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Recent advances in biotechnology and the availability of ever more powerful computers have led to the formulation of increasingly complex models at all levels of biology. One of the main aims of systems biology is to couple these together to produce integrated models across multiple spatial scales and physical processes. In this review, we formulate a definition of multi-scale in terms of levels of biological organisation and describe the types of model that are found at each level. Key issues that arise in trying to formulate and solve multi-scale and multi-physics models are considered and examples of how these issues have been addressed are given for two of the more mature fields in computational biology: the molecular dynamics of ion channels and cardiac modelling. As even more complex models are developed over the coming few years, it will be necessary to develop new methods to model them (in particular in coupling across the interface between stochastic and deterministic processes) and new techniques will be required to compute their solutions efficiently on massively parallel computers. We outline how we envisage these developments occurring.  相似文献   
In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler PICKLE (PKL) determines expression of genes associated with developmental identity. PKL promotes the epigenetic mark trimethylation of histone H3 lysine 27 (H3K27me3) that facilitates repression of tissue-specific genes in plants. It has previously been proposed that PKL acts indirectly to promote H3K27me3 by promoting expression of the POLYCOMB REPRESSIVE COMPLEX2 complex that generates H3K27me3. We undertook expression and chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses to further characterize the contribution of PKL to gene expression and developmental identity. Our expression data support a critical and specific role for PKL in expression of H3K27me3-enriched loci but do not support a role for PKL in expression of POLYCOMB REPRESSIVE COMPLEX2. Moreover, our chromatin immunoprecipitation data reveal that PKL protein is present at the promoter region of multiple H3K27me3-enriched loci, indicating that PKL directly acts on these loci. In particular, we find that PKL is present at LEAFY COTYLEDON1 and LEAFY COTYLEDON2 during germination, which is when PKL acts to repress these master regulators of embryonic identity. Surprisingly, we also find that PKL is present at the promoters of actively transcribed genes that are ubiquitously expressed such as ACTIN7 and POLYUBIQUITIN10 that do not exhibit PKL-dependent expression. Taken together, our data contravene the previous model of PKL action and instead support a direct role for PKL in determining levels of H3K27me3 at repressed loci. Our data also raise the possibility that PKL facilitates a common chromatin remodeling process that is not restricted to H3K27me3-enriched regions.  相似文献   
The actin- and myosin-binding protein, caldesmon (CaD) is an essential component of the cytoskeleton in smooth muscle and non-muscle cells and is involved in the regulation of cell contractility, division, and assembly of actin filaments. CaD is abundantly present in endothelial cells (EC); however, the contribution of CaD in endothelial cytoskeletal arrangement is unclear. To examine this contribution, we generated expression constructs of l-CaD cloned from bovine endothelium. Wild-type CaD (WT-CaD) and truncated mutants lacking either the N-terminal myosin-binding site or the C-terminal domain 4b (containing actin- and calmodulin-binding sites) were transfected into human pulmonary artery EC. Cell fractionation experiments and an actin overlay assay demonstrated that deleting domain 4b, but not the N-terminal myosin-binding site, resulted in decreased affinity to both the detergent-insoluble cytoskeleton and soluble actin. Recombinant WT-CaD co-localized with acto-myosin filaments in vivo, but neither of CaD mutants did. Thus both domain 4b and the myosin-binding site are essential for proper localization of CaD in EC. Overexpression of WT-CaD led to cell rounding and formation of a thick peripheral subcortical actin rim in quiescent EC, which correlated with decreased cellular migration. Pharmacological inhibition of p38 MAPK, but not ERK MAPK, caused disassembly of this peripheral actin rim in CaD-transfected cells and decreased CaD phosphorylation at Ser531 (Ser789 in human h-CaD). These results suggest that CaD is critically involved in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton and migration in EC, and that p38 MAPK-mediated CaD phosphorylation may be involved in endothelial cytoskeletal remodeling.  相似文献   
Summary The cytogenetic study of a pair of identical, mentally-retarded twins with the chromosome complement 48,XXXY is reported, along with extensive clinical and endocrinological studies of one twin.The genetic and clinical features of 30 reported 48,XXXY individuals were summarized and compared to those of 47,XXY and 49,XXXXY individuals. For 47,XXY the mean maternal age clearly is increased; for 48,XXXY it appears definitely but only slightly increased; and for 49,XXXXY it may not be increased at all. Developmental defects, similar in type, appear to be progressively more marked when an additional 1, 2, or 3 X chromosomes are added to the normal male chromosome complement. 47,XXY individuals may be either normal in intelligence or mentally retarded, whereas severe mental retardation has been present in all those with the complements 48,XXXY and 49,XXXXY.The interesting suggestion of increased twining associated with poly-X male complements is noted.
Zusammenfassung Die cytogenetische Untersuchung eines Paares eineiiger, geistig zurückgebliebener Zwillinge mit dem Chromosomenstatus 48,XXXY wird dargestellt; bei dem einen Paarling konnten außerdem ausgedehnte klinische und endokrinologische Studien durchgeführt werden.Außerdem wurden die genetischen und klinischen Merkmale der 30 bekannten Fälle mit 48,XXXY dargestellt und mit denen von Patienten mit 47,XXY und mit 49,XXXXY verglichen. Bei Fällen mit 47,XXY ist das mütterliche Alter deutlich erhöht; bei 48,XXXY ist es eindeutig, aber nur leicht erhöht; es sieht so aus, als ob es für 49,XXXXY überhaupt nicht erhöht wäre. Defekte der Entwicklung, die dem Typ nach ähnlich sind, scheinen dem Ausmaß nach desto mehr ausgeprägt zu sein, je mehr X-Chromosomen zusätzlich bei dem normalen männlichen Chromosomensatz vorhanden sind. 47,XXY Individuen können entweder schwachsinnig sein oder eine normale Intelligenz haben; dagegen zeigten alle Fälle mit 48,XXXY und 49,XXXXY einen schweren Schwachsinn.Es wird die interessante Frage aufgeworfen, ob die Zwillingshäufigkeit bei Poly X-Männern erhöht ist.

