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The fluid mosaic model of membrane structure has been revised in recent years as it has become evident that domains of different lipid composition are present in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Using membrane binding fluorescent dyes, we demonstrate the presence of lipid spirals extending along the long axis of cells of the rod-shaped bacterium Bacillus subtilis. These spiral structures are absent from cells in which the synthesis of phosphatidylglycerol is disrupted, suggesting an enrichment in anionic phospholipids. Green fluorescent protein fusions of the cell division protein MinD also form spiral structures and these were shown by fluorescence resonance energy transfer to be coincident with the lipid spirals. These data indicate a higher level of membrane lipid organization than previously observed and a primary role for lipid spirals in determining the site of cell division in bacterial cells.  相似文献   
Xylotrechus arvicola is a pest of grape in some vine‐producing regions of the Iberian Peninsula. Biological parameters and relationships (fecundity and percent fertility of eggs in relationship to body size) of females obtained in the laboratory and captured in vineyards were studied. In laboratory conditions, the mean developmental time of larvae ranged from 384 to 392 days and pupal stage varied between 12 to 14 days. Body size (BS) of X. arvicola females was significantly bigger than males. Fecundity was greater in the laboratory (147 eggs) than in the field (50 eggs) females, but the percent fertility of the laboratory eggs was lower (16 eggs). Laboratory females showed a bigger relationship between the production of eggs and BS than females captured in vineyards. Wild females (PDO Ribera del Duero and Tierra de León) had a positive relationship between the percent fertility of eggs and the BS. No correlation between the percent fertility of eggs and the BS was displayed by females captured in PDO Toro, but these females had a higher percent fertility (53 eggs) than the others PDO's. These biological parameters and relationships studied suggest that the artificial diet may lack certain essential nutrients that vine varieties can provide that favor the fertility of eggs. This explains why wild females have the potential to become a problem pest in the Tempranillo grape variety, with bilateral cordon and bush vines training systems that have the highest incidence of this cerambycid.  相似文献   
Here, we investigate Mid- to Late-Holocene vegetation changes in low-lying coastal areas in Tonga and how changing sea levels and recurrent volcanic eruptions have influenced vegetation dynamics on four islands of the Tongan archipelago (South Pacific). To investigate past vegetation and environmental change at Ngofe Marsh (‘Uta Vava’u), we examined palynomorphs (pollen and spores), charcoal (fire), and sediment characteristics (volcanic activity) from a 6.7-m-long sediment core. Radiocarbon dating indicated the sediments were deposited over the last 7700 years. We integrated the Ngofe Marsh data with similar previously published data from Avai’o’vuna Swamp on Pangaimotu Island, Lotofoa Swamp on Foa Island, and Finemui Swamp on Ha’afeva Island. Plant taxa were categorized as littoral, mangrove, rainforest, successional/ disturbance, and wetland groups, and linear models were used to examine relationships between vegetation, relative sea level change, and volcanic eruptions (tephra). We found that relative sea level change has impacted vegetation on three of the four islands investigated. Volcanic eruptions were not identified as a driver of vegetation change. Rainforest decline does not appear to be driven by sea level changes or volcanic eruptions. From all sites analyzed, vegetation at Finemui Swamp was most sensitive to changes in relative sea level. While vegetation on low-lying Pacific islands is sensitive to changing sea levels, island characteristics, such as area and elevation, are also likely to be important factors that mediate specific island responses to drivers of change.  相似文献   
The coccinellid beetle Anovia punica Gordon (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Noviini) is an important predator of the Colombian fluted scale, Crypticerya multicicatrices Kondo & Unruh (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae). In order to gather information on the biological traits of A. punica, we conducted a series of studies, including of the developmental time of each life history stage, estimation of life table parameters, and predation rates under laboratory conditions [25.1 ± 1.6°C, with 70.5 ± 7.3% RH, and natural light regime, approx. 12:12 (L:D) h]. Developmental stages of A. punica were categorized as follows: egg stage, four larval instars, prepupal instar, pupal instar, and adult. Developmental time from egg to adult emergence averaged 29.41 ± 1.85 days, and 47.6% of the eggs developed to adulthood. Female and male survival was 94.42 and 90 days, respectively. Life table parameters show that one female of A. punica is replaced by 86 females (R 0), the intrinsic growth rate (r m ) was 0.1115, the average generation time (T) was 40 days, and the doubling time (D t ) was 6.2 days. The life table parameters suggest that A. punica can be used as a potential predator of C. multicicatrices and, more importantly, provided baseline information for a mass-rearing protocol. This is the first detailed study on the biology of A. punica that reports the potential of this predator as a biological control agent for scale insects of the tribe Iceryini.  相似文献   
