zahl und Durchmesser der Faszikel eines Nervs erheblich (Tabelle 2).Das Nervenbindegewebe nimmt während des Wachstums kontinuierlich zu (Tabelle 3). An der Umbiegungsstelle des N. tibialis sind die Faszikel vermehrt und verkleinert. Außerdem lassen sich mehr Bindegewebsanteile am Nervenquerschnitt ermitteln (Tabelle 4).In Injektionspräparaten von Nerven alter Menschen sind endoneurale Degenerationsherde (Renautsche Körperchen) aufgefunden worden. Da innerhalb der betroffenen Faszikel die Kapillarzahl um die Anzahl der Degenerationsherde vermindert ist, wird angenommen, daß diese Gebilde untergegangen und nekrobiotisch veränderten Kapillaren entsprechen.Diese Deutung wird gestützt durch Befunde an Kapillaren in der Umgebung der Degenerationsbezirke, deren Grundhäutchen verdickt und hyalinisiert sind.Im gelähmten Nerv nimmt das Bindegewebe relativ zur schrumpfenden Nervensubstanz zu.Herrn Professor Dr. Fritz Wassermann zum 80. Geburtstag in Verehrung gewidmet.  相似文献   
The effects of sodium tetradecyl sulfate (STS), β-phenethyl alcohol (PEA), and p-nitrophenylglycerol (PNPG) on motility, swarming, flagellation, and growth of Proteus were examined. Growth-inhibitory concentrations (GIC) and swarming-inhibitory concentrations (SIC) were determined. A characterization of the swarming-inhibitory efficacy of these compounds was based on their GIC/SIC ratio and their concentration inhibition curves. Using the homologous series of sodium alkyl sulfates as a standard reference, we showed that PNPG was more effective than STS, which was the most effective of the homologous series. PEA was less effective than sodium decyl sulfate but more effective than sodium octyl sulfate. Motility tests in liquid medium and electron microscope investigations indicated that the modes of action of the three compounds, all of which effectively inhibit the swarming of Proteus, are different. Whereas STS and PEA inhibit swarming by inhibition of motility, PNPG seems to act on the swarming mechanism sensu strictori, without impairment of motility. STS immobilizes by inhibition of flagellum formation or by some lytic action on the flagella already synthesized. PEA acts by impairing flagellar function, but leaves the flagella morphologically intact.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Einmalige Injektionen von 75–150 IE Hyaluronidase in die Augenvorder-kammer oder den Glaskörper führten am Trabekelwerk höherer Affen (Cercopithecus aeth.) in wenigen Tagen zur Auflösung der homogenen Substanzen des Lamellenkernes und zur Ablösung der Trabekelendothelien. Stellenweise wurden die Trabekel vollständig aufgelöst. Die abgelösten Trabekelendothelien zeigten elektronenmikroskopisch eine Vermehrung des Retikulum und der freien Ribosomen. Phagocytierte Zelleinschlüsse waren nachzuweisen. Die vergrößerten Kerne enthielten zahlreiche Nukleoli und wenig Chromatin. Inflammatorische Reaktionen waren nicht erkennbar. Stellenweise kam es zur Bildung größerer Symplasmen mit zahlreichen, aktivierten Kernen. Je nach Dosis regenerierte das Zell- und Lamellensystem des Trabekelwerkes in 7–10 Tagen vollständig.Durch mehrmalige Injektionen von Hyaluronidase in den Glaskörper konnten außer den beschriebenen Auflösungs- und Reparationsvorgängen erstmalig am Trabekelwerk auch proliferative Prozesse ausgelöst werden, die teilweise zur vollständigen Verlötung des Kammerwinkels und Obliteration des Schlemmschen Kanals führten. Der Mechanismus dieses Proliferationseffektes wird diskutiert.Ein Teil dieser Untersuchungen wurde in dankenswerter Weise durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft unterstützt.  相似文献   
A rapid, efficient procedure for the isolation and purification of the vitellogenin binding protein from locust ovarian membranes is described. After solubilization with the nonionic detergent octyl-β-D-glucoside and removal of the detergent, the binding protein is subjected to affinity chromatography on vitellogenin coupled covalently to Affi-Gel 15. The binding protein is eluted with suramin and EDTA at low pH value. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals a polypeptide with a molecular weight of 156,000 in the eluted fraction. By ligand blotting this polypeptide could be identified as the vitellogenin binding protein. It retains its high-affinity binding properties. The specific binding of vitellogenin increases from 4.8 μg (intact ovarian membranes) to 170.9 μg (affinity purified binding protein) per mg membrane protein, which corresponds to a purification factor of 35.  相似文献   
N,N'-Methylenebisacrylamide (MBA), a dimer of the monomeric acrylamide, was studied for induction of clastogenic effects in germ cells of male mice. It was found to be effective in inducing dominant-lethal mutations and heritable translocations in maturing sperm. The semisterile translocation carriers and their normal counterparts were used to determine the health impact of transmitted chromosomal rearrangements through anatomical analysis of their immediate descendants in utero. As expected, semisterility resulted primarily from embryonic death during the periimplantation stages presumably caused by sperm segregants with unbalanced chromosome complement fertilizing some of the eggs. Among conceptuses that survived to mid- and late-gestation stages, there was an increased incidence of developmental anomalies including fetal death and phenotypic defects. These anomalies are assumed to be caused by certain types of unbalanced segregants that are compatible with survival beyond the periimplantation period. This class of unbalanced segregants represent in humans a major health problem to the mother and her conceptus.  相似文献   
