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Phagotrophy and NH4+ regeneration in a three-member microbial food loop   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a series of batch experiments we compared the efficiencyof nitrogen regeneration of a two- and three-member microbialfood loop consisting of a mixed bacterial assemblage, a small(3–5 µm) heterotrophic flagellate (Paraphysomonassp.), and a large (7–12 µm) heterotrophic flagellate(Paraphysomonas imperforata). In the two-member system the nitrogenregeneration efficiency for NH4+ (Rn) was 41% and the grossgrowth efficiency (GGE) was 57% during active grazing by thesmall flagellate on bacteria. Regeneration of NH4+ continuedduring the stationary phase so that Rn was 75% after 6 daysincubation. When the larger flagellate was introduced at theend of exponential growth of the smaller grazer in the three-membersystem, initially there was rapid regrowth of bacteria, tyingup 15% of the nitrogen originally in the bacteria. The largerflagellate grazed the smaller one with a GGE of 55%. Total nitrogenregeneration efficiency through exponential growth of the largerflagellate was 73%. Because microbial food loops in naturalwaters are far more complicated and with more grazing stepsthan portrayed in this study, we would expect the bulk of nutrientswithin these systems to be recycled with little transfer tohigher trophic levels.  相似文献   
Field studies indicate that the influence of environmental factors on growth rate and size and age at maturity in sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna) is inconsistent over time and suggest that the marked interdemic variation in male body size in this species is the result of genetic variation. However, the role of specific environmental factors in generating phenotypic variation must be studied under controlled conditions unattainable in nature. We raised newborn sailfin mollies from four populations in laboratory aquaria under all possible combinations of two temperatures, three salinities, and two food levels to examine explicitly the influence of these environmental factors. Males were much less susceptible than females to temperature variation and were generally less plastic than females in terms of all three traits. Members of both sexes matured at larger sizes and at later ages in less saline and in cooler environments. Food levels were not sufficiently different to affect the traits we studied. The effects of temperature and salinity were not synergistic. Males from different populations exhibited different average ages and sizes at maturity, but females did not. The magnitudes of the effects we found were not substantial enough to account for the consistent interdemic differences in male and female body size that have been observed previously. Our results also indicate that no single environmental factor is solely responsible for the environmental effects observed in field experiments on growth and development. These studies, together with other work, indicate that the strongest sources of interdemic variation are genetic differences in males and differences in postmaturation growth and survivorship in females.  相似文献   
(1) Incubation of the beef heart mitochondrial ATPase, F1 with Mg-ATP was required for the binding of the natural inhibitor, IF1, to F1 to form the inactive F1-IF1 complex. When F1 was incubated in the presence of [14C]ATP and MgCl2, about 2 mol 14C-labeled adenine nucleotides were found to bind per mol of F1; the bound 14C-labeled nucleotides consisted of [14C]ADP arising from [14C]ATP hydrolysis and [14C]ATP. The 14C-labeled nucleotide binding was not prevented by IF1. These data are in agreement with the idea that the formation of the F1-IF1 complex requires an appropriate conformation of F1. (2) The 14C-labeled adenine nucleotides bound to F1 following preincubation of F1 with Mg-[14C]ATP could be exchanged with added [3H]ADP or [3H]ATP. No exchange occurred between added [3H]ADP or [3H]ATP and the 14C-labeled adenine nucleotides bound to the F1-IF1 complex. These data suggest that the conformation of F1 in the isolated F1-IF1 complex is further modified in such a way that the bound 14C-labeled nucleotides are no longer available for exchange. (3) 32Pi was able to bind to isolated F1 with a stoichiometry of about 1 mol of Pi per mol of F1 (Penefsky, H.S. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 2891–2899). There was no binding of 32Pi to the F1-IF1 complex. Thus, not only the nucleotides sites, but also the Pi site, are masked from interaction with external ligands in the isolated F1-IF1 complex.  相似文献   
Summary A reliable cell isolation technique was developed to allow the cultivation of cells from the hamster respiratory tract. Repeated thermolysin treatments and gradient centrifugation yielded a cell culture completely free from contamination by fibroblasts. Viable cells could be isolated from as little tissue as a single hamster trachea, but in vitro proliferation occurred only if the hamster was less than 4 months of age. The cultured cells could be repeatedly passaged and subcultured for weeks by employing normal tissue culture techniques. Morphologically, the monolayers appeared to be a homogeneous population of epithelial cells, and successful cloning of freshly isolated single cells resulted in apparently identical cultures. The epithelial origin of these cells was also suggested by continued growth in minimum essential medium withd-valine substituted forl-valine. The relative ease with which this cell type can be isolated, cultured, and manipulated in vitro should encourage its application as a model of the respiratory epithelium. This research was supported by Public Health Service Grant P50-HL 19171 and Research Career Development Award 1-K04-AI 00178 to J. B. B.  相似文献   