In castrated male rats it was possible by means of administration of adequate testosterone propionate doses to induce a state in which the males did not initiate copulatory behavior with a stimulus female displaying no (Lordotic female) or weak (Presenting female) intensity of precopulatory behavior. On the other hand, such males started to copulate and finished copulatory series when a stimulus female exhibiting the complete pattern of precopulatory behavior (Darting female) was offered. The males “prepared” in this manner displayed regularly precopulatory behavior directed toward all the stimulus females. The requisite testosterone doses differed individually. However, in the majority of cases they were in the range of 500–700 μg of testosterone injected once a week.  相似文献   
The human splicing factor 2, also called human alternative splicing factor (hASF), is the prototype of the highly conserved SR protein family involved in constitutive and regulated splicing of metazoan mRNA precursors. Here we report that the Drosophila homologue of hASF (dASF) lacks eight repeating arginine-serine dipeptides at its carboxyl-terminal region (RS domain), previously shown to be important for both localization and splicing activity of hASF. While this difference has no effect on dASF localization, it impedes its capacity to shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm and abolishes its phosphorylation by SR protein kinase 1 (SRPK1). dASF also has an altered splicing activity. While being competent for the regulation of 5' alternative splice site choice and activation of specific splicing enhancers, dASF fails to complement S100-cytoplasmic splicing-deficient extracts. Moreover, targeted overexpression of dASF in transgenic flies leads to higher deleterious developmental defects than hASF overexpression, supporting the notion that the distinctive structural features at the RS domain between the two proteins are likely to be functionally relevant in vivo.  相似文献   
Within the genus Centaurea (subtribe Centaureinae, tribe Cardueae, Compositae) hybridizations and reticulate-evolution phenomena have widely been recognized. This is especially true in the taxa included in the subgroup Acrolophus from the western Mediterranean area, in which recurrent hybridizations of parapatric ("microallopatric") lineages within the geographical range of a primary radiation have been suggested. The subgroup Acrolophus includes taxa from three sections (i.e. Acrolophus, Phalolepis and Willkommia), and, together with other subgroups, forms the named Jacea group (one of the three main groups into which Centaurea is divided). In this paper, we have studied the influence that the complex evolutionary scenario described for the Acrolophus subgroup from the western Mediterranean exerts on the evolutionary pattern of a satellite-DNA family, the HinfI family, which exists within the genomes of these taxa. To this end, we have analyzed the evolution of this satellite-DNA family in taxa from different taxonomic comparative levels: i) seven subspecies of the C. boissieri complex (one of which with two varieties) of the sect. Willkommia; ii) species of the sections Willkommia (10 species, 19 taxa), Acrolophus (two species), and Phalolepis (two species), all in the Acrolophus subgroup; iii) one external species to the Jacea group, C. granatensis from the group Acrocentron; iv) and species from other related genera from the Centaureinae subtribe (Phonus and Carthamus, both belonging to the Carthamus group). The influence of the suggested model for the origin and diversification of the Acrolophus subgroup is evidenced by the existence of three different HinfI satellite-DNA subfamilies coexisting in some genomes, and by the analysis that we have made by comparing site-by-site the transition stages in the process of concerted evolution between the sequences of the each subfamily. From this analysis, we can deduce that the HinfI repeated subfamilies evolved in a gradual manner, and that the different stages of concerted evolution fit quite well with the combined nuclear-chloroplast-DNA-deduced divergences and phylogeny of the subtribe Centaureinae. The HinfI satellite-DNA from the Carthamus species group (genera Carthamus and Phonus) and from the Acrocentron group (Centaurea granatensis) shows a high intraspecific conservation of the repeats, suggesting that the mechanisms producing concerted evolution