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Fractalkine (CX3CL1, FKN) is expressed in the inflamed vascular wall and absence of FKN reduces atherogenesis. Whether FKN is expressed throughout all stages of atherosclerotic disease and whether it directly contributes to monocyte recruitment to atherosclerotic lesions is not known. We collected human atherosclerotic plaque material and blood samples from patients with carotid artery disease undergoing endarterectomy. Plaques were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and qPCR. We found that FKN is expressed at all stages of atherosclerotic lesion formation, and that the number of FKN-expressing cells positively correlates with the number of CX3CR1-positive cells in human carotid artery plaques. In the circulation, soluble FKN levels are significantly elevated in the presence of high-grade (sub-occlusive) stenosis. To determine the role of the FKN-CX3CR1 axis for monocyte adhesion in vivo we then performed intravital videofluorescence microscopy of the carotid artery in ApoE(-/-) mice. Notably, FKN-CX3CR1 interactions are critical for recruitment of circulating monocytes to the injured atherosclerotic vascular wall. Thus, this chemokine dyad could represent an attractive target for anti-atherosclerotic strategies.  相似文献   

Dicoumarol is frequently used as inhibitor of the detoxifying enzyme NAD(P)H:quinone acceptor oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1). In order to test whether dicoumarol may also affect the cellular glutathione (GSH) metabolism, we have exposed cultured primary astrocytes to dicoumarol and investigated potential effects of this compound on the cell viability as well as on the cellular and extracellular contents of GSH and its metabolites. Incubation of astrocytes with dicoumarol in concentrations of up to 100 µM did not acutely compromise cell viability nor was any GSH consumption or GSH oxidation to glutathione disulfide (GSSG) observed. However, unexpectedly dicoumarol inhibited the cellular multidrug resistance protein (Mrp) 1-dependent export of GSH in a time- and concentration-dependent manner with half-maximal effects observed at low micromolar concentrations of dicoumarol. Inhibition of GSH export by dicoumarol was not additive to that observed for the known Mrp1 inhibitor MK571. In addition, dicoumarol inhibited also the Mrp1-mediated export of GSSG during menadione-induced oxidative stress and the export of the GSH–bimane-conjugate (GS–B) that had been generated in the cells after exposure to monochlorobimane. Half-maximal inhibition of the export of Mrp1 substrates was observed at dicoumarol concentrations of around 4 µM (GSH and GSSG) and 30 µM (GS–B). These data demonstrate that dicoumarol strongly affects the GSH metabolism of viable cultured astrocytes by inhibiting Mrp1-mediated export processes and identifies for the first time Mrp1 as additional cellular target of dicoumarol.

Myosin-V is a processive two-headed actin-based motor protein involved in many intracellular transport processes. A key question for understanding myosin-V function and the communication between its two heads is its behavior under load. Since in vivo myosin-V colocalizes with other much stronger motors like kinesins, its behavior under superstall forces is especially relevant. We used optical tweezers with a long-range force feedback to study myosin-V motion under controlled external forward and backward loads over its full run length. We find the mean step size remains constant at approximately 36 nm over a wide range of forces from 5 pN forward to 1.5 pN backward load. We also find two force-dependent transitions in the chemomechanical cycle. The slower ADP-release is rate limiting at low loads and depends only weakly on force. The faster rate depends more strongly on force. The stronger force dependence suggests this rate represents the diffusive search of the leading head for its binding site. In contrast to kinesin motors, myosin-V's run length is essentially independent of force between 5 pN of forward to 1.5 pN of backward load. At superstall forces of 5 pN, we observe continuous backward stepping of myosin-V, indicating that a force-driven reversal of the power stroke is possible.  相似文献   
The hitherto unknown larva of Rhyacophila ferox Graf, 2006, is described and discussed in the context of contemporary Rhyacophilidae keys. In addition, zoogeographical and ecological notes are included.  相似文献   
