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The wild-type barley (WT; Hordeum vulgare L.) and its chlorophyll (Chl) b-less mutant chlorina f2 (clo f2) grown under shaded conditions in a greenhouse were transferred to outdoor conditions in early June with predominantly bright sunny days. During 6 days following transfer of plants we monitored the content of photosynthetic pigments, functional state of photosystem II (PSII) by means of Chl fluorescence induction kinetics and epidermal UV-shielding efficiency using Chl fluorescence imaging technique. Clo f2 mutant was more sensitive to exposure to an enhanced natural solar irradiance than WT barley. Nevertheless, clo f2 as well as WT were able to cope with stressful outdoor conditions, as was documented by the recovery of Chl a content and the maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII (FV/FM) after an initial decline. This was due to the immediate carotenoid-mediated photoprotection, reflected by strongly increased total carotenoids content and thermal energy dissipation localized within light-harvesting complexes of PSII (assessed by non-photochemical quenching of minimal fluorescence level). The positive acclimation response was further documented by an enhanced light-saturated electron transport rate through PSII (ETR). Based on the ratios of blue- to UV-excited Chl fluorescence we found that for both WT and clo f2 epidermal UV-shielding increased clearly after transfer to outdoor conditions and reached a saturation level after 3 days. In comparison with WT, clo f2 exhibited lower ability to induce UV-shielding. The kinetics of UV-shielding development during the outdoor treatment was different for the particular leaf regions. We suggest that this is related to the different age and developmental stage of the tissue along the leaf blade. The complementarity of carotenoid-mediated photoprotection and UV-shielding in acclimation of the assimilatory apparatus to increased visible and UV radiation is discussed.  相似文献   
Most dioecious plants do not exhibit discernible sexual dimorphism before sexual maturity. Therefore, it is impossible to address any sex-related questions during the prereproductive phase unless a genetic sex marker is available for gender determination. The aim of the present study was to develop a genetic sex marker for the moss Pseudocalliergon trifarium to allow gender and sex ratio determination at any stage in the life cycle. A high proportion of P. trifarium populations do not express sex. The screening of genomic DNA with inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers was used to discover sex-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification products. A presumably female-specific band was found, excised from the gel, cloned, and sequenced. A sequence-walking method was used to characterize the same region in males. A primer pair was designed to allow the amplification of a 159-bp portion of the female-specific DNA region. All tested material, up to 16-year-old herbarium specimens, provided unambiguous amplification products. This study successfully provides, for the first time in a moss, a sex-specific DNA marker. It allows reliable determination of gender and sex ratios. The short length of the amplification product is an advantage as satisfactory PCR products are more likely when the targeted sequence is short. The amount of variation in the DNA region shared by both sexes was relatively high. If the male sequence can be better characterized, the sex-specific regions could possibly be used to evaluate sex-specific phylogeographic patterns.  相似文献   
On the basis of phylogenetic studies and laboratory cultures, it has been proposed that the ability of microbes to metabolize iron has emerged prior to the Archaea/Bacteria split. However, no unambiguous geochemical data supporting this claim have been put forward in rocks older than 2.7–2.5 giga years (Gyr). In the present work, we report in situ Fe and S isotope composition of pyrite from 3.28‐ to 3.26‐Gyr‐old cherts from the upper Mendon Formation, South Africa. We identified three populations of microscopic pyrites showing a wide range of Fe isotope compositions, which cluster around two δ56Fe values of ?1.8‰ and +1‰. These three pyrite groups can also be distinguished based on the pyrite crystallinity and the S isotope mass‐independent signatures. One pyrite group displays poorly crystallized pyrite minerals with positive Δ33S values > +3‰, while the other groups display more variable and closer to 0‰ Δ33S values with recrystallized pyrite rims. It is worth to note that all the pyrite groups display positive Δ33S values in the pyrite core and similar trace element compositions. We therefore suggest that two of the pyrite groups have experienced late fluid circulations that have led to partial recrystallization and dilution of S isotope mass‐independent signature but not modification of the Fe isotope record. Considering the mineralogy and geochemistry of the pyrites and associated organic material, we conclude that this iron isotope systematic derives from microbial respiration of iron oxides during early diagenesis. Our data extend the geological record of dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR) back more than 560 million years (Myr) and confirm that micro‐organisms closely related to the last common ancestor had the ability to reduce Fe(III).  相似文献   
