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Parasite products were collected at three distinct phases of development of Ascaris suum, and their immunogenicity was determined after injection into rabbits and pigs. Products were derived from (1) the hatching fluid of infective eggs; (2) the conditioned medium of 2nd-stage larvae that developed to 3rd stage in vitro in defined medium; and (3) the conditioned medium of 3rd-stage larvae that developed to 4th stage in vitro in defined medium. Protein profiles from these three preparations, separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, were less complex than that of extracts from homogenized A. suum larvae. Hyperimmune rabbit antiserum raised against either egg products, 2nd- to 3rd-stage larval excretory-secretory products, or 3rd- to 4th-stage larval excretory-secretory products showed strong homologous reactions after immunoelectrophoresis, but relatively weak cross-reactions with the other preparations. A combined enteral immunization of pigs with egg products and parenteral immunization with the 2nd- to 3rd-stage larval excretory-secretory products, and 3rd- to 4th-stage larval excretory-secretory products induced antibody to each preparation and significant protective immunity to a challenge exposure with 10,000 A. suum eggs. However, a marked pathological response to larvae migrating in the liver after challenge exposure was also induced.  相似文献   
The kinetics of three physical parameters: cell density, relative cytoplasmic viscosity and DNA stability to denaturation have been measured during the period preceding cell death induced by hyperthermia, methylprednisolone and a series of cancer chemotherapeutic agents. This series of measurements employed cultured human lymphoblastoid cells as an experimental system to establish the changes that can be observed in the early stages of cell death, prior to applying such measurements to tissue biopsies from solid human tumours. Cell death, induced by hyperthermia up to 43°C, methylprednisolone, vincristine, 5-fluorouracil, BCNU and melphalan, showed essentially identical and reproducible changes corresponding to those which characterize programmed cell death (apoptosis). Such changes could also be observed following hyperthermia above 43°C, but reproducibility was poor and increasing damage to the cell membranes was evident. In cells treated with adriamycin or methotrexate, cell sub-populations showing an increase in cell density were not detected. Measurements of DNA stability were readily performed by flow cytofluorometry thus allowing rapid quantitation of the fraction of cells in the early stages of cell death. Modified flow cytometric instrumentation would further allow measurement of cytoplastic viscosity as an additional parameter to indicate entry into programmed cell death. This suggests that these measurements could readily be applied to cell suspensions derived from tumour tissue biopsies for a more accurate assessment of tumour growth rate, and to allow monitoring of response to therapy in sequential tumour biopsies.  相似文献   
When a three-step roller culture system was used, second-stage larvae of Ascaris suum, artificially hatched from eggs, developed in high numbers to the fourth stage, and a few to young and mature adults. The culture system consisted of (1) Medium KW-2 supplemented with 10 mM L-cysteine for the first 4 days, and with 5 mM L-cysteine for the following 7 days; (2) followed by Medium API-18 for 7 days; and (3) thereafter, by Medium API-1 supplemented with hemin (bovine) at a concentration of 24 micrograms/m1. Cultures were gassed with 95% nitrogen-5% carbon dioxide for the first 4 days and 85% nitrogen-5% oxygen-10% carbon dioxide thereafter, and incubated at 39 C. Two mature females that produced unfertilized eggs and a mature male with spermatozoa were the most advanced stages attained. The mature females were obtained in 67 and 73 days; and the largest female measured 110 mm. The latter produced 1,356,000 unfertilized eggs, from days 67 to 125. The mature male was obtained in 80 days; it measured 77 mm long and had paired spicules that were 1.5 mm long. Development of A. suum in three other culture systems showed that deletion of Medium API-18 or its substitution by Medium KW-2 limited development to late fourth stage and early, young adults, respectively; and the use of Medium API-1 without hemin limited development to early fourth stage.  相似文献   
The cooling and thawing rates at fixed sites within an expanding ice ball have been recorded using a temperature probe containing six integral thermocouples. The cell changes relevant to these sites have been followed through the 48 hr postfreeze-thaw period by light and electron microscopy. The results suggest that cooling rates that are compatible with cell survival in cell suspension are associated with uniform tissue cellular death in an organized tissue.  相似文献   
