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To identify prostate cancer (PCa) patients with a high risk of recurrence is critical before delivering adjuvant treatment. We developed a classifier based on the Enzalutamide treatment resistance‐related genes to assist the currently available staging system in predicting the recurrence‐free survival (RFS) prognosis of PCa patients. We overlapped the DEGs from two datasets to obtain a more convincing Enzalutamide‐resistance‐related‐gene (ERRG) cluster. The five‐ERRG‐based classifier obtained good predictive values in both the training and validation cohorts. The classifier precisely predicted RFS of patients in four cohorts, independent of patient age, pathological tumour stage, Gleason score and PSA levels. The classifier and the clinicopathological factors were combined to construct a nomogram, which had an increased predictive accuracy than that of each variable alone. Besides, we also compared the differences between high‐ and low‐risk subgroups and found their differences were enriched in cancer progression‐related pathways. The five‐ERRG‐based classifier is a practical and reliable predictor, which adds value to the existing staging system for predicting the RFS prognosis of PCa after radical prostatectomy, enabling physicians to make more informed treatment decisions concerning adjuvant therapy.  相似文献   
Studying the microbial symbionts of eukaryotic hosts has revealed a range of interactions that benefit host biology. Most eukaryotes are also infected by parasites that adversely affect host biology for their own benefit. However, it is largely unclear whether the ability of parasites to develop in hosts also depends on host-associated symbionts, e.g., the gut microbiota. Here, we studied the parasitic wasp Leptopilina boulardi (Lb) and its host Drosophila melanogaster. Results showed that Lb successfully develops in conventional hosts (CN) with a gut microbiota but fails to develop in axenic hosts (AX) without a gut microbiota. We determined that developing Lb larvae consume fat body cells that store lipids. We also determined that much larger amounts of lipid accumulate in fat body cells of parasitized CN hosts than parasitized AX hosts. CN hosts parasitized by Lb exhibited large increases in the abundance of the bacterium Acetobacter pomorum in the gut, but did not affect the abundance of Lactobacillus fructivorans which is another common member of the host gut microbiota. However, AX hosts inoculated with A. pomorum and/or L. fructivorans did not rescue development of Lb. In contrast, AX larvae inoculated with A. pomorum plus other identified gut community members including a Bacillus sp. substantially rescued Lb development. Rescue was further associated with increased lipid accumulation in host fat body cells. Insulin-like peptides increased in brain neurosecretory cells of parasitized CN larvae. Lipid accumulation in the fat body of CN hosts was further associated with reduced Bmm lipase activity mediated by insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling (IIS). Altogether, our results identify a previously unknown role for the gut microbiota in defining host permissiveness for a parasite. Our findings also identify a new paradigm for parasite manipulation of host metabolism that depends on insulin signaling and the gut microbiota.Subject terms: Animal physiology, Microbial ecology  相似文献   
