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B cells play an important role in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), so the safety and activity of anti-B cell immunotherapy with the humanized anti-CD22 antibody epratuzumab was evaluated in SLE patients. An open-label, single-center study of 14 patients with moderately active SLE (total British Isles Lupus Assessment Group (BILAG) score 6 to 12) was conducted. Patients received 360 mg/m2 epratuzumab intravenously every 2 weeks for 4 doses with analgesic/antihistamine premedication (but no steroids) prior to each dose. Evaluations at 6, 10, 18 and 32 weeks (6 months post-treatment) follow-up included safety, SLE activity (BILAG score), blood levels of epratuzumab, B and T cells, immunoglobulins, and human anti-epratuzumab antibody (HAHA) titers. Total BILAG scores decreased by ≥ 50% in all 14 patients at some point during the study (including 77% with a ≥ 50% decrease at 6 weeks), with 92% having decreases of various amounts continuing to at least 18 weeks (where 38% showed a ≥ 50% decrease). Almost all patients (93%) experienced improvements in at least one BILAG B- or C-level disease activity at 6, 10 and 18 weeks. Additionally, 3 patients with multiple BILAG B involvement at baseline had completely resolved all B-level disease activities by 18 weeks. Epratuzumab was well tolerated, with a median infusion time of 32 minutes. Drug serum levels were measurable for at least 4 weeks post-treatment and detectable in most samples at 18 weeks. B cell levels decreased by an average of 35% at 18 weeks and remained depressed at 6 months post-treatment. Changes in routine safety laboratory tests were infrequent and without any consistent pattern, and there was no evidence of immunogenicity or significant changes in T cells, immunoglobulins, or autoantibody levels. In patients with mild to moderate active lupus, 360 mg/m2 epratuzumab was well tolerated, with evidence of clinical improvement after the first infusion and durable clinical benefit across most body systems. As such, multicenter controlled studies are being conducted in broader patient populations.  相似文献   
Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is important for clearance of triacylglycerols (TG) from plasma both as an enzyme and as a bridging factor between lipoproteins and receptors for endocytosis. The amount of LPL at the luminal side of the capillary endothelium determines to what extent lipids are taken up. Mechanisms to control both the activity of LPL and its transport to the endothelial sites are regulated, but poorly understood. Angiopoietin-like proteins (ANGPTLs) 3 and 4 are potential control proteins for LPL, but plasma concentrations of ANGPTLs do not correlate with plasma TG levels. We investigated the effects of recombinant human N-terminal (NT) ANGPTLs3 and 4 on LPL-mediated bridging of TG-rich lipoproteins to primary mouse hepatocytes and found that the NT-ANGPTLs, in concentrations sufficient to cause inactivation of LPL in vitro, were unable to prevent LPL-mediated lipoprotein uptake. We therefore investigated the effects of lipoproteins (chylomicrons, VLDL and LDL) on the inactivation of LPL in vitro by NT-ANGPTLs3 and 4 and found that LPL activity was protected by TG-rich lipoproteins. In vivo, postprandial TG protected LPL from inactivation by recombinant NT-ANGPTL4 injected to mice. We conclude that lipoprotein-bound LPL is stabilized against inactivation by ANGPTLs. The levels of ANGPTLs found in blood may not be sufficient to overcome this stabilization. Therefore it is likely that the prime site of action of ANGPTLs on LPL is in subendothelial compartments where TG-rich lipoprotein concentration is lower than in blood. This could explain why the plasma levels of TG and ANGPTLs do not correlate.  相似文献   
Nat Cell Biol 14 4, 401–408 March042012The intestine represents the most vigorously renewing, adult epithelial tissue that makes maintenance of its homeostasis a delicate balance between proliferation, cell cycle arrest, migration, differentiation, and cell death. These processes are precisely controlled by a network of developmental signalling cascades, which include Wnt, Notch, BMP/TGFβ, and Hedgehog pathways. A new, elegant study by Wong et al (2012) now adds Lrig1 as a key player in the control of intestinal homeostasis. As for epidermal stem cells, Lrig1 limits the size of the intestinal progenitor compartment by dampening EGF/ErbB-triggered stem cell expansion.The epithelium of the small intestine is separated into two distinct compartments: a proliferative crypt, containing tissue-specific stem cells, and a villus with differentiated, short-lived cells, which are replenished by a constant stream of cell migration from the underlying crypt (Scoville et al, 2008). In particular, the canonical Wnt pathway in combination with Notch signals control stem cell maintenance and proliferation in the crypt. In addition, both pathways direct differentiation into the Paneth and the absorptive cell lineage, respectively. Intensive cross-talk between the epithelium and the underlying mesenchyme helps to define the crypt–villus boundary. This relies on epithelial-derived Hedgehog and Wnt ligands that trigger stromal BMP production, which in turn signals back to the epithelium to restrict