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低频率的氮添加使内蒙古草原土壤微生物生物量碳出现更大幅度下降 土壤微生物生物量在生物地球化学循环过程中至关重要,是土壤碳固持的前体物质。人为氮输入深刻地改变了草地土壤微生物生物量。然而,传统氮沉降模拟实验仅通过低频率的氮添加进行,与持续高频率的自然氮沉降相比,对土壤微生物生物量的影响可能存在差异。不同频率的氮添加对土壤微生物生物量的影响尚缺乏可靠的数据支撑。本研究通过在不同的氮添加速率(0–50 g N m−2 yr−1)下,控制氮添加频率(每年2次和12次),研究了土壤微生物生物量碳对不同氮添加频率的响应。研究结果表明,在两种氮添加频率下,随着施氮水平的提高,土壤微生物生物量碳逐渐降低。然而,在低施氮频率下,土壤微生物生物量的下降幅度更大,这说明传统的氮添加实验可能高估了氮沉降对土壤微生物生物量的影响。在低施氮频率下,土壤酸化、无机氮积累、碳氮失衡、地下净初级生产力分配减少和真菌细菌比例降低等情况加剧,导致微生物生物量出现较大幅度下降。在未来研究中,为可靠预测氮沉降对草地生态系统土壤微生物功能和碳循环的影响,不仅要考虑氮添加的剂量,还需要考虑氮添加的频率。  相似文献   
在贵州省六盘水市杨梅乡慕尼克村,利用陷阱法捕捉到3号麝鼩属(Crocidura)标本。本次采集标本的体形较小,头体长(49.0 ± 0.8)mm,尾长[(41.8 ± 4.2)mm]略短于头体长(尾长/头体长为85%)。背毛呈浅灰褐色,腹毛颜色浅于背毛,呈灰色。尾部双色,背侧黑褐色,腹侧淡于背侧。前足背部白色,后足则为淡灰色。尾近乎裸露,尾基约1/3着生稀疏白色长毛。颅全长(15.92 ± 0.55)mm,脑颅高(4.75 ± 0.18)mm。上门齿1枚,有一长而大的前尖和一小而矮的后尖。上单尖齿3枚,第1单尖齿最大,第2单尖齿略大于第3单尖齿,1枚第四前臼齿(P4),3枚臼齿。上述特征与东阳江麝鼩(C. dongyangjiangensis)模式标本的描述和鉴定特征基本一致,因此将3号采集标本鉴定为东阳江麝鼩。基于Cyt b基因进行分子系统发育分析,采集标本与麝鼩属物种中的东阳江麝鼩遗传距离最近,在0.004 ~ 0.027之间。系统发生树显示,3号标本与东阳江麝鼩构成一个单系进化分支,进一步证实本次采集的3号标本是东阳江麝鼩,为贵州省分布新记录种。  相似文献   
母性行为是动物以维持幼崽的生存及生理健康为主要目的的一种基本行为,母性行为作为重要的早期经历对动物的个体发展有深远影响。动物的行为在时间和环境中具有一致性,多个行为特征的一致性加权被称为气质特征,气质特征的差异是犬(Canis lupus familiaris)能否顺利通过培训成为导盲犬的决定性因素。其中,胆量是决定导盲犬培训成功与否的重要气质特征。本研究以中国导盲犬大连培训基地的拉布拉多种犬及幼犬为研究对象,探究母性行为水平对幼犬胆量的影响。本研究通过视频观察记录拉布拉多犬哺乳期前21 d的母性行为变量时长,对在哺乳区内、身体接触、哺乳和舔舐幼犬4项变量进行主成分分析后将7只实验犬分为母性行为高水平与低水平两组。对两组犬生产的共54只幼犬于6 ~ 8周龄时进行幼犬胆量行为测试,根据胆量行为测试的评分标准对幼犬的行为表现进行评分,统计分析母性行为高水平组与低水平组其幼犬的胆量是否存在差异。本研究结果表明,母性行为低水平组的幼犬在胆量测试中面对陌生环境、突然出现的响声刺激、突然打开的雨伞刺激以及陌生人的游戏邀请时均表现出更大的胆量。在被动测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的探索潜伏时长显著短于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05),探索范围显著大于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05),紧张程度极显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.01);在金属响声测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的惊吓反应(P < 0.01)和紧张程度(P < 0.01)均极显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬;在雨伞测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的紧张程度显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05);在玩具测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的玩耍兴趣显著高于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05),紧张程度显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05);在斜坡隧道测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的紧张程度显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05),通过斜坡的用时短于母性行为高水平组幼犬,但经统计检验无显著差异(P > 0.05)。本研究的结论为低母性行为水平带给幼犬强度适当的早期生活压力,使幼犬面对新环境刺激时表现出更好的适应能力和较大的胆量。本研究为工作犬种犬的筛选提出新的建议:母性行为水平低的种犬对幼犬胆量的发展有更好的影响。  相似文献   
海南脆蛇蜥(Dopasia hainanensis Yang, 1983)为杨戎生根据1号来自海南吊罗山的标本命名,其形态和分子系统发育关系少有人研究。2018年至2019年间,作者获赠2号来自海南脆蛇蜥模式产地的标本和1号来自脆蛇蜥(D. harti)模式产地的组织样。经过形态特征比较和线粒体Cyt b基因序列分析,发现两地样本Cytb基因序列的遗传距离很近(仅有4.96%),且形态差异不明显,难以找到典型鉴别特征。本文研究成果支持海南脆蛇蜥和台湾脆蛇蜥(Ophisaurus formosensis)为脆蛇蜥的同物异名,同时认为越南的“海南脆蛇蜥”可能为一未描述的新种或新亚种。鉴于脆蛇蜥种下遗传差异较大,其种下关系亟待进一步研究。  相似文献   
本文报道了寡毛纲(Oligochaeta)巨蚓科(Megascolecidae)腔蚓属(Metaphire)3个新发现物种,分别是象头山腔蚓(M. xiangtoumontis Dong & Jiang sp. nov.),韩摆渡腔蚓(M. hanbaiduensis Dong & Sun sp. nov.)和长白山腔蚓(M. changbaimontis Dong & Shen sp. nov.)。象头山腔蚓受精囊孔2对,位于7/8 ~ 8/9节间,属于M. insulana物种群。韩摆渡腔蚓受精囊孔3对,位于6/7 ~ 8/9节间,属于M. houlleti物种群。长白山腔蚓受精囊孔2对,位于6/7 ~ 7/8节间,属于M. glandularis物种群。所有新物种均附有形态学描述、图片、与相似物种的形态学比较及与GenBank上亲缘关系相近物种的遗传距离计算分析。以上结果丰富了我国腔蚓属蚯蚓的物种多样性,并首次记录了采集于长白山国家级自然保护区的巨蚓科蚯蚓新物种。  相似文献   
Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum (Fon) is the most serious soil-borne disease in the world and has become the main limiting factor of watermelon production. Reliable and quick detection and quantification of Fon are essential in the early stages of infection for control of watermelon Fusarium wilt. Traditional detection and identification tests are laborious and cannot efficiently quantify Fon isolates. In this work, a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay has been described to accurately identify and quantify Fon in watermelon plants and soil. The FONRT-18 specific primer set which was designed based on identified specific sequence amplified a specific 172 bp band from Fon and no amplification from the other formae speciales of Fusarium oxysporum tested. The detection limits with primers were 1.26 pg/μl genomic DNA of Fon, 0.2 pg/ng total plant DNA in inoculated plant, and 50 conidia/g soil. The PCR assay could also evaluate the relationships between the disease index and Fon DNA quantity in watermelon plants and soil. The assay was further used to estimate the Fon content in soil after disinfection with CaCN2. The real-time PCR method is rapid, accurate and reliable for monitoring and quantification analysis of Fon in watermelon plants and soil. It can be applied to the study of disease diagnosis, plant-pathogen interactions, and effective management.  相似文献   
The mitotic checkpoint (also called spindle assembly checkpoint, SAC) is a signaling pathway that safeguards proper chromosome segregation. Correct functioning of the SAC depends on adequate protein concentrations and appropriate stoichiometries between SAC proteins. Yet very little is known about the regulation of SAC gene expression. Here, we show in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe that a combination of short mRNA half‐lives and long protein half‐lives supports stable SAC protein levels. For the SAC genes mad2 + and mad3 +, their short mRNA half‐lives are caused, in part, by a high frequency of nonoptimal codons. In contrast, mad1 + mRNA has a short half‐life despite a higher frequency of optimal codons, and despite the lack of known RNA‐destabilizing motifs. Hence, different SAC genes employ different strategies of expression. We further show that Mad1 homodimers form co‐translationally, which may necessitate a certain codon usage pattern. Taken together, we propose that the codon usage of SAC genes is fine‐tuned to ensure proper SAC function. Our work shines light on gene expression features that promote spindle assembly checkpoint function and suggests that synonymous mutations may weaken the checkpoint.  相似文献   
