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Synthesis of methyl

-Ribose was converted into methyl and this, on tin-mediated allylation, gave a mixture of the 2-O-allyl and 3-O-allyl derivatives which were separated by chromatography. The more polar isomer was characterised as the 3-O-allyl derivative after conversion via

(which was also synthesised from

) into the known

. Methyl

was converted into methyl

via methyl

.  相似文献   
Abstract: The mRNA encoding μ-opioid receptors is expressed in neurons of the globus pallidus, a region of the basal ganglia that receives a dense enkephalinergic innervation from the striatum. The regulation of the mRNAs encoding the opioid peptide enkephalin in the striatum and the μ-opioid receptor in the globus pallidus was examined with in situ hybridization histochemistry following short- or long-term haloperidol treatments, which alter striatal enkephalin mRNA levels. Animals were administered haloperidol daily for 3 or 7 days (1 mg/kg, s.c.) or continuously for 8 months (1 mg/kg, depot followed by oral). Enkephalin and μ-opioid receptor mRNA levels were unchanged after 3 days of haloperidol treatment. In contrast, the enkephalin mRNA level was increased in the striatum, and μ-opioid receptor mRNA levels were markedly decreased in the globus pallidus after 7 days of haloperidol administration. Similar effects were observed in rats treated with haloperidol for 8 months. The results provide the first evidence of regulation of μ-opioid receptor mRNA in vivo.  相似文献   
We employed grass and forest versions of the CENTURY model under a range of N deposition values (0.02–1.60 g N m–2 y–1) to explore the possibility that high observed lake and stream N was due to terrestrial N saturation of alpine tundra and subalpine forest in Loch Vale Watershed, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Model results suggest that N is limiting to subalpine forest productivity, but that excess leachate from alpine tundra is sufficient to account for the current observed stream N. Tundra leachate, combined with N leached from exposed rock surfaces, produce high N loads in aquatic ecosystems above treeline in the Colorado Front Range. A combination of terrestrial leaching, large N inputs from snowmelt, high watershed gradients, rapid hydrologic flushing and lake turnover times, and possibly other nutrient limitations of aquatic organisms constrain high elevation lakes and streams from assimilating even small increases in atmospheric N. CENTURY model simulations further suggest that, while increased N deposition will worsen the situation, nitrogen saturation is an ongoing phenomenon.  相似文献   
This paper examines the relationship between the early rearing experience of zoo-born, zoo-reared chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and the subsequent occurrence of successful copulation as adults. Developmental histories were acquired for 71 subjects via questionnaires and phone interviews. The following variables related to aspects of chimpanzees' early rearing experience were examined: (1) Rearing conditions, that is, hand reared alone, reared with siblings or peers, or reared by at least one adult conspecific. (2) Age removed from mother. (3) Sex of subject, and/or (4) participation in shows. Each of these variables was then compared to the subjects' sexual competence, defined here as having been observed to exhibit functional copulatory behavior as adults. Seventy-five percent of the subjects were observed to exhibit functional copulatory behavior on at least one occasion. No single component of rearing was successful in producing sexually competent adults 100% of the time; no rearing condition, as defined in this study, resulted in reproductive failure for all subjects experiencing those conditions. Chimpanzees that were hand reared alone, that is, in the total absence of conspecifics, were least likely to copulate as adults; about half of those chimpanzees that were reared with siblings or peers (and in the absence of adult conspecifics) copulated as adults. Almost 90% of those chimpanzees that were reared with at least one adult conspecific copulated as adults. Chimpanzees removed from their mothers at an early age (less than one year of age) were less likely to reproduce as adults. Male and female chimpanzees were equally likely to reproduce as adults. Participation in shows or demonstrations appeared to have no effect on chimpanzees' ability to copulate as adults. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Germinability and responses to storage and dehydration werestudied throughout the development of the desiccation-sensitiveseeds of Avicennia marina. Seeds acquired the ability to produceroots at 55 d after fruit set (DAFS) which is shortly afterhistodifferentiation, but the capacity for full germinability(seedling establishment) was not attained until 70 DAFS, whichis midway through the phase of growth and reserve accumulation.Pre-mature seeds showed a germination lag that was equivalentto the period between harvest and full maturity, but, followingshort-term storage, this was reduced to that of mature seeds.At no stage, however, would seeds with an intact pericarp germinate. Once seeds were fully germinated, storage lifespan under non-desiccatingconditions was independent of developmental stage, but was considerablyreduce by the presence of the pericarp, probably because offungal contamination. Prior to the acquisition of full germinationcapacity, the seeds were unable to tolerate any dehydrationbut became tolerant to slight water loss once they became fullygerminable, after which desiccation sensitivity was not influencedby the stage of development. If rapidly dried, excised axesof germinable seeds survived to lower water contents than didaxes removed from seeds following slower drying.Copyright 1993,1999 Academic Press Desiccation-tolerance/sensitivity, germination, mangrove, recalcitrant, seed development, seed storage  相似文献   