Considerable effort has gone into assessing the effectiveness of protected areas (PAs) in preventing biodiversity loss, and PA impacts on local communities. However, little is known about how pressures are being perceived and dealt with by local PA managers and what perceptions managers have of biodiversity trends and human-induced pressures in the PAs they manage. We surveyed and convened a workshop with PA managers in Madagascar asking about the impacts of PA establishment. The managers reported that PAs have been successful in reducing threats. However, managers lacked specific knowledge of trends in species abundance, reporting the need for more species monitoring and knowledge transfer from scientific researchers. We argue that greater collaboration and exchange of knowledge between researchers, managers, and local communities is necessary to ensure that PA effectiveness research is of practical value and contributes to improved PA outcomes.  相似文献   
BackgroundThe awareness of non-malarial febrile illnesses (NMFIs) has been on the rise over the last decades. Therefore, we undertook a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of causative agents of non-malarial fevers on the African continent.MethodologyWe searched for literature in African Journals Online, EMBASE, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases to identify aetiologic agents that had been reported and to determine summary estimates of the proportional morbidity rates (PMr) associated with these pathogens among fever patients.FindingsA total of 133 studies comprising 391,835 patients from 25 of the 54 African countries were eligible. A wide array of aetiologic agents were described with considerable regional differences among the leading agents. Overall, bacterial pathogens tested from blood samples accounted for the largest proportion. The summary estimates from the meta-analysis were low for most of the agents. This may have resulted from a true low prevalence of the agents, the failure to test for many agents or the low sensitivity of the diagnostic methods applied. Our meta-regression analysis of study and population variables showed that diagnostic methods determined the PMr estimates of typhoidal Salmonella and Dengue virus. An increase in the PMr of Klebsiella spp. infections was observed over time. Furthermore, the status of patients as either inpatient or outpatient predicted the PMr of Haemophilus spp. infections.ConclusionThe small number of epidemiological studies and the variety of NMFI agents on the African continent emphasizes the need for harmonized studies with larger sample sizes. In particular, diagnostic procedures for NMFIs should be standardized to facilitate comparability of study results and to improve future meta-analyses. Reliable NMFI burden estimates will inform regional public health strategies.  相似文献   
Several developmental stage-, subset-, and lineage-specific Cd8 cis-regulatory regions have been identified. These include the E8(III) enhancer, which directs expression in double-positive (DP) thymocytes, and E8(II), which is active in DP cells and CD8(+) T cells. Using a transgenic reporter expression assay, we identified a 285-bp core fragment of the E8(III) enhancer that retains activity in DP thymocytes. In vitro characterization of the core enhancer revealed five regulatory elements that are required for full enhancer activity, suggesting that multiple factors contribute to the developmental stage-specific activity. Furthermore, deletion of E8(III) in the mouse germline showed that this enhancer is required for nonvariegated expression of CD8 in DP thymocytes when E8(II) is also deleted. These results indicate that E8(III) is one of the cis-elements that contribute to the activation of the Cd8a and Cd8b gene complex during T cell development.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Circadian rhythms in mammalian behavior, physiology, and biochemistry are controlled by the central clock of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The clock is synchronized to environmental light-dark cycles via the retino-hypothalamic tract, which terminates predominantly in the ventral SCN of the rat. In order to understand synchronization of the clock to the external light-dark cycle, we performed ex vivo recordings of spontaneous impulse activity in SCN slices of the rat. RESULTS: We observed bimodal patterns of spontaneous impulse activity in the dorsal and ventral SCN after a 6 hr delay of the light schedule. Bisection of the SCN slice revealed a separate fast-resetting oscillator in the ventral SCN and a distinct slow-resetting oscillator in the dorsal SCN. Continuous application of the GABA(A) antagonist bicuculline yielded similar results as cut slices. Short application of bicuculline at different phases of the circadian cycle increased the electrical discharge rate in the ventral SCN but, unexpectedly, decreased activity in the dorsal SCN. CONCLUSIONS: GABA transmits phase information between the ventral and dorsal SCN oscillators. GABA can act excitatory in the dorsal SCN and inhibits neurons in the ventral SCN. We hypothesize that this difference results in asymmetrical interregional coupling within the SCN, with a stronger phase-shifting effect of the ventral on the dorsal SCN than vice versa. A model is proposed that focuses on this asymmetry and on the role of GABA in phase regulation.  相似文献   
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