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Clitoria ternatea (L.) is a medicinal leguminous plant and is cultivated to cater the need of herbal industries and asthetic purposes. The unavailability of steady molecular marker impedes the genetic improvement of C. ternatea. In the present study, transferability of 98 pairs of Cajanus spp. specific SSR primers were assessed among 14 genotypes of C. ternatea, varied for their flower color, floral architecture and bio-metabolite (taraxerol and delphinidin) content, and out of them 43 had successfully amplified the fragments. Among them, 36 pairs of primers showed 100% transferability, whereas rest seven varied from 42.86 to 92.85% transferability. The transferable 43 pairs of SSR primers generated 196 alleles across the 14 genotypes and the AMOVA analysis showed moderate genetic variation (55.1%) among the genotypes of C. ternatea, which was also reinforced by Nei’s genetic distance and gene identity estimates derived haplotype matrix. Similarly, both the principal coordinate analysis and dendrogram grouped these 14 genotypes of C. ternatea into two major clusters based on SSR allele distribution and frequency, and the clustering pattern is in accordance with petal color but in contrast to floral architecture. MCheza based outlier analysis revealed 16 alleles for balancing selection, which are putatively involved in the maintenance of genetic polymorphism in C. ternatea. Moreover, the estimates of molecular diversity and bio-metabolite content revealed the possible use of these genotypes in future breeding programme of this species.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s12298-020-00907-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Different types of non-canonical basepairs, in addition to the Watson-Crick ones, are observed quite frequently in RNA. Their importance in the three dimensional structure is not fully understood, but their various roles have been proposed by different groups. We have analyzed the energetics and geometry of 32 most frequently observed basepairs in the functional RNA crystal structures using different popular empirical, semi-empirical and ab initio quantum chemical methods and compared their optimized geometry with the crystal data. These basepairs are classified into three categories: polar, non-polar and sugar-mediated, depending on the types of atoms involved in hydrogen bonding. In case of polar basepairs, most of the methods give rise to optimized structures close to their initial geometry. The interaction energies also follow similar trends, with the polar ones having more attractive interaction energies. Some of the C-H...O/N hydrogen bond mediated non-polar basepairs are also found to be significantly stable in terms of their interaction energy values. Few polar basepairs, having amino or carboxyl groups not hydrogen bonded to anything, such as G:G H:W C, show large flexibility. Most of the non-polar basepairs, except A:G s:s T and A:G w:s C, are found to be stable; indicating C-H...O/N interaction also plays a prominent role in stabilizing the basepairs. The sugar mediated basepairs show variability in their structures, due to the involvement of flexible ribose sugar. These presumably indicate that the most of the polar basepairs along with few non-polar ones act as seed for RNA folding while few may act as some conformational switch in the RNA.  相似文献   
Denaturant-induced unfolding of helical membrane proteins provides insights into their mechanism of folding and domain organization, which take place in the chemically heterogeneous, anisotropic environment of a lipid membrane. Rhomboid proteases are intramembrane proteases that play key roles in various diseases. Crystal structures have revealed a compact helical bundle with a buried active site, which requires conformational changes for the cleavage of transmembrane substrates. A dimeric form of the rhomboid protease has been shown to be important for activity. In this study, we examine the mechanism of refolding for two distinct rhomboids to gain insight into their secondary structure-activity relationships. Although helicity is largely abolished in the unfolded states of both proteins, unfolding is completely reversible for HiGlpG but only partially reversible for PsAarA. Refolding of both proteins results in reassociation of the dimer, with a 90% regain of catalytic activity for HiGlpG but only a 70% regain for PsAarA. For both proteins, a broad, gradual transition from the native, folded state to the denatured, partly unfolded state was revealed with the aid of circular dichroism spectroscopy as a function of denaturant concentration, thus arguing against a classical two-state model as found for many globular soluble proteins. Thermal denaturation has irreversible destabilizing effects on both proteins, yet reveals important functional details regarding substrate accessibility to the buried active site. This concerted biophysical and functional analysis demonstrates that HiGlpG, with a simple six-transmembrane-segment organization, is more robust than PsAarA, which has seven predicted transmembrane segments, thus rendering HiGlpG amenable to in vitro studies of membrane-protein folding.  相似文献   
The composition of the large, single, mitochondrion (mt) of Trypanosoma brucei was characterized by MS (2‐D LC‐MS/MS and gel‐LC‐MS/MS) analyses. A total of 2897 proteins representing a substantial proportion of procyclic form cellular proteome were identified, which confirmed the validity of the vast majority of gene predictions. The data also showed that the genes annotated as hypothetical (species specific) were overpredicted and that virtually all genes annotated as hypothetical, unlikely are not expressed. By comparing the MS data with genome sequence, 40 genes were identified that were not previously predicted. The data are placed in a publicly available web‐based database (www.TrypsProteome.org). The total mitochondrial proteome is estimated at 1008 proteins, with 401, 196, and 283 assigned to the mt with high, moderate, and lower confidence, respectively. The remaining mitochondrial proteins were estimated by statistical methods although individual assignments could not be made. The identified proteins have predicted roles in macromolecular, metabolic, energy generating, and transport processes providing a comprehensive profile of the protein content and function of the T. brucei mt.  相似文献   
