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The tomato—Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst)—pathosystem is one of the best understood models for plant-pathogen interactions. Certain wild relatives of tomato express two closely related members of the same kinase family, Pto and Fen, which recognize the Pst virulence protein AvrPtoB and activate effector-triggered immunity (ETI). AvrPtoB, however, contains an E3 ubiquitin ligase domain in its carboxyl terminus which causes degradation of Fen and undermines its ability to activate ETI. In contrast, Pto evades AvrPtoB-mediated degradation and triggers ETI in response to the effector. It has been reported recently that Pto has higher kinase activity than Fen and that this difference allows Pto to inactivate the E3 ligase through phosphorylation of threonine-450 (T450) in AvrPtoB. Here we show that, in contrast to Fen which can only interact with a single domain proximal to the E3 ligase of AvrPtoB, Pto binds two distinct domains of the effector, the same site as Fen and another N-terminal domain. In the absence of E3 ligase activity Pto binds to either domain of AvrPtoB to activate ETI. However, the presence of an active E3 ligase domain causes ubiquitination of Pto that interacts with the domain proximal to the E3 ligase, identical to ubiquitination of Fen. Only when Pto binds its unique distal domain can it resist AvrPtoB-mediated degradation and activate ETI. We show that phosphorylation of T450 is not required for Pto-mediated resistance in vivo and that a kinase-inactive version of Pto is still capable of activating ETI in response to AvrPtoB. Our results demonstrate that the ability of Pto to interact with a second site distal to the E3 ligase domain in AvrPtoB, and not a higher kinase activity or T450 phosphorylation, allows Pto to evade ubiquitination and to confer immunity to Pst.  相似文献   
We developed new image analysis tools to analyse quantitatively the extracellular-matrix-dependent cell spreading process imaged by live-cell epifluorescence microscopy. Using these tools, we investigated cell spreading induced by activation of the small GTPase, Rap1. After replating and initial adhesion, unstimulated cells exhibited extensive protrusion and retraction as their spread area increased, and displayed an angular shape that was remodelled over time. In contrast, activation of endogenous Rap1, via 007-mediated stimulation of Epac1, induced protrusion along the entire cell periphery, resulting in a rounder spread surface, an accelerated spreading rate and an increased spread area compared to control cells. Whereas basal, anisotropic, spreading was completely dependent on Src activity, Rap1-induced spreading was refractory to Src inhibition. Under Src inhibited conditions, the characteristic Src-induced tyrosine phosphorylations of FAK and paxillin did not occur, but Rap1 could induce the formation of actomyosin-connected adhesions, which contained vinculin at levels comparable to that found in unperturbed focal adhesions. From these results, we conclude that Rap1 can induce cell adhesion and stimulate an accelerated rate of cell spreading through mechanisms that bypass the canonical FAK-Src-Paxillin signalling cascade.  相似文献   
The possible modes of permeation of Ca and Sr through the intestinal epithelium are discussed. The problems of the diffusion and the active transport were studied with prepared bags of duodenum, jejunum and ileum of normal but still immature animals (both sexes) in the Warburg apparatus, at body temperature and in some cases at 4° C. Active transport occurs under oxygen, whereas under nitrogen and blockade of the metabolism with cyanide, only diffusion takes place. Isotopes (45Ca and90Sr) of high specific activity were used. The diffusion of both elements shows the same ratio at low and at body temperature, with an higher intensity of course at 38° C. This ratio (Ca/Sr) is approximately 3 in the duodenum and in the proximal parts of the jejunum; in the distal parts of the intestine, it is approximately 2 or lower. During active transport there is no alteration in these ratios within the serosa in the tissue. Therefore the selection between the two elements takes place immediatly at the entrance in the mucosa. There are only small and negligible differences between rats and mice. In the intestine of guinea pigs, however, a remarkably higher permeation of Ca and lower retention in the tissue, and consequently higher quotients for Ca/Sr, can be observed. The application of Ca-salts (gluconate, lactate) enhances the permeation of Ca and diminishes the entrance of Sr in all animals. The fact that this alteration takes place during conditions of diffusion as well as of active transport supports the assumption that the selection is preferably dependent upon the differences of the physical state of the two ions (atom volume, hydratation of the ions) rather than on their chemical properties.  相似文献   
Muscle wasting represents a constant pathological feature of common chronic gastrointestinal diseases, including liver cirrhosis (LC), inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), chronic pancreatitis (CP) and pancreatic cancer (PC), and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Recent clinical and experimental studies point to the existence of a gut‐skeletal muscle axis that is constituted by specific gut‐derived mediators which activate pro‐ and anti‐sarcopenic signalling pathways in skeletal muscle cells. A pathophysiological link between both organs is also provided by low‐grade systemic inflammation. Animal models of LC, IBD, CP and PC represent an important resource for mechanistic and preclinical studies on disease‐associated muscle wasting. They are also required to test and validate specific anti‐sarcopenic therapies prior to clinical application. In this article, we review frequently used rodent models of muscle wasting in the context of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, survey their specific advantages and limitations and discuss possibilities for further research activities in the field. We conclude that animal models of LC‐, IBD‐ and PC‐associated sarcopenia are an essential supplement to clinical studies because they may provide additional mechanistic insights and help to identify molecular targets for therapeutic interventions in humans.  相似文献   
