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在春季田间条件下,我们对美味猕猴桃品种米良1 号(Actinidia deliciosa cvMiliang-1)的光-光合特性与净光合速率日变化及其与环境因子的关系进行了初步研究.结果表明美味猕猴桃米良1 号在适宜的环境条件下(气温34 ℃,相对湿度62% ),同化CO2 的光合速率达到17.37~18.69 μm olm - 2s- 1,但是在高温和干旱条件下(气温41℃,相对湿度30% ),其光合能力降低到7.32 μm olm - 2s- 1.该品种的光饱和点与光补偿点分别为1 100 和20 μm olm - 2s- 1, 表明是一种阴性偏阳的树种. 5 月初的晴天,美味猕猴桃米良1号的净光合速率日变化呈双峰曲线型,第一高峰出现在上午10∶00,18.65 μm olm - 2s- 1,午间13∶00 剧降到3.15 μm olm - 2s- 1,下午16∶00 出现第二高峰,其值为10.35 μm olm - 2s- 1. 在测定净光合速率的同时,还对田间条件下环境因子如光照、气温、空气湿度与CO2浓度以及植物叶表面温度与蒸腾速率日变化等进行了监测,用多元线形回归的方法分析了环境因子对猕猴桃光合作用日变化的影响  相似文献   
目的:观察氯化钴(COCl2)预处理对急性低氧后海马神经元电压门控性Na^ 、K^ 电流的影响。方法:原代培养大鼠海马神经元,分为COCl2预处理和非处理组,采用膜片钳全细胞记录技术,检测急性低氧后海马神经元钠电流(INa)、钾电流(Ik)的变化。结果:急性低氧后,海马神经元INa、Ik电流幅度明显降低,INa阈值右移,而经CoCl2预处理的海马神经元INa、Ik电流的降低幅度明显减轻。结论:COCl2预处理减轻急性低氧所致的INa、Ik电流变化,对神经元有明显的保护作用。  相似文献   
目的:探讨辣椒素对肠系膜下神经诱发动作电位的影响。方法:对大鼠肠系膜下神经节施加不同浓度(分别为2.5、5、10g/L)的辣椒素或其载体(对照)后,在其中枢端给予能引起反应的方波刺激,记录节后神经外周端的动作电位。结果:虽然实验动物存在个体差异,且辣椒素对其神经作用的阈值也有所不同,但在大多数情况下,当辣椒素浓度为2.5~5g/L、作用3min后,即可使神经的敏感性降低;并表现出了较为明显的剂量相关性,即随着辣椒素浓度的升高,其对神经的脱敏作用也逐渐增强。结论:辣椒素对肠系膜下神经节内的交感和副交感神经均具有抑制作用。  相似文献   
Understanding a wider range of genotype–phenotype associations can be achieved through ecological and evolutionary studies of traditional laboratory models. Here, we conducted the first large‐scale geographic analysis of genetic variation within and among wild zebrafish (Danio rerio) populations occurring in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh, and we genetically compared wild populations to several commonly used lab strains. We examined genetic variation at 1832 polymorphic EST‐based single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the cytb mitochondrial gene in 13 wild populations and three lab strains. Natural populations were subdivided into three major mitochondrial DNA clades with an average among‐clade sequence divergence of 5.8%. SNPs revealed five major evolutionarily and genetically distinct groups with an overall FST of 0.170 (95% CI 0.105–0.254). These genetic groups corresponded to discrete geographic regions and appear to reflect isolation in refugia during past climate cycles. We detected 71 significantly divergent outlier loci (3.4%) and nine loci (0.5%) with significantly low FST values. Valleys of reduced heterozygosity, consistent with selective sweeps, surrounded six of the 71 outliers (8.5%). The lab strains formed two additional groups that were genetically distinct from all wild populations. An additional subset of outlier loci was consistent with domestication selection within lab strains. Substantial genetic variation that exists in zebrafish as a whole is missing from lab strains that we analysed. A combination of laboratory and field studies that incorporates genetic variation from divergent wild populations along with the wealth of molecular information available for this model organism provides an opportunity to advance our understanding of genetic influences on phenotypic variation for a vertebrate species.  相似文献   
云南药用野生稻BIBAC文库混合克隆池制备及筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在已构建完成的云南药用野生稻BIBAC( binary bacterial artificial chomosome)文库的基础上,将文库制备成一、二、三级混合克隆池,各级混合池的数量分别为3 360、140和14个.根据Xa21抗病基因序列设计1对特异引物,利用4步PCR法对文库混合克隆池进行逐级筛选,初步确定了3个抗病基因阳性克隆.为今后以PCR法高效利用云南药用野生稻BIBAC文库挖掘其优异基因奠定了良好的基础.  相似文献   
从采集的含腐烂树叶的土壤中,筛选到1株产纤维素酶能力较高的菌株JJ-3,经16S r RNA基因序列分析,鉴定该菌株为产酸克雷伯氏杆菌(Klebsiella oxytoca)。产酶条件及酶学特性研究表明:以滤纸为碳源、蛋白胨为氮源、初始p H为8.0的培养基中发酵3 d更利于纤维素酶的合成;菌株发酵液在中性和碱性条件下均有较高的滤纸酶活力,分别可达118.7 U/m L(p H7.0),167.8 U/m L(p H8.0)和120 U/m L(p H9.0);所产纤维素酶的最适酶反应p H为7.0,最适酶反应温度为40℃,对温度比较敏感,在p H7.0-8.0的范围内具有较好的稳定性,能满足中性和碱性纤维素酶的要求。  相似文献   
