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Blood was obtained from 564 11-yr-old children who had participated since birth in a multidisciplinary health and development study. Serum zinc concentration did not differ between the boys and the girls (mean±SD: 91=17 μg/100 mL,n=453). Five-6% of serum zinc values were low; although there was a weak correlation with height, none of the boys with low values were below the 10th percentile for height for this group. Serum copper concentration (112±24 μg/100 mL,n=454) was unrelated to sex, height, weight, body mass index, socioeconomic status (SES), or iron status. Blood selenium concentration (49±10 ng/mL,n=564) was lower than previously reported for Dunedin children; it was higher in children in the lower SES categories. The data represent normal values for healthy, 11-yr-old NZ children.  相似文献   
We have recently reported the marked increase in frequency which can be achieved in the detection of the anti-Jo-1 antibody of polymyositis in serum samples by replacing commercial mixtures of cytoplasmic and nuclear antigens with the purified antigen, histidyl-tRNA synthetase. The present paper describes a method for purifying this antigen and an investigation of its size. Molecular masses previously reported for the enzyme have varied from 85-154 kDa and subunit molecular masses varying from 40-77 kDa have been observed. Several of these fragments are of sizes similar to those of a number of other autoantigens commonly observed in connective tissue diseases. Since the clinical identification of these autoantigens often relies exclusively on size determination by Western blotting, we have characterized the commonly occurring fragments of histidyl-tRNA synthetase lest they confuse such identification. It is concluded that histidyl-tRNA synthetase, like many other aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, is subject to severe proteolysis during extraction procedures. Several characteristic fragments (Mr = 80, 75, 61, 55, 50 and 45 kDa) result, a finding that provides a satisfactory explanation of the various values previously reported. The intact bovine enzyme is a dimer of molecular mass close to 160 kDa.  相似文献   
Summary Mice selectively bred for either high or low levels of thermoregulatory nest building were cold-acclimated (5°C) for 3 weeks without nesting material; then body weight and food intake were measured. The mice selected for low nest building (Lows) of both sexes showed lower feed efficiencies than the high nest-building mice (Highs), although their body weights were not significantly different (Table 1). This adds to a large body of evidence which suggests that nest building and feed efficiency were influenced by a common mechanism (Lacy et al. 1978; Sulzbach and Lynch 1984; Lunch et al. 1981; Lynch and Roberts 1984).Brown adipose tissue mitochondrial GDP binding and cytochrome c oxidase activity were measured in the above mice. In females, the Lows had 100% higher levels of total GDP binding than the Highs, while no difference between the lines was seen in males (Fig. 2). Thus in the High females, lower energy expenditure through brown fat thermogenesis may account for their greater feed efficiency. In males, the genetic differences in feed efficiency must be due to differences in either thermogenesis in tissues other than brown fat, or mechanisms which reduce heat loss.Abbreviations Highs Mice from lines selectively bred for high levels of nest-building;Lows mice from the low nest-building selected lines  相似文献   
The study of the medically important polyomavirus JC virus is limited to only a few laboratories, primarily because the permissive cell system most often used, primary human fetal glial cells, is difficult to obtain and propagate. We have introduced mutations at the origin of DNA replication of JC virus and transformed glial cells with the replication-defective genomes. Although normal glial cell cultures rapidly lose their permissivity for the virus after subculture, the transformed cells (designated POJ) had a greatly expanded life span and remained permissive for JC virus even after 30 passages in vitro. POJ cells constitutively express a functional T protein that complements the replication defect of lethal early-region mutations in JC virus. We expect that these cells will greatly facilitate the study of this human virus.  相似文献   
The infusion of isoprenaline or propranolol into the abdominal aorta of the pseudopregnant cat caused an increase or decrease respectively in the ovarian progesterone secretion rate. These observations suggest that the sympathetic innervation of the ovary has a physiological influence on normal progesterone secretion, and this mechanism may explain stress-related increases in progesterone concentrations. The infusion of isoprenaline or propranolol after the stimulation of follicular growth had no consistent or convincing effect on oestradiol secretion.  相似文献   