The present study documents the root-knot nematodes (RKN) fauna of the Poonch division in Azad Jammu and Kashmir infecting vegetables. An overall prevalence of 40% of RKN was recorded. Of the four districts investigated, maximum prevalence was recorded in district Poonch with 59%, followed by Sudhnuti with 58%. The lowest prevalence of RKN was found in districts Bagh (29%) and Haveli (33%). Out of 15 vegetables investigated, RKN was found on five crops. The highest prevalence of 37.8% was recorded on okra, followed by 31.3% on cucumber and 17.5% on tomato. RKN was less prevalent on eggplant (8.3%) and beans (7.7%). Three RKN species, that is Meloidogyne incognita, Meloidogyne javanica and Meloidogyne arenaria, were found infecting the hosts. M. javanica was found to be the most prevalent followed by M. incognita and M. arenaria. This trend was found in all the districts. Overall prevalence of M. javanica as sole population was 9% and that of M. incognita was 2%. Meloidogyne arenaria was not found in any of the fields as sole population. The prevalence of M. incognita with M. javanica or M. arenaria as mixed populations was 8% and 5%, respectively, and that of M. javanica with M. arenaria was 4%. Similarly, all the three species prevailed as mixed populations in 12% of the fields in the division. The severity of RKN infections, measured as galling index, was found to be variable within each infected field (GI 2–9). Identification of RKN species was based on the morphology of perineal patterns and confirmed by molecular SCAR and CO1 makers based identification. In conclusion, RKN were distributed in the Poonch division and M. javanica was predominant. Cucumber, okra, tomato and eggplant were severely attacked by these nematodes warranting the adoption of stringent control strategies for their management.  相似文献   
Retention forestry, which retains a portion of the original stand at the time of harvesting to maintain continuity of structural and compositional diversity, has been originally developed to mitigate the impacts of clear‐cutting. Retention of habitat trees and deadwood has since become common practice also in continuous‐cover forests of Central Europe. While the use of retention in these forests is plausible, the evidence base for its application is lacking, trade‐offs have not been quantified, it is not clear what support it receives from forest owners and other stakeholders and how it is best integrated into forest management practices. The Research Training Group ConFoBi (Conservation of Forest Biodiversity in Multiple‐use Landscapes of Central Europe) focusses on the effectiveness of retention forestry, combining ecological studies on forest biodiversity with social and economic studies of biodiversity conservation across multiple spatial scales. The aim of ConFoBi is to assess whether and how structural retention measures are appropriate for the conservation of forest biodiversity in uneven‐aged and selectively harvested continuous‐cover forests of temperate Europe. The study design is based on a pool of 135 plots (1 ha) distributed along gradients of forest connectivity and structure. The main objectives are (a) to investigate the effects of structural elements and landscape context on multiple taxa, including different trophic and functional groups, to evaluate the effectiveness of retention practices for biodiversity conservation; (b) to analyze how forest biodiversity conservation is perceived and practiced, and what costs and benefits it creates; and (c) to identify how biodiversity conservation can be effectively integrated in multi‐functional forest management. ConFoBi will quantify retention levels required across the landscape, as well as the socio‐economic prerequisites for their implementation by forest owners and managers. ConFoBi's research results will provide an evidence base for integrating biodiversity conservation into forest management in temperate forests.  相似文献   
Selecting native species for restoration is often done without proper ecological background, particularly with regard to how native and invasive species interact. Here, we provide insights suggesting that such information may greatly enhance restoration success. The performance of the native vine, Pueraria lobata, and that of the invasive bitter vine, Mikania micrantha, were investigated in South China to test how priority effects (timing and rate of germination and seedling growth) and competition (phytochemical effects and competitive ability) impact invasive plant performance. We found that, in the absence of competition, the germination rate of M. micrantha, but not of P. lobata, was significantly affected by light availability. P. lobata seedlings also performed better than those of M. micrantha during early growth phases. Under competition, negative phytochemical effects of P. lobata on M. micrantha were strong and we found M. micrantha to have lower performance when grown with P. lobata compared to when grown by itself. Relative interaction indexes indicated that, under interspecific competition, P. lobata negatively affected (i.e., inhibited) M. micrantha, whereas M. micrantha positively affected (i.e., facilitated) P. lobata. Higher photosynthetic efficiency and soil nutrient utilization put P. lobata at a further advantage over M. micrantha. Field trails corroborated these experimental findings, showing little recruitment of M. micrantha in previously invaded and cleared field plots that were sown with P. lobata. Thus, P. lobata is a promising candidate for ecological restoration and for reducing impacts of M. micrantha in China. This research illustrates that careful species selection may improve restoration outcomes, a finding that may also apply to other invaded ecosystems and species.  相似文献   
Plant and Soil - The hydrolysis of organic P in soils is a relevant aspect contributing to the supply P to plants, which is affected by adsorbent capacity and biological properties of soils. This...  相似文献   
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