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Darquenne, Chantal, Peter Brand, Joachim Heyder, and ManuelPaiva. Aerosol dispersion in human lung: comparison between numerical simulations and experiments for bolus tests.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3): 966-974, 1997.Bolus inhalations of 0.87-µm-diameter particles wereadministered to 10 healthy subjects, and data were compared withnumerical simulations based on a one-dimensional model of aerosoltransport and deposition in the human lung (J. Appl.Physiol. 77: 2889-2898, 1994). Aerosol boluseswere inhaled at a constant flow rate into various volumetric lungdepths up to 1,500 ml. Parameters such as bolus half-width, mode shift, skewness, and deposition were used to characterize the bolus and todisplay convective mixing. The simulations described the experimental results reasonably well. The sensitivity of the simulations to different parameters was tested. Simulated half-width appeared to beinsensitive to altered values of the deposition term, whereas it wasgreatly affected by modified values of the apparent diffusion in thealveolar zone of the lung. Finally, further simulations were comparedin experiments with a fixed penetration volume and various flow rates.Comparison showed good agreement, which may be explained by the factthat half-width, mode shift, and skewness were little affected by theflow rate.

A DNA sequencing strategy was developed based on the tetracycline resistance transposon Tn1721. A universal M13 primer binding site (UP) for DNA sequencing and restriction sites for mapping were inserted near one end of Tn1721 and the new derivative, Tn5491, introduced onto a conjugative F' plasmid. The target sequence is inserted between two inverted resolution sites (res) of Tn1721 present on the high-copy plasmid pJOE2114. Due to the inviability of long palindromic sequences in Escherichia coli insertions between the inversely orientated res sites of pJOE2114 are positively selected. Transposition of Tn5491 into the target sequence is selected by cointegrate formation of Tn5491 during transposition, mating and transfer of the nonconjugative sequencing vector. After cointegrate resolution, the additional res sites in the vector result in a second site-specific recombination removing most of the transposon (except of 136 bp) and part of the target sequence. The reduced plasmid sizes and the use of the universal primer improved the quality of the sequencing results obtained on an automated fluorescent sequencer. A 3.35-kb EcoRI fragment from the 30-kb terminal inverted repeats (TIR) of the Streptomyces lividans chromosome was sequenced by this method. A 1304-bp sequence was found on this fragment with the features of insertion elements. The element called IS1372 had 27-bp IR and two potential open reading frames. The predicted gene products had similar sizes and high similarity to gene products encoded by insertion sequences of the IS3 family. Furthermore, a potential signal stimulating ribosomal shifts and typical for members of the IS3 family was identified. Five to seven copies of IS1372 were found in different strains of S. lividans but none in other Streptomyces species tested  相似文献   
Recent findings show an unexpected conservation of genes involved in vertebrate and insect eye development. The Drosophila homeobox gene sine oculis is crucial for eye development. Its murine homologue, Six3 is expressed in the anterior neural plate, a region which is involved in lens induction in Xenopus. To examine whether Six3 participates in the process of eye formation, mouse Six3 was ectopically expressed in fish embryos. The results show that Six3 is sufficient to promote ectopic lens formation in the area of the otic vesicle and that retinal tissue is not a prerequisite for ectopic lens differentiation. Our findings suggest a conserved function for Six3 in metazoan eye development.  相似文献   
A method for the synthesis of chimeric oligodeoxynucleotides comprised of phosphodiester and phenylphosphonate [3′-O-P(=O)(C6H5)-O-5′] or phenylphosphono-thioate [3′-O-P(=S)(C6H5)-O-5′] linkages has been developed. Synthesis was performed using suitably protected nucleoside phenylphosphonamidites as building blocks following an adjusted solid-phase phosphoramidite synthesis protocol. The new oligodeoxy-nucleotide analogues were characterized by electrospray ionization- and matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry, as well as by 31P NMR spectroscopy. Additionally, their binding properties to complementary oligodeoxynucleotides has been studied.  相似文献   
Sedimentation coefficients and apparent molecular masses of 5.8S rRNA from rat liver and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) depend considerably on the ionic strength and the kind of ions in solution. At 20°C the sedimentation coefficient of 5.8S rRNA in 10 mm sodium cacodylate, pH 7.0, amounts to 5.1 ± 0.2 S. By addition of NaCl up to 1.1 m the data increase reversibly to 6.1 ± 0.2 S (rat liver) or 5.4 ± 0.1 S (yeast) without significant changes of the molar mass (52 000 ± 2000) g/mol. Similar effects but with different extent were obtained using KCl or LiCl. These results can be explained by counterion effects on the conformation and changing of the water shell surrounding the RNA molecule. Short heat incubation (5 min at 65°C) and immediate cooling of rat liver 5.8S rRNA lead to dimer or oligomer formation. Its portions depend strongly on RNA concentration and are enhanced also with increasing NaCl concentration and incubation temperature as can be seen fro higher sedimentation coefficients and molecular masses as well as from additional bands in the electrophoretic pattern. At 20°C MgCl2 provokes, in concentrations up to 1.5 mm, a reversible increase of sedimentation coefficients of rat liver 5.8S rRNA to 6.65 ± 0.1 S whereas the molecular mass remains unchanged indicating strong Mg++ effects on conformation and/or water shell of the 5.8S rRNA. A further increase of sedimentation coefficients up to 8.2 ± 0.1 S combined with higher apparent molar masses up to 90 000 g/mol was observed in the presence of 30 to 50 mm MgCl2. In this concentration range of Mg++ the association constants of 5.8S rRNA dimerization increase from about 105to 3 × 107m?1. After removal of free Mg++ by addition of EDTA the 5.8S rRNA dimers dissociate if no incubation step at higher temperature in involved. The Mg++ induced 5.8S rRNA dimers differ in their stability from those formed by incubation at 65°C in the presence of higher concentrations of monovalent ions.  相似文献   
