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双滴虫类是迄今所知的现存最原始的真核生物类群。以蓝氏贾第虫作为双滴虫类的代表,对其细胞核进行了电镜观察。除了未见有核仁外,还发现其核被膜的横切面上存在有缺口。在缺口的边缘处,核内膜与校外膜是相互连接着的,表明并非切片时所造成的假象。核被膜缺口处常有一核纤层样的薄层分隔核质与细胞质。用高锰酸钾固定细胞以求只保存膜结构时,核被膜缺口仍然可见,上述的薄层即未见到。核被膜缺口的发现证实了李靖炎(1979)的核被膜起源假说所作出的推断。  相似文献   
APC基因是1991年被发现的一类肿瘤抑制基因,它被定位于人第5号染色体5q21处。APC基因如发生缺失或突变,则易患直肠肿瘤,并伴有部分先天痴呆的病例。本工作在孟帆已获得的APC基因在豚鼠中的同源cDNA的基础上,完成了对它的亚克隆,并利用原位杂交和RNA酶保护分析的方法,对它在脑中的分布进行了研究。发现APCmRNA主要在海马、大脑和小脑中表达;嗅球中杂交信号稍弱,脑干中最弱。海马中阳性细胞主要是锥体细胞,小脑中则主要是内层颗粒细胞。在一个月大的豚鼠胚胎的脑中也观察到相似的表达型式。进一步的研究有助于我们更好地了解神经发育和先天痴呆发生的分子机制。  相似文献   
陈杰  卢建明 《微生物学杂志》1995,15(2):25-27,32
苏芸金杆菌液体深层发酵中用营养体接种二级发酵工艺和用二级发酵初期培养物作种子进行三级发酵工艺是可行的。试验结果表明:二级发酵种子罐营养体最佳移种茵龄为9h左右,此时营养体数量多、整齐、染色均匀,显微镜下菌体有折光点存在,三级接种营养体菌龄约为4h左右,菌体数量多,同步率高,少量染色不均匀。发酵液含菌数和发酵产品毒力均达到芽抱接种相同水平,但生产周期明显缩短4-5h,因此相应提高发酵罐生产能力20%。  相似文献   
人──板系统最佳蹬伸动作的控制模型及数值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文基于Hanavan模型和人体测量学参数,以人体各环节间的相对运动作为控制量,建立了人-板系统中起跳蹬伸动作的数学模型,给出了模型的数值计算方法,在此基础上给出了实现最佳蹬伸用力过程的计算实验途径与运动技术诊断方法。  相似文献   
The contribution of agriculture to the sustainable development goals requires climate-smart and profitable farm innovations. Increasing the ammonia fertilizer applications to meet the global food demands results in high agricultural costs, environmental quality deterioration, and global warming, without a significant increase in crop yield. Here, we reported that a third microbial ammonia oxidation process, complete ammonia oxidation (comammox), is contributing to a significant ammonia fertilizer loss (41.9 ± 4.8%) at the rate of 3.53 ± 0.55 mg N kg−1 day−1 in agricultural soils around the world. The contribution of comammox to ammonia fertilizer loss, occurring mainly in surface agricultural soil profiles (0–0.2 m), was equivalent to that of bacterial ammonia oxidation (48.6 ± 4.5%); both processes were significantly more important than archaeal ammonia oxidation (9.5 ± 3.6%). In contrast, comammox produced less N2O (0.98 ± 0.44 μg N kg−1 day−1, 11.7 ± 3.1%), comparable to that produced by archaeal ammonia oxidation (16.4 ± 4.4%) but significantly lower than that of bacterial ammonia oxidation (72.0 ± 5.1%). The efficiency of ammonia conversion to N2O by comammox (0.02 ± 0.01%) was evidently lower than that of bacterial (0.24 ± 0.06%) and archaeal (0.16 ± 0.04%) ammonia oxidation. The comammox rate increased with increasing soil pH values, which is the only physicochemical characteristic that significantly influenced both comammox bacterial abundance and rates. Ammonia fertilizer loss, dominated by comammox and bacterial ammonia oxidation, was more intense in soils with pH >6.5 than in soils with pH <6.5. Our results revealed that comammox plays a vital role in ammonia fertilizer loss and sustainable development in agroecosystems that have been previously overlooked for a long term.  相似文献   
于1986—1988年,先后人工诱导2尾红镜鲤和4尾荷包红鲤抗寒品系雌核发育,获得雌核发育2倍体当年鱼种2133尾,其中红镜鲤685尾,荷包红鲤1448尾。通过对这些后代鳞被和体色两个质量性状的分析,发现荷包红鲤抗寒品系雌核发育2倍体(1987)中有约三分之一个体表现散鳞型鳞被和桔红色(出现由深到浅一系列变化)及少量桔黄色、肉红色个体。红镜鲤散鳞型鳞被出现体表全部覆盖不规则大型鳞片、2/3、1/2覆盖不规则的大型鳞片和散鳞型个体。体色出现桔红色、桔黄色,上述二色都出现由深到浅一系列变化和肉红色。这两个质量性状在雌核发育代中表现出数量性状的特征。  相似文献   