proliferation to the crypt. A gradient of BMP antagonists produced by mesenchymal cells at the bottom of the crypts supports compartmentalization. In addition, a Wnt gradient in the crypt defines EphB expression and establishes repulsion-mediated separation into Paneth cell, proliferative, and differentiation zones along the crypt–villus axis (Figure 1A).Open in a separate windowFigure 1(A) The epithelium of the small intestine contains two populations of multipotent stem cells that reside at the bottom of the crypts. These give rise to transit-amplifying progenitors, which rapidly divide while migrating upwards. Cell cycle arrest and functional differentiation occur when these cells pass from the upper part of the crypt into the villus where they continue their upward movement until they finally undergo apoptosis. Only long-living Paneth cells follow a different path as they migrate downwards to populate the base of the crypt. Control of proliferation and lineage specification of all intestinal epithelial cells is directed in a self-organizing, dynamically regulated process based on cell–cell and cell–environment interactions. Among them, Wnt and Notch signalling have been defined as major determinants for stem cell maintenance, for proliferation of stem cells in the crypt and lineage specification. Epithelial-derived Hedgehog ligands and reciprocal stromal BMP ligands establish a connection between the epithelium and the stroma that regulates the crypt–villus boundary. In addition, repulsive interactions mediated by the Eph/ephrin family allow establishment of stable compartments. Importantly, ErbB signalling, which is partially suppressed by Lrig1 at the base of the crypt, is now shown to be a new key player in the control of stem and progenitor cell expansion. (B) Cross-talk of signalling pathways in intestinal homeostasis with an emphasis on ErbB signalling. A negative feedback loop via Lrig1 helps to fine-tune population size and proliferative activity of intestinal progenitor cells. Lrig1 has been identified as a direct target of Myc and is known to repress ErbB signalling. Myc itself is a main target of the ErbB and Wnt pathways implicated in intestinal stem and progenitor cell expansion. Moreover, Lrig1 has been found to promote BMP signalling, which interferes with intestinal proliferation by restricting AKT activation via PTEN.In the small intestine, two stem cell (SC) populations coexist: Lgr5+crypt base columnar cells (CBCs) that cycle every 24 h and are interspersed between Paneth cells, and slower dividing SCs concentrated above (around position +4 relative to the crypt bottom) the Lgr5+position (Takeda et al, 2011). The localization of these Hopx+mTert+slowly cycling SCs partly overlaps with that of quiescent cells, which show long-term label retention upon irradiation damage and pulse labelling with BrdU. Lgr5+CBCs are, however, dispensable (Tian et al, 2008) and can be replaced by the second stem cell population, which also shows greater activity during damage repair. The relationship between these two stem cell populations, which can reciprocally generate each other, and the mechanisms that govern quiescence are being elucidated. Importantly, leucine-rich repeats and Ig-like domains 1 (Lrig1), a transmembrane protein that interacts with ErbBs and promotes its degradation, has now been found to be enriched at the crypt base and in the progenitor compartment of the small intestine and colon (Wong et al, 2012). Lrig1 is highly expressed in Lgr5+, Musashi1+, Ascl2+, and Olfm4+CBCs, and shows an inverse relation to the pattern of activated, phosphorylated EGFR above the crypt base (Figure 1A). In line with these patterns, deletion of Lrig1 in the mouse causes a dramatic crypt expansion and increased numbers of CBCs, transit-amplifying and Paneth cells. Whether the increase of Paneth cells, which actually do not express Lrig1, is a secondary effect due to the progenitor expansion remains open. Importantly, reduction of EGFR signalling by pharmacological (Gefitinib) and genetic modulation (Egfrwa-2 mice) is able to partially normalize all Lrig1 phenotypes. These data establish EGF/ErbB signalling, as an important regulator of the crypt compartment, and suggest Lrig1 as a central control that dampens the expansion of stem cells during normal intestinal homeostasis.Lrig1 was initially identified in the skin and proposed to maintain epidermal stem cells in a quiescent state (Watt and Jensen, 2009). Lrig1 marks human interfollicular epidermal stem cells, which can give rise to all epithelial lineages including hair follicle cells in skin reconstitution assays. However, during normal homeostasis, these cells are only bipotent, contributing to the sebaceous gland and the interfollicular epidermis. In contrast to quiescent Lrig1+SCs in the skin, Lrig1+ intestinal SCs are rapidly dividing and Lrig1 appears to only reduce their proliferative capacity. However, similar to the situation in the skin, Lrig1 and EGF signalling may play an important role during damage repair. Earlier experiments analysed the phenotype of mice lacking major EGF family members (Egger et al, 1997; Troyer et al, 2001). While these mice display some duodenal lesions during normal homeostasis, further experiments established EGF signalling as a key protective component