Beneficial effects by both interferon-beta and statin treatment in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) may be linked to interference with the Th1/Th2 cytokine balance. We determined patterns of Th1/Th2 cytokines (interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-2, IL-6, IL-12p70, tumor-necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and interferon-gamma, and IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10, respectively) in the serum of patients with relapsing-remitting MS treated with 250microg interferon-beta 1b or with interferon-beta plus 40mg atorvastatin. In treatment na?ve patients with MS, a trend for lower TNF-alpha serum levels compared to controls was detected (P=0.08). Interferon-beta treatment increased TNF-alpha levels, while a trend for lowering of IL-5 serum levels was found (P=0.07). Addition of atorvastatin raised IL-12p70 serum levels (P<0.05). Mean levels of two Th2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-10) showed a non-significant increase after addition of atorvastatin. We conclude that interferon-beta and atorvastatin exert divergent action on Th1/Th2 serum cytokines levels in MS. Supplemental atorvastatin might promote a Th1-type response by raising IL-12p70. Further studies are required to support a Th2 cytokine shift by atorvastatin in patients with MS.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial cytochrome bc 1 complex is a multifunctional membrane protein complex. Itcatalyzes electron transfer, proton translocation, peptide processing, and superoxide generation.Crystal structure data at 2.9 Å resolution not only establishes the location of the redox centersand inhibitor binding sites, but also suggests a movement of the head domain of the iron–sulfurprotein (ISP) during bc 1 catalysis and inhibition of peptide-processing activity during complexmaturation. The functional importance of the movement of extramembrane (head) domain ofISP in the bc 1 complex is confirmed by analysis of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides bc 1 complexmutants with increased rigidity in the ISP neck and by the determination of rate constants foracid/base-induced intramolecular electron transfer between [2Fe–2S] and heme c 1 in nativeand inhibitor-loaded beef complexes. The peptide-processing activity is activated in bovineheart mitochondrial bc 1 complex by nonionic detergent at concentrations that inactivate electrontransfer activity. This peptide-processing activity is shown to be associated with subunits Iand II by cloning, overexpression and in vitro reconstitution. The superoxide-generation siteof the cytochrome bc 1 complex is located at reduced b L and Q. The reaction is membranepotential-, and cytochrome c-dependent.  相似文献   
The anaerobic degradation pathways of toluene and m-xylene are initiated by addition of a fumarate cosubstrate to the methyl group of the hydrocarbon, yielding (R)-benzylsuccinate and (3-methylbenzyl)succinate, respectively, as first intermediates. These reactions are catalyzed by a novel glycyl-radical enzyme, (R)-benzylsuccinate synthase. Substrate specificities of benzylsuccinate synthases were analyzed in Azoarcus sp. strain T and Thauera aromatica strain K172. The enzyme of Azoarcus sp. strain T converts toluene, but also all xylene and cresol isomers, to the corresponding succinate adducts, whereas the enzyme of T. aromatica is active with toluene and all cresols, but not with any xylene isomer. This corresponds to the capabilities of Azoarcus sp. strain T to grow on either toluene or m-xylene, and of T. aromatica to grow on toluene as sole hydrocarbon substrate. Thus, differences in the substrate spectra of the respective benzylsuccinate synthases of the two strains contribute to utilization of different aromatic hydrocarbons, although growth on different substrates also depends on additional determinants. We also provide direct evidence by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy that glycyl radical enzymes corresponding to substrate-induced benzylsuccinate synthases are specifically detectable in anoxically prepared extracts of toluene- or m-xylene-grown cells. The presence of the EPR signals and the determined amount of the radical are consistent with the respective benzylsuccinate synthase activities. The properties of the EPR signals are highly similar to those of the prototype glycyl radical enzyme pyruvate formate lyase, but differ slightly from previously reported parameters for partially purified benzylsuccinate synthase.  相似文献   
Several genetic loci have been reported for psoriasis, but none has been specifically linked to psoriatic arthritis (PsA), a condition that affects >10% of patients with psoriasis. A genetic component for PsA is suggested by segregation within families and high concordance among identical twins. We performed a linkage scan to map genes contributing to PsA. We identified 178 patients with PsA out of 906 patients who were included in our genetic study of psoriasis. Using a comprehensive genealogy database, we were able to connect 100 of these into 39 families. We genotyped the patients using a framework marker set of 1,000 microsatellite markers, with an average density of 3 cM, and performed multipoint, affected-only, allele-sharing linkage analysis using the Allegro program. On the basis of the initial results, we genotyped more markers for the most prominent loci. A linkage with a LOD score of 2.17 was observed on chromosome 16q. The linkage analysis, conditioned on paternal transmission to affected individuals, gave a LOD score of 4.19, whereas a LOD score of only 1.03 was observed when conditioned for maternal transmission. A suggestive locus on chromosome 16q has previously been implicated in psoriasis. Our data indicate that a gene at this locus may be involved in paternal transmission of PsA.  相似文献   
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