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灵芝药品大多以灵芝子实体水提物为原料,为快速准确测定灵芝子实体水提物及相关产品中三萜的含量,建立了具有较好分离效果的HPLC分析测定方法。通过优化色谱柱和洗脱条件,优选出Agilent Zorbax SB-Aq C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),以乙腈-乙酸水溶液(0.01%)为流动相梯度洗脱,流速为1.0 mL/min,检测波长252 nm,柱温30℃,该条件下灵芝酸A、灵芝酸F等10种灵芝酸得到较好的分离。方法学考察显示该分析方法精密度、重复性、稳定性和加样回收率的RSD值均小于5%,可以用于灵芝酸C2、灵芝酸G、灵芝烯酸B、灵芝酸B等10种灵芝酸的定量检测。通过对灵芝子实体原料、水提物和市售灵芝产品中10种三萜类成分分析发现,灵芝子实体水提物中均含有这10种三萜,含量为2.52%–6.83%,较子实体原料大幅提高,市售的灵芝产品中的三萜含量为0.27%–0.84%。该方法的建立为灵芝水提物及其产品质量标准的建立奠定基础。  相似文献   
Cellular senescence triggers various types of heterochromatin remodeling that contribute to aging. However, the age-related mechanisms that lead to these epigenetic alterations remain elusive. Here, we asked how two key aging hallmarks, telomere shortening and constitutive heterochromatin loss, are mechanistically connected during senescence. We show that, at the onset of senescence, pericentromeric heterochromatin is specifically dismantled consisting of chromatin decondensation, accumulation of DNA breakages, illegitimate recombination and loss of DNA. This process is caused by telomere shortening or genotoxic stress by a sequence of events starting from TP53-dependent downregulation of the telomere protective protein TRF2. The resulting loss of TRF2 at pericentromeres triggers DNA breaks activating ATM, which in turn leads to heterochromatin decondensation by releasing KAP1 and Lamin B1, recombination and satellite DNA excision found in the cytosol associated with cGAS. This TP53–TRF2 axis activates the interferon response and the formation of chromosome rearrangements when the cells escape the senescent growth arrest. Overall, these results reveal the role of TP53 as pericentromeric disassembler and define the basic principles of how a TP53-dependent senescence inducer hierarchically leads to selective pericentromeric dismantling through the downregulation of TRF2.  相似文献   
荧光假单胞菌抗噬菌体菌株的选育   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本实验从荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonasfluorescens)AS—3菌株的不正常发酵液中分离到一种噬菌体,将其命名为PFAS。AS—3菌株能利用葡萄糖发酵产生D-异维生素C的前体物质2-酮基-D-葡萄糖酸。电镜观察表明PFAS噬菌体呈蝌蚪形,具有直径为66nm的六角形头部及长117nm的尾部。通过紫外线诱变及自然选育两种途径,配合简便有效的初筛方法,经多次分离、纯化、复筛最终在摇并发酵试验中获得6株产量稳定地高于对照敏感菌的抗噬菌体菌株,可望用于生产。  相似文献   
There is increasing amount of evidence indicating the close interplays between the replication cycle of SARS-CoV-2 and the autophagy-lysosome pathway in the host cells. While autophagy machinery is known to either assist or inhibit the viral replication process, the reciprocal effects of the SARS-CoV-2 on the autophagy-lysosome pathway have also been increasingly appreciated. More importantly, despite the disappointing results from the clinical trials of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in treatment of COVID-19, there is still ongoing effort in discovering new therapeutics targeting the autophagy-lysosome pathway. In this review, we provide an update-to-date summary of the interplays between the autophagy-lysosome pathway in the host cells and the pathogen SARS-CoV-2 at the molecular level, to highlight the prognostic value of autophagy markers in COVID-19 patients and to discuss the potential of developing novel therapeutic strategies for COVID-19 by targeting the autophagy-lysosome pathway. Thus, understanding the nature of such interactions between SARS-CoV-2 and the autophagy-lysosome pathway in the host cells is expected to provide novel strategies in battling against this global pandemic.  