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Wnt signaling is required for both the development and homeostasis of the skin, yet its contribution to skin wound repair remains controversial. By employing Axin2LacZ/+ reporter mice we evaluated the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of Wnt responsive cells, and found that the pattern of Wnt responsiveness varies with the hair cycle, and correlates with wound healing potential. Using Axin2LacZ/LacZ mice and an ear wound model, we demonstrate that amplified Wnt signaling leads to improved healing. Utilizing a biochemical approach that mimics the amplified Wnt response of Axin2LacZ/LacZ mice, we show that topical application of liposomal Wnt3a to a non-healing wound enhances endogenous Wnt signaling, and results in better skin wound healing. Given the importance of Wnt signaling in the maintenance and repair of skin, liposomal Wnt3a may have widespread application in clinical practice.  相似文献   
The application of stable isotopes to characterize the complexities of a species foraging behavior and trophic relationships is dependent on assumptions of δ15N diet-tissue discrimination factors (∆15N). As ∆15N values have been experimentally shown to vary amongst consumers, tissues and diet composition, resolving appropriate species-specific ∆15N values can be complex. Given the logistical and ethical challenges of controlled feeding experiments for determining ∆15N values for large and/or endangered species, our objective was to conduct an assessment of a range of reported ∆15N values that can hypothetically serve as surrogates for describing the predator-prey relationships of four shark species that feed on prey from different trophic levels (i.e., different mean δ15N dietary values). Overall, the most suitable species-specific ∆15N values decreased with increasing dietary-δ15N values based on stable isotope Bayesian ellipse overlap estimates of shark and the principal prey functional groups contributing to the diet determined from stomach content analyses. Thus, a single ∆15N value was not supported for this speciose group of marine predatory fishes. For example, the ∆15N value of 3.7‰ provided the highest percent overlap between prey and predator isotope ellipses for the bonnethead shark (mean diet δ15N = 9‰) whereas a ∆15N value < 2.3‰ provided the highest percent overlap between prey and predator isotope ellipses for the white shark (mean diet δ15N = 15‰). These data corroborate the previously reported inverse ∆15N-dietary δ15N relationship when both isotope ellipses of principal prey functional groups and the broader identified diet of each species were considered supporting the adoption of different ∆15N values that reflect the predators’ δ15N-dietary value. These findings are critical for refining the application of stable isotope modeling approaches as inferences regarding a species’ ecological role in their community will be influenced with consequences for conservation and management actions.  相似文献   
Epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced EGFR tyrosine kinase receptor activation in cancer cell survival responses has become a strategic molecular-targeting clinical therapeutic intent, but the failures of these targeted approaches in the clinical setting demand alternate strategies. Here, we uncover a novel neuraminidase-1 (Neu1) and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) cross-talk in alliance with GPCR neuromedin B, which is essential for EGF-induced receptor activation and cellular signaling. Neu1 and MMP-9 form a complex with EGFR on the cell surface. Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate), anti-Neu1 antibodies, broad range MMP inhibitor galardin (GM6001), neuromedin B GPCR specific antagonist BIM-23127, the selective inhibitor of whole heterotrimeric G-protein complex BIM-46174 and MMP-9 specific inhibitor dose-dependently inhibited Neu1 activity associated with EGF stimulated 3T3–hEGFR cells. Tamiflu, anti-Neu1 antibodies and MMP9i attenuated EGFR phosphorylation associated with EGF-stimulated cells. Preclinical data provide the proof-of-evidence for a therapeutic targeting of Neu1 with Tamiflu in impeding human pancreatic cancer growth and metastatic spread in heterotopic xenografts of eGFP-MiaPaCa-2 tumors growing in RAGxCγ double mutant mice. Tamiflu-treated cohort exhibited a reduction of phosphorylation of EGFR-Tyr1173, Stat1-Tyr701, Akt-Thr308, PDGFRα-Tyr754 and NFκBp65-Ser311 but an increase in phospho-Smad2-Ser465/467 and -VEGFR2-Tyr1175 in the tumor lysates from the xenografts of human eGFP-MiaPaCa-2 tumor-bearing mice. The findings identify a novel promising alternate therapeutic treatment of human pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   
