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The plant genus Silene has become a model for evolutionary studies of sex chromosomes and sex‐determining mechanisms. A recent study performed in Silene colpophylla showed that dioecy and the sex chromosomes in this species evolved independently from those in Silene latifolia, the most widely studied dioecious Silene species. The results of this study show that the sex‐determining system in Silene otites, a species related to S. colpophylla, is based on female heterogamety, a sex determination system that is unique among the Silene species studied to date. Our phylogenetic data support the placing of S. otites and S. colpophylla in the subsection Otites and the analysis of ancestral states suggests that the most recent common ancestor of S. otites and S. colpophylla was most probably dioecious. These observations imply that a switch from XX/XY sex determination to a ZZ/ZW system (or vice versa) occurred in the subsection Otites. This is the first report of two different types of heterogamety within one plant genus of this mostly nondioecious plant family.  相似文献   
The function of mate retention strategies is to preserve the bond between romantic partners and to prevent desertion, which is also why such behaviours are often elicited by the presence of a potential rival. Most existing studies on mate retention are based on self‐reports, which are prone to various biases. In this study, we observed non‐verbal behaviour of 47 long‐term romantic heterosexual couples during their interview with a female experimenter, whom the women in the couples may have perceived as a potential rival. We measured non‐verbal displays of mate retention tactics (direct guarding, intimacy inducement, appearance enhancement, and love and care display), as well as relationship maintenance strategies of openness and positivity. We expected that relationship quality as reported by both partners in the couple would be positively associated with ‘benefit‐provisioning’ mate retention behaviours and negatively associated with a ‘cost‐inflicting’ mate retention tactic (direct guarding). Relationship quality was assessed by Spanier's Dyadic Adjustment Scale using both the total score of dyadic adjustment and a Dyadic Satisfaction subscale. We found a significant association between both partners' dyadic adjustment and satisfaction and woman's appearance enhancement behaviours (such as self‐touch, hair flip and primp) in the presence of her partner and a potential rival. We also found a negative association between partner's dyadic adjustment and woman's direct guarding of partner using short looks, and a positive association between woman's intimacy‐inducing behaviour using long gaze and her own dyadic satisfaction and her partner's dyadic adjustment. Our results highlight the specific role of female attractiveness in later stages of romantic relationships within the context of mate retention and draw attention to the significance of the use of observational techniques in addition to self‐reports.  相似文献   
Root sprouting in Rumex acetosella under different nutrient levels   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Growth of Rumex acetosella, a root sprouting plant, was studied in a pot experiment. Each plant of R. acetosella consisted of two ramets which were interconnected by a root about 9 cm long. One of the ramets was placed in a compartment with nutrient-rich soil, the other with nutrient-poor soil. The root connection between the ramets either remained intact or was severed at the nutrient interface after planting. Growth of new roots was prevented at the nutrient interface.The presence of a connection between the ramets did not affect biomass or shoot production in either soil compartment, indicating a poor integration of the interconnected plant systems. In the nutrient-rich environment, two to four times more shoots and biomass were produced than in the low nutrient regime. A large proportion of buds initiated on roots remained dormant, forming a bud bank. When the number of shoots or buds was expressed per g of root dry weight or per m of root length, the nutrient response was no longer evident or, in a few cases, a significant effect in the opposite direction was obtained. These results show that the greater production of buds and shoots in the nutrient-rich environment reflected an allometric relationship between root biomass and the number of buds and shoots initiated on the roots.  相似文献   
A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial was performed to investigate the effectiveness of a herbal-based dentifrice in the control of gingivitis. Forty volunteers completed the 84-day study. All subjects were balanced for parameters measured - plaque index (PI), community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITN) and papillary bleeding index (PBI). The dentifrice was effective in reducing symptoms of gingivitis as evaluated by the CPITN and PBI indexes.  相似文献   
The thesis advanced in this essay is that stem cells-particularly those in the nervous system-are components in a series of inborn 'programs' that not only ensure normal development, but persist throughout life so as to maintain homeostasis in the face of perturbations-both small and great. These programs encode what has come to be called 'plasticity'. The stem cell is one of the repositories of this plasticity. This review examines the evidence that interaction between the neural stem cell (as a prototypical somatic stem cell) and the developing or injured brain is a dynamic, complex, ongoing reciprocal set of interactions where both entities are constantly in flux. We suggest that this interaction can be viewed almost from a 'systems biology' vantage point. We further advance the notion that clones of exogenous stem cells in transplantation paradigms may not only be viewed for their therapeutic potential, but also as biological tools for 'interrogating' the normal or abnormal central nervous system environment, indicating what salient cues (among the many present) are actually guiding the expression of these 'programs'; in other words, using the stem cell as a 'reporter cell'. Based on this type of analysis, we suggest some of the relevant molecular pathways responsible for this 'cross-talk' which, in turn, lead to proliferation, migration, cell genesis, trophic support, protection, guidance, detoxification, rescue, etc. This type of developmental insight, we propose, is required for the development of therapeutic strategies for neurodegenerative disease and other nervous system afflictions in humans. Understanding the relevant molecular pathways of stem cell repair phenotype should be a priority, in our view, for the entire stem cell field.  相似文献   
Using the 32P-postlabeling assay, we investigated the ability of quaternary benzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloids, sanguinarine, chelerythrine and fagaronine, to form DNA adducts in vitro. Two enhanced versions of the assay (enrichment by nuclease P1 and 1-butanol extraction) were utilized in the study. Hepatic microsomes of rats pre-treated with beta-naphthoflavone or those of uninduced rats, used as metabolic activators, were incubated in the presence of calf thymus DNA and the alkaloids, with NADPH used as a cofactor. Under these conditions sanguinarine and chelerythrine, but not fagaronine, formed DNA adducts detectable by 32P-postlabeling. DNA adduct formation by both alkaloids was found to be concentration dependent. When analyzing different atomic and bond indices of the C11-C12 bond (ring B) in alkaloid molecules we found that fagaronine behaved differently from sanguinarine and chelerythrine. While sanguinarine and chelerythrine showed a preference for electrophilic attack indicating higher potential to be activated by cytochrome P450, fagaronine exhibited a tendency for nucleophilic attack. Our results demonstrate that sanguinarine and chelerythrine are metabolized by hepatic microsomes to species, which generate DNA adducts.  相似文献   
We investigated the hypothesis that neural stem cells (NSCs) possess an intrinsic capacity to "rescue" dysfunctional neurons in the brains of aged mice. The study focused on a neuronal cell type with stereotypical projections that is commonly compromised in the aged brain-the dopaminergic (DA) neuron. Unilateral implantation of murine NSCs into the midbrains of aged mice, in which the presence of stably impaired but nonapoptotic DA neurons was increased by treatment with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), was associated with bilateral reconstitution of the mesostriatal system. Functional assays paralleled the spatiotemporal recovery of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine transporter (DAT) activity, which, in turn, mirrored the spatiotemporal distribution of donor-derived cells. Although spontaneous conversion of donor NSCs to TH(+) cells contributed to nigral reconstitution in DA-depleted areas, the majority of DA neurons in the mesostriatal system were "rescued" host cells. Undifferentiated donor progenitors spontaneously expressing neuroprotective substances provided a plausible molecular basis for this finding. These observations suggest that host structures may benefit not only from NSC-derived replacement of lost neurons but also from the "chaperone" effect of some NSC-derived progeny.  相似文献   
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