have been efficient in these taxa. In addition, the comparison of individual nucleotide positions between related species shows a paucity in the spreading of variants in each subfamily with satellite-DNA divergence, an indication of a constant rate of homogenization of the repeated cluster. On the contrary, this trend is absent in the comparisons of the HinfI sequences from taxa of the subgroup Acrolophus. In this subgroup, we have found in this repetitive family similar representative average sequences for each taxon analyzed, polymorphic sites in each taxon being scant, most of them autapomorphic, representing early stages of genetic differentiation between taxa in the process of concerted evolution. The absence of concerted evolution was visualized by similar levels of intraspecific variation and interspecific divergence and by the lack of fixed species-diagnostic nucleotide sites. These facts might reflect the reticulate mode of evolution of Acrolophus.  相似文献   
Almost 40 years ago, Terry L. Erwin published a seemingly audacious proposition: There may be as many as 30 million species of insects in the world. Here, we translate Erwin's verbal argument into a diversity-ratio model—the Erwin Equation of Biodiversity—and discuss how it has inspired other biodiversity estimates. We categorize, describe the assumptions for, and summarize the most commonly used methods for calculating estimates of global biodiversity. Subsequent diversity-ratio extrapolations have incorporated parameters representing empirical insect specialization ratios, and how insect specialization changes at different spatial scales. Other approaches include macroecological diversity models and diversity curves. For many insect groups with poorly known taxonomies, diversity estimates are based on the opinions of taxonomic experts. We illustrate our current understanding of insect diversity by focusing on the six most speciose insect orders worldwide. For each order, we compiled estimates of the (a) maximum estimated number of species, (b) minimum estimated number of species, and (c) number of currently described species. By integrating these approaches and considering new information, we believe an estimate of 5.5 million species of insects in the world is much too low. New molecular methodologies (e.g., metabarcoding and NGS studies) are revealing daunting numbers of cryptic and previously undescribed species, at the same time increasing our precision but also uncertainty about present estimates. Not until technologies advance and sampling become more comprehensive, especially of tropical biotas, will we be able to make robust estimates of the total number of insect species on Earth.  相似文献   
The resistance to antibiotics and the distribution of virulence factors in enterococci isolated from traditional Slovak sheep cheese bryndza was compared with strains from human infections. The occurrence of 4 enterococcal species was observed in 117 bryndza-cheese isolates. The majority of strains were identified as E. faecium (76 %) and E. faecalis (23 %). Several strains of E. durans and 1 strain of E. hirae were also present. More than 90 % of strains isolated from 109 clinical enterococci were E. faecalis, the rest belonged to E. faecium. The resistance to 6 antimicrobial substances (ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, higher concentration of gentamicin, nitrofurantoin, tetracycline and vancomycin) was tested in clinical and food enterococci. A higher level of resistance was found in clinical than in food strains and E. faecium had a higher resistance than E. faecalis; no resistance to vancomycin was detected. The occurrence of 3 virulence-associated genes, cylA (coding for hemolysin), gelE (coding for gelatinase) and esp (coding for surface protein) was monitored. Differences were found in the distribution of cylA gene between clinical and bryndza-cheese E. faecalis strains; in contrast to clinical strains (45 %), cylA gene was detected in 22 % of food isolates. The distribution of 2 other virulence factors, gelE and esp, was not significantly different in the two groups of E. faecalis strains. cylA and gelE genes were not detected in E. faecium but more than 70 % of clinical E. faecium were positive for esp, even thought none of the 79 E. faecium cheese isolates contained this gene.  相似文献   
Previous reports have suggested that protein disulfide isomerases (PDIs) have transglutaminase (TGase) activity. The structural basis of this reaction has not been revealed. We demonstrate here that Caenorhabditis elegans PDI-3 can function as a Ca(2+)-dependent TGase in assays based on modification of protein- and peptide-bound glutamine residues. By site-directed mutagenesis the second cysteine residue of the -CysGlyHisCys- motif in the thioredoxin domain of the enzyme protein was found to be the active site of the transamidation reaction and chemical modification of histidine in their motif blocked TGase activity.  相似文献   
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