Severe freezing injury was produced in the hind foot of 26 mongrel dogs. All dogs were given daily whirlpool treatment and protective bandaging for 14 days following injury. In addition, certain dogs received a vasodilator, fasciotomy, or both vasodilator and fasciotomy following injury. Deep foot temperatures, foot volumes, tissue pressures, and 14 day tissue loss-salvage scores were compared. Significant differences between fasciotomy and nonfasciotomy dogs were seen in foot temperature, volume, and tissue pressure immediately following fasciotomy. Though there was no significant difference in 14 day tissue loss, there was clinically apparent prolongation of integrity of the local vascular system for 2 to 5 days following fasciotomy, and total foot salvage in several dogs receiving fasciotomy.  相似文献   
Actin was purified from calf thymus, bovine brain and SV40-transformed mouse 3T3 cells grown in tissue culture. Isoelectric focusing analysis showed the presence of the two actin polypeptides beta and gamma typical for non-muscle actins in all three actins. Tryptic and thermolytic peptides accounting for the complete amino-acid sequence of the cytoplasmic actins were separated and isolated by preparative fingerprint techniques. All peptides were characterized by amino-acid analysis and compared with the corresponding peptides from rabbit skeletal muscle actin. Peptides which differed in amino-acid composition from the corresponding skeletal muscle actin peptides were subjected to sequence analysis in order to localize the amino-acid replacement. The results obtained show that all three mammalian cytoplasmic actins studied contain the same amino-acid exchanges indicating that mammalian cytoplasmic actins are very similar if not identical in amino-acid sequence. The presence of two different isoelectric species beta and gamma in cytoplasmic actins from higher vertebrates is acccounted for by the isolation of two very similar but not identical amino-terminal peptides in all three actin preparations. The nature of the amino-acid replacements in these two peptides not only accounts for the different isoelectric forms but also shows that beta and gamma cytoplasmic actins are the products of two different structural genes expressed in the same cell. The total number of amino-acid replacements so far detected in the comparison of these cytoplasmic actins and skeletal muscle actin is 25 for the beta chain and 24 for the gamma chain. With the exception of the amino-terminal three or four residues, which are responsible for the isoelectric differences, the replacements do not involve charged amino acids. The exchanges are not randomly distributed. No replacements were detected in regions 18--75 and 299--356 while the regions between residues 2--17 and 259--298 show a high number of replacements. In addition documentation for a few minor revisions of the amino acid sequence of rabbit skeletal muscle actin is provided.  相似文献   
Since steroids are only slightly soluble in the aqueous solutions in which enzymatic reactions take place, it is difficult to obtain high effective concentrations per unit reactor volume when enzymes are used to catalyze steroid reactions. In order to obtain high effective concentrations in the present work, we have used small particles of a hydrophobic polymer, poly (dimethyl siloxane), as a reservoir for the steroid substrate and product. The activity of a bacterial hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in a buffer solution declines much more slowly in the presence of those polymer particles than in the presence of a comparable amount of butyl acetate or ethyl acetate, the organic solvents used as steroid reservoirs in previous work with steroid transforming enzymes. When another substrate of the hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is loaded into the polymer particles and the particles are suspended in an aqueous solution containing the enzyme and its cofactor, more product is formed that when a similar solution is emulsified with butyl acetate.  相似文献   
Human hemopoietic stem cells (HSC) have been shown to engraft, differentiate, and proliferate in the hemopoietic tissues of sublethally irradiated NOD/LtSZ scid/scid (NOD/SCID) mice. We used this model to study homing, survival, and expansion of human HSC populations from different sources or phenotype. We observed that CD34+ cells homed specifically to bone marrow (BM) and spleen, but by 3 days after injection, survived only in the BM. These BM-homed CD34+ cells proliferated intensively and gave rise to a 12-fold, 5.5-fold, and 4-fold expansion in 3 days for umbilical cord blood, adult mobilized peripheral blood, and adult BM-derived cells, respectively. By injection of purified subpopulations, it was demonstrated that both CD34+38+ and CD34+38- umbilical cord blood HSC homed to the BM and expanded. Importantly, kinetics of expansion were different: CD34+38+ cells started to increase in cell number from day 3 onwards, and by 4 wk after injection, virtually all CD34+ cells had disappeared. In contrast, CD34+38- cells remained quiescent during the first week and started to expand intensively from the third week on. In this paper, we have shown that homing, survival, and expansion of stem cells are three independent phenomena important in the early phase of BM engraftment and that kinetics of engraftment differ between CD34+38+ and CD34+38- cells.  相似文献   
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