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Sullivan J. T., Richards C. S., Lie K. J. and Heyneman D. 1981. Schistosoma mansoni, NIH-Sm-PR-2 strain, in non-susceptible Biomphalaria glabrata: Protection by Echinostoma paraensei. International journal for Parasitology11:481–484. Among seven inbred genetic stocks of Biomphalaria glabrata that are non-susceptible for the NIH-Sm-PR-2 strain of Schistosoma mansoni (PR-2), five stocks revert to nearly complete susceptibility when first infected with Echinostoma paraensei. These include both stocks in which PR-2 sporocysts are normally destroyed within 3–7 days, and stocks in which sporocysts often survive undeveloped for at least 3 weeks. Hence, these five stocks are resistant to but physiologically suitable for the development of PR-2. Of the two remaining stocks, one remains partly non-susceptible to PR-2, since less than 50 % of echinostome-infected snails revert to susceptibility, while the other stock remains completely non-susceptible to PR-2 following echinostome infection, due perhaps to a high level of residual resistance and/or unsuitability.  相似文献   
In juvenile albino Biomphalaria glabrata snails exposed for the first time to Echinostoma lindoense miracidia, and observed to be resistant, the sporocysts migrated to the heart at the same speed as they did in susceptible snails. However, in resistant snails the sporocysts were soon destroyed in the heart by amebocyte clumps. When these snails were then re-exposed to miracidia of the same species of trematode, the sporocysts were quickly destroyed soon after miracidial penetration, chiefly in the head-foot region. This strongly accelerated tissue reaction appears to have been induced by the previous contact with the same parasite. The sensitization of the snail tissues was highly specific: the hosts remained susceptible to Schistosoma mansoni and Paryphostomum segregation (Echinostomatidae), although partial resistance was observed against Echinostoma paraensei and E. liei, which are closely related to E. lindoense.  相似文献   
We have compared the solubility, kinetic, immunological, and electrophoretic properties of erythrocyte pyruvate kinase from normal dogs and Basenji dogs with congenital hemolytic anemia due to pyruvate kinase deficiency. Differences can be detected between the two enzymes by all methods. The enzyme from the affected animals has a greater solubility in ammonium sulfate. It has a lower K m for phosphoenolpyruvate, while the K m for ADP is increased. This enzyme is not inhibited by ATP or activated by fructose 1,6-diphosphate. The enzyme from the affected animals has none of the allosteric properties characteristic of the normal canine enzyme. No difference can be detected by enzyme inactivation with rabbit antiserum against the human erythrocyte enzyme, but a slight spur is observed on comparison of the two enzymes by Ouchterlony immunodiffusion. The enzymes also differ in their electrophoretic mobilities on starch gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   
A nuclear-polyhedrosis virus (NPV) of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, which forms an icosahedral inclusion body, was transmitted to larvae of the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis. Serial passages of Bombyx NPV in the alternate host by injecting the supernatant of diseased hemolymph produced inclusion bodies with cuboidal and other shapes that differed from the original shape formed in Bombyx. These different shapes increased with times of passages, and after the twelfth passage, only cuboidal inclusion bodies were formed. The icosahedral inclusion bodies in B. mori and the cuboidal inclusion bodies in C. suppressalis occluded singly enveloped virions of the same size (350 × 75 nm), but the cuboidal inclusion bodies contained only a few virions and a large number of membraneous spherical structures. The formation process of the cuboidal inclusion body differed from that of the icosahedral. At first, irregularly branched inclusion bodies containing “vacant” spaces appeared in the infected nuclei. The bodies grew larger with the deposition of protein in the spaces between the branches, and this was accompanied with the occlusion of a large number of membraneous structures formed in the vicinity of the inclusion bodies, which became cuboidal in shape.  相似文献   
Recent advances in biotechnology and the availability of ever more powerful computers have led to the formulation of increasingly complex models at all levels of biology. One of the main aims of systems biology is to couple these together to produce integrated models across multiple spatial scales and physical processes. In this review, we formulate a definition of multi-scale in terms of levels of biological organisation and describe the types of model that are found at each level. Key issues that arise in trying to formulate and solve multi-scale and multi-physics models are considered and examples of how these issues have been addressed are given for two of the more mature fields in computational biology: the molecular dynamics of ion channels and cardiac modelling. As even more complex models are developed over the coming few years, it will be necessary to develop new methods to model them (in particular in coupling across the interface between stochastic and deterministic processes) and new techniques will be required to compute their solutions efficiently on massively parallel computers. We outline how we envisage these developments occurring.  相似文献   