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) cells are characterized by PML/RARalpha fusion protein, high responsiveness to arsenic trioxide (ATO)-induced cytotoxicity and an abundant generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study we investigated the association among these three features in APL-derived NB4 cells. We found that NADPH oxidase-derived ROS generation was more abundant in NB4 cells compared with monocytic leukemia U937 cells. By using PR9, a sub-line of U937 stably transduced with the inducible PML/RARalpha expression vectors, we attributed disparities on ROS generation and ATO sensitivity to the occurrence of PML/RARalpha fusion protein, since PML/RARalpha-expressing cells appeared higher NADPH oxidase activity, higher ROS level and higher sensitivity to ATO. On the other hand, the basal intensity of cAMP signaling pathway was compared between NB4 and U937 as well as between PR9 cells with or without PML/RARalpha, demonstrating that PML/RARalpha-expressing cells had an impaired cAMP signaling pathway which relieved its inhibitory effect on NADPH oxidase derived ROS generation. In summary, the present study demonstrated the correlation of PML/RARalpha with cAMP signaling pathway, NADPH oxidase and ROS generation in APL cells. PML/RARalpha that bestows NB4 cells various pathological features, paradoxically also endows these cells with the basis for susceptibility to ATO-induced cytotoxcity.  相似文献   
This work develops a simple, sensitive and signal-on electrochemical sensor for methyltransferase (MTase) activity analysis. The sensor is composed of a methylene blue-modi?ed "signaling DNA probe" and a "capture DNA probe" tethered methylation-responsive hairpin DNA (hairpin-capture DNA probe). The thiol- modified hairpin-capture DNA probe at 5' end was firstly self-assembled on gold electrode via Au-S bonding. Methylation-induced scission of hairpin-capture DNA probe would displace the hairpin section and remain the "capture DNA probe" section on the gold electrode. Subsequently, the remained "capture DNA probe" on the gold electrode can hybridize with the methylene blue-modi?ed "signaling DNA probe", mediating methylene blue onto the gold electrode surface to generate redox current. It was eT on state. The developed facile signal-on electrochemical sensing system showed a linear response to concentration of Dam MTase range from 0.1 to 1.0 U/mL. The detection limit of Dam MTase activity was determined to be 0.07 U/mL and the total detection time is 7h. The sensor also has the ability to provide information about the dynamics of methylation process. Furthermore, we demonstrated that this sensor could be utilized to screen inhibitors or drugs for Dam MTase.  相似文献   
方迪  楼轶  吴明德  张静  李国庆  杨龙 《微生物学报》2017,57(7):1069-1082
【目的】研究pH信号通路(Pal)在重寄生真菌盾壳霉与寄主核盘菌互作过程中的作用。【方法】从盾壳霉全基因组信息中分析获得了6个Pal相关基因CmpalA、CmpalB、CmpalC、CmpalF、CmpalH和CmpalI的全编码序列和氨基酸序列,通过PEG介导的原生质转化技术获得了CmpalA、CmpalB、CmpalC、CmpalF和CmpalH等5个基因的敲除突变体,分析这些敲除突变体与野生型在菌落培养性状、重寄生能力、降解草酸能力、产生抗真菌物质能力等方面的差异。【结果】与野生型相比,在pH 6–8的条件下,5个Pal相关基因敲除突变体的菌丝生长受到显著抑制,这说明缺失Pal相关基因使盾壳霉对高pH值环境更加敏感。菌核重寄生试验发现5个Pal相关基因敲除突变体的重寄生能力均显著低于野生型。qRT-PCR试验结果表明,敲除Pal相关基因之后导致重寄生相关酶基因Cmch1、Cmg1和Cmsp1的表达量显著降低,而且pH信号通路下游的CmpacC基因的表达量也显著降低。Pal相关基因敲除突变体在pH 6条件下对草酸盐的降解能力显著高于野生型,同时这5个突变体在pH 8条件下产生抗真菌物质能力也显著高于野生型。【结论】pH信号通路相关基因的缺失影响盾壳霉对环境pH的响应。pH信号通路在盾壳霉与核盘菌互作中发挥重要作用,不仅影响盾壳霉的重寄生作用,而且还影响盾壳霉的草酸降解作用和抗真菌作用。  相似文献   
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