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The insulin receptor protein kinase. Physicochemical requirements for activity   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
We determined that the rate of insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation of the insulin receptor is independent of receptor concentration and thus proceeds via an intramolecular process. This result is consistent with the possibility that ligand-dependent autophosphorylation may be a means by which cells can distinguish occupied from unoccupied receptors. We employed dithiothreitol to dissociate tetrameric receptor into alpha beta halves in order to further elucidate the structural requirements for the receptor-mediated kinase activity. Dithiothreitol had a complex biphasic effect on insulin-stimulated receptor kinase activity. Marked stimulation of kinase activity was observed at 1-2 mM dithiothreitol when the receptor was predominantly tetrameric and kinase activity diminished when dimeric alpha beta receptor halves predominate (greater than 2 mM dithiothreitol). N-Ethylmaleimide inhibits insulin-stimulated receptor kinase activity. We suggest that the tetrameric holoreceptor is the most active kinase structure and this structure requires for maximal activity, a reduced sulfhydryl group at or near the active site. We treated receptor preparations with elastase to generate receptor proteolytically "nicked" in the beta subunit. This treatment completely abolishes insulin-dependent autophosphorylation and histone phosphorylation with essentially no effects on insulin binding as determined by affinity labeling of the receptor alpha subunit. We suggest such treatment functionally uncouples insulin binding from insulin-stimulated receptor kinase activity. The possible physiological significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   
Exploiting a serendipitously observed bovine male-specific signal, generated by the mouse pSP64.2.5EI minisatellite probe, we have cloned a bovine (Bos taurus) Y-specific sequence: btDYZ-1. This sequence is composed of 60 tandem repetitions of a motif consisting of two parts: a 40-bp-long unit, showing a mean divergence of 27% between repeats, separated from the next repeat by a TG-rich stretch varying in length between 12 and 63 bp. The number of copies of this repeated motif has been estimated at 6 X 10(4) per male genome. As a consequence, the corresponding satellite, DYZ-1, might represent approximately 1/20 of the bovine Y chromosome. btDYZ-1 has been mapped by in situ hybridization to the pericentric region of the Y chromosome. It is characterized by a substantial genetic polymorphism and has been shown to be conserved within the Bos and Bison genera of the Bovinae subfamily. This sequence is being used to develop a sexing procedure for bovine preimplantation embryos based on the polymerase chain reaction.  相似文献   
Transfer of class 1 integron-mediated antibiotic resistance genes has been demonstrated under laboratory conditions. However, there is no information concerning the transfer of these genes in an agricultural environment. The present study sought to determine if integron-mediated streptomycin and sulfisoxazole resistance genes could be transferred from Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains 6-20 (O157:H7) and 7-63 (O111:H8) to the susceptible strain E. coli K-12 MG1655 in bovine feces (pH 5.5, 6.0, or 6.5) and storm water (pH 5, 6, 7, or 8) at 4, 15, and 28 degrees C, which are average seasonal temperatures for winter, spring-fall, and summer, respectively, in the Griffin, GA, area. The results indicated that at 28 degrees C, the integron-mediated antibiotic resistance genes were transferred from both of the STEC donors in bovine feces. Higher conjugation efficiencies were, however, observed in the conjugation experiments involving STEC strain 6-20. In storm water, the resistance genes were transferred only from STEC strain 6-20. Greater numbers of transconjugants were recovered in the conjugation experiments performed with pH 6.5 bovine feces and with pH 7 storm water. Antibiotic susceptibility tests confirmed the transfer of integron-mediated streptomycin resistance and sulfisoxazole resistance, as well as the transfer of non-integron-mediated oxytetracycline resistance and tetracycline resistance in the transconjugant cells. These results suggest that the antibiotic resistance genes in STEC could serve as a source of antibiotic resistance genes disseminated via conjugation to susceptible cells of other E. coli strains in an agricultural environment.  相似文献   
Histone deacetylation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rpd3 represses genes regulated by the Ash1 and Ume6 DNA-binding proteins. Rpd3 exists in a small 0.6 MDa (Rpd3S) and large 1.2 MDa (Rpd3L) corepressor complex. In this report, we identify by mass spectrometry and MudPIT the subunits of the Rpd3L complex. These included Rpd3, Sds3, Pho23, Dep1, Rxt2, Sin3, Ash1, Ume1, Sap30, Cti6, Rxt3 and Ume6. Dep1 and Sds3, unique components of Rpd3L, were required for Rpd3L integrity and HDAC activity. Similar to RPD3, deletion of DEP1 enhanced telomeric silencing and derepressed INO1. Two sequence-specific repressors, Ash1 and Ume6, were stably associated with Rpd3L. While both of these proteins localized to the INO1 and HO promoters, the repression of these genes were dependent only on Ume6 and Ash1, respectively. Thus, the Rpd3L complex is directly recruited to specific promoters through multiple integral DNA-binding proteins.  相似文献   
A series of 5-substituted 2-cyanoimino-4-imidazodinone and 2-cyanoimino-4-pyrimidinone derivatives were synthesized and their anticancer cytotoxicity were evaluated in in vitro assay. It was found that the bulky aryl functionality in the 5-position of the 2-cyanoimino-4-imidazolidinone compounds was essential for the cytotoxicity of these heterocyclic compounds. Some of the derivatives exhibited modest cytotoxicity against a variety of cancer cell lines. One of the derivatives, [1-[6-(4-chlorophenoxy)hexyl]-5-oxo-4-phenyl-3-(4-pyridyl)tetrahydro-1H-2-imidazolyliden]aminomethanenitrile (Compound 11), exhibited the most potent cytotoxic activity with IC(50) in the nanomolar range. The cytotoxicity of these derivatives was selection with no apparent toxic effect toward normal fibroblasts.  相似文献   
Yang AC  Fuh JL  Huang NE  Shia BC  Peng CK  Wang SJ 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e14612