理清自然保护地的空间关系与分布格局是加强空间管控、整合优化自然保护地体系的基础。以大熊猫国家公园四川片区内的自然保护地为案例,基于ArcGIS空间数据的处理、分析与可视化表达等功能,结合韦恩(Venn)图在空间层面上量化分析了公园范围内各类自然保护地的空间关系,并进一步揭示了不同保护情景下大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)的分布格局。研究结果表明:(1)研究区内含有6类自然保护地,占研究区总面积的75.13%,其中40.68%为交叉重叠区域。(2)各类自然保护地皆存在大面积的交叉重叠。自然保护区为研究区面积最大的自然保护地类型,占自然保护地总面积的72.53%,其中45.89%为交叉重叠区域;其他类自然保护地占自然保护地总面积的60.87%,其中66.48%为交叉重叠区域。(3)猫点密度与自然保护地的交叉重叠程度呈现逆向增长趋势,区域的重叠水平越高,猫点密度越低。(4)自然保护地整体非重叠区的猫点密度高于重叠区。自然保护区是整体猫点密度最高的自然保护地类型,其非重叠区密度明显高于重叠区;森林公园非重叠区与水利风景区重叠区呈现较高的猫点密度。(5)与自然保护区交叉重叠...  相似文献   
许绍欢  许忠顺  杜飞  刘京  萄剑渝  邹晓 《菌物学报》2021,40(8):2191-2200
利用球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana与摩西球囊霉菌Glomus mosseae以单独和混合接种的方式在烟草Nicotiana tabacum苗期进行接种处理,检测烟草苗期和成熟期的农艺性状和生理特性.结果 表明:在育苗期,混合接种处理烟苗具有最大的叶长和最大叶宽,与对照相比提高了30.27%和42.98%...  相似文献   
母性行为是动物以维持幼崽的生存及生理健康为主要目的的一种基本行为,母性行为作为重要的早期经历对动物的个体发展有深远影响。动物的行为在时间和环境中具有一致性,多个行为特征的一致性加权被称为气质特征,气质特征的差异是犬(Canis lupus familiaris)能否顺利通过培训成为导盲犬的决定性因素。其中,胆量是决定导盲犬培训成功与否的重要气质特征。本研究以中国导盲犬大连培训基地的拉布拉多种犬及幼犬为研究对象,探究母性行为水平对幼犬胆量的影响。本研究通过视频观察记录拉布拉多犬哺乳期前21 d的母性行为变量时长,对在哺乳区内、身体接触、哺乳和舔舐幼犬4项变量进行主成分分析后将7只实验犬分为母性行为高水平与低水平两组。对两组犬生产的共54只幼犬于6 ~ 8周龄时进行幼犬胆量行为测试,根据胆量行为测试的评分标准对幼犬的行为表现进行评分,统计分析母性行为高水平组与低水平组其幼犬的胆量是否存在差异。本研究结果表明,母性行为低水平组的幼犬在胆量测试中面对陌生环境、突然出现的响声刺激、突然打开的雨伞刺激以及陌生人的游戏邀请时均表现出更大的胆量。在被动测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的探索潜伏时长显著短于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05),探索范围显著大于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05),紧张程度极显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.01);在金属响声测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的惊吓反应(P < 0.01)和紧张程度(P < 0.01)均极显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬;在雨伞测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的紧张程度显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05);在玩具测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的玩耍兴趣显著高于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05),紧张程度显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05);在斜坡隧道测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的紧张程度显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05),通过斜坡的用时短于母性行为高水平组幼犬,但经统计检验无显著差异(P > 0.05)。本研究的结论为低母性行为水平带给幼犬强度适当的早期生活压力,使幼犬面对新环境刺激时表现出更好的适应能力和较大的胆量。本研究为工作犬种犬的筛选提出新的建议:母性行为水平低的种犬对幼犬胆量的发展有更好的影响。  相似文献   
本文报道了寡毛纲(Oligochaeta)巨蚓科(Megascolecidae)腔蚓属(Metaphire)3个新发现物种,分别是象头山腔蚓(M. xiangtoumontis Dong & Jiang sp. nov.),韩摆渡腔蚓(M. hanbaiduensis Dong & Sun sp. nov.)和长白山腔蚓(M. changbaimontis Dong & Shen sp. nov.)。象头山腔蚓受精囊孔2对,位于7/8 ~ 8/9节间,属于M. insulana物种群。韩摆渡腔蚓受精囊孔3对,位于6/7 ~ 8/9节间,属于M. houlleti物种群。长白山腔蚓受精囊孔2对,位于6/7 ~ 7/8节间,属于M. glandularis物种群。所有新物种均附有形态学描述、图片、与相似物种的形态学比较及与GenBank上亲缘关系相近物种的遗传距离计算分析。以上结果丰富了我国腔蚓属蚯蚓的物种多样性,并首次记录了采集于长白山国家级自然保护区的巨蚓科蚯蚓新物种。  相似文献   
杨忠岐  唐艳龙  姜静  王小艺  唐桦  吕军  高源 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7764-7773
花绒寄甲(Dastarcus helophoroides)(鞘翅目:寄甲科Bothrideridae)是寄生栗山天牛(Massicus raddei)中老龄幼虫和蛹的重要天敌,但其寄主栗山天牛世代周期长(3年1代)、发育比较整齐,不利于寄生性天敌种群数量的稳定.为了解利用花绒寄甲防治栗山天牛后,其种群能否在栎树林间长期保持较高的种群数量,达到持续控制栗山天牛的防治效果,调查研究了花绒寄甲在栎树林间的转主寄主和种群保持机制.结果表明,在东北辽东栎树干和树枝上除了栗山天牛外,还有其他8种天牛危害:双簇天牛(Moechotypa diphysis)、四点象天牛(Mesosa myops)、中华薄翅锯天牛(Megopis sinica)、锯天牛(Prionus insularis)、双带粒翅天牛(Lamiomimus gottschei)、八字绿虎天牛(Chlorophorus tohokensis)、日本绿虎天牛(C.japonicus)和拟蜡天牛(Stenygrinumquadrinotatum).其中以栗山天牛、双簇天牛、四点象天牛和拟蜡天牛数量较多,而花绒寄甲在辽东栎树干上的垂直分布与栗山天牛、双簇天牛和四点象天牛的垂直分布重叠较多.室内研究表明,花绒寄甲对四点象天牛老熟幼虫的寄生率达到26.67%,对蛹的寄生率达到了43.33%;对双簇天牛老熟幼虫的寄生率达到20.00%,对蛹的寄生率为6.67%.对双簇天牛和四点象天牛在林间的生活史调查和研究发现,花绒寄甲可寄生的这两种天牛的中老龄幼虫和蛹,在花绒寄甲不适宜寄生的栗山天牛幼龄幼虫期大量存在,表明双簇天牛和四点象天牛是花绒寄甲在栎树林中的主要转主寄主.由于这些转主寄主的存在,花绒寄甲在不利于其寄生的栗山天牛卵期、幼龄幼虫期可转移寄生这些寄主,从而在栗山天牛危害的栎树林间保持了较高的种群数量,达到对栗山天牛长期而有效的持续控制效果.  相似文献   
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