that ameliorates mucosal damage. It remains to be seen whether activation of intestinal SCs during damage repair involves mitigation of Lrig1 dampening.Lrig1 is known to repress ErbB signalling by mediating ubiquitinylation and degradation of activated receptors, thereby limiting the amplitude of EGF signalling (Watt and Jensen, 2009). Consequently, Lrig1 deletion in the intestine induced upregulation of EGFR, ErbB2, and ErbB3, promoting downstream activation of c-Myc within intestinal stem and progenitor cells (Wong et al, 2012). Importantly, Lrig1 is a direct Myc target gene, and thereby part of a negative feedback loop that helps to fine-tune the population size and proliferative activity of intestinal progenitor cells (Figure 1B).Since the rescue of the Lrig1−/− phenotype by EGFR deficiency was only partial (Wong et al, 2012), other mechanisms may contribute. Intriguingly, Lrig1 has been shown to promote BMP signalling by direct binding to Type I (ALK6) and Type II (ALK1, ALK2, ALK3, and ActRIB) BMP receptors (Gumienny et al, 2010). BMPR1A inactivation, deficiency of its downstream effector PTEN, and transgenic overexpression of the BMP inhibitor Noggin display crypt expansion and increased SC numbers. Inhibition of BMP signalling in these genetic models enhanced AKT activation and increased Wnt signalling, promoting proliferation and adenoma formation (Figure 1B; Scoville et al, 2008). Future work will reveal a potential involvement of BMP and Wnt signalling in the Lrig1 knockout phenotype.The ErbB pathway has been linked to inflammatory bowel disease, and progression and metastatic potential of colorectal cancer. EGFR inhibition blocks adenoma formation in preclinical models, and ErbB pathway inhibition is currently being evaluated in clinical trials with colorectal cancer patients, where promising results have been reported (Cunningham et al, 2004). In contrast, Lrig1 is expressed at low levels in several cancer types but is overexpressed in some prostate and colorectal tumours (Hedman and Henriksson, 2007). Given this heterogeneity, the Lrig1 function in tumours appears to be cell- and context-dependent. Due to early postnatal lethality of Lrig1 knockout mice, the exciting possibility that Lrig1 may act as an intestinal tumour suppressor could not be answered by the current study but clearly deserves further attention.  相似文献   
Targeting of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) with monoclonal antibodies has become an established antitumor strategy in clinical use or in late stages of drug development. The mAbs effector mechanisms have been widely analyzed based on in vivo or cell studies. Hereby we intend to complement these functional studies by investigating the mAb-EGFR interactions on a molecular level. Surface plasmon resonance, isothermal titration calorimetry, and static light scattering were employed to characterize the interactions of matuzumab, cetuximab, and panitumumab with the extracellular soluble form ecEGFR. The kinetic and thermodynamic determinants dissected the differences in mAbs binding mechanism toward ecEGFR. The quantitative stoichiometric data clearly demonstrated the bivalent binding of the mAbs to two ecEGFR molecules. Our results complement earlier studies on simultaneous binding of cetuximab and matuzumab. The antibodies retain their bivalent binding mode achieving a 1:2:1 complex formation. Interestingly the binding parameters remain nearly constant for the individual antibodies in this ternary assembly. In contrast the binding of panitumumab is almost exclusive either by directly blocking the accessibility for the second antibody or by negative allosteric modulation. Overall we provide a comprehensive biophysical dataset on binding parameters, the complex assembly, and relative epitope accessibility for therapeutic anti-EGFR antibodies.  相似文献   
A new set of quinazolinedione sulfonamide derivatives as competitive AMPA receptor antagonist with improved properties compared to 1 is disclosed. By modulating physico-chemical properties, compound 29 was identified with a low ED(50) of 5.5mg/kg in an animal model of anticonvulsant activity after oral dosage.  相似文献   
Ecologists want to explain why populations of animals are not evenly distributed across landscapes and often turn to nutritional explanations. In seeking to link population attributes with food quality, they often contrast nutritionally positive traits, such as the concentration of nitrogen, against negative ones, such as fibre concentration, by using a ratio of these traits. This specific ratio has attracted attention because it sometimes correlates with the biomass of colobine primates across sites in Asia and Africa. Although empirically successful, we have identified problems with the ratio that may explain why it fails under some conditions to predict colobine biomass. First, available nitrogen, rather than total nitrogen, is nutritionally important, while the presence of tannins is the major factor reducing the availability of nitrogen in browse plant species. Second, tannin complexes inflate measures of fibre. Finally, simple ratios may be unsound statistically because they implicitly assume isometric relationships between variables. We used data on the chemical composition of plants from three continents to examine the relationships between the concentrations of nitrogen, available nitrogen, fibre and tannins in foliage and to evaluate the nitrogen to fibre ratio. Our results suggest that the ratio of the concentration of nitrogen to fibre in leaves does sometimes closely correlate with the concentration of available nitrogen. However, the ratio may give misleading results when leaves contain high concentrations of tannins. The concentration of available nitrogen, which incorporates measures of total nitrogen, dry matter digestibility and tannins, should give a better indication of the nutritional value of leaves for herbivorous mammals that can readily be extrapolated to habitats.  相似文献   
