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Based on our previous research, sulfated modification conditions of Tremella polysaccharide (TPS), the chlorosulfonic acid to pyridine (CSA-Pry) ratio, reaction temperature and time, were optimized by L9 (34) orthogonal design taking the yield and degree of sulfation (DS) of modifiers as indexes. Two TPSs, TPStp and TPS70c, were modified under optimized conditions. The effects of two modifiers, sTPStp and sTPS70c, on cellular infectivity of NDV were determined by MTT method taking the non-modified TPStp, TPStc and TPS70c as controls. The results showed that the optimized modification conditions were reaction temperature of 80 °C, CSA-Pry ratio of 1:6 and reaction time of 1.5 h. Five polysaccharides at proper concentrations could significantly inhibit the infectivity of NDV to CEF. The virus inhibitory rates of sTPStp at 1.563 μg mL−1 group were the highest and significantly higher than those of other three non-modified polysaccharide groups in three sample-adding modes. This indicated that sulfated modification could significantly improve the antiviral activity of TPS. sTPStp possessed the best efficacy and would be as a component of antiviral polysaccharide drug.  相似文献   
本文根据MTT只能被活的增殖细胞中线粒体切断形成紫色甲(?)的原理,测定了8—甲氧基补骨脂素(8—MOP)对体外培养人癌细胞系HCT、KB和BEL细胞的光敏灭活作用。结果表明,8—MOP和UVA光照对这几种人癌细胞有肯定的灭活作用,该作用与8—MOP剂量和光照时间以及细胞种类有关;MTT法可以作为光敏剂活性检测的一种快捷方法。  相似文献   
肿瘤标记的快速筛查是临床早期诊断的难题。利用化学发光蛋白质芯片技术,对低丰度的肿瘤相关抗原的自身抗体进行高灵敏度的筛选,是一种有益的尝试。本研究首先将带烯烃末端的、引发聚合反应的表面引发剂加入到常规聚二甲基硅氧烷材料中,再通过热交联反应固定到聚二甲基硅氧烷的三维结构中,形成改性聚二甲基硅氧烷 (iPDMS)。为了使iPDMS材料具有抗蛋白质非特异性吸附的特性,在活性引发位点处通过表面引发的原子转移自由基聚合反应合成poly(OEGMA) 高分子刷。最后将20种肿瘤相关的抗原利用高通量喷点打印技术打印到芯片的特定区域,并组装成iPDMS芯片的48孔检测微孔板。对临床上常见的8种肿瘤患者血清进行分析,发现VEGFR1和VEGF121自身抗体对常见的8种肿瘤具有检测价值,有望成为肿瘤快速筛查的检测指标。  相似文献   
周静帆  欧杨  周丽  刘昕岑  包蓉 《广西植物》2019,39(3):346-358
传统村落的植物景观反应了一个民族在长期实践中积累的植物认知和应用经验,该研究对云南省德宏州大盈江、瑞丽江流域的19个傣族传统村落进行了植物景观及应用调查。结果表明:德宏傣族传统村落植物景观水平分布为寨外(山林绿块+农田绿块+护堤绿带)——寨边(防护绿环+高山榕绿块)——寨内(绿点+绿线)的格局;垂直分布有5个景观层次;村寨内常见植物共181种,73科;村寨内植物多为人工栽培,具较强实用性,主要应用功能集中在食用、药用、观赏、防护隔离、香薰调味等方面;傣寨植物人文景观具宗教色彩。建议加强植物水平分布的空间联系,建立稳定的绿地系统格局;保持植物垂直景观层次,推广植物的建造功能应用;充分利用植物资源,形成产业优势;传承优秀的植物文化景观。推广植物在村落建设中的传统应用经验,促进民族村落与植物的可持续保护与发展,为德宏傣族人居环境建设与民族植物学应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Overexpression of zinc-dependent metalloproteinase, aminopeptidase N (APN/CD13), is considered to be involved in the process of tumor invasion and metastasis. Herein we describe the synthesis and in vitro enzymatic inhibition assay of antineoplaston AS2–5 scaffold peptidomimetic compounds. The results demonstrated that most of these l-iso-glutamine derivatives displayed selective inhibitory activity against APN as compared with MMP-2, with IC50 values in the micromole range. The structure–activity relationships were also briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Sugar transporters are central machineries to mediate cross-membrane transport of sugars into the cells, and sugar availability may serve as a signal to regulate the sugar transporters. However, the mechanisms of sugar transport regulation by signal sugar availability remain unclear in plant and animal cells. Here, we report that a sucrose transporter, MdSUT1, and a sorbitol transporter, MdSOT6, both localized to plasma membrane, were identified from apple (Malus domestica) fruit. Using a combination of the split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid, immunocoprecipitation, and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays, the two distinct sugar transporters were shown to interact physically with an apple endoplasmic reticulum-anchored cytochrome b5 MdCYB5 in vitro and in vivo. In the yeast systems, the two different interaction complexes function to up-regulate the affinity of the sugar transporters, allowing cells to adapt to sugar starvation. An Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) homolog of MdCYB5, AtCYB5-A, also interacts with the two sugar transporters and functions similarly. The point mutations leucine-73 → proline in MdSUT1 and leucine-117 → proline in MdSOT6, disrupting the bimolecular interactions but without significantly affecting the transporter activities, abolish the stimulating effects of the sugar transporter-cytochrome b5 complex on the affinity of the sugar transporters. However, the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cytochrome b5 ScCYB5, an additional interacting partner of the two plant sugar transporters, has no function in the regulation of the sugar transporters, indicating that the observed biological functions in the yeast systems are specific to plant cytochrome b5s. These findings suggest a novel mechanism by which the plant cells tailor sugar uptake to the surrounding sugar availability.  相似文献   
从簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa (L.) Schur.)组合CA9211/RW15(6D/6V异代换系)幼胚培养SC2后代中,用原位杂交方法鉴定出T240-6为6VS端体异代换系. 以此为材料,采用微细玻璃针切割法及"单管反应"技术体系,对6VS进行切割分离及LA (Linker adaptor)-PCR扩增.扩增带在100~3 000 bp 之间,大部分集中在600~1 500 bp.利用32P标记的簇毛麦基因组为探针进行Southern杂交,证实扩增产物来源于簇毛麦.扩增产物纯化后,连接到pGEM-T载体上,构建了6VS DNA质粒文库.对文库的分析表明,文库大约有17 000个白色克隆;插入片段分布在100~1 500 bp,平均600 bp.点杂交结果表明,37%克隆有中度到强烈的杂交信号,证明含有中度或高度重复序列;63%克隆有较弱的信号或没有信号,证明为单/低拷贝序列克隆.从文库中获得8个簇毛麦特异克隆,对其中两个克隆pHVMK22和 pHVMK134进行了RFLP分析和序列分析,并利用该探针对小麦抗白粉病基因Pm21进行了检测.RFLP 结果表明,两个克隆一个为低拷贝序列克隆(pHVMK22),另一个为高度重复序列克隆,均为簇毛麦专化DNA序列.以pHVMK22为探针对抗、感病小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)品系的Southern杂交发现抗病品系有一条2 kb的特征带, 该探针可能作为检测抗病基因Pm21的探针.  相似文献   
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