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The glucan-binding lectin (GBL) ofStreptococcus sobrinus is cell associated, enabling the bacteria to be aggregated by -1,6 glucans. Glucans, such as amylose, pullulan, laminarin and nigeran, have no affinity for the lectin. High molecular weight -1,6 glucans (dextrans) readily aggregate the bacteria, whereas low molecular weight glucans inhibit the aggregation brought about by the high molecular weight species. Methylated glucan T-2000 (an -1,6 glucan with an average molecular weight of 2 × 106 Da) aggregated the bacteria very poorly when the extent of methylation (DS, or degree of substitution) was high, and less poorly when the DS was low. Similarly, methylated low molecular weight -1,6 glucan was a poor inhibitor of aggregation induced by the high molecular weight glucan T-2000. Because the methylation occurred primarily on the hydroxyl of C-2, it is suggested that the hydroxyl is needed for formation of the lectin-glucan complex. It appears that the GBL is not only stereospecific in interaction with glucans, but also regiospecific, interacting only with the underivatized -1,6-glucan.  相似文献   
One- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis were employed to characterise the proteins derived from the ribosomes of the thermophilic fungusThermomyces lanuginosus. Approximately 32 (29 basic and 3 acidic) and 45 (43 basic and 2 acidic) protein spots were resolved fromTh. lanuginosus small and large ribosomal subunits, respectively. The molecular weight of the small subunit proteins ranged from 9,800–36,000 Da with a number average molecular weight of 20,300 Da. The molecular weight range for the large subunit proteins was 12,000–48,500 Da with a number average molecular weight of 25,900 Da. Most proteins appeared to be present in unimolar amounts. These data are comparable with but not identical to those from other eukaryotic ribosomes. The sensitivities of the ribosomal proteins to increasing concentrations of NH4Cl were also evaluated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Most ribosomal proteins were gradually released over a wide range of salt concentrations but some were preferentially enriched in one or two salt conditions.  相似文献   
The dissociation constants for the binding of ferric enterobactin with FepA and FecA are quantitated with displacement experiments. It is found that K d for FepA is 12 times lower than the one for FecA. This indicates that FepA is an high-affinity receptor while FecA binds ferric enterobactin with a lower affinity. Monoclonal antibodies specific for binding epitopes of FepA inhibit the binding of ferric enterobactin with purified FepA. These same antibodies do not inhibit the binding of ferric enterobactin with purified FecA. This indicates that the binding epitopes in FecA and FepA are different.  相似文献   
<正> 肌钙蛋白C(TnC)是肌钙蛋白复合体的钙结合亚基,系骨骼肌和心肌收缩系统的触发因子。研究表明TnC与钙调素(CaM)类似,具有EF手结构和四个特殊的钙结合区。TnC与Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)等金属离子的结合可发生构型变化及由此导致的体内一系列酶活性等生理功能的变化。提纯TnC是进行其诸方面研究的基础。  相似文献   
1984~1987年,在黑龙江、河北、河南、湖南、上海五个省市城乡10.08855人口中进行急性肝炎发病率、慢性肝炎患病率、与病毒性肝炎有关的肝病死亡率的研究。急性肝炎标化发病率为152.19/10万,主要发生在20~50岁组人群;因无甲肝暴发流行,除上海外各点季节发病率分布均衡。慢性肝炎标化患病率为158.25/10万(诊断标准为6个月前有明确急性肝炎病史,现有明显的临床症状或体征,肝功能异常,故实际慢肝患病率要高于此数字);与病毒性肝炎有关的肝病死亡(包括肝癌)标化率为22.65/10万,其中肝病为 13.14/10万。男性死亡率显著高于女性。  相似文献   
兔出血症病毒核酸的某些理化性质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对我国无锡分离的兔出血症病毒A_2R-3毒株核酸的某些理化性质进行了研究。采用孚尔根染色、二苯胺反应和核酸酶解实验证实病毒核酸为DNA类型。吖啶橙染色、甲醛反应、核酸酶S_1消化和核酸热变性实验表明病毒核酸为单链型。核酸电泳呈单一组分。电境观察显示核酸分子链呈线状,平均长度约为2.15μ。计算分子量约为2.1—2.5×10~6d。核酸碱基组盛为A25.34、T29.37、G23.85、C21.43、(G C)克分子百分比值为45.28。结合以前的报道、我们认为:兔出血症病毒可以归类于细小病毒科。  相似文献   
根据前人的研究,植物激素对部分茎段剥皮后新皮再生有一定的影响。草本植物菊芋(Helianthus tuberosus L.)在正常情况下环剥后,其维管组织的分化过程与杜仲、茄子很不一样,对于一些外源激素的刺激反应可能也有差异,为此,有必要应用一些外源激素对菊芋环剥后再生新皮的组织分化进行试验研究。  相似文献   
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