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Video recordings and single frame analysis were used to study the function of the second antennae of crayfish (Cherax destructor) as a sensory system in freely behaving animals. Walking crayfish move their antennae back and forth through horizontal angles of 100 degrees and more, relative to the body long axis. At rest, animals tend to hold their antennae at angular positions between 20 and 50 degrees. Movements of the two antennae are largely independent of each other. Before and during a turn of the body the ipsilateral antenna is moved into the direction of the turn. Solid objects are explored by repeatedly moving the antennae towards and across them. Both seeing and blinded crayfish can locate stationary objects following antennal contact. On antennal contact with a small novel object, a moving animal withdraws its antenna and attacks the object. When the antenna of a blinded crayfish is lightly touched with a brush the animal turns and attacks the point of stimulation. The direction taken and the distance covered during an attack can be correlated with: the angle at which the antenna is held at the moment of contact and the distance along the antennal flagellum at which the stimulus is applied. From behavioural evidence we conclude that crayfish use information about the angular position of their antennae and about the position of stimulated mechanoreceptors along the antennal flagellum to locate objects in their environment. We suggest ways in which an active tactile system-like the crayfish's antennae--could supply animals with information about the three-dimensional layout of their environment.  相似文献   
Proteins are involved in virtually every biological process and in order to function, it is necessary for these polypeptide chains to fold into the unique, native conformation. This folding process can take place rapidly. NMR line shape analyses and transverse relaxation measurements allow protein folding studies on a microsecond-to-millisecond time scale. Together with an overview of current achievements within this field, we present millisecond protein folding studies by NMR of the cold shock protein CspB from Bacillus subtilis.  相似文献   
Summary In Central Europe, the F508 deletion accounts for approximately 75% of mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene causing cystic fibrosis. The remainder comprise a large number of individually infrequent mutations whose detection requires a disproportionately large effort. However, a sizeable proportion of non-F508 mutations have been found to cluster within exon 11. We have taken advantage of this clustering to detect a total of five previously described point mutations present on 26/72 (36%) non-F508 chromosomes by polymerase chain reaction/direct sequencing of exon 11. These exon 11 mutations were then subjected to single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis, which was shown (i) to discriminate reliably between mutant and wildtype alleles and (ii) to generate reproducible mutation-specific band patterns. This analysis thus represents the first attempt to assess SSCP analysis retrospectively, and serves to illustrate the potential of this screening technique in diagnostic medicine.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Protonephridien von Paromalostomum proceracauda bestehen aus je einem Terminalkomplex und einem ausleitenden Kanal. Jeder Terminalkomplex setzt sich aus drei multiciliären Terminalzellen mit jeweils separatem Filtrationsapparat zusammen; die Zellen sind gestaffelt hintereinander angeordnet und bilden ein gemeinsames Reusenlumen. Der Nephridialkanal, der nicht an der Ultrafiltration, sondern nur an Resorptionsvorgängen beteiligt ist, besteht aus mindestens zwei röhrenförmigen, hintereinander liegenden ciliären Zellen. Die jeweils letzte Kanalzelle bildet auch den Nephridialporus. Proximal sind die Protonephridien bis zur Basis der Epidermis vollständig von einer interzellulären Matrix umhüllt.
Fine structure of the protonephridia of Paromalostomum proceracauda (Plathelminthes, Macrostomida)
Summary The protonephridia of Paromalostomum proceracaud consist, respectively, of a terminal complex and a draining canal. Each terminal complex is composed of three multiciliary terminal cells with separate filtration apparatuses; the cells are staggered, forming a joint basket lumen. The nephridial canal consists of two or more tube-shaped ciliary cells, which are arranged in series; these cells do not participate in ultrafiltration but in resorption processes. The last canal cell also forms the nephroporus. Up to the epidermis, the protonephridia are proximally surrounded by an intercellular matrix.

