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中国粮食和农业植物遗传资源状况报告(Ⅰ)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
10多年来,中国政府十分重视粮食和农业植物遗传资源的保护和可持续利用,并根据<粮食和农业植物遗传资源全球行动计划>20项优先领域,通过制定和完善相关的法律法规,加强了粮食和农业植物遗传资源的管理;通过培训和科普宣传,提高了公众意识;通过国际合作和协作网建设,实现了信息、人员和植物遗传资源的交流与交换;通过各种国家计划和项目的实施,建立和完善了植物遗传资源保护体系,实现了植物遗传资源的安全保存和可持续利用,为中国乃至世界植物育种和粮食安全发挥了较大作用. (1)对主要粮食和农业植物野生种进行了系统调查和编目,建立了116个原生境保护点,包括野生稻、野生大豆、小麦野 生近缘植物、野生蔬菜等,有效遏制了野生植物遗传资源的快速灭绝现象. (2)建成和完善了1座国家长期库、1座国家复份库、10座国家中期库、29座省级中期库、32个国家种质资源圃(含2个 试管苗库),另外7个种质圃正在建设中.基本形成了较为完善的国家植物遗传资源保护体系,长期保存植物遗传资源 397067份. (3)繁殖更新了286604份植物遗传资源,充实了中期库,极大地提高了植物遗传资源分发和供种能力.仅2001-2007年 就向全国2650个单位,提供了13.2万份次植物遗传资源. (4)国家投资1.8亿元人民币,于2003年建成了"作物基因资源与基因改良国家重大科学工程",为植物遗传资源具有重 大应用前景新基因的基因型鉴定、发掘提供了条件平台. (5)通过植物遗传资源的深入鉴定与评价,创造了一大批优异种质,培育了大量植物新品种并应用于生产,提高了植物遗 传资源的利用率.同时,中国政府十分重视植物遗传资源的多样性利用,通过不同作物间作套种、同一作物不同品种混合种 植.保护了品种的多样性,减少了病虫杂草危害. (6)通过加强植物遗传资源的管理,实现了国内植物遗传资源的共享,扩大了对外交流与交换,为中国乃至世界粮食安 全、国民经济又快又好地发展、减少贫困、增加农民收入做出了较大贡献. 尽管中国在粮食和农业植物遗传资源保护和利用方面取得了显著成绩,但还面临许多挑战.需要加强与其他国家和国 际组织的合作,获得国外植物遗传资源和相关技术;继续进行植物遗传资源,特别是野生植物遗传资源、边远地区古老农家品 种的调查及考察与收集,进一步建设和完善植物遗传资源保护体系,实现本国植物遗传资源的全面保护;系统深入地鉴定评 价已保存的植物遗传资源,提供育种家利用,拓宽育种材料的遗传基础;实现更加充分的资源共享和利益分享.进一步提高资 源利用效率.  相似文献   
Two upland rice varieties (IRAT109, IAPAR9) and one lowland rice variety (Zhenshan 97B) were planted in summer and treated with both normal (full water) and drought stress in the reproductive stage. Panicle water potential (PWP) and leaf water potential (LWP) were measured every 1.0-1.5 h over 24 h on sunny days. Both PWP and LWP of upland varieties started to decrease later, maintained a higher level and recovered more quickly than that of the lowland variety. The results show that PWP can be used as an indicator of plant water status based on the parallel daily changes, and the high correlation between PWP and LWP. Similar correlations were also observed between PWP, LWP and eight traits related to plant growth and grain yield formation. PWP seemed to be more effective for distinguishing the upland rice varieties with different drought-tolerant ability. Differences in PWP and LWP between upland and lowland rice varieties were also observed at noon even under normal water conditions, implying the incorporation of the drought-tolerant mechanism to improve the photosynthesis and yield of traditional paddy rice.  相似文献   
Many kinds of diterpenoids have been isolated from Rabdosia spp.Some of them have anti-microbial effects,counteract inflammation,and inhibit tumor progression activities.We conducted the present study in order to look for bioactive compounds in the medicinal plant Rabdosia excisa.In this study,five compounds were isolated from R.excisa;they were oridonin,isokamebakaurin,oleanolie acid,ursolic acid,and β-sitosterol.In order to identify the function of the extracts,the activity of antibiotics,antioxidation,and immunity test were carried out against these functions.Prospective results were observed in all of the tested items.  相似文献   
本文报告了25%烧伤后注射免疫抑制剂(地寨米松磷酸钠)大鼠7种肠道细菌的定量、内脏及血液的细菌培养和肠壁的病理形态学改变。单纯烧伤组(B组)和单纯注射免疫抑制剂组(Ⅰ组)动物肠壁的病理改变较轻,肠道菌群改变不明显,其肠道细菌易位率也很低。烧伤后注射免疫抑制剂的动物(BⅠ组)肠壁病变严重,肠道菌群改变明显。其中,肠杆菌在回肠、盲肠,结肠内容物中的菌量均明显升高;回肠内容物中拟杆菌的菌量明显减少;该组动物肠道细菌易位率也明显增高,达60%。此外,BⅠ组、Ⅰ组部分动物发生了由棒状杆菌及由棒状扦菌和肠杆菌混合引起的内源性感染。根据不同肠段肠壁病变严重程度、菌群变化的部位以及不同部位肠管生理功能的不同,我们推测,回肠以上肠段是肠道细菌易位的主要部位。  相似文献   
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) non-structural protein 5A protein (NS5A), which consists of three functional domains, is involved in regulating viral replication, interferon resistance, and apoptosis. Recently, the three-dimensional structure of the domain 1 was determined. However, currently the molecular basis for the domains 2 and 3 of HCV NS5A is yet to be defined. Toward this end, we expressed, purified the domain 2 of the NS5A (NS5A-D2), and then performed biochemical and structural studies. The purified domain 2 was active and was able to bind NS5B and PKR, biological partners of NS5A. The results from gel filtration, CD analysis, 1D 1H NMR and 2D 1H-15N heteronuclear single quantum correlation (HSQC) spectroscopy indicate that the domain 2 of NS5A appears to be flexible and disordered.  相似文献   
