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Summary The fibre of a cellulose-TiO2 composite was prepared by the reaction of cellulose acetate with titanium isopropoxide. Glucose oxidase was entrapped in the fibre. This immobilization can be easily and simply formed under mild conditions. The fibre is stable in common solvents, high ionic solutions and over the wide pH range of 3–10.  相似文献   
A new mode of herbicidal action was established by finding specific inhibitors of imidazoleglycerol phosphate dehydratase, an enzyme of histidine (His) biosynthesis. Three triazole phosphonates inhibited the reaction of the enzyme with Ki values of 40 [plus or minus] 6.5, 10 [plus or minus] 1.6, and 8.5 [plus or minus] 1.4 nM, respectively, and were highly cytotoxic to cultured plant cells. This effect was completely reversed by the addition of His, proving that the cytotoxicity was primarily caused by the inhibition of His biosynthesis. These inhibitors showed wide-spectrum, postemergent herbicidal activity at application rates ranging from 0.05 to 2 kg/ha.  相似文献   
Changes in the activity of UDP-galactose:diacylglycerol galactosyltransferase(UDGT), a key enzyme in galactolipid biosynthesis, during germinationwere investigated in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Aonagajibai)seedlings. After germination, UDGT activity increased duringgrowth in darkness for 4 days, reaching 10 times the activityin ungerminated seeds. Illumination of 4-day-old dark-grownseedlings strongly stimulated the activity. By contrast, inseedlings grown continuously in darkness, the increase in UDGTactivity ceased after 4 days and the activity remained constantthereafter. A similar increase in the specific activity of UDGTwas observed i n the envelope fraction from seedlings, indicatingthat the increase in the enzymatic activity preceded synthesisof other proteins in the envelope membrane. Coincident withthe change in the enzymatic activity, here was an increase inlevels of monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG) and digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG), two major constituents of chloroplastmembrane lipids, in the germinated seedlings. Cycloheximideinhibited the light-mediated increase in the enzymatic activityby illumination of 4-day-old dark-grown seedlings, and, as aconsequence, it inhibited the accumulation of MGDG and DGDG.It was clear, therefore, that protein synthesis was necessaryduring this activation. Addition of a cytokinin, benzyladenine(BA), stimulated the increase in the UDGT activity. The increasein the UDGT activity caused by BA was accompanied by the accumulationof galactolipids, as in the case of the activation by light.These results suggest that activation of the final reactionin the synthesis of MGDG, which is catalyzed by the galactosyl-transferase,contributes to the accumulation of galactolipids during thedevelopment of the chloroplast membrane. (Received December 3, 1994; Accepted July 3, 1995)  相似文献   
Cyanidioschyzon merolae andCyanidium caldarium are representative species among of the most primitive algae, although the two species are distinctly different in various morphological traits. We determined the nucleotide sequence of therbcL gene and a flanking 8-kb region in the plastid genome of each of these algae. In both algae, 12 genes were identified in this region, in an identical order. This gene order is not conserved in the plastid genomes of other species of the kingdom Plantae that have been sequenced to data. An additional unidentified open reading frame was also found in the two algae that we analyzed, which has not been described in any other species of algae includingPorphyra purpurea. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of selected genes also supported the conclusion thatCyanidioschyzon merolae andCyanidium caldarium are closely related and that they are distinct from other rhodophytes. The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper will appear in the DDBJ, EMBL and GenBank Nucleotide Sequence Databases under the accession numbers D63675 and D63676.  相似文献   
Systematic studies were undertaken on the Caloglossa continua ( Okamura) King et Puttock complex from Japan, Singapore, and Australia, based on morphology and reproductive compatibility. Specimens from Japan had two to six cell rows derived from a nodal axial cell, at the margin opposite the branch, whereas those from Australia possessed only a single cell row. Specimens from Singapore formed one to four cell rows per nodal axial cell and always contained at least one single cell row on any one thallus. These differences were maintained in cultured materials over a range of temperatures or salinities. Type material of C. continua had the same morphology as the Japanese specimens in this study. Carpospores discharged from the Japanese isolate germinated at 10°C, whereas those from Singapore and Australia died at this temperature. In hybridization experiments, the Japanese entity was completely nonfertile with both the Singaporean and Australian isolates. Many pseudocystocarps were produced in the crossing between the male from Australia and the female from Singapore, although the reciprocal combination did not produce any such structures. On the basis of the discontinuous morphology coupled with the complete reproductive isolation, the entities from Singapore and Australia are described here as C. monosticha sp. nov. The entities with multiple cell rows likely expanded their geographic range from tropical regions, where the majority of Caloglossa species are now distributed, to high-latitude regions, and such an expansion would be associated with acquiring low-temperature tolerance .  相似文献   
Isono, Shiroh, John E Remmers, Atsuko Tanaka, Yasuhide Sho,Jiro Sato, and Takashi Nishino. Anatomy of pharynx in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and in normal subjects.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(4):1319-1326, 1997.Anatomic abnormalities of the pharynx arethought to play a role in the pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea(OSA), but their contribution has never been conclusively proven. Thepresent study tested this anatomic hypothesis by comparing themechanics of the paralyzed pharynx in OSA patients and in normalsubjects. According to evaluation of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB)by nocturnal oximetry, subjects were divided into three groups: normalgroup (n = 17), SDB-1(n = 18), and SDB-2(n = 22). The static pressure-arearelationship of the passive pharynx was quantified under generalanesthesia with complete paralysis. Age and body mass index werematched among the three groups. The site of the primary closure was thevelopharynx in 49 subjects and the oropharynx in only 8 subjects.Distribution of the location of the primary closure did not differamong the groups. Closing pressure(PC) of the velopharynx forSDB-1 and SDB-2 groups (0.90 ± 1.34 and 2.78 ± 2.78 cmH2O, respectively) wassignificantly higher than that for the normal group (3.77 ± 3.44 cmH2O;P < 0.01). Maximal velopharyngealarea for the normal group (2.10 ± 0.85 cm2) was significantly greaterthan for SDB-1 and SDB-2 groups (1.15 ± 0.46 and 1.06 ± 0.75 cm2, respectively). Theshape of the pressure-area curve for the velopharynx differed betweennormal subjects and patients with SDB, being steeper in slope nearPC in patients with SDB.Multivariate analysis of mechanical parameters and oxygen desaturationindex (ODI) revealed that velopharyngealPC was the only variable highly correlated with ODI. VelopharyngealPC was associated withoropharyngeal PC, suggestingmechanical interdependence of these segments. We conclude that thepassive pharynx is more narrow and collapsible in sleep-apneic patientsthan in matched controls and that velopharyngeal PC is the principal correlate ofthe frequency of nocturnal desaturations.

We have purified DNA from gill tissue of a marine bivalve, Calyptogena soyoae, collected from the deep-sea cold seep communities in Sagami Bay, Japan. An rRNA gene was amplified, cloned, and sequenced. In situ hybridization revealed that the sequence is that of a bacterial endosymbiont within the gill of C. soyoae.  相似文献   
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