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Chronic treatment of hamsters with estradiol for several months has previously been shown to decrease the specific content of cytochrome P450 in the kidney, a target of hormonal carcinogenesis, but not in liver. The reason for this decrease in metabolic enzyme activity is unknown and has been examined in this investigation. We now report that the decrease in specific content of renal cytochrome P450 by 73% in response to estradiol was not affected by co-treatment with tamoxifen for 1 month. The subcutaneous infusion of 250 μg/day estradiol for 7 days lowered renal cytochrome P450 by 71% from control values and was therefore used for further mechanistic studies. This treatment decreased renal activities of estradiol 2- or 4-hydroxylase by 77 to 80%, of 7-ethoxycoumarin-O-deethylase by 66% of control values, respectively, and completely eliminated aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activities, whereas liver enzymes remained unaffected. After 7 days of infusion of estradiol, fluorescent products of lipid peroxidation were more than doubled in hamster kidney but remained unchanged in liver. The possibility of enzyme destruction by binding of estradiol 2,3-quinone to metabolizing enzymes was investigatedin vitro. In the presence of 2-hydroxyestradiol, cumene hydroperoxide, and microsomes, conditions known to favor the oxidation of the steroid to quinone, the binding of catechol estrogen metabolite to microsomal protein increased 60 fold over control values in the absence of cofactor. Purified rat liver cytochrome P450c also oxidized 2-hydroxyestradiol to 2,3-estradiol quinone. The rate of oxidation was linear for the first 2–3 min, but thereafter decreased with time. Under these incubation conditions, irreversible binding of catechol estrogen metabolite to cytochrome P450c increased for the first 2–3 min and then remained at this plateau level. It was concluded that enzyme destruction by a reactive estrogen metabolite or by lipid peroxides may be a major reason for the organ-specific decrease in cytochrome P450 enzymes in kidneys of estrogen-treated hamsters.  相似文献   
The mutagenicity of 6 azo dyes, including direct black 38 (DB38), direct black 19 (DB19), direct brown 95 (DB95), solvent yellow 3 (SY3), trypan blue (TPB), and food black 2 (FB2), was examined in the Salmonella/microsome assay. The effect of chemical azo reduction (dithionite) and in vivo metabolism on the mutagenicity of the dyes was also studied. In vivo azo-dye metabolites were isolated from the urine of rats intubated with dyes by XAD-2 column chromatography. Urinary metabolites from all the treated animals, except animals treated with FB2, induced frame-shift mutations in strains TA1538 and TA98 in the presence of liver S9 activation. The control urine did not increase the incidence of revertants in strains TA1538 and TA98. Thus, XAD-2 chromatography can be used to isolate genotoxic metabolites from the urine of animals intubated with azo dyes.  相似文献   
From differentiated plants of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don we have isolated a specific enzyme of the vindoline biosynthetic pathway catalysing the S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methylation of 11-O-demethyl-17-O-deacetyl-vindoline. The enzyme we named S-adenosyl-L-methionine : 11-O-demethyl-17-O-deacetylvindoline 11-O-methyltransferase. This transferase exhibits a high substrate specificity. Obviously the O-methylation at C-11 precedes the O-acetylation at the C-17 position during the biosynthesis of vindoline.A second enzyme was detected which hydrolyses the acetyl function of vindoline. The distribution of this acetylesterase in C. roseus plants demonstrates that the enzyme is not specifically associated with the vindoline distribution in the plant material. Most probably this enzyme plays no essential role in the biosynthesis of vindoline.  相似文献   
From differentiated plants of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don, a specific enzyme was isolated and named acetyl-CoA : 17-O-deacetylvindoline 17-O-acetyltransferase, acting on the biosynthetic formation of the Aspidosperma type alkaloid vindoline.The enzyme shows a high selectivity towards different substrates. The acetyl-CoA-dependent transferase also catalyses the reverse reaction by hydrolysis of the 17-O-acetyl group of vindoline in the presence of free CoA. This enzyme is localized only in vindoline-containing plant parts, but was so far not detectable in cell suspension cultures of C. roseus. The enzyme allows the synthesis of labelled vindoline with high specific activity, applicable for instance as tracer for radioimmunoassays of vindoline.  相似文献   
Cultured adult cardiac myocytes were exposed to anoxia under substrate-free conditions. When compared to the metabolic changes in the oxygen deficient organ, those in the anoxic cell culture proceed in a similar, yet prolonged manner. Release of cytosolic enzymes starts with minor energetic disturbances and proceeds in close correlation to the actual ATP decay. Below 2 μmol. ATP/gWW, an increasing number of cells becomes irreversibly damaged, but above, 30 min reoxygenation leads to extensive recovery of the whole preparation. The results indicate that leakage of cytosolic enzymes during the early stage of anoxia is due to a gradual protein release from the individual cells, related to reversible membrane alterations.  相似文献   
Three bovine serum albumin-specific Lyt-2+ T suppressor (Ts) cell clones from CBA/J mice have been analyzed with regard to expression of L3T4 molecules. All three Ts-cell clones can be stained with monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to L3T4. Tested for the two clones restricted to recognition of Ek determinants, antigen-specific proliferation on antigen-presenting cells, but not the proliferation induced by conditioned medium can be inhibited by L314-specific mAb. In a similar way, Ts-cell cytolytic effector functions can be blocked by L3T4-specific mAb. Thus L3T4 structures seem to play a role in Ts-cell functions. Furthermore, the data support the view that L3T4 expression can be a property of class II-restricted T cells irrespective of their Lyt phenotype.  相似文献   
Cardiac muscle     