Research supported by grants HD 04134, HL 09011, RR-47, AM-11105, and TIAM 53950-11 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   
Group I self-splicing introns are present in the td, nrdB and sunY genes of bacteriophage T4. We previously reported that whereas the td intron is present in T2, T4 and T6, the nrdB intron is present in T4 only. These studies, which argue in favor of introns as mobile genetic elements, have been extended by defining the distribution of all three T4 introns in a more comprehensive collection of T2, T4 and T6 isolates. The three major findings are as follows: First, all three introns are inconsistently distributed throughout the T-even phage family. Second, different T2 isolates have different intron complements, with T2H and T2L having no detectable introns. Third, the intron open reading frames are inherited or lost as a unit with their respective flanking intron core elements. Furthermore, exon sequences flanking sites where introns are inserted in the T4 td, sunY and nrdB genes were determined for all the different T-even isolates studied. Six of eighteen residues surrounding the junction sequences are identical. In contrast, a comprehensive comparison of exon sequences in intron plus and intron minus variants of the sunY gene indicate that sequence changes are concentrated around the site of intron occurrence. This apparent paradox may be resolved by hypothesizing that the recombination events responsible for intron acquisition or loss require a consensus sequence, while these same events result in sequence heterogeneity around the site.  相似文献   
The rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis, is one of the most damaging insect pests to rice production worldwide. Although C. suppressalis has been the focus of numerous studies examining cold tolerance and diapause, plant–insect interactions, pesticide targets and resistance, and the development of RNAi‐mediated pest management, the absence of a high‐quality genome has limited deeper insights. To address this limitation, we generated a draft C. suppressalis genome constructed from both Illumina and PacBio sequences. The assembled genome size was 824.35 Mb with a contig N50 of 307 kb and a scaffold N50 of 1.75 Mb. Hi‐C scaffolding assigned 99.2% of the bases to one of 29 chromosomes. Based on universal single‐copy orthologues (BUSCO), the draft genome assembly was estimated to be 97% complete and is predicted to encompass 15,653 protein‐coding genes. Cold tolerance is an extreme survival strategy found in animals. However, little is known regarding the genetic basis of the winter ecology of C. suppressalis. Here, we focused our orthologous analysis on those gene families associated with animal cold tolerance. Our finding provided the first genomic evidence revealing specific cold‐tolerant strategies in C. suppressalis, including those involved in glucose‐originated glycerol biosynthesis, triacylglycerol‐originated glycerol biosynthesis, fatty acid synthesis and trehalose transport‐intermediate cold tolerance. The high‐quality C. suppressalis genome provides a valuable resource for research into a broad range of areas in molecular ecology, and subsequently benefits developing modern pest control strategies.  相似文献   
The gut microbiome, or the community of microorganisms inhabiting the digestive tract, is often unique to its symbiont and, in many animal taxa, is highly influenced by host phylogeny and diet. In this study, we characterized the gut microbiome of the African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) and the African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis), sister taxa separated by 2.6–5.6 million years of independent evolution. We examined the effect of host phylogeny on microbiome composition. Additionally, we examined the influence of habitat types (forest versus savanna) and diet types (crop‐raiding versus noncrop‐raiding) on the microbiome within L. africana. We found 58 bacterial orders, representing 16 phyla, across all African elephant samples. The most common phyla were Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Bacteroidetes. The microbiome of L. africana was dominated by Firmicutes, similar to other hindgut fermenters, while the microbiome of L. cyclotis was dominated by Proteobacteria, similar to more frugivorous species. Alpha diversity did not differ across species, habitat type, or diet, but beta diversity indicated that microbial communities differed significantly among species, diet types, and habitat types. Based on predicted KEGG metabolic pathways, we also found significant differences between species, but not habitat or diet, in amino acid metabolism, energy metabolism, and metabolism of terpenoids and polyketides. Understanding the digestive capabilities of these elephant species could aid in their captive management and ultimately their conservation.  相似文献   
Historically, therapeutic protein production in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells has been accomplished by random integration (RI) of expression plasmids into the host cell genome. More recently, the development of targeted integration (TI) host cells has allowed for recombination of plasmid DNA into a predetermined genomic locus, eliminating one contributor to clone-to-clone variability. In this study, a TI host capable of simultaneously integrating two plasmids at the same genomic site was used to assess the effect of antibody heavy chain and light chain gene dosage on antibody productivity. Our results showed that increasing antibody gene copy number can increase specific productivity, but with diminishing returns as more antibody genes are added to the same TI locus. Random integration of additional antibody DNA copies in to a targeted integration cell line showed a further increase in specific productivity, suggesting that targeting additional genomic sites for gene integration may be beneficial. Additionally, the position of antibody genes in the two plasmids was observed to have a strong effect on antibody expression level. These findings shed light on vector design to maximize production of conventional antibodies or tune expression for proper assembly of complex or bispecific antibodies in a TI system.  相似文献   
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