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In the light of recent and controversial findings on spontaneous resolution of racemates and their implications in the origin of homochirality on earth, we present here a detailed review of this important topic. Although spontaneous resolution cannot at this moment be reliably predicted, there has also been considerable progress in crystal structure prediction and, not only thermodynamic factors, but also kinetic ones, play important roles in the efficiency of packing and crystallization. In addition, self-association and supramolecular control phenomena may be identified in cases where spontaneous resolution of enantiomers is actually occurring. While this contribution summarizes our current understanding of this intriguing phenomena, it is hoped that future work on crystalline conglomerates (or homochiral crystals) of prebiotic importance will be of further help to understand the general problem of terrestrial chirogenesis.  相似文献   
The metabolic effects of glucagon and glucagon plus insulin on the isolated rat livers perfused with 10 mM sodium L-lactate as substrate were studied. Glucagon stimulated gluconeogenesis, ketogenesis and ureogenesis at the concentration used of 2.1 nM. The addition of insulin to give a glucagon-to-insulin ratio of 0.2 reversed all the glucagon effects. The glucagon enhancement of gluconeogenesis was accompanied by a rise in cytosolic and mitochondrial state of reduction of the NAD system and a fall in the [ATP]/[ADP] ratio. The analysis of the intermediary metabolite concentrations suggested, as possible sites of glucagon action, the steps between pyruvate and phosphoenolpyruvate as well as the reactions catalyzed by phosphofructokinase and/or fructose bisphosphatase. All the changes in metabolite contents were abolished when insulin was present. Glucagon increased the intramitochondrial concentration of all the metabolites, whose intracellular distribution was calculated. The finding of a significant rise in the calculated intramitochondrial concentration of oxaloacetate points to pyruvate carboxylation as an important site of glucagon interaction with the gluconeogenic pathway. A primary event in the glucagon action redistributing intracellular metabolites seems to be the mitochondrial entry of malate. The possibility is discussed that the changes in metabolite cellular distribution were brought about by the increased cellular state of reduction caused by the hormone.  相似文献   
In a murine model of moderate childhood malnutrition we found that polynutrient deficiency led to a 4–5-fold increase in early visceralization of L. donovani (3 days post-infection) following cutaneous infection and a 16-fold decrease in lymph node barrier function (p<0.04 for all). To begin to understand the mechanistic basis for this malnutrition-related parasite dissemination we analyzed the cellularity, architecture, and function of the skin-draining lymph node. There was no difference in the localization of multiple cell populations in the lymph node of polynutrient deficient (PND) mice, but there was reduced cellularity with fewer CD11c+dendritic cells (DCs), fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs), MOMA-2+ macrophages, and CD169+ subcapsular sinus macrophage (p<0.05 for all) compared to the well-nourished (WN) mice. The parasites were equally co-localized with DCs associated with the lymph node conduit network in the WN and PND mice, and were found in the high endothelial venule into which the conduits drain. When a fluorescent low molecular weight (10 kD) dextran was delivered in the skin, there was greater efflux of the marker from the lymph node conduit system to the spleens of PND mice (p<0.04), indicating that flow through the conduit system was altered. There was no evidence of disruption of the conduit or subcapsular sinus architecture, indicating that the movement of parasites into the subcortical conduit region was due to an active process and not from passive movement through a leaking barrier. These results indicate that the impaired capacity of the lymph node to act as a barrier to dissemination of L. donovani infection is associated with a reduced number of lymph node phagocytes, which most likely leads to reduced capture of parasites as they transit through the sinuses and conduit system.  相似文献   
Rhinosporidiosis is a fungal infection caused by Rhinosporidium seeberi, a microorganism of complicated, undetermined life cycle. Many species of animals are susceptible to rhinosporidiosis, including human beings. The frequency of occurrence of the disease in domestic animals is unknown. A one-year-old male Collie dog from Northeast Arkansas was found to have rhinosporidiosis presenting as an intranasal polypoid mass. We believe this is the first documented report of rhinosporidiosis from the State of Arkansas.  相似文献   