1. The rate of appearance of 14CO2 from [6-14C]glucose and [3-14C]pyruvate was measured. Pyruvate is oxidized to carbon dioxide twice as fast as glucose, although the oxygen uptake is almost the same with each substrate. 2. The presence of 30μm-2,4-dinitrophenol increases the output of 14CO2 from [6-14C]glucose sixfold whereas the oxygen uptake is not quite doubled. Similar results are obtained with 0·1m-potassium chloride. The stimulating action of these two agents on the output of 14CO2 from [3-14C]pyruvate is much less than on that from [6-14C]glucose. 3. The effects of oligomycin, ouabain and triethyltin on the respiration of control and stimulated brain-cortex slices were studied. Triethyltin (1·3μm) inhibited the oxidation of [6-14C]glucose more than 70%, but did not inhibit the oxidation of[3-14C]pyruvate. [3-14C]pyruvate. 4. The production of lactic acid by brain-cortex slices incubated with glucose is twice as great as that with pyruvate. Lactic acid increases two and a half times in the presence of either triethyltin or oligomycin when the substrate is glucose, but is no different from the control when the substrate is pyruvate. 5. With kidney slices the production of lactic acid from glucose is very low. It is increased by oligomycin but not by triethyltin. 6. The results are discussed in terms of the oxidation of the extramitochondrial NADH2 produced during glycolysis.  相似文献   
Aluminum geochemistry in peatland waters   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
The chemical speciation of aluminum was examined in surface water samples from Sphagnum peatlands in north-central Minnesota, from peatlands along the Canadian east coast, and from bogs in the Pennine Mountain area of England. In highly organic ([DOC] 50 mg L–1 ), low pH waters, 80–90% of total dissolved Al was complexed with organic matter (OM), while in waters with low DOC ([DOC] 5 mg L–1) 54–86% of total dissolved Al existed as Al+3 or other inorganic Al species. Batch titrations of OM with Al revealed a high Al binding capacity, 1.4–2.8 mol (mg DOC)–1, that generally was unsaturated with Al. Titrations of OM with Al in conjunction with a continuous distribution model were used to determine Al-OM conditional stability constants. Binding capacity (mol Al (mg DOC)–1) and strength (formation constant) increased from pH 3 to 5 but decreased above pH 5 due to formation of AI-hydroxy species including A1(OH)3 (s). The high binding capacity of OM in bog waters facilitates metal mobility, especially in low pH (< 5) wetlands where metal solubility is high and OM concentrations are highest. Results showed that the relative degree of organic matter saturation with metal ions was important in modeling AI speciation in bog waters.  相似文献   
Summary Weibel-Palade bodies are ultrastructurally defined organelles found only in vascular endothelial cells. Because endothelium in corpo is very dispersed, isolation and further characterization of this organelle has been dependent on increasing the number of cells in culture. However, primary isolates of endothelial cells have a limited replication potential and tend to senesce in culture. In this report, EA.hy926, a continuously replicating cell line derived from human endothelium, is shown to contain Weibel-Palade bodies. Electron micrographs demonstrate the ultrastructural characteristics of these tissue-specific organelles and their cytoplasmic distribution in EA.hy926 cells. Von Willebrand factor, which has been shown to exist in Weibel Palade bodies, is demonstrated by immunofluorescence in discrete rod-shaped organelles whose size, shape, and distribution are consistent with that of Weibel-Palade bodies in primary endothelial cell cultures. Rapid release of von Willebrand factor can be induced by calcium ionophore, and large multimeric forms of the protein are found in EA.hy926 cells. These two properties are consistent with the function currently ascribed to Weibel Palade bodies: storage of multimerized von Willebrand factor. Thus ultrastructural, immunologic, and functional data establish the existence of this as yet poorly understood tissue-specific organelle in a continuous, vigorously replicating human cell line.  相似文献   
Autoantibodies to SS-A/Ro are among the most common found in sera of patients with systemic rheumatic diseases. These autoimmune diseases can affect various organ systems of the body and are variable in their manifestations and presentation. One of the autoimmune targets is the 60 kDa SS-A/Ro protein known to be associated with small cytoplasmic Y RNAs. To study systematically the expression of the protein, we have cloned the mouse full length 60 kDa SS-A/Ro cDNA using 5′ RACE based on a cDNA sequence reported in the mouse genome project. The recombinant protein derived from the putative full-length construct was shown to react with human prototype anti-SS-A/Ro serum Ge in western blot and immunoprecipitation and comigrated with cellular 60 kDa SS-A/Ro protein in 3T3 cells. Cellular expression, measured by RT-PCR, was highest in mouse brain, followed by lung, muscle, kindney and heart. Lower levels were found in testis, liver and spleen. Like the human 60 kDa SS-A/Ro protein, the deduced mouse homolog has 538 amino acids. Sequence analysis showed 89.9% identity and 95.0% similarity between the mouse and human proteins.  相似文献   
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