In-vivo whole brain mapping of the radio frequency transmit field B(1) (+) is a key aspect of recent method developments in ultra high field MRI. We present an optimized method for fast and robust in-vivo whole-brain B(1) (+) mapping at 7T. The method is based on the acquisition of stimulated and spin echo 3D EPI images and was originally developed at 3T. We further optimized the method for use at 7T. Our optimization significantly improved the robustness of the method against large B(1) (+) deviations and off-resonance effects present at 7T. The mean accuracy and precision of the optimized method across the brain was high with a bias less than 2.6 percent unit (p.u.) and random error less than 0.7 p.u. respectively.  相似文献   


Suitable biomarkers are essential for therapeutic strategies in personalized medicine in terms of diagnosis as well as of prognosis. With highly specific biomarkers, it is possible, for example, to identify patients with poor prognosis, which enables early intervention and intensive treatment. The aim of this study was to identify and validate biomarkers and possible combinations for a prospective use in immunoscintigraphy, which may improve diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with consideration of inflammatory activity in the affected joints. Therefore, we tested several monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against cellular-surface molecules on cells likely to be involved in the pathogenesis of RA.


Synovial tissue from patients with long-standing RA (accompanied by synovitis with varying states of current activity) and patients with acute non-RA arthritis were stained for surface molecules on different cell types by using fluorochrome-labeled antibodies. Tissue analysis was done by laser scanning cytometry (LSC), and statistical evaluation, by discriminant analysis and ROC analysis.


CD11b, HLA-DR, CD90, and CD64 revealed significant differences between tissues from patients with RA and acute non-RA arthritis. Especially with the expression of CD64, both patient cohorts could be discriminated with high sensitivity and specificity. RA classification was improved by simultaneously investigating the expression of two or three different surface proteins, such as HLA-DR, CD90, and CD29 in the tissue. The simultaneous analysis of CD64 together with CD304 or the combination of CD11b and CD38 was suitable for the identification of RA patients with high current activity in synovitis.


In this study, we showed that LSC is a novel reliable method in biomarker prevalidation in RA. Hence, identified mAbs in situ may allow their potential use in in vivo approaches. Moreover, we proved that biomarker-combination analysis resulted in better discrimination than did single-marker analysis. Combinations of these markers make a novel and reliable panel for the discrimination between RA and acute non-RA arthritis. In addition, further expedient combinations may be novel promising biomarker panels to identify current activity in synovitis in RA.  相似文献   
Superparamagnetic iron oxide particles are used as potent contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging. In histology, these particles are frequently visualized by Prussian blue iron staining of aldehyde-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues. Recently, zinc salt-based fixative was shown to preserve enzyme activity in paraffin-embedded tissues. In this study, we demonstrate that zinc fixation allows combining in situ zymography with fluorescence immunohistochemistry (IHC) and iron staining for advanced biologic investigation of iron oxide particle accumulation. Very small iron oxide particles, developed for magnetic resonance angiography, were applied intravenously to BALB/c nude mice. After 3 hours, spleens were explanted and subjected to zinc fixation and paraffin embedding. Cut tissue sections were further processed to in situ zymography, IHC, and Prussian blue staining procedures. The combination of in situ zymography as well as IHC with subsequent Prussian blue iron staining on zinc-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues resulted in excellent histologic images of enzyme activity, protease distribution, and iron oxide particle accumulation. The combination of all three stains on a single section allowed direct comparison with only moderate degradation of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled substrate. This protocol is useful for investigating the biologic environment of accumulating iron oxide particles, with excellent preservation of morphology.  相似文献   
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