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Sequences of the ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 region of nuclear ribosomal DNA were generated for 12 species from 9 genera of Lejeuneaceae and a single species of Jubulaceae (outgroup). The taxon sampling of Lejeuneaceae included representatives of the two widely recognized subfamilies, Lejeuneoideae and Ptychanthoideae. The molecular dataset was analysed independently and in combination with a morphological dataset. The nrITS dataset and the combined dataset resulted in identical topologies. The genus Bryopteris, sometimes treated as a separate family Bryopteridaceae, is nested within the Lejeuneaceae subfamily Ptychanthoideae. Lejeuneaceae subfamily Lejeuneoideae proved to be paraphyletic with the tribe Lejeuneeae sister to Ptychanthoideae, albeit without significant bootstrap support. The tribes Brachiolejeuneeae and Cheilolejeuneeae of Lejeuneoideae, established recently based on morphological evidence, are well supported in bootstrap analyses both of the ITS and the combined molecular–morphological datasets. The results support classifications of Lejeuneaceae based on morphological data and demonstrate the usefulness of the ITS region for phylogenetic studies within or among closely related genera of Lejeuneaceae.  相似文献   
The large GTPase dynamin assembles into higher order structures that are thought to promote endocytosis. Dynamin also regulates the actin cytoskeleton through an unknown, GTPase-dependent mechanism. Here, we identify a highly conserved site in dynamin that binds directly to actin filaments and aligns them into bundles. Point mutations in the actin-binding domain cause aberrant membrane ruffling and defective actin stress fibre formation in cells. Short actin filaments promote dynamin assembly into higher order structures, which in turn efficiently release the actin-capping protein (CP) gelsolin from barbed actin ends in vitro, allowing for elongation of actin filaments. Together, our results support a model in which assembled dynamin, generated through interactions with short actin filaments, promotes actin polymerization via displacement of actin-CPs.  相似文献   
The plant pathogen Erwinia amylovora can be divided into two host-specific groupings; strains infecting a broad range of hosts within the Rosaceae subfamily Spiraeoideae (e.g., Malus, Pyrus, Crataegus, Sorbus) and strains infecting Rubus (raspberries and blackberries). Comparative genomic analysis of 12 strains representing distinct populations (e.g., geographic, temporal, host origin) of E. amylovora was used to describe the pan-genome of this major pathogen. The pan-genome contains 5751 coding sequences and is highly conserved relative to other phytopathogenic bacteria comprising on average 89% conserved, core genes. The chromosomes of Spiraeoideae-infecting strains were highly homogeneous, while greater genetic diversity was observed between Spiraeoideae- and Rubus-infecting strains (and among individual Rubus-infecting strains), the majority of which was attributed to variable genomic islands. Based on genomic distance scores and phylogenetic analysis, the Rubus-infecting strain ATCC BAA-2158 was genetically more closely related to the Spiraeoideae-infecting strains of E. amylovora than it was to the other Rubus-infecting strains. Analysis of the accessory genomes of Spiraeoideae- and Rubus-infecting strains has identified putative host-specific determinants including variation in the effector protein HopX1Ea and a putative secondary metabolite pathway only present in Rubus-infecting strains.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Pnoepyga immaculata n. sp. lebt im Areal der beiden anderenPnoepyga-Artenalbiventer (Hodgson 1837) undpusilla Hodgson 1845 und wurde durch ihren markant abweichenden Territorialgesang entdeckt. Sie besitzt eine kurze silberhelle Strophe aus kurzen, in gleichmäßigen Abständen gereihten Pfiff-Elementen, die in der Frequenz leicht abfällt. Neben der Stimme liegen die wesentlichen diagnostischen Merkmale nach jetzigem Kenntnisstand gegenüber sympatrischenalbiventer in wenig größerem Schnabel, der Fleckenlosigkeit von Oberseite, Kopf und Flügeldecken, gegenüberpusilla in den größeren Körperabmessungen, gegenüber sympatrischenalbiventer undpusilla im schwachen grünlichen Schimmer der Oberseite und in der länglichen Schuppung der Unterseite. Es bestehen keine Proportionsunterschiede zwischenimmaculata undalbiventer/pusilla einerseits wie auch nicht zwischen diesen beiden andererseits. Bis jetzt wurden 4 Belegstücke (SammlungenKoelz, Diesselhorst, Martens) und eine durch Bandaufnahme gesicherte Beobachtung zwischen Dhaulagiri in Mittelwest-Nepal bis nahe der Ost-Grenze Nepals bekannt.P. immaculata lebt zur Brutzeit in enger Nachbarschaft mitP. albiventer undP. pusilla, ist jedoch vonalbiventer vertikal getrennt bei nachgewiesenem Kontakt, vonpusilla durch Bevorzugung trockeneren Waldunterwuchses abseits von Bächen. Schon jetzt mußimmaculata als gefährdete Art eingestuft werden, da Waldvegetation in der zur Brutzeit bevorzugten Höhenstufe zwischen 2100 und 3100 m in Nepal weitgehend vernichtet worden ist.