Summary The ultrastructure of chicken and frog cardiac muscle are compared and then contrasted with the ultrastructure of mammalian cardiac muscle. Both chicken and frog cardiac muscle have no transverse tubules, remarkably few nexuses and no prominent M-lines. M-fibers of both animals are small (2–5 ) in diameter and contain dense granules. Chicken cardiac muscle like mammalian cardiac muscle has very well developed sarcoplasmic reticulum and couplings. The latter do not occur in frog cardiac muscle and the former is poorly developed in that muscle. Morphologic evidence is presented in the frog and chicken heart that would tend to attribute to the sarcoplasmic reticulum a transport function for electron-dense material (presumably proteinaceous) the possible significance of which is discussed. Purkinje fibers were identified in the form of a network on the endocardial surface of both atria and ventricles of chicken hearts. The topography of these fibers corresponds to that of a population of fibers in small mammalian hearts that, and unlike ventricular fibers in those animals, does not have transverse tubules.This investigation was presented, in part, at the 2nd Annual Summer Workshop of the Council on Basic Science of the American Heart Association in Mountain View, California, August 5–8, 1968; at the Gordon Conference on Myocardial Contractility in Holderness, New Hampshire, August 12–16, 1968; and at the 8th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology in Boston, Massachusetts, November 11–13, 1968. This research was supported by grant No. 66737 from the American Heart Association, Inc. and by grant No. HE 08620 from the NIH.  相似文献   
Summary From the communication engineers point of view the paper deals with networks consisting of linear filters and a special sort of controlled statistical pulse generators (SIG). The SIG responds to an analog signal with a sequence of Dirac impulses, where the probability for an output impulse at a given time depends on the instantaneous value of the input signal only. In connection with linear filters, however, systems can be realized in which the whole past of the input determines the statistical structure of the output. Therefore systems consisting of linear filters and SIGs (SIG networks) become interesting as models of biological systems, because in biological information processing transformations from analog signals into pulse trains occur very often. An example concerning the application of SIG systems in behavioural sciences will be discussed in a subsequent paper. In the present paper a theoretical analysis of the SIG and SIG networks is carried out by means of Statistical Communication Theory and Theory of Stochastic Processes. It is shown that under certain conditions very complex SIG networks can be treated with Correlation Theory. For one case not satisfying these conditions a solution on the base of Markoff processes is given.

Auszug aus einer von der Fakultät für Maschinenwesen und Elektrotechnik der Technischen Hochschule München genehmigten Dissertation.Herrn Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Marko danke ich für das Interesse und die fördernde Kritik während des Entstehens der dieser Arbeit zugrundeliegenden Dissertation. Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft ist für die finanzielle Förderung der Untersuchungen zu danken. Die numerischen Berechnungen wurden auf der Rechenanlage TR4 des Leibniz-Rechenzentrums der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften durchgeführt.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung von Aktinomycin auf die neurosekretorischen Q-und P-Zellen im Cerebralganglion von Enchytraeus wurde untersucht. Die Cytophotometrie lichtmikroskopischer Präparate von Q-Zellen ergab, daß in den ersten Stunden nach Aktinomycin-Behandlung eine deutliche Verminderung PAF-positiven Materials auftritt. Die ersten Veränderungen wurden elektronenmikroskopisch zwischen 1 und 4 Std nach Aktinomycin-Injektion beobachtet. Sie waren in beiden Zelltypen am eindeutigsten am Nucleolus. Es kommt zu einer Sonderung und räumlichen Trennung von granulärem und fibrillärem Material. Letzteres wird sehr stark vermehrt.In bezug auf Veränderungen der Strukturen des Cytoplasmas unterscheiden sich die Q-und P-Zellen besonders im Verhalten des Golgi-Apparates und der Ribosomen. Der Golgi-Apparat wird in den Q-Zellen kurze Zeit nach Applikation von Aktinomycin reduziert. In den P-Zellen persistiert er dagegen über alle beobachteten Zeitstufen hinweg. Die Ribosomen lösen sich von den Membranen in den Q-Zellen 4–8 Std nach Injektion, was in den P-Zellen nicht festzustellen ist. Diese Tatsachen führen zu der Annahme, daß das System der Proteinsynthese der P-Zellen relativ stabiler als das der Q-Zellen ist.Die in den späteren Zeitstufen beobachtete Normalisierung der Zellstrukturen läßt darauf schließen, daß die Wirkung des einmalig injizierten Aktinomycins 24 Std danach nachzulassen beginnt.
Light and electron microscopic studies on the influence of actinomycin D on the dynamics of neurosecretory cells of Enchytraeus (Oligochaeta)
Summary The influence of actinomycin on the neurosecretory Q and P cells of the brain of Enchytraeus was studied. Cytophotometrical measurements of Q cells in light mirocscopic preparations showed a significant decrease of PAF-positive material in the first hours after actinomycin application. At the ultrastructural level primary changes were established one to four hours after injection of actinomycin: In the nucleolus granular and fibrillar material became separated; there was a substantial increase of the fibrillar component.Concerning structural changes of the cytoplasm, Q and P cells differed especially with respect to the Golgi apparatus and the ribosomes. In the Q cells the Golgi apparatus had become greatly reduced shortly after actinomycin treatment. However, it persisted in P cells during all stages examined. Ribosomes became detached from membranes only in Q cells between 4 and 8 hours after injection.These data indicate that protein synthesis in P cells shows greater stability than in Q cells. The restitution of normal ultrastruoture during subsequent stages indicates that effects begin to subside 24 hours after a single injection.
Für technische Unterstützung danken wir Frl. B. Reymann, Frl. A. Zinßer, Frau B. Cosack und Frau E. Wolschner.  相似文献   
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