A novel tool for polymer-assisted solution phase (PASP) esterification of amino acid and peptide derivatives has been developed. When treated with carboxylic acids, polymer-bound alkyltriazenes react with a loss of nitrogen and transfer of the alkyl moiety to the carboxylate anion to form the corresponding alkyl esters. There are no limitations with regard to either the protecting groups or the nature of the amino acid. Furthermore no racemization occurs at the chiral centers of the amino acids as demonstrated by chiral GC-MS analyses. Alkyltriazene-resins were also applied successfully to the esterification of peptide acids and other peptidic structures, such as tripalmitoyl-S-glyceryl-cysteine (Pam3Cys). The triazene-mediated esterification reaction is exceptionally mild, and there is no need for prior activation of the carboxy groups. This method is therefore particularly suitable for the alkylation of complex peptidomimetic structures prone to racemization and for acid-sensitive structures.  相似文献   
The complex relation between standing crop and species richness in herbaceous plant communities is still one of the most intensively discussed topics in vegetation ecology. In this study, we focus on the extent to which light availability is able to explain this relationship in fen grasslands. We analyse changes of light availability (measured as relative irradiance, RI), standing crop and species richness during fen grassland succession. Our study include communities representing differences in drainage intensity and nutrient status (‘land use intensification sere’) and successional stages developing after abandonment (‘abandonment seres’). Both in the land use intensification sere and in the abandonment seres, we recorded an increase in standing crop reaching highest values of approx. 800 g m‐2. RI, species richness and number of small‐growing species declined in the successional seres. RI was highest in stands of low‐productive communities, where light compensation points (5% RI) were already attained at soil surface and light saturation points (30% RI) at soil surface or at 15 cm height. Horizontal heterogeneity of RI at soil surface and at 30 cm height decreased in the abandonment seres, but not at 30 cm height in the land use intensification sere. Furthermore, we detected a signiñcant negative relation between standing crop and RI. Species richness declined with increasing standing crop and thus consequently also with decreasing RI. This result points out that light competition might be of importance for this pattern. The number of small‐growing species decreased exponentially with an increase in standing crop (and decrease in RI). It can be assumed that low light availability negatively affects small‐growing species at standing crop values higher than 400–500 g m2. As the maintenance of small‐growing species and the improvement of habitat conditions for their establishment are important aims of nature conservation in fen grasslands, management strategies should be orientated at maintaining standing crops that are not higher than these values.  相似文献   
A new stick insect of the genus Orthomeria Kirby, 1904 (Phasmatodea, Aschiphasmatidae) is described from the Philippines. Orthomeria (Orthomeria) kangi sp. n. is readily distinguished from all other congeners by the distinctive blood red colouration of the costal region of the hind wings. Major features of the external morphology of adults, eggs, and first-instar nymphs are illustrated. Locomotory attachment pads are of the smooth type with irregular microgrooves on the contact surface. An unusual condition of male terminalia is the absence of tergal thorn pads on segment 10. The male clasping organs are represented by an elongated vomer terminating in a prominent spine, and by incurved cerci featuring a bilobed apex equipped with a sharp blade-like ridge. Intraspecific variation in body colouration and hind wing length occurs in females. The new species lives at 400-650 m elevation in the surroundings of the Sablang and Tuba regions, in the Benguet Province of Luzon island. Host plants include Ficus spp. (Moraceae), and Pipturus spp. and Leucosyke spp. (Urticaceae). Observations on the mating and defensive behaviour are presented. Orthomeria (Orthomeria) catadromus (Westwood, 1859) is recognised as a junior synonym of Orthomeria (Orthomeria) pandora (Westwood, 1859), syn. n. A lectotype is designated for both species. Finally, an updated identification key to the species of the subgenus Orthomeria is provided.  相似文献   
Proper timing of activities is one of the principal challenges faced by most organisms. Organisms need to account for various aspects in decision making like avoiding inordinate risks, synchronizing with resource availability, or finding mates. We provide analytical and simulation models to investigate the influence of life expectancy, resource competition and unpredictable environmental conditions (environmental uncertainty) on the evolutionarily stable distribution of emergence times in organisms depending on seasonally available resources. We focus on the partitioning of total phenotypic variance in emergence times into 1) genetic variance in mean emergence times between lineages and 2) environmental trait variance that determines the intra‐lineage variance in the timing of emergence. Both, life expectancy of organisms and intensity of competition severely influence the evolutionary response to environmental uncertainty. Our main findings can be summarized as follows: 1) in general diversifying bet hedging (environmental trait variance) is the adequate mechanism to reduce the risk arising from environmental uncertainty while conservative bet hedging, i.e. delaying emergence into ‘safe’ phases of the season is restricted to short lived organisms and to situations with vanishing competition. 2) Environmental trait variance increases with increasing environmental uncertainty whereas 3) significant genetic variance evolves only under severe resource competition; it is driven by selection for an ideal free distribution of emergence times. 4) The level of genetic variance evolving declines with increasing life expectancy of organisms. 5) With sufficiently short life expectancy evolutionary branching and coexistence of distinctly different emergence strategies occurs; the number of co‐occurring strategies is determined by the level of environmental uncertainty. Our model provides cues for understanding how different ecological factors contribute and interact to shape the evolution of emergence strategies.  相似文献   
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