Pnoepyga immaculata n. sp., a new ground living wren-babbler from the Nepal Himalayas (Timaliidae)
Summary P. immaculata n. sp. was discovered by its voice which strongly differs from the two other sympatric species,albiventer (Hodgson 1837) andpusilla Hodgson 1845. As a territorial song, it displays a silvery strophe arranged of short, more or less regularly spaced whistling notes (fig. 7a–d), slightly descending in pitch. The strophe is about 2 s long. Besides the distinct voice, the essential diagnostic characters in comparison toP. albiventer are the slightly larger bill, plain head, upper side and wing coverts (fig. 1a–d, 2, 4a–d), in comparison topusilla the larger body size (fig. 1i–m), in comparison to sympatricalbiventer andpusilla the slightly olive tinge of the upper side (against warm dark brown in both others, fig. 1e–m), and the more longish scaly feathers of the lower side (against stout scaly appearance in both others, fig. 1 a–d). These characters hold true at least in Central and Eastern Himalayan populations of the respective species. There do not exist proportional differences in the relations of any part of the body betweenimmaculata andpusilla and not between the latter ones as well. Heretofore, 4 museum specimens are known (Koelz Coll.,Diesselhorst Coll.,Martens Coll.) from West-central (Thakkhola, type locality) and East Nepal (Ting Sang La), 3 of them from the presumed breeding grounds (2100–3100 m), one from the winter quarters in the Terai lowlands. A field observation close to the Darjeeling border in far East Nepal is verified by a tape-recording.P. immaculata embarasses the biologist and systematist because it lives in close neighbourhood of the similar speciesalbiventer andpusilla. It must have been overlooked by its apparent scarcity and overall similarity to both other species of the genus. Slight ecological differences rather correspond to the vertical distribution ofalbiventer, which populates a higher forest belt. But both have already been found on territory at close range.P. pusilla inhabits different microbiotopes, especially the close proximity of running water in the same altitudinal belt asimmaculata. When discovered,P. immaculata is to be classified already as an endangered species. Forest vegetation of its preferred altitude is already greatly reduced in the Central and Eastern Nepal Himalayas. To get a more detailed information on its general distribution and biology in order to quickly arrange protected areas and thus to guarantee the survival ofP. immaculata, should be the urgent next step.

Results of the Himalaya Expeditions ofJ. Martens, No. 163. — For No. 162 see: Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturkde. (A) 453: 1–46, 1990.  相似文献   
Gallbladders and rectal contents were collected from cattle (n = 933) at slaughter to determine whether the gallbladder harbors Escherichia coli O157:H7. Both gallbladder mucosal swabs and homogenized mucosal tissues were used for isolation. Only five gallbladders (0.54%) were positive for E. coli O157:H7. Fecal prevalence averaged 7.1%; however, none of the cattle that had E. coli O157:H7 in the gallbladder was positive for E. coli O157:H7 in feces. Therefore, the gallbladder does not appear to be a common site of colonization for E. coli O157:H7 in beef cattle.  相似文献   
Faecal samples taken from eight underweight, approximately 5-week-old broiler chickens in a poultry abattoir were investigated for microsporidial infections by light microscopy, electron microscopy, and PCR. In two of six chickens, which were suspected of being infected with microsporidia by light microscopy, Enterocytozoon bieneusi (genotype 'J') was detected by PCR and DNA sequencing, and in one of the two PCR-positive samples by extensive electron microscopy. This is the first time that E. bieneusi has been detected in chickens, i.e. in a non-mammalian species.  相似文献   
Though lipases are frequently applied in ester synthesis, fundamental information on optimal pH or substrate concentration, can almost only be found for the reverse reaction - hydrolysis. This study demonstrates that the pH-optima of lipase-catalysed esterifications differ significantly from the optima of the hydrolysis reaction. In the esterification of n-butanol and propionic acid with lipases of Candida rugosa (CRL) and Thermomyces lanuginosa (TLL) pH-optima of 3.5 and 4.25, respectively, were found. This is about 3-4 units (CRL) and 7 units (TLL) in pH lower than optimum for hydrolysis. Enzyme activity increased with increasing concentrations of protonated acid indicating that the protonated acid rather than the deprotonated form is substrate for esterification. The rate of esterification can be drastically increased by ensuring acid concentrations up to 1000 mmol L-1 for CRL and 600 mmol L-1 for TLL in the reaction system.  相似文献   
