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Co-occurrence of malaria and filarial worm parasites has been reported, but little is known about the interaction between filarial worm and malaria parasites with the same Anopheles vector. Herein, we present data evaluating the interaction between Wuchereria bancrofti and Anopheles punctulatus in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Our field studies in PNG demonstrated that An. punctulatus utilizes the melanization immune response as a natural mechanism of filarial worm resistance against invading W. bancrofti microfilariae. We then conducted laboratory studies utilizing the mosquitoes Armigeres subalbatus and Aedes aegypti and the parasites Brugia malayi, Brugia pahangi, Dirofilaria immitis, and Plasmodium gallinaceum to evaluate the hypothesis that immune activation and/or development by filarial worms negatively impact Plasmodium development in co-infected mosquitoes. Ar. subalbatus used in this study are natural vectors of P. gallinaceum and B. pahangi and they are naturally refractory to B. malayi (melanization-based refractoriness).

Methodology/Principal Findings

Mosquitoes were dissected and Plasmodium development was analyzed six days after blood feeding on either P. gallinaceum alone or after taking a bloodmeal containing both P. gallinaceum and B. malayi or a bloodmeal containing both P. gallinaceum and B. pahangi. There was a significant reduction in the prevalence and mean intensity of Plasmodium infections in two species of mosquito that had dual infections as compared to those mosquitoes that were infected with Plasmodium alone, and was independent of whether the mosquito had a melanization immune response to the filarial worm or not. However, there was no reduction in Plasmodium development when filarial worms were present in the bloodmeal (D. immitis) but midgut penetration was absent, suggesting that factors associated with penetration of the midgut by filarial worms likely are responsible for the observed reduction in malaria parasite infections.


