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Fragile X syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects sensory systems. A null mutation of the Fragile X Mental Retardation protein 1 (Fmr1) gene in mice has varied effects on developmental plasticity in different sensory systems, including normal barrel cortical plasticity, altered ocular dominance plasticity and grossly impaired auditory frequency map plasticity. The mutation also has different effects on long-term synaptic plasticity in somatosensory and visual cortical neurons, providing insights on how it may differentially affect the sensory systems. Here we present evidence that long-term potentiation (LTP) is impaired in the developing auditory cortex of the Fmr1 knockout (KO) mice. This impairment of synaptic plasticity is consistent with impaired frequency map plasticity in the Fmr1 KO mouse. Together, these results suggest a potential role of LTP in sensory map plasticity during early sensory development.  相似文献   
Studies with hepatic progenitor cells from non-human primates would allow better understanding of their human counterparts. In this study, rhesus monkey liver epithelial progenitor cells (mLEPCs) were derived from a small piece of newborn livers in chemical defined serum-free medium. Digested hepatic cells were treated in Ca2+-containing medium to form cell aggregates. Two types of cell aggregates were generated: elongated spindle cells and polygonal epithelial cells. Elongated spindle cells were expressed as vimentin and brachyury, and they were disappeared within 5 d in our cultures. The remaining type consisted of small polygonal epithelial cells that expressed cytokeratin 7 (CK7), CK8, CK18, nestin, CD49f, and E-cad, the markers of hepatic stem cells, but were negative for α-fetoprotein, albumin, and CK19. They can proliferate and be passaged, if on laminin or rat tail collagen gel, to initiate colonies. When cultured with dexamethasone and oncostatin M, the expression of mature hepatocyte markers, such as α-1-antitrypsin, intracytoplasmic glycogen storage, indocyanine green uptake, and lipid droplet generation, were induced in differentiated cells. If transferred onto mouse embryonic fibroblasts feeders, they gave rise to CK19-positive cholangiocytes with formation of doughnut-like structure. Thus, mLEPCs with bipotency were derived from newborn monkey liver and may serve as a preclinical model for assessment of cell therapy in humans.  相似文献   
1. Manipulation of host behaviour by parasitoids has long captured the imagination of ecologists. Parasitoid wasps in the Polysphincta group of genera develop as external parasitoids of spiders. 2. In the present study, the previously undescribed interaction between a Zatypota sp. wasp (Ichneumonidae) and a social spider Anelosimus eximius (Theridiidae) is described. The larva of this Zatypota wasp is found to induce its host to disperse from their communal web and build an entirely enclosed web consisting of densely spun silk. 3. The wasp is observed to target primarily immature A. eximius individuals, with 37.5–44% of nests in a given area being parasitised. Of those nests, approximately 1.3–2.0% of individuals are hosts to the parasitoid larvae. Larger spider colonies had a significantly higher probability of harbouring parasitoids. 4. This interaction results in unusual behaviours for A. eximius induced by the parasitoid: (i) leaving the protection of the social nest and (ii) building a unique, altered web that it would not otherwise build. It is suggested that the wasp may be tapping into ancestral dispersal behaviours in its host and that a social species provides this wasp an evolutionary advantage by allowing a stable host source.  相似文献   
Immunotoxins with selective cytotoxicity are frequently used as therapeutic immunosuppressive agents in solid-organ transplantation because of their efficiency and high specificity. In this study, we present a new recombinant immunotoxin termed anti-CTLA-4-scFv–melittin prepared from Escherichia coli aimed at clearing activated T cells at the same time avoiding all-round decline in systematic immunity. This fusion protein is composed of anti-CTLA-4-scFv unit and melittin analog unit with properties of low immunogenicity and selective cytotoxicity to CTLA-4-positive T cells. In preliminary biological activity assays, our results confirmed the feasibility of activated T cell clearance strategy and there were significant differences in cell survival rates between CTLA-4-positive group and control group at all experimental concentrations of the immunotoxin. The selective cytotoxicity, low immunogenicity, and low production cost make it an attractive alternate to traditional immunosuppressants.  相似文献   
Forty-five populations of Pentanema corresponding to seven species included in the Pentanema conyzae clade have been studied using AFLP fingerprinting. The results show that allopolyploidization could have been involved in the diversification of this group, specifically in species P. langeanum and P. maletii. Molecular data confirm the presence of P. britannicum in the Iberian Peninsula and key steps are provided to identify the species that are morphologically the most challenging.  相似文献   