相似文献   
金合欢根瘤菌Rhizobium sp.(Acacia farnesiana)的氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、脲酶、青霉素酶和β-半乳糖苷酶均呈阳性。经过酶活性定量测定表明金合欢根瘤菌有葡萄糖酸-6-磷酸脱氢酶(6PGD)和β-半乳糖苷酶的酶活性,而慢生型大豆根瘤菌未测到上述两种酶活性。根据聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳酯酶图谱,6株金合欢根瘤菌可分成两群:酋株AF1、AF2和AF3的酯酶图谱中有A带,AF4、AF5和AF6的酯酶图谱中没有A带。  相似文献   
The pandemic of COVID-19 is the biggest public health crisis in 21st Century. Besides the acute symptoms after infection, patients and society are also being challenged by the long-term health complications associated with COVID-19, commonly known as long COVID. While health professionals work hard to find proper treatments, large amount of knowledge has been accumulated in recent years. In order to deal with long COVID efficiently, it is important for people to keep up with current progresses and take proactive actions on long COVID. For this purpose, this review will first introduce the general background of long COVID, and then discuss its risk factors, diagnostic indicators and management strategies. This review will serve as a useful resource for people to understand and prepare for long COVID that will be with us in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   
一株纤维素降解真菌的筛选、鉴定及酶学性质分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
通过对富含枯枝败叶的土壤样品进行富集培养,利用刚果红纤维素培养基初筛和酶活测定复筛得到产纤维素酶的一株真菌,将其命名为GC2-2,并对该菌株进行鉴定及酶学性质研究。结果表明该菌株是一株耐高温、碱性纤维素酶的真菌GC2-2。通过18S rDNA分子克隆测定,该菌为球孢枝孢菌,其滤纸酶的活力优于CMC酶的活力。该菌所产酶的最适反应条件为温度35°C,最适pH值7.5。  相似文献   
栓孔菌属漆酶高产菌株的初步筛选及其产酶条件的优化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用显色反应对栓孔菌属(Trametes)进行了漆酶高产菌株的筛选,并对目标菌株的产酶条件进行了优化,在添加愈创木酚的固体培养基中,通过显色反应初步筛选出漆酶高产菌株东方栓孔菌Trametes orientalis Cui 6300;进一步通过单因子分析、正交试验和ABTS法确定了菌株Cui 6300的最适产酶条件:麦芽糖15 g/L,蛋白胨3 g/L,pH 4.8,Cu2+2.0 mmol/L,培养温度28°C,接种饼直径1.5 cm,此时酶活最高可达19.923 U/mL;同时探索了Cu2+浓度及添加时间对其菌丝生物量和漆酶活力的影响。研究表明,Cu2+最适添加浓度为2.0 mmol/L,添加时间为接种后第3天。  相似文献   
熊静  邢文黎  虞木奎  成向荣 《生态学报》2019,39(6):1897-1907
叶性状在表征植物资源利用和生存策略方面具有重要作用。构建异龄复层林是改造人工纯林的有效措施,探究引入与原生树种叶性状变异有利于林下伴生树种的筛选。研究了引入乔灌木树种(如闽楠、蚊母树等13个树种)与原生乔灌木树种(苦槠、红紫珠等6个树种)的叶片形态、光合色素、碳氮磷生态化学计量和非结构性碳水化合物特征。结果表明:(1)总体上引入与原生乔木和灌木树种的叶形态性状差异较小,原生乔木的叶长和比叶面积显著小于引入树种与原生灌木。引入与原生树种间光合色素具有显著差异,引入乔木叶绿素含量显著高于原生乔木,不同功能群植物的比叶面积.叶绿素关系格局存在策略位移现象。引入树种叶碳含量显著大于原生树种,叶氮和叶磷含量显著大于原生乔木;引入树种和原生灌木的碳、氮、磷养分含量的变异系数较大;引入与原生树种叶碳氮磷生态化学计量没有一致变化规律。引入灌木叶可溶性糖含量、原生灌木淀粉含量均显著高于乔木树种,灌木的非结构性碳水化合物总量也显著高于乔木。(2)引入与原生树种叶性状呈显著协同变化趋势。所有叶性状中,比叶面积、叶绿素含量、叶氮含量、叶磷含量在乔木和灌木中均呈极显著正相关关系。主成分分析显示,引入乔木和灌木树种的叶性状接近,引入树种与原生灌木之间叶性状差异相对较小,但与原生乔木间的叶性状差异较大。总体上引入树种的叶性状与原生树种具有趋同适应特征,但不同生活型植物叶性状在林下弱光环境中仍产生一定分异,引入灌木可能比引入乔木更适应杉木林下生境。  相似文献   
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