Abkürzungen cw Cilienwurzel - ep Epidermiszelle - i Interzellularsubstanz - k Kanalzelle - kl Kanallumen - l Leptotrichien - m Muskulatur des Hautmuskelschlauches - n Kern einer Terminaloder Kanalzelle - r Reusenapparat - rl Reusenlumen - rs Reusenstab - t1, 2, 3 Terminalzelle 1, 2, 3 - v Vakuole  相似文献   
Abstract The cell wall of Candida albicans contains mannoproteins that are covalently associated with β-1,6-glucan. When spheroplasts were allowed to regenerate a new cell wall, initially non-glucosylated cell wall proteins accumulated in the medium. While the spheroplasts became osmotically stable, β-1,6-glucosylated proteins could be identified in their cell wall by SDS-extraction or β-1,3-glucanase digestion. At later stages of regeneration, β-1,3-glucosylated proteins were also found. Hence, incorporation of proteins into the cell wall is accompanied by extracellular coupling to β-1,6-/β-l,3-glucan. The SDS-extractable glucosylated proteins probably represent degradation products of wall proteins rather than their precursors. Tunicamycin delayed, but did not prevent the formation of β-1,6-glucosylated proteins, demonstrating that β-1,6-glucan is not attached to N -glycosidic side-chains of wall proteins.  相似文献   
Against a backdrop of increasing climate change, the effects of site conditions, drought events and ozone stress on the size-growth relationship in Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica [L.]) stands are analyzed. The size-growth relationship is represented by a straight line defined by intercept and slope of a simple linear equation with stem diameter at height 1.30 m as independent variable and annual stem diameter increment at height 1.30 as dependent variable. On the basis of 64 long-term experimental plots dating back to 1871 and representing an ecological gradient from fertile to poor sites, it is shown that poorer sites exhibit shallower slopes of the linear size-growth relationships than fertile sites. Annual measurements of the size-growth relationship, including the extremely dry years of 1976 and 2003, also showed that lower stand growth rates result in shallower size-growth relationship slopes. By comparing stands with and without experimental twice-ambient ozone exposure between 2000 and 2007, it was found that ozone stress can significantly reduce the slope of the size-growth relationship. This indicates that limiting site condition, whether acute or chronic in nature, distinctly reduces the superiority of tall trees, and that a lower degree of resource limitation increases the steepness of the size-growth relationship. The causes for this behavior and the consequences for stand dynamics, silvicultural treatment and prognostication by models are discussed.  相似文献   
Biodiversity and Conservation - Across Europe, calcareous grasslands become increasingly fragmented and their quality deteriorates through abandonment and land use intensification, both affecting...  相似文献   
Landraces are valuable genetic resources for broadening the genetic base of elite germplasm in maize. Extensive exploitation of landraces has been hampered by their genetic heterogeneity and heavy genetic load. These limitations may be overcome by the in-vivo doubled haploid (DH) technique. A set of 132 DH lines derived from three European landraces and 106 elite flint (EF) lines were genotyped for 56,110 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and evaluated in field trials at five locations in Germany in 2010 for several agronomic traits. In addition, the landraces were compared with synthetic populations produced by intermating DH lines derived from the respective landrace. Our objectives were to (1) evaluate the phenotypic and molecular diversity captured within DH lines derived from European landraces, (2) assess the breeding potential (usefulness) of DH lines derived from landraces to broaden the genetic base of the EF germplasm, and (3) compare the performance of each landrace with the synthetic population produced from the respective DH lines. Large genotypic variances among DH lines derived from landraces allowed the identification of DH lines with grain yields comparable to those of EF lines. Selected DH lines may thus be introgressed into elite germplasm without impairing its yield level. Large genetic distances of the DH lines to the EF lines demonstrated the potential of DH lines derived from landraces to broaden the genetic base of the EF germplasm. The comparison of landraces with their respective synthetic population showed no yield improvement and no reduction of phenotypic diversity. Owing to the low population structure and rapid decrease of linkage disequilibrium within populations of DH lines derived from landraces, these would be an ideal tool for association mapping. Altogether, the DH technology opens new opportunities for characterizing and utilizing the genetic diversity present in gene bank accessions of maize.  相似文献   
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