Identification of mineral-associated biosignatures is of significance for retrieving biochemical information from geological records here on Earth and for detecting signs of life on other planets, such as Mars. An investigation using laser desorption Fourier transform mass spectrometry was conducted to determine whether geomatrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (GALDI) can be used to detect amino acids (e.g., histidine, threonine, and cysteine) and small proteins (e.g., gramicidin S) associated with mineral phases and whether the geomatrix impacts detection. Iron oxide (Fe2 O 3 ) and sodium chloride (NaCl) were investigated as clean chemical analogues of hematite and halite, respectively, which have both been detected on the surface of Mars. Samples were prepared by 2 methods: (1) application of analyte solution to the geomatrix surface with subsequent drying; and (2) physical mixing of analyte and geomatrix. Amino acids incorporated within NaCl by physical mixing yielded a better signal-to-noise ratio than those that were applied to the surface of a NaCl pellet. The composition of the geomatrix had an influence on the detection of biomolecules. Peaks corresponding to the cation-attached biomolecular ions were observed for the NaCl prepared samples. However, no biomolecular ion species were observed in samples using Fe 2 O 3 as geomatrix. Instead, only minor peaks that may correspond to ions derived from fragments of the biomolecules were obtained.  相似文献   
Mitosis is controlled by a network of kinases and phosphatases. We screened a library of small interfering RNAs against a genome-wide set of phosphatases to comprehensively evaluate the role of human phosphatases in mitosis. We found four candidate spindle checkpoint phosphatases, including the tumor suppressor CDKN3. We show that CDKN3 is essential for normal mitosis and G1/S transition. We demonstrate that subcellular localization of CDKN3 changes throughout the cell cycle. We show that CDKN3 dephosphorylates threonine-161 of CDC2 during mitotic exit and we visualize CDC2pThr-161 at kinetochores and centrosomes in early mitosis. We performed a phosphokinome-wide mass spectrometry screen to find effectors of the CDKN3-CDC2 signaling axis. We found that one of the identified downstream phosphotargets, CKβ phosphorylated at serine 209, localizes to mitotic centrosomes and controls the spindle checkpoint. Finally, we show that CDKN3 protein is down-regulated in brain tumors. Our findings indicate that CDKN3 controls mitosis through the CDC2 signaling axis. These results have implications for targeted anticancer therapeutics.  相似文献   
Clade 2.2 Eurasian-lineage H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIVs) were first detected in Qinghai Lake, China, in 2005 and subsequently spread through Asia, Europe, and Africa. Importantly, these viruses carried a lysine at amino acid position 627 of the PB2 protein (PB2 627K), a known mammalian adaptation motif. Previous avian influenza virus isolates have carried glutamic acid in this position (PB2 627E), commonly described to restrict virus polymerase function in the mammalian host. We sought to examine the effect of PB2 627K on viral maintenance in the avian reservoir. Viruses constructed by reverse genetics were engineered to contain converse PB2 627K/E mutations in a Eurasian H5N1 virus (A/turkey/Turkey/5/2005 [Ty/05]) and, for comparison, a historical pre-Asian H5N1 HPAIV that naturally bears PB2 627E (A/turkey/England/50-92/1991 [50-92]). The 50-92 PB2 627K was genetically unstable during virus propagation, resulting in reversion to PB2 627E or the accumulation of the additional mutation PB2 628R and/or a synonymous mutation from an A to a G nucleotide at nucleotide position 1869 (PB2 A1869G). Intriguingly, PB2 628R and/or A1869G appeared to improve the genetic stability of 50-92 PB2 627K. However, the replication of 50-92 PB2 627K in conjunction with these stabilizing mutations was significantly restricted in experimentally infected chickens, where reversion to PB2 627E occurred. In contrast, no significant effects on viral fitness were observed for Ty/05 PB2 627E or 627K in in vitro or in vivo experiments. Our observations suggest that PB2 627K is supported in Eurasian-lineage viruses; in contrast, PB2 627K carries a significant fitness cost in the historical pre-Asian 50-92 virus.  相似文献   
In Fortführung seiner Untersuchungen über neotropische Acanthocinini veröffentlicht der Verfasser hiermit Beschreibungen von folgenden neuen Gattungen:
  • Nyssodrysilla nov. gen. mit N. irrorata (Melzer) aus Brasilien als Generotype, N. viliata (Melzer), comb, nov., aus Brasilien und N. lineata nov. spec, aus Peru.

  • Nyssodrysola nov. gen. mit N. stictica nov. spec. aus Peru als Generotype.

  • Sciadosurus nov. gen. mit S. albobrunneus nov. spec. aus Peru als Generotype.

  • Acarinozineus nov. gen. mit A. striatus nov. spec. aus Peru als Generotype und A. spinicornis nov. spec, aus Mexiko.

  • Alcathousites nov. gen. mit A. chaclacayoi nov. spec. aus Peru als Generotype.

  • Xylergatina nov. gen. mit X. pulcher (Lane) aus Peru als Generotype.

  • Xylergatoides nov. gen. mit X. asper (Bates) aus Brasilien und Argentinien als Generotype.

Ferner werden revidiert die Gattungen:
  • Xylergates Bates, Generotype X. lacteus (Bates), mit Beschreibung der beiden neuen Arten X. elaineae aus Peru und X. dorotheae aus Britisch‐Guayana.

  • Chaetanes Bates, Generotype C. setiger (Bates), mit Beschreibung der drei neuen Arten C. costulatus aus Peru, C. nigrobasalis aus Brasilien und C. apicalis aus Französisch‐Guayana.

  • Wo es erforderlich ist, sind Bestimmungstabellen gebracht und die Arten abgebildet.

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