Reactivity of histidines in bovine growth hormone towards ethoxyformic anhydride was investigated and localization in the molecule of two kinetically distinguishable classes was achieved, a slow class including only histidine residue 169 (k = 0.180 min-1) and a fast one composed of histidines 19 and 21 (k = 0.900 min-1). Total ethoxyformylation of bovine growth hormone brought about a complete loss of its capacity to compete with 125I-labelled hormone for rat-liver binding sites, but modification of approximately half of the fast histidine group was enough to produce an important decrease in this capacity. Circular dichroism studies indicated no significant changes in protein conformation with all three histidine residues modified. Practically full binding capacity was restored when these residues were regenerated by treatment with hydroxylamine. These results suggest that one or both of the fast reacting histidine residues are involved in bovine growth hormone binding to its specific receptors.  相似文献   
The Bay of Bengal (BoB) is a 2,600,000 km2 expanse in the Indian Ocean upon which many humans rely. However, the primary producers underpinning food chains here remain poorly characterized. We examined phytoplankton abundance and diversity along strong BoB latitudinal and vertical salinity gradients—which have low temperature variation (27–29°C) between the surface and subsurface chlorophyll maximum (SCM). In surface waters, Prochlorococcus averaged 11.7 ± 4.4 × 104 cells ml−1, predominantly HLII, whereas LLII and ‘rare’ ecotypes, HLVI and LLVII, dominated in the SCM. Synechococcus averaged 8.4 ± 2.3 × 104 cells ml−1 in the surface, declined rapidly with depth, and population structure of dominant Clade II differed between surface and SCM; Clade X was notable at both depths. Across all sites, Ostreococcus Clade OII dominated SCM eukaryotes whereas communities differentiated strongly moving from Arabian Sea-influenced high salinity (southerly; prasinophytes) to freshwater-influenced low salinity (northerly; stramenopiles, specifically, diatoms, pelagophytes, and dictyochophytes, plus the prasinophyte Micromonas) surface waters. Eukaryotic phytoplankton peaked in the south (1.9 × 104 cells ml−1, surface) where a novel Ostreococcus was revealed, named here Ostreococcus bengalensis. We expose dominance of a single picoeukaryote and hitherto ‘rare’ picocyanobacteria at depth in this complex ecosystem where studies suggest picoplankton are replacing larger phytoplankton due to climate change.  相似文献   
Metabolic responses of sand fiddler crab, Uca pugilator, populations in northwest Florida are greatly influenced by seasonal temperature fluctuations. Crabs acclimated at 20 °C and immediately transferred to either 14 or 26 °C produced an acute metabolic response with respective temperature quotient (Q10) values of 3.46 and 3.91. Crabs acclimated at 10 and 20 °C exhibited a Q10 of 2.62 indicating a partial compensation response. A brumation (reverse) response (Q10 value of 20.11) was observed for acclimated crabs between 5 and 10 °C. Brumation is advantageous during winter when food supplies are scarce and crabs must survive extensive periods of inactivity.  相似文献   
Protection from cytosine arabinoside-induced alopecia by ImuVert has recently been reported in a rat model. ImuVert, a biologic response modifier, is capable of activating mononuclear cells causing release of various cytokines. In the present study, using the young rat model, recombinant human IL 1 beta produced excellent protection from cytosine arabinoside-induced alopecia. Mouse recombinant tumor necrosis factor gave definite but modest protection whereas human tumor necrosis factor gave none. It is concluded that the protection from alopecia by ImuVert is mediated by cytokines, primarily IL 1.  相似文献   
J. VILA, S. ABDALLA, J. GONZALEZ, C. GARCIA, J. A. BOMBI AND M.T. JIMENEZ. 1992. Vibrio cholerae is oxidase positive, a primary characteristic used to differentiate it from Enterobacteriaceae. But false negative oxidase test results have been obtained with colonies from thiosulphate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose (TCBS) agar medium. A rapid oxidase test procedure is described here. This takes 1 min, avoids false negative results and the necessity to grow the bacteria in a general-purpose medium. The bacteria may be recovered after the test and used for further investigations.  相似文献   
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