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An array comprising 4 intermittent (retracting) rotorods, 3 (swingshield) rotoslides and one Burkard (Hirst) automatic volumetric spore trap was operated on an urban rooftop during 70 periods of 9, 15 or 24 hours in late summer. Standard sampling procedures were utilized and recoveries of pollens as well as spores ofAlternaria, Epicoccum, Pithomyces andGanoderma species compared. Differences between paired counts from each sampler type showed variances increasing with levels of particle prevalence (and deposition). In addition, minimal, non-random, side-to-side and intersampler differences were noted for both impactor types. Exclusion of particles between operating intervals by rotoslides and rotorods was virtually complete. Spore trap recoveries for all particle categories, per m3, exceeded those by both impactors. The greatest (7-fold) difference was noted for the smallest type examined (Ganoderma). For ragweed pollen, an overall spore trap/impactor ratio approached 1.5. Rain effects were difficult to discern but seemed to influence rotoslides least. Overall differences between impactors were quite small but generally favored the rotoslide in this comparison. Our data confirm the relative advantages of suction traps for small particles. Both impactors and spore traps are suited to pollen and large spore collection, and, with some qualification, data from both may be compared.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Gesang von Blaumeisen-Populationen in Mitteleuropa, Spanien, Marokko und auf Teneriffa wurde miteinander verglichen (Abb. 1). In Süddeutschland und auf Teneriffa wurden Klang-Attrappen-Versuche durchgeführt.1. Der Blaumeisen-Gesang ist in Marokko und auf Teneriffa sehr ähnlich. Er unterscheidet sich vom Blaumeisengesang in Europa (Mitteleuropa und Spanien) in folgenden Eigenschaften (2.–4.):2. Ihm fehlen phrasierte Strophen (Abb. 2 a–c, e, 3, 4 a, b, f, g), also Strophen, in denen dasselbe Element mindestens viermal nacheinander wiederholt wird.3. Er enthält mehr verschiedene Elemente (Abb. 5, 7).4. Die interindividuelle Variation ist größer (Abb. 6, 7).5. Die Unterschiede zwischen dem Blaumeisen-Gesang in Europa und auf Teneriffa lassen sich nicht mit der Kontrast-Betonungs- und der Kontrast-Verlust-Hypothese nachLack &Southern (1949) undMarler (1960) erklären. Die Lernentzugs-Hypothese erklärt sie besser.6. Die Blaumeisen von Teneriffa und Marokko sind sehr nahe miteinander verwandt, aber vermutlich sind sie von den europäischen Blaumeisen artlich nicht getrennt.
The song of the Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus) on Tenerife: Experiments on a presumed loss of contrast
Summary Songs of Blue Tit populations from Central Europe, Spain, Morocco and Tenerife (fig. 1) were compared. Playback experiments were made in South Germany and on Tenerife.1. Blue Tit songs from Morocco and Tenerife are very similar. They differ from songs of Blue Tits in Europe (Central Europe and Spain) in the following characteristics (2–4):2. Lack of phrased songs (fig. 2 a–c, e, 3, 4 a, b, f, g), i. e. songs with the same notes repeated successively at least four times.3. A greater number of different types of notes (fig. 5, 7).4. Greater interindividual variation (fig. 6, 7).5. Differences between Blue Tit song from Europe and from Tenerife cannot be explained by the hypothesis of contrast reinforcement and loss of contrast, according toLack &Southern (1949) andMarler (1960). The withdrawal of learning hypothesis is a better explanation.6. Blue Tits on Tenerife and Morocco are very closely related to each other but are probably not a different species from the Blue Tits of Europe.