Floral determination in the terminal bud of the short-day plant Nicotiana tabacum cv. Maryland Mammoth has been investigated. Plants grown continuously in short days flowered after producing 31.4±1.6 (SD) nodes while plants grown continuously in long days did not flower and produced 172.5±9.5 nodes after one year. At various ages, expressed as number of leaves that were at least 1.0 cm in length above the most basal 10-cm leaf, one of three treatments was performed on plants grown from seed in short days: 1) whole plants were shifted from short days to long days, 2) the terminal bud was removed and then rooted and grown in long days, and 3) the terminal bud was removed and then rooted and grown in short days. Whole plants flowered only when shifted from short days to long days at age 15 or later. Only rooted terminal buds from plants at age 15 or older produced plants that flowered when grown in long days. Only terminal buds from plants at age 15 or older that were rooted and grown in short days produced the same number of nodes as they would have produced in their original locations while buds from younger plants produced more nodes than they would have in their original locations. Thus, determination for floral development in the terminal bud, as assayed by rooting, is simultaneous with the commitment to flowering as assayed by shifting whole plants to non-inductive conditions.Abbreviations LD long day(s) - SD short day(s) - DN dayneutral  相似文献   
The size distribution of chromatin fragments released by micrococcal nuclease digestion of liver chromatin at various ionic strengths was examined. Below 20 mM ionic strength, gradient profiles with a peak centered at 6 nucleosomes are generated, whereas between 20 and 50 mM the peak is always centered on 12 nucleosomes, and above 50 mM ionic strength the 30-nm fiber becomes less accessible to the nuclease and there is a corresponding increase in the size distribution of fragments in the gradients. However, extensive digestions always give profiles with a peak of 12 nucleosomes as nuclease-resistant dodecamers accumulate. All of these observations are consistent with the winding of the 10-nm polynucleosome chain into a helical coil commencing at about 20 mM ionic strength. The helical turns are stabilized by histone H1 interactions between 20 and 50 mM ionic strength producing stable dodecamers. Above 50 mM ionic strength the coil condenses longitudinally and the profiles are consistent with a random attack of this fiber by the nuclease. Consequently it is not necessary to invoke the existence of a subunit bead to explain the profiles. We further define the conditions at which specific structural transitions take place and provide methodology for the preparation of chromatin at various levels of condensation.  相似文献   
Sedimentation analysis has been used to compare the structure of 30-nm chromatin fibers, isolated and digested under conditions that maintain the native structure, with relaxed-refolded chromatin. The native chromatin fibers show sharp, ionic strength-dependent changes in sedimentation coefficient that are not apparent in relaxed-refolded fibers. The first transition at approximately 20 mM ionic strength reflects the organization of the 10-nm polynucleosome chain into a loose helically coiled 30-nm fiber. Between 20 and 60 mM ionic strength there is considerable interaction between nucleosomes within the coils to generate a stable helical array with 12 nucleosomes/turn. Above 60 mM ionic strength the helical coil continues to condense until it precipitates at ionic strengths slightly greater than those considered physiological, indicating that there is no end point in fiber formation. The data is incompatible with a solenoid model with 6 nucleosomes/turn and also rules out the existence of a beaded subunit structure.  相似文献   
Summary The rate of transport of amine ions intoChara australis internodes is studied by measuring changes in membrane current when amine solutions are presented to voltage-clamped cells. The dependence of this rate on ion concentration is investigated for a series of alkyl-amine ions: methyl-, ethyl-, isopropyl-, dimethyl-, trimethyl- and tetramethylammonium. A Michaelis-Menten relationship is displayed by all except tri- and tetramethylammonium, where currents are irregular and difficult to reproduce. Evidence suggests that the different ions cross the plasmalemma via a common uniport.K M values for this porter increase as the amine ion becomes more highly substituted. TheV m values are similar for all amines and lie within the range 10 to 100 mA m–2 (for cell potential at –200 mV). The changes inK M indicate that hydrogen bonding may be involved in the binding interaction.V m varies with external pH in a way which suggests that an ionizable group on the transport protein with pKa5.8 directly affects the transport rate.K M is independent of external pH over the range 4.5 to 10.5  相似文献   
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