In a carrot (Daucus carota L.) cell line lacking the ability to undergo somatic embryogenasis, and in carrot and anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) cell lines in which embryogenesis could be regulated by presence or absence of 2,4-dichlorophen-oxyacetic acid (2,4-D), in the medium (+2,4-D=no embryogenesis,-2,4-D=embryo differentiation and development), the levels of endogenous gibberellin(s) (GA) were determined by the dwarfrice bioassay, and the metabolism of [3H]GA1 was followed. Embryos harvested after 14 d of subculture in-2,4-D had low levels (0.2–0.3 g g-1 dry weight) of polar GA (e.g. GA1-like), but much (3–22 times) higher levels of less-polar GA (GA4/7-like); GA1, GA4 and GA7 are native to these cultures. Conversely, the undifferentiated cells in a non-embryogenic strain, and proembryos of an embryogenic strain (+2,4-D) showed very high levels of polar GA (2.9–4.4 g g-1), and somewhat reduced levels of less-polar GA. Cultures of anise undergoing somatic embryo development (-2,4-D) metabolized [3H]GA1 very quickly, whereas proembryo cultures of anise (+2,4-D) metabolized [3H]GA1 slowly. The major metabolites of [3H]GA1 in anise were tentatively identified as GA8-glucoside (24%), GA8 (15%), GA1-glucoside (8%) and the 1(10)GA1-counterpart (2%). Thus, high levels of a GA1-like substance and a reduced ability to metabolize GA1 are correlated with the absence of embryo development, while lowered levels of GA1-like substance and a rapid metabolism of GA1 into GA8 and GA-conjugates are correlated with continued embryo development. Exogenous application of GA3 is known to reduce somatic embryogenesis in carrot cultures; GA4 was found to have the same effect in anise cultures. Thus, a role (albeit negative) in somatic embryogenesis for a polar, biologically active GA is implied.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA gibberellin(s) or gibberellin-like substances - GC-RC gas chromatography-radiochromatogram counting - HPLC high-presare liquid chromatography - Rt retention time - TLC thinlaver chromatography  相似文献   
Video recordings and single frame analysis were used to study the function of the second antennae of crayfish (Cherax destructor) as a sensory system in freely behaving animals. Walking crayfish move their antennae back and forth through horizontal angles of 100 degrees and more, relative to the body long axis. At rest, animals tend to hold their antennae at angular positions between 20 and 50 degrees. Movements of the two antennae are largely independent of each other. Before and during a turn of the body the ipsilateral antenna is moved into the direction of the turn. Solid objects are explored by repeatedly moving the antennae towards and across them. Both seeing and blinded crayfish can locate stationary objects following antennal contact. On antennal contact with a small novel object, a moving animal withdraws its antenna and attacks the object. When the antenna of a blinded crayfish is lightly touched with a brush the animal turns and attacks the point of stimulation. The direction taken and the distance covered during an attack can be correlated with: the angle at which the antenna is held at the moment of contact and the distance along the antennal flagellum at which the stimulus is applied. From behavioural evidence we conclude that crayfish use information about the angular position of their antennae and about the position of stimulated mechanoreceptors along the antennal flagellum to locate objects in their environment. We suggest ways in which an active tactile system-like the crayfish's antennae--could supply animals with information about the three-dimensional layout of their environment.  相似文献   
Based on the knowledge of the crystal structures of yeast and Escherichia coli thymidylate kinases (TmpKs) and the observation that TmpK from E. coli can phosphorylate azidothymidine monophosphate (AZT-MP) much more efficiently than either the yeast or the highly homologous human enzyme, we have engineered yeast and human TmpKs to obtain enzymes that have dramatically improved AZT-MP phosphorylation properties. These modified enzymes have properties that make them attractive candidates for gene therapeutic approaches to potentiating the action of AZT as an inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication. In particular, insertion of the lid domain of the bacterial TmpK into the human enzyme results in a pronounced change of the acceptance of AZT-MP such that it is now phosphorylated even faster than TMP.  相似文献   
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