The terminal region of barley chromosome 5HL controls malt extract, diastatic power, free amino acid nitrogen, alpha-amylase activity, seed dormancy and pre-harvest sprouting. Comparative analysis of the barley and rice maps has established that the terminal region of barley chromosome 5HL is syntenic to rice chromosome 3L near the telomere end. The rice BAC (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) sequences covering the region of chromosome 3L were used to search barley expressed sequenced tags database. Thirty-three genes were amplified by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) with the primers designed from barley ESTs (expressed sequence tag). Comparison of the sequences of the PCR generated DNA fragments revealed polymorphisms including single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), insertions or deletions between the barley varieties. Seven new PCR based molecular markers were developed and mapped within 10 cM in three doubled haploid barley populations (Stirling × Harrington, Baudin × AC Metcalfe and Chebec × Harrington). The mapped genes maintain the micro-syntenic relationship between barley and rice. These gene specific markers provide simple and efficient tools for germplasm characterization and marker-assisted selection for barley malting quality, and ultimately lead to isolation and identification of the major gene(s) controlling multiple quality traits on barley chromosome 5HL.  相似文献   
The actin- and myosin-binding protein, caldesmon (CaD) is an essential component of the cytoskeleton in smooth muscle and non-muscle cells and is involved in the regulation of cell contractility, division, and assembly of actin filaments. CaD is abundantly present in endothelial cells (EC); however, the contribution of CaD in endothelial cytoskeletal arrangement is unclear. To examine this contribution, we generated expression constructs of l-CaD cloned from bovine endothelium. Wild-type CaD (WT-CaD) and truncated mutants lacking either the N-terminal myosin-binding site or the C-terminal domain 4b (containing actin- and calmodulin-binding sites) were transfected into human pulmonary artery EC. Cell fractionation experiments and an actin overlay assay demonstrated that deleting domain 4b, but not the N-terminal myosin-binding site, resulted in decreased affinity to both the detergent-insoluble cytoskeleton and soluble actin. Recombinant WT-CaD co-localized with acto-myosin filaments in vivo, but neither of CaD mutants did. Thus both domain 4b and the myosin-binding site are essential for proper localization of CaD in EC. Overexpression of WT-CaD led to cell rounding and formation of a thick peripheral subcortical actin rim in quiescent EC, which correlated with decreased cellular migration. Pharmacological inhibition of p38 MAPK, but not ERK MAPK, caused disassembly of this peripheral actin rim in CaD-transfected cells and decreased CaD phosphorylation at Ser531 (Ser789 in human h-CaD). These results suggest that CaD is critically involved in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton and migration in EC, and that p38 MAPK-mediated CaD phosphorylation may be involved in endothelial cytoskeletal remodeling.  相似文献   
The temporal availability of propagules is a critical factor in sustaining pioneer riparian tree populations along snowmelt-driven rivers because seedling establishment is strongly linked to seasonal hydrology. River regulation in semi-arid regions threatens to decouple seed development and dispersal from the discharge regime to which they evolved. Using the lower Tuolumne River as a model system, we quantified and modeled propagule availability for Populus fremontii (POFR), Salix gooddingii (SAGO), and Salix exigua (SAEX), the tree and shrub species that dominate near-channel riparian stands in the San Joaquin Basin, CA. A degree-day model was fit to field data of seasonal seed density and local temperature from three sites in 2002–2004 to predict the onset of the peak dispersal period. To evaluate historical synchrony of seed dispersal and seasonal river hydrology, we compared peak spring runoff timing to modeled peak seed release periods for the last 75 years. The peak seed release period began on May 15 for POFR (range April 23–June 10), May 30 for SAGO (range May 19–June 11) and May 31 for SAEX (range May 8–June 30). Degree-day models for the onset of seed release reduced prediction error by 40–67% over day-of-year means; the models predicted best the interannual, versus site-to-site, variation in timing. The historical analysis suggests that POFR seed release coincided with peak runoff in almost all years, whereas SAGO and SAEX dispersal occurred during the spring flood recession. The degree-day modeling approach reduce uncertainty in dispersal timing and shows potential for guiding flow releases on regulated rivers to increase riparian tree recruitment at the lowest water cost.  相似文献   
In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler PICKLE (PKL) determines expression of genes associated with developmental identity. PKL promotes the epigenetic mark trimethylation of histone H3 lysine 27 (H3K27me3) that facilitates repression of tissue-specific genes in plants. It has previously been proposed that PKL acts indirectly to promote H3K27me3 by promoting expression of the POLYCOMB REPRESSIVE COMPLEX2 complex that generates H3K27me3. We undertook expression and chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses to further characterize the contribution of PKL to gene expression and developmental identity. Our expression data support a critical and specific role for PKL in expression of H3K27me3-enriched loci but do not support a role for PKL in expression of POLYCOMB REPRESSIVE COMPLEX2. Moreover, our chromatin immunoprecipitation data reveal that PKL protein is present at the promoter region of multiple H3K27me3-enriched loci, indicating that PKL directly acts on these loci. In particular, we find that PKL is present at LEAFY COTYLEDON1 and LEAFY COTYLEDON2 during germination, which is when PKL acts to repress these master regulators of embryonic identity. Surprisingly, we also find that PKL is present at the promoters of actively transcribed genes that are ubiquitously expressed such as ACTIN7 and POLYUBIQUITIN10 that do not exhibit PKL-dependent expression. Taken together, our data contravene the previous model of PKL action and instead support a direct role for PKL in determining levels of H3K27me3 at repressed loci. Our data also raise the possibility that PKL facilitates a common chromatin remodeling process that is not restricted to H3K27me3-enriched regions.  相似文献   
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