The 13-amino acid glycopeptide tx5a (Gla-Cys-Cys-Gla-Asp-Gly-Trp*-Cys-Cys-Thr*-Ala-Ala-Hyp-OH, where Trp* = 6-bromotryptophan and Thr* = Gal-GalNAc-threonine), isolated from Conus textile, causes hyperactivity and spasticity when injected intracerebral ventricularly into mice. It contains nine post-translationally modified residues: four cysteine residues, two gamma-carboxyglutamic acid residues, and one residue each of 6-bromotryptophan, 4-trans-hydroxyproline and glycosylated threonine. The chemical nature of each of these has been determined with the exception of the glycan linkage pattern on threonine and the stereochemistry of the 6-bromotryptophan residue. Previous investigations have demonstrated that tx5a contains a disaccharide composed of N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) and galactose (Gal), but the interresidue linkage was not characterized. We hypothesized that tx5a contained the T-antigen, beta-D-Gal-(1-->3)-alpha-D-GalNAc, one of the most common O-linked glycan structures, identified previously in another Conus glycopeptide, contalukin-G. We therefore utilized the peracetylated form of this glycan attached to Fmoc-threonine in an attempted synthesis. While the result-ing synthetic peptide (Gla-Cys-Cys-Gla-Asp-Gly-Trp*-Cys-Cys-Thr*-Ala-Ala-Hyp-OH, where Trp* =6-bromotryptophan and Thr* = beta-D-Gal-(1-->3)-alpha-D-GalNAc-threonine) and the native peptide had almost identical mass spectra, a comparison of their RP-HPLC chromatograms suggested that the two forms were not identical. Two-dimensional 1H homonuclear and 13C-1H heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy of native tx5a isolated from Conus textile was then used to determine that the glycan present on tx5a indeed is not the aforementioned T-antigen, but rather alpha-D-Gal-(1-->3)-alpha-D-GalNAc.  相似文献   
The inhibition of aromatase, the enzyme responsible for converting androgens to estrogens, is therapeutically useful for the endocrine treatment of hormone-dependent breast cancer. Research by our laboratory has focused on developing competitive and irreversible steroidal aromatase inhibitors, with an emphasis on synthesis and biochemistry of 7α-substituted androstenediones. Numerous 7α-thiosubstituted androst-4-ene-3,17-diones are potent competitive inhibitors, and several 1,4-diene analogs, such as 7α-(4′-aminophenylthio)-androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione (7α-APTADD), have demonstrated effective enzyme-activated irreversible inhibition of aromatase in microsomal enzyme assays. One focus of current research is to examine the effectiveness and biochemical pharmacology of 7α-APTADD in vivo. In the hormone-dependent 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced rat mammary carcinoma model system, 7α-APTADD at a 50 mg/kg/day dose caused an initial decrease in mean tumor volume during the first week, and tumor volume remained unchanged throughout the remaining 5-week treatment period. This agent lowers serum estradiol levels and inhibits ovarian aromatase activity. A second research area has focused on the synthesis of more metabolically stable inhibitors by replacing the thioether linkage at the 7α position with a carbon-carbon linkage. Several 7α-arylaliphatic androst-4-ene-3,17-diones were synthesized by 1,6-conjugate additions of appropriate organocuprates to a protected androst-4,6-diene or by 1,4-conjugate additions to a seco-A-ring steroid intermediate. These compounds were all potent inhibitors of aromatase with apparent Kis ranging between 13 and 19 nM. Extension of the research on these 7α-arylaliphatic androgens includes the introduction of a C1---C2 double bond in the A-ring to provide enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitors. The desired 7α-arylaliphatic androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-diones were obtained from their corresponding 7α-arylaliphatic androst-4-ene-3,17-diones by oxidation with 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ). These inhibitors demonstrated enzyme-mediated inactivation of aromatase with apparent kinacts ranging from 4.4 × 10−4 to 1.90 x 10−3 s−1. The best inactivator of the series was 7α-phenpropylandrosta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione, which exhibited a T1/2 of 6.08 min. Aromatase inhibition was also observed in MCF-7 human mammary carcinoma cell cultures and in JAr human choriocarcinoma cell cultures, exhibiting IC50 values of 64-328 nM. The 7α-arylaliphatic androgens thus demonstrate potent inhibition of aromatase in both microsomal incubations and in choriocarcinoma cell lines expressing aromatase enzymatic activity. Additionally, the results from these studies provide further evidence for the presence of a hydrophobic binding pocket existing near the 7α-position of the steroid in the active site of aromatase. The size of the 7α-substituent influences optimal binding of steroidal inhibitors to the active site and affects the extent of enzyme-mediated inactivation observed with androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione analogs.  相似文献   
Kingston, Janene K., Raymond J. Geor, and Laura JillMcCutcheon. Rate and composition of sweat fluid losses areunaltered by hypohydration during prolonged exercise in horses.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4):1133-1143, 1997. Rate and ionic composition of sweat fluid losses and partitioning of evaporative heat loss into respiratory and cutaneous components were determined in six horses during three 15-km phases of exercise at ~40% of maximalO2 uptake. Pattern of change insweat rate (SR) and composition was similar during each phase. SRincreased rapidly for the first 20 min of exercise but remained at~24-28ml · m2 · min1during the remainder of each phase. Similarly, the concentrations of Naand Cl in sweat increased until 30 min of exercise but were unchangedthereafter. Sweat osmolality and concentrations of Na and Cl werepositively correlated with SR. Sweat K concentration decreased duringexercise but was not correlated with SR. Fluid losses were 33.8 ± 1.5 liters, resulting in decreases of ~21% in plasma volume and~11% in total body water. The ~6% hypohydration was notassociated with an alteration in SR, sweat composition, or heatstorage. Respiratory and cutaneous evaporative heat loss represented~23 and 70%, respectively, of the total heat dissipated, and thepartitioning of heat loss was similar in each exercise phase. Weconclude that SR and the relative proportions of respiratory andcutaneous evaporative heat loss are unchanged in horses during prolonged low-intensity exercise despite moderate hypohydration.

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