In order to explore the pathogenetic mechanism underlying the changes in blood-brain barrier sodium transport in experimental diabetes, the effects of hyperglycemia and of hypoinsulinemia were studied in nondiabetic rats. In untreated diabetes, the neocortical blood-brain barrier permeability for sodium decreased by 20% (5.6 +/- 0.7 versus 7.0 +/- 0.8 X 10(5) ml/g/s) as compared to controls. Intravenous infusion of 50% glucose for 2 h was associated with a decrease in the blood-brain barrier permeability to sodium (5.4 +/- 1.2 X 10(5) ml/g/s), whereas rats treated with an inhibitor of insulin-secretion (SMS 201-995, a somatostatin-analogue) had normal sodium permeability (7.3 +/- 2.0 X 10(5) ml/g/s). Acute insulin treatment of diabetic rats normalized the sodium permeability within a few hours as compared to a separate control group (7.7 +/- 1.1 versus 6.9 +/- 1.4 X 10(5) ml/g/s). To elucidate whether the abnormal blood-brain barrier passage is caused by a metabolic effect of glucose or by the concomitant hyperosmolality, rats were made hyperosmolar by intravenous injection of 50% mannitol. Although not statistically significant, blood-brain barrier sodium permeability increased in hyperosmolar rats as compared to the control rats (8.3 +/- 1.0 and 7.0 +/- 1.9 X 10(5) ml/g/s, respectively). It is concluded that either hyperglycemia per se or a glucose metabolite is responsible for the blood-brain barrier abnormality which occurs in diabetes. Further, we suggest that the specific decrease of sodium permeability could be the result of glucose-mediated inhibition of the Na+K+-ATPase localized at the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   
It has been assumed that the feeding habits of vertebrates predispose the variety of intestinal differentiations and the composition of the microbial biota living in their intestinal tracts. Consequently, the presence of methanogenic bacteria in the various differentiations of the large intestine and the foregut of herbivorous vertebrates had been attributed primarily to the existence of anaerobic habitats and the availability of carbon dioxide and hydrogen originating from the fermentative microbial digestion of plant-based diets. However, Australian ratites, many murids, and several New World primates lack methanogens, despite their intestinal differentiations and their vegetarian feeding habits. Crocodiles, giant snakes, aardvarks, and ant-eaters on the other hand release significant amounts of methane. A determination of methane emissions by 253 vertebrate species confirmed that competence for intestinal methanogenic bacteria is shared by related species and higher taxa, irrespective of different feeding habits. In “methanogenic” branches of the evolutionary tree, a variety of differentiations of the large intestine evolved and, in some cases, differentiations of the foregut. In contrast, the lack of competence for methanogens in chiropterans/insectivores and carnivores apparently has precluded the evolution of specialized fermenting differentiations of the digestive tract. Our observations reveal that the presence of intestinal methanogenic bacteria is under phylogenetic rather than dietary control: competence for intestinal methanogenic bacteria is a plesiomorphic (primitive-shared) character among reptiles, birds, and mammals. This competence for methanogenic bacteria has been crucial for the evolution of the amniotes.  相似文献   
Genes of theHoxDcomplex related to theDrosophila Abd-Bgene are involved in the morphogenesis of vertebrate paired appendages.Hoxd-11,for instance, is necessary in combination with otherHoxgenes for the proper development of different parts of the tetrapod limbs. Sequence comparisons between the mouse, chicken, and zebrafishHoxd-11loci have revealed the conservation of several blocks of DNA sequence which may be of importance for the regulation ofHoxd-11expression. We have used transgenic mice to show that one of these conserved elements specifically drives expression in a proximal-posterior part of developing forelimbs. Production of mice transgenic for a full fishHoxd-11construct as well as for mouse–fishHoxd-11chimeric constructs shows that the fish counterpart of this sequence is able to elicit expression in mouse forelimbs as well, though in a slightly different domain. However, this fish element requires the presence of the mouse promoter and does not work in its own context. These results are discussed in light of both the control ofHoxdgene expression during limb development and the use of a comparative interspecies approach to understand the regulation of genes involved in vertebrate development.  相似文献   
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