Für die Übersetzung danken wir FrauR. Jellis und HerrnP. Lundberg.  相似文献   
The status of DNA methylation, as measured by m5C2 content of nuclear DNA, was examined during corticosteroid mediated TAT induction in rat liver and in dividing and nondividing HTC cells. The m5C content, determined by HPLC, was not significantly altered in HTC cells during TAT induction whether the cells were in the logarithmic or stationary growth phase. In the liver of adrenalectomized rats where the range of corticosteroid effects is greater than in HTC cells, a small but significant decline in genomic levels of m5C was detected between 1 to 8 hr post-induction. The alterations in DNA methylation did not fluctuate during induction by more than 8% in the liver or 7.5% in HTC cells. These results demonstrate that no gross change or elevation in m5C content is detected in two, different, hormonally responsive hepatocellular systems during gene activation.  相似文献   
The relative levels of translatable messenger RNA for isocitrate lyase and malate synthase were determined in the dry seed and for the first seven days of development of cucumber cotyledons. After extraction and quantification of total and poly(A)-rich RNA each day, the RNA fractions were translated in an optimized wheat germ system and the specific polypeptides were immunoprecipitated quantitatively. The radiolabeled isocitrate lyase and malate synthase polypeptides were then fractionated on dodecylsulphate/polyacrylamide gels, visualized by exposure to X-ray film and quantified densitometrically. The relative levels of translatable messenger RNA for these enzymes rise and fall with a developmental program similar to the enzyme activities, but preceding the latter by about one day. This implies that the rise in enzyme activity is dependent upon a prior postgerminative increase in translatable messenger RNA for the enzymes. These studies also suggest that messenger RNA levels may be regulated, at least in part, by light.  相似文献   
The 5-methylcytosine content of nuclear DNA from nuclear hepatocellular tissues was determined during various phases of hepatic regeneration and carcinogenesis. DNA from premalignant nodules and primary hepatocellular carcinomas induced by exposure to acetylaminofluorene, as well as PHC induced by diethylnitrosamine was undermethylated by 20%, 45%, and 32.5% respectively. Since a 12.5% hypomethylation occurred during the DNA synthetic phase of hepatic regeneration, the effect of cell proliferation on DNA-methylation in malignancies was examined in transplantable hepatocellular carcinomas. The DNA from two transplantable hepatocellular carcinoma lines was less methylated than predicted rates of cell division in these tumors. This finding suggested that an aberration in endogenous DNA methylation may occur during neoplastic transformation.  相似文献   
Bovine muscle pyruvate kinase was inactivated by treatment with trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid; approximately one trinitrophenyl group was incorporated per subunit. ADP or Mg-ADP decreased the rate of inactivation but Mg++ alone or phosphoenolpyruvate had no effect. The inactivated protein was treated with trypsin and the trinitrophenylated peptide isolated by gel filtration. Homogeneity of the isolated peptide was shown by high voltage electrophoresis and high pressure liquid chromatography. Amino acid analysis and sequence determination revealed the presence of an acidic peptide 34 amino acids long and containing ?-trinitrophenylated lysine.  相似文献   
Anatomical, histochemical, and mechanical studies indicated the presence of a highly modified and weakened stem base in Kochia scoparia L. Schrader. This base, the abscission zone, is the site for stem abscission. In autumn progressive desiccation of the plant is accompanied by the gradual loss of stem flexibility and concomitant increase in rigidity. The tissues of the stem remain relatively tough, but abscission zone tissues become very brash or brittle. When conditioned plants are stressed by winds, the stem acts as a moment arm, and large stresses are generated in the abscission zone. Rupture then occurs across the stem base, often abruptly. Strength tests indicated that breakage occurred with 40% less stress if a soil-inhabiting fungus (Rhizoctonia sp.) had degraded the nonlignified cell wall components of the abscission zone. Abscission, therefore, is caused by the wind, an external driving variable, but tissue desiccation, changes in anatomy, and decay are internal, preparatory variables.  相似文献   
The number of cases of mushroom poisoning is increasing as a result of the increasing popularity of “wild” mushroom consumption. Amanitin and phalloidin cytotoxins found in some Amanita and Galerina species produce the most severe and frequent life-threatening symptoms of Amanita phalloidestype poisoning. Delay in onset of symptoms, individual susceptibility variation and lack of rapid and reliable identification have contributed to the significant morbidity and mortality of this type of poisoning.A rapid chromatographic assay for identifying the potent cytotoxins and apparently successful management using thioctic acid of two cases of A. phalloides-type mushroom poisoning are reported. All known cases of A. phalloides-type mushroom poisoning treated with thioctic acid in the United States are summarized.  相似文献   
We describe a technique for monitoring the kinetics of sickle cell hemoglobin gelation by observing the change in the amplitude and linewidth of the water proton magnetic resonance. The resulting kinetic progress curves are very similar to those obtained by optical birefringence and turbidity methods. The curves consist of a delay, followed by a rapidly accelerating signal change which terminates quickly. From a study of the temperature dependence of the delay time, it is shown that all three techniques see the onset of gelation simultaneously. The origin of the change in physical properties upon gelation is briefly discussed in relation to the component steps of the reaction.  相似文献   
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