提高榨菜离体培养植株再生频率   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用榨菜“浙桐1号”品种为材料,以MS为基本培养基,通过对不同植物生长调节剂的组合和不同外植体等主要因素的筛选,大幅度提高了榨菜离体培养植株再生频率。结果表明,2mg/L6.BA 0.2mg/L2,4-D的组合较为适宜,其不定芽再生频率可达50%,且外植体以下胚轴为好:而CPPU和2,4-D的适宜组合为1.5mg/L 0.2mg/L,其不定芽再生频率高达66.67%,最适外植体为带柄子叶。同时,研究结果显示,添加0.25~1mg/L的GA,对榨菜已分化的不定芽的伸长有抑制作用;子叶柄和下胚轴外植体的分化具有极性现象。  相似文献   
Induction of endothelial apoptosis by 4-hydroxyhexenal.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lipid peroxidation and its products such as 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE) and 4-hydroxyhexenal (HHE) are known to affect redox balance during aging and various degenerative processes, including vascular dysfunction. Deterioration of the endothelial cells that line the vascular wall is known to be an underlying cause of vascular dysfunction. At present, little is known about the mechanism by which HHE induces endothelial cell death (i.e. apoptosis), although HNE-induced apoptotic cell death has been reported. The aim of this study was to determine whether apoptosis induced by HHE in endothelial cells involves peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)). Our results show that in endothelial cells HHE triggers apoptotic cell death by inducing apoptotic Bax coupled with a decrease in anti-apoptotic Bcl-2. Results show that HHE induces reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide, and ONOO(-) generation, leading to redox imbalance. Furthermore, the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine, ROS scavenger, and penicillamine, an ONOO(-) scavenger, were found to block HHE-mediated apoptosis. We used confocal laser microscopy to estimate the ability of these inhibitors to attenuate HHE-induced intracellular ONOO(-) levels thus confirming the oxidative mediation of apoptosis in endothelial cells. These findings strongly suggest that accumulated HHE triggers reactive species-mediated endothelial apoptosis, leading to vascular dysfunction as well as vascular aging. During aging, increased lipid peroxidation and its associated production of HHE may exacerbate the weakened redox balance, leading to various chronic degenerative processes including vascular dysfunction.  相似文献   
The presence of many laminin receptors of the beta1 integrin family on most cells makes it difficult to define the biological functions of other major laminin receptors such as integrin alpha6beta4 and dystroglycan. We therefore tested the binding of a beta1 integrin-null cell line GD25 to four different laminin variants. The cells were shown to produce dystroglycan, which based on affinity chromatography bound to laminin-1, -2/4, and -10/11, but not to laminin-5. The cells also expressed the integrin alpha6Abeta4A variant. GD25 beta1 integrin-null cells are known to bind poorly to laminin-1, but we demonstrate here that these cells bind avidly to laminin-2/4, -5, and -10/11. The initial binding at 20 min to each of these laminins could be inhibited by an integrin alpha6 antibody, but not by a dystroglycan antibody. Hence, integrin alpha6Abeta4A of GD25 cells was identified as a major receptor for initial GD25 cell adhesion to three out of four tested laminin isoforms. Remarkably, cell adhesion to laminin-5 failed to promote cell spreading, proliferation, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation, whereas all these responses occurred in response to adhesion to laminin-2/4 or -10/11. The data establish GD25 cells as useful tools to define the role integrin alpha6Abeta4A and suggest that laminin isoforms have distinctly different capacities to promote cell adhesion and signaling via integrin alpha6Abeta4A.  相似文献   
黄宇  冯宗炜  汪思龙  于小军  高红  王清奎 《生态学报》2004,24(10):2192-2199
第 1代人工杉木林皆伐后 ,3种不同的经营模式 ,即连载杉木纯林、杉木与固 N阔叶树混交林和杉木与非固 N阔叶树混交林 ,对林地土壤质量和土壤水化学的影响进行了比较。结果表明 ,在杉树与阔叶树混交经营模式下 ,土壤养分含量增加 ,物理性状改善 ,土壤生物活性提高 ,微生物商 (Cmic:Corg)上升 ,代谢商 (q CO2 )稍有下降 ,但杉木与固 N树种的混交对土壤质量的改善效果比杉木与非固 N树种混交好 ;相反 ,杉木连载只能导致林地土壤质量的逐渐恶化 ;土壤溶液中 ,主要来自于大气中的一些离子浓度 ,如 SO2 - 4,Cl- ,Na 和 Mg2 ,在杉木纯林中显著高于混交林 ,而主要受系统内影响较大的一些离子 ,如 K 和NH 4,NO- 3,在经营模式间变异较小 ;H 和 Al3 浓度也是杉木纯林比混交林高。另外 ,研究结果还表明 ,总有机 C、CEC和微生物 C与其它土壤理化性质与生物学性质之间存在着较好的相关性 ,所以可以将总有机 C、CEC和微生物 C作为红黄壤地区亚热带人工林土壤质量的指示指标  相似文献   
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