Spirometra tapeworms (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae) collected from carnivorous mammals in Tanzania were identified by the DNA sequence analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) and internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), and by morphological characteristics. A total of 15 adult worms were collected from stool samples and carcasses of Panthera leo, Panthera pardus, and Crocuta crocuta in the Serengeti and Selous ecosystems of Tanzania. Three Spirometra species: S. theileri, S. ranarum and S. erinaceieuropaei were identified based on morphological features. Partial cox1 sequences (400 bp) of 10 specimens were revealed. Eight specimens showed 99.5% similarity with Spirometra theileri (MK955901), 1 specimen showed 99.5% similarity with the Korean S. erinaceieuropaei and 1 specimen had 99.5% similarity with Myanmar S. ranarum. Sequence homology estimates for the ITS1 region of S. theileri were 89.8% with S. erinaceieuropaei, 82.5% with S. decipiens, and 78.3% with S. ranarum; and 94.4% homology was observed between S. decipiens and S. ranarum. Phylogenetic analyses were performed with 4 species of Spirometra and 2 species of Dibothriocephalus (=Diphyllobothrium). By both ML and BI methods, cox1 and ITS1 gave well supported, congruent trees topology of S. erinaceieuropaei and S. theileri with S. decipiens and S. ranarum forming a clade. The Dibothriocephalus species were sisters of each other and collectively forming successive outgroups. Our findings confirmed that 3 Spirometra species (S. theileri, S. ranarum, and S. erinaceieuropaei) are distributed in the Serengeti and Selous ecosystems of Tanzania.  相似文献   
Large‐scale biodiversity maps are essential to macroecology. However, between‐region comparisons can be more useful if patterns of observed species richness are supplemented by variations in dark diversity – the absent portion of the species pool. We aim to quantify and map plant diversity across Europe by using a measure that accounts for both observed and dark diversity. To do this we need to delimit suitable species pools, and evaluate the potential and limitation of a large‐scale dataset. We used Atlas Florae Europaeae (ca 20% of European plant species mapped within 50 × 50 km grid cells) and defined for each grid cell several species pools by applying various geographical and environmental filters: geographic species pool (number of species within 500 km radius), biogeographic species pool (additionally incorporating species distribution patterns, i.e. dispersion fields), site‐specific species pool (additionally integrating environmental preferences of species based on species co‐occurrence). We integrated dark diversity and observed diversity at a relative scale to calculate the completeness of site diversity: logistic expression of observed and dark diversity. We tested whether our results are robust against regional variation in data availability. We used independent regional databases to test if Atlas Florae Europaeae is a representative subset of total species richness. Environmental filtering was the most influential determinant of species pool size with more species filtered out in southern Europe. Both observed and dark diversity adhered to the well‐known latitudinal gradient, but completeness of site diversity varied throughout Europe with no latitudinal trend. Dark diversity patterns were fairly insensitive to variations in regional sampling intensity. Atlas Florae Europaeae represented well the total variation in plant diversity. In summary, dark diversity and completeness of site diversity add valuable information to broad‐scale diversity patterns since observed diversity is expressed at a relative scale.  相似文献   
1. Time perception is seldom studied in invertebrates, with the limited experimental evidence being insufficient to provide a comprehensive pattern of the capacity of invertebrates to measure time and use it in decision‐making processes. 2. In this study, it was hypothesized that insect parasitoids have evolved the capacity to measure time precisely and to use it to optimize foraging decisions related to host exploitation. To examine time perception in females of the gregarious egg parasitoid Trichogramma euproctidis, the present study used their ability to adjust their investment (number of eggs laid) in a host to the initial transit duration (interval between the first contact with the host and the following contact with the substrate). Females utilize this method to assess host egg size, as a large egg necessarily requires more time to evaluate than a small host. In this study, the initial transit duration for a given sized egg was artificially extended by suspending it. 3. For similar sized hosts, female T. euproctidis significantly increased both oviposition duration and progeny allocation following a longer initial transit duration. 4. These results demonstrate the intrinsic capacity of this parasitoid to measure time and to adjust their progeny investment accordingly. This is believed to be one of the few demonstrations of a retrospective measure of time in an invertebrate.  相似文献   
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