Change of plant type in rice resulting in increased compactness of the panicle, allows space for accommodation of a larger number of spikelets, but grain yield does not increase proportionately because of limitations in grain filling. The objective of this study was to evaluate potential causes of poor filling of spikelets by comparing the physiological processes that influence source and sink activities between a compact- (OR-1920-7) and a loose-panicled (Lalat) rice cultivars growing in the open field conditions in the farm of Regional Research and Technology Transfer Station, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Chiplima, India during dry season of 2007. Although grain number per unit length of the branches was higher in the compact-panicled cultivar than the loose-panicled cultivar, average grain weight was lower on the primary and secondary branches at top, middle and basal positions of the panicle in the former compared to the corresponding positions of the panicle in the latter. Compared to Lalat, ethylene production rate was considerably higher in the boot of the flag leaf sheath of OR-1920-7 during the pre-anthesis period. Ethylene evolution rate correlated negatively with growth and cell division rates and starch concentration of the juvenile endosperm. Because spikelet growth was slower in OR-1920-7 than in Lalat, unused carbohydrates accumulated in the endosperm. The stomatal conductance of the flag leaf during this period was also lower in the former than that of the latter and it correlated negatively with ethylene evolution rate of the boot. It is concluded that high ethylene production slackened grain filling of compact-panicled rice cultivar OR-1920-7 because of its adverse influence on both source and sink activities.  相似文献   
G B Panigrahi  I G Walker 《Biochemistry》1991,30(40):9761-9767
Monoacetyl-4-hydroxyaminoquinoline 1-oxide (Ac-HAQO) reacts with DNA to form adducts at the C8- and N2-positions of guanine and with the N6-position of adenine. Only the N2-guanine adduct blocks the 3'-5' exonuclease action of phage T4 DNA polymerase. Piperidine treatment cleaves the DNA at sites bearing C8-guanine adducts. The N2-position of guanine lies in the minor groove of DNA, whereas the C8-position of guanine occupies the major groove. We have taken advantage of these characteristics to employ Ac-HAQO in conjunction with either T4 DNA polymerase or piperidine in a footprinting technique to probe the interaction of the Escherichia coli integration host factor (IHF) with its binding site. We show that when IHF binds to its recognition site both the N2- and C8-positions of guanines are protected from modification by AcHAQO. In addition, the binding of IHF to DNA was prevented when either an N2- or a C8-AQO adduct was present in the binding site. When dimethylsulfate was used as the footprinting reagent, IHF protected against methylation of the N3 position of adenine in the minor groove but not the N7 position of guanine in the major groove. The difference in results obtained with the two reagents is ascribed to their relative sizes. Both DMS and AcHAQO are excluded by IHF from the minor groove, but only the larger AcHAQO molecule is excluded from the major groove.  相似文献   
Although pilocytic and diffuse grade II astrocytomas considered as low-grade tumors, the distinction between them is still a major clinical problem. Previously we reported the activation of Wnt/β-catenin/Tcf signaling pathway in diffuse astrocytomas, however its role in pilocytic astrocytomas is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the Wnt/β-catenin/Tcf pathway in pilocytic astrocytomas and compared with diffuse astrocytomas. We observed the differential expression of β-catenin, Tcf4, Lef1 and c-Myc in astrocytomas particularly higher levels were observed in pilocytic astrocytomas and GBM while very little expression was documented in grade II tumors. Further, immunohistochemical analysis revealed the strong positivity of β-catenin, Tcf4, Lef1 and c-Myc in pilocytic astrocytomas than that of grade II tumors and also exhibited the strong positivity in vascular endothelial cells of pilocytic astrocytomas and GBM. Hence, Wnt/β-catenin/Tcf signaling pathway is differentially expressed in astrocytomas, activation of this pathway might be helpful in separating pilocytic astrocytomas from low-grade diffuse astrocytomas.  相似文献   
Editing of mitochondrial mRNAs in kinetoplastid protozoa occurs by a series of enzymatic steps that insert and delete uridylates (U's) as specified by guide RNAs (gRNAs). The characteristics of the 3" exonuclease activity that removes the U's following cleavage during deletion editing were determined by using an in vitro precleaved deletion assay that is based on ATPase subunit 6 pre-mRNA and gA6[14] gRNA. The exonuclease in partially purified editing complexes is specific for U's. The specificity occurs in the absence of gRNA, but its activity is enhanced by the presence of gRNA. The 3" pre-mRNA fragment enhances the specificity, but not the efficiency, of U removal. The activity is sensitive to the 5" phosphate of the 3" fragment, which is not required for U removal. The ability of the 3" U's to base pair with purines in the gRNA protects them from removal, suggesting that the U-specific 3" exonuclease (exoUase) is specific for U's which are not base paired. ExoUase is stereospecific and cannot remove (Rp)α-thio-U. The specificity of the exoUase activity thus contributes to the precision of RNA editing.  相似文献   
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