An engineered human IgG1 antibody with longer serum half-life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The serum half-life of IgG Abs is regulated by the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn). By binding to FcRn in endosomes, IgG Abs are salvaged from lysosomal degradation and recycled to the circulation. Several studies have demonstrated a correlation between the binding affinity of IgG Abs to FcRn and their serum half-lives in mice, including engineered Ab fragments with longer serum half-lives. Our recent study extended this correlation to human IgG2 Ab variants in primates. In the current study, several human IgG1 mutants with increased binding affinity to human FcRn at pH 6.0 were generated that retained pH-dependent release. A pharmacokinetics study in rhesus monkeys of one of the IgG1 variants indicated that its serum half-life was approximately 2.5-fold longer than the wild-type Ab. Ag binding was unaffected by the Fc mutations, while several effector functions appeared to be minimally altered. These properties suggest that engineered Abs with longer serum half-lives may prove to be effective therapeutics in humans.  相似文献   
Gut microbiome–host metabolic interactions affect human health and can be modified by probiotic and prebiotic supplementation. Here, we have assessed the effects of consumption of a combination of probiotics (Lactobacillus paracasei or L. rhamnosus) and two galactosyl‐oligosaccharide prebiotics on the symbiotic microbiome–mammalian supersystem using integrative metabolic profiling and modeling of multiple compartments in germ‐free mice inoculated with a model of human baby microbiota. We have shown specific impacts of two prebiotics on the microbial populations of HBM mice when co‐administered with two probiotics. We observed an increase in the populations of Bifidobacterium longum and B. breve, and a reduction in Clostridium perfringens, which were more marked when combining prebiotics with L. rhamnosus. In turn, these microbial effects were associated with modulation of a range of host metabolic pathways observed via changes in lipid profiles, gluconeogenesis, and amino‐acid and methylamine metabolism associated to fermentation of carbohydrates by different bacterial strains. These results provide evidence for the potential use of prebiotics for beneficially modifying the gut microbial balance as well as host energy and lipid homeostasis.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to explore the evidence of arsenic hyperaccumulation in plant rhizosphere solutions. Six common fern plants were selected and grown in three types of substrate: arsenic (As) -tailings, As-spiked soil, and soil-As-tailing composites. A rhizobox was designed with an in-situ collection of soil solutions to analyze changes in the As concentration and valence as well as the pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total nitrogen (TN). Arsenite composed less than 20% of the total As, and As depletion was consistent with N depletion in the rhizosphere solutions of the various treatments. The As concentrations in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere solutions in the presence of plants were lower than in the respective controls without plants, except for in the As-spiked soils. The DOC concentrations were invariably higher in the rhizosphere versus non-rhizosphere solutions from the various plants; however, no significant increase in the DOC content was observed in Pteris vittata, in which only a slight decrease in pH appeared in the rhizosphere compared to non-rhizosphere solutions. The results showed that As reduction by plant roots was limited, acidification-induced solubilization was not the mechanism for As hyperaccumulation.  相似文献   
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