Patients frequently report that weather changes trigger headache or worsen existing headache symptoms. Recently, the method of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) has been used to delineate temporal relationships in certain diseases, and we applied this technique to identify intrinsic weather components associated with headache incidence data derived from a large-scale epidemiological survey of headache in the Greater Taipei area.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The study sample consisted of 52 randomly selected headache patients. The weather time-series parameters were detrended by the EMD method into a set of embedded oscillatory components, i.e. intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). Multiple linear regression models with forward stepwise methods were used to analyze the temporal associations between weather and headaches. We found no associations between the raw time series of weather variables and headache incidence. For decomposed intrinsic weather IMFs, temperature, sunshine duration, humidity, pressure, and maximal wind speed were associated with headache incidence during the cold period, whereas only maximal wind speed was associated during the warm period. In analyses examining all significant weather variables, IMFs derived from temperature and sunshine duration data accounted for up to 33.3% of the variance in headache incidence during the cold period. The association of headache incidence and weather IMFs in the cold period coincided with the cold fronts.


Using EMD analysis, we found a significant association between headache and intrinsic weather components, which was not detected by direct comparisons of raw weather data. Contributing weather parameters may vary in different geographic regions and different seasons.  相似文献   


Extensive biomedical studies have shown that clinical and environmental risk factors may not have sufficient predictive power for cancer prognosis. The development of high-throughput profiling technologies makes it possible to survey the whole genome and search for genomic markers with predictive power. Many existing studies assume the interchangeability of gene effects and ignore the coordination among them.  相似文献   
丙氨酸消旋酶是异构酶家族中一类重要的酶,既能作为新型抗菌药物筛选的靶标,又是酶法合成D-氨基酸的关键酶之一,有巨大的研究价值.[目的]为挖掘动物胃肠道中未培养微生物的丙氨酸消旋酶基因资源,探究不同微生物来源丙氨酸消旋酶基因及其酶的功能和性质.[方法]本研究从西黑冠长臂猿粪便微生物宏基因组出发,基于序列分析和基因功能注释...  相似文献   
The fate of salmonellae applied to tomato plants was investigated. Five Salmonella serotypes were used to inoculate tomato plants before and after fruits set, either by injecting stems with inoculum or brushing flowers with it. Ripe tomato fruits were subjected to microbiological analysis. Peptone wash water, homogenates of stem scar tissues, and homogenates of fruit pulp were serially diluted and plated on bismuth sulfite agar before and after enrichment. Presumptive Salmonella colonies were confirmed by serological tests, PCR assay using HILA2 primers, and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus PCR. Of 30 tomatoes harvested from inoculated plants, 11 (37%) were positive for Salmonella. Of the Salmonella-positive tomatoes, 43 and 40%, respectively, were from plants receiving stem inoculation before and after flower set. Two of eight tomatoes produced from inoculated flowers contained Salmonella. Higher percentages of surface (82%) and stem scar tissue (73%) samples, compared to pulp of Salmonella-positive tomatoes (55%), harbored the pathogen. Of the five serotypes in the inoculum, Montevideo was the most persistent, being isolated from tomatoes 49 days after inoculation, and Poona was the most dominant, being present in 5 of 11 Salmonella-positive tomatoes. Results suggest that Salmonella cells survive in or on tomato fruits from the time of inoculation at flowering through fruit ripening. Tomato stems and flowers are possible sites at which Salmonella may attach and remain viable during fruit development, thus serving as routes or reservoirs for contaminating ripened fruit.  相似文献   
抗生素的滥用和人口的大量流动使得病原菌耐药性增强并与其他病原体产生共感染等问题,严重威胁人类的生命安全,因此,研发新型抗菌药物成为人类亟待解决的问题。丙氨酸消旋酶是以磷酸吡哆醛为辅酶催化L-丙氨酸与D-丙氨酸旋光结构互换的一类异构酶,其消旋产物D-丙氨酸对细菌细胞壁的形成具有决定性作用,与细菌性疾病密切相关。抑制丙氨酸消旋酶的活性会影响细菌的生存,近年来成为设计抗菌药物的一个理想靶位,其抑制剂的开发已成为抗菌药物研发的热点。本文从丙氨酸消旋酶的来源、结构、功能、应用及抑制剂等方面进行系统阐述,并对丙氨酸消旋酶的研究提出新的策略,为进一步研究丙氨酸消旋酶与致病菌的关系及抗菌药物候选靶标的研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   
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