These results could have an impact on vector infection and transmission dynamics in areas where Anopheles transmit both parasites, i.e., the elimination of filarial worms in a co-endemic locale could enhance malaria transmission.  相似文献   
Increasing evidence has emerged for non-random spatial distributions of microbes, but knowledge of the processes that cause variation in microbial assemblage among ecosystems is lacking. For instance, some studies showed that deterministic processes such as habitat specialization are important, while other studies hold that bacterial communities are assembled by stochastic forces. Here we examine the relative influence of deterministic and stochastic processes for bacterial communities from subsurface environments, stream biofilm, lake water, lake sediment and soil using pyrosequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. We show that there is a general pattern in phylogenetic signal in species ecological niches across recent evolutionary time for all studied habitats, enabling us to infer the influences of community assembly processes from patterns of phylogenetic turnover in community composition. The phylogenetic dissimilarities among-habitat types were significantly higher than within them, and the communities were clustered according to their original habitat types. For communities within-habitat types, the highest phylogenetic turnover rate through space was observed in subsurface environments, followed by stream biofilm on mountainsides, whereas the sediment assemblages across regional scales showed the lowest turnover rate. Quantifying phylogenetic turnover as the deviation from a null expectation suggested that measured environmental variables imposed strong selection on bacterial communities for nearly all sample groups. For three sample groups, spatial distance reflected unmeasured environmental variables that impose selection, as opposed to spatial isolation. Such characterization of spatial and environmental variables proved essential for proper interpretation of partial Mantel results based on observed beta diversity metrics. In summary, our results clearly indicate a dominant role of deterministic processes on bacterial assemblages and highlight that bacteria show strong habitat associations that have likely emerged through evolutionary adaptation.  相似文献   
Limitations in the techniques used to separate root-derived and soil-organic-matter (SOM)-derived respiration have hampered the understanding of forest carbon cycling. Tree girdling is considered to be a robust approach with little disturbance to the root–soil system. Using this approach, we tried to separate root-derived respiration from SOM-derived respiration under Acacia crassicarpa and Eucalyptus urophylla plantations in South China. We found that girdling reduced soil respiration and temperature sensitivity of respiration (Q 10) under both plantations compared to controls, but the intensity of girdling effects was species specific. Six months after girdling, live fine root biomass was lower than the control in A. crassicarpa but not in E. urophylla. Soil microbial biomass (C mic) under A. crassicarpa was increased by girdling 17 days after treatment, but decreased thereafter. In contrast, there was no difference in C mic between girdled and control treatments under E. urophylla. Girdling significantly decreased soil organic carbon (SOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) under A. crassicarpa, but not under E. urophylla. We ascribe differences in girdling effects on belowground carbon between the two species to differences in resprouting traits.  相似文献   
Considering the extraordinary microbial diversity and importance of fungi as enzyme producers, the search for new biocatalysts with special characteristics and possible applications in biocatalysis is of great interest. Here, we report the performance in the resolution of racemic ibuprofen of a native enantioselective lipase from Aspergillus niger, free and immobilized in five types of support (Accurel EP-100, Amberlite MB-1, Celite, Montmorillonite K10 and Silica gel). Amberlite MB-1 was found to be the best support, with a conversion of 38.2%, enantiomeric excess of 50.7% and enantiomeric ratio (E value) of 19 in 72 h of reaction. After a thorough optimization of several parameters, the E value of the immobilized Aspergillus niger lipase was increased (E = 23) in a shorter reaction period (48 h) at 35°C. Moreover, the immobilized Aspergillus niger lipase maintained an esterification activity of at least 80% after 8 months of storage at 4°C and could be reused at least six times.  相似文献   
Heterodichogamy is a form of sex expression in which protandrous and protogynous individuals coexist, and is considered to be a mechanism that avoids selfing and promotes disassortative mating. We examined mating patterns in a heterodichogamous maple, Acer mono, using microsatellite markers. Parentage analysis revealed a selfing rate of only 9.8%. Disassortative mating between flowering types significantly exceeded within-type mating, but the mating patterns were better explained by flowering phenology (i.e., the temporal overlap between the female and male stages). Heterodichogamy in A. mono thus appears to promote outcrossing without requiring obligate self- or cross-incompatibility systems, although it did not guarantee disassortative mating. Multiple-regression analysis suggested that successful reproduction of pollen parents significantly increased with increased flower production and reciprocal flowering synchrony, but decreased only marginally with mating distance, although the distribution of mating distances suggested leptokurtic dispersal of pollen.  相似文献   
An outcome of the photochemistry during oxygenic photosynthesis is the rapid turn over of the D1 protein in the light compared to the other proteins of the photosystem II (PS II) reaction center. D1 is a major factor of PS II instability and its replacement a primary event of the PS II repair cycle. D1 also undergoes redox-dependent phosphorylation prior to its degradation. Although it has been suggested that phosphorylation modulates D1 metabolism, reversible D1 phosphorylation was reported not to be essential for PS II repair in Arabidopsis. Thus, the involvement of phosphorylation in D1 degradation is controversial. We show here that nitric oxide donors inhibit in vivo phosphorylation of the D1 protein in Spirodela without inhibiting degradation of the protein. Thus, D1 phosphorylation is not tightly linked to D1 degradation in the intact plant.  相似文献   
T. R. Chen 《Chromosoma》1971,32(4):436-453
Female karyotypes from ovarian cell cultures of 20 species of killifish (Fundulus) ranged in diploid number from 32 to 48, but in arm number (NF) from 48 to 52. The small F chromosomes, which constituted the fundamental elements in the karyotype, were evenly graded in length. The large biarmed chromosomes (L), which were about twice the length of the average Fs, characterized only those species with 2N less than 48 chromosomes. And among these species, an increase in complement by a pair of L's was always accompanied by a decrease of two pairs of A's, indicating Robertsonian changes by the centric fusion of two A's to form one L chromosome. Other diagnostic chromosome characters included: the number and structure of biarmed and satellited F chromosomes and the percentage of F's with relatively short short-arms (SSA). Besides centric fusion, mechanisms of chromosomal evolution in Fundulus probably included pericentric inversion, producing biarmed F chromosomes from acrocentric F's and partial loss of a chromosome segment producing smaller biarmed F chromosomes from larger ones. The percentage of SSA chromosomes generally decreases from relatively primitive to specialized species. The presumably most primitive species have only SSA type acrocentric F chromosomes. The 20 Fundulus species were classified into 2 major groups according to the percentage of SSA chromosomes: the SSA group, including 3 subgroups, had more than 50% SSA's; the LSA group, including 2 subgroups, had fewer than 50% SSA's. This classification based only on karyotypic characters generally agreed with others based on gross morphological characters. A possible evolutionary scheme is proposed to account for the derived killifish karyotypes.  相似文献   
Huang CD  Chen HH  Wang CH  Chou CL  Lin SM  Lin HC  Kuo HP 《Life sciences》2004,74(20):2479-2492
Neutrophils and their derived elastase are abundant in chronic inflammatory responses of asthma. This study aimed to investigate the mitogenic effect of elastase on airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells and the implicated signal transduction pathway. Near confluent cultured human ASM cells were treated with human neutrophil elastase (HNE, 0.01 to 0.5 microg/ml) or vehicle for 24 hours with or without extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) inhibitor (PD98059, 30 microM), p38 kinase inhibitor (SB203580, 10 microM) or elastase inhibitor II (100 microg/ml). The ASM cell numbers were counted by a hemocytometer and DNA synthesis was assessed by flowcytometry. Western blots analysis for the expression of ERK, p38 and cyclin D1 was determined. HNE dose-dependently increased ASM cell numbers and the percentage of cells entering S-phase of cell cycle. This response was abolished by neutrophil elastase inhibitors and attenuated by PD98059, but not SB203580. HNE increased ERK phosphorylation and cyclin D1 expression. Pretreatment with PD98059 significantly inhibited elastase-induced cyclin D1 activity. The increased ASM cellular gap and cell shape change by proteolytic activity of HNE may be contributory to ERK activation and therefore cell proliferation. Our results demonstrate that HNE is mitogenic for ASM cells by increasing cyclin D1 activity through ERK signaling pathway.  相似文献   


Gene therapy has gained an increasing interest in its anti-tumor efficiency. However, numerous efforts are required to promote them to clinics. In this study, a novel and efficient delivery platform based on bacterial magnetosomes (BMs) were developed, and the efficiency of BMs in delivering small interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA) as well as antiproliferative effects in vitro were investigated.


Initially, we optimized the nitrogen/phosphate ratio and the BMs/siRNA mass ratio as 20 and 1:2, respectively, to prepare the BMs–PEI–siRNA composites. Furthermore, the prepared nanoconjugates were systematically characterized. The dynamic light scattering measurements indicated that the particle size and the zeta potential of BMs–PEI–siRNA are 196.5 nm and 49.5 ± 3.77 mV, respectively, which are optimum for cell internalization. Moreover, the confocal laser scanning microscope observations showed that these composites were at a proximity to the nucleus and led to an effective silencing effect. BMs–PEI–siRNA composites efficiently inhibited the growth of HeLa cells in a dose-as well as time-dependent manner. Eventually, a dual stain assay using acridine orange/ethidium bromide, revealed that these nanocomposites induced late apoptosis in cancer cells.


A novel and efficient gene delivery system based on BMs was successfully produced for cancer therapy, and these innovative carriers will potentially find widespread applications in the pharmaceutical field.
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