将编码Vi抗原的基因克隆到减毒的鼠伤寒沙门氏菌中组建的基因重组株Vi4072,以3×10~8CFU一次口服感染Balb/C小鼠,4天后按7,14,21,28,35,42,49,56,63,70天的间隔收集分离小鼠的集合淋巴结,肝,脾.鉴别是否有本菌出现,并检测血清和小肠匀浆液中的vi抗体.结果表明,感染后49天仍可从脾中分离到该菌;70天仍可从血清和小肠匀浆液中测出vi抗体。  相似文献   
N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is a dynamic and reversible RNA modification that has emerged as a crucial player in the life cycle of RNA, thus playing a pivotal role in various biological processes. In recent years, the potential involvement of RNA m6A modification in aging and age-related diseases has gained increasing attention, making it a promising target for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying aging and developing new therapeutic strategies. This Perspective article will summarize the current advances in aging-related m6A regulation, highlighting the most significant findings and their implications for our understanding of cellular senescence and aging, and the potential for targeting RNA m6A regulation as a therapeutic strategy. We will also discuss the limitations and challenges in this field and provide insights into future research directions. By providing a comprehensive overview of the current state of the field, this Perspective article aims to facilitate further advances in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying aging and to identify new therapeutic targets for aging-related diseases.  相似文献   
Enhanced exercise capacity is not only a feature of healthful aging, but also a therapy for aging patients and patients with cardiovascular disease. Disruption of the Regulator of G Protein Signaling 14 (RGS14) in mice extends healthful lifespan, mediated by increased brown adipose tissue (BAT). Accordingly, we determined whether RGS14 knockout (KO) mice exhibit enhanced exercise capacity and the role of BAT in mediating exercise capacity. Exercise was performed on a treadmill and exercise capacity was assessed by maximal running distance and work to exhaustion. Exercise capacity was measured in RGS14 KO mice and their wild types (WT), and also in WT mice with BAT transplantation from RGS14 KO mice or from other WT mice. RGS14 KO mice demonstrated 160 ± 9% increased maximal running distance and 154 ± 6% increased work to exhaustion, compared to WT mice. RGS14 KO BAT transplantation to WT mice, resulted in a reversal of phenotype, with the WT mice receiving the BAT transplant from RGS14 KO mice demonstrating 151 ± 5% increased maximal running distance and 158 ± 7% increased work to exhaustion, at three days after BAT transplantation, compared to RGS14 KO donors. BAT transplantation from WT to WT mice also resulted in increased exercise performance, but not at 3 days, but only at 8 weeks after transplantation. The BAT induced enhanced exercise capacity was mediated by (1) mitochondrial biogenesis and SIRT3; (2) antioxidant defense and the MEK/ERK pathway, and increased hindlimb perfusion. Thus, BAT mediates enhanced exercise capacity, a mechanism more powerful with RGS14 disruption.  相似文献   
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