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以猪血清为材料,通过磷酸乙醇胺—琼脂糖亲和层析,Sepharose 4B柱层析和Sephacryl—S300凝胶过滤,获得了猪C—反应蛋白的结晶。猪C—反应蛋白可与肺炎球菌壁C多糖发生特异的沉淀反应,这种结合是依赖钙离子的。EDTA和一些磷脂代谢产物如磷酸胆碱,磷酸乙醇胺等,能抑制猪C—反应蛋白与C多糖的结合。在SDS—聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳及梯度聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳中,猪C—反应蛋白表现出与人C—反应蛋白相同的行为,亚基是一条分子量为23.5kD的肽链,全分子的表观分子量为150kD。猪C—反应蛋白与兔抗人C—反应的蛋白的抗血清能发生免疫交叉反应。  相似文献   
Af finis C. hemsleyanae Franch. et Prain, sed caulibus scapiformibus, flori-lus flavis, majoribus, petalo antico basi saccato facile differt.Herba caespitosa circ. 30 cm longa. Rhizoma circ. 5-10 mm longum, 10 mm crassum, radicibus fibrosis, numerosis, fasciculatis. Caulis 1 usque numerosus, scapiformis, simplex, efoliolatus, interdum basi unifoliatus. Folia basalia numerosa, circ. 20 cm longa, petiolis circ. 15 cm longis basi marginato-expansis, plus minu-sve carnosulis, in sicco purpureo-brunneis, laminis circ. 5 cm longis 5-6 cm latis viridibus, subtus glaucescentibus, biternatis, pinnis brevipetiolulatis, pinnulis sessilibus vel subsessilibus, 2.5-3.5 cm longis, 2 - 3 cm latis bitripartitis, segmentis lanccolatis, saepe trilobatis.  相似文献   
云南10个民族红细胞酸性磷酸酶型分布调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹浪萍  申滨 《遗传学报》1991,18(6):481-484
用淀粉凝胶电泳法对云南省汉族及9个少数民族的红细胞酸性磷酸酶(ACP_1)的表型分布进行了调查,检出A、BA和B3种表型,计算得云南汉、彝、白、傣、瑶、佤、哈尼、布朗、基诺和拉祜族ACP_1~A、ACP_1~B的基因频率依次为0.2067、0.7933;0.2406、0.7594;0.2341、0.7659;0.3750、0.6250;0.2300、0.7700;0.2727、0.7273;0.3594、0.6406;0.3036、0.6964;0.2381、0.76119和0.4474、0.5526。未发现ACP_1~C基因及其它稀有基因。研究表明,ACP_1表型的分布存在着一定的种族与民族差异。  相似文献   
分别对接种与否的大麦抗—感白粉病等基因系—叶期幼苗取材进行蛋白质双向电泳分析。结果表明,病原的侵入使抗—感两系在30Kd以下的低分子量区域的蛋白质发生了明显变化。接种48小时之后,抗病系在pH5.5、6.0、6.8及8.8附近出现了对照中所没有的蛋白质,而在pH6.0和8.8附近的蛋白质则较对照有减小的趋势;感病系在pH6.0附近蛋白质明显增多,在pH8.8处不仅在量上有大幅度提高,而且种类也有增加。结果还表明,抗—感系间在未接种的情况下双向电泳图谱也有差异,接种之后由于感病系在pH8.8处蛋白质的特异性合成,使抗—感两系间的差异缩小。  相似文献   
江苏省常熟市地处长江南岸阳澄湖畔,临近大中城市,距上海100km,离苏州、无锡、南通不足50km,历史上为苏南重点商品粮基地之一。因地理位置、地形、地貌及大气环流等因素所决定,常熟属北亚热带南部湿润地区,年平均气温15.5℃,年日照时数2202.9小时,年雨量1038.4mm。全市境内湖泊、河流纵横交错连结成网,有水域1.75×10~4ha,大小河流4477条。全境总面积1142.2km~2,北部较高,海拔3.11m左右,向南缓缓降低,最低地区海拔0.61m。  相似文献   
The complete amino acid sequence of rabbit skeletal muscle glycogen synthase was deduced from cDNA clones with a composite length of 3317 bp. An mRNA of 3.6 kb was identified by Northern blot analysis of rabbit skeletal muscle RNA. The mRNA coded for a protein of 734 residues with a molecular weight of 83,480. The deduced NH2-terminal and COOH-terminal sequences corresponded to those reported for the purified protein, indicating the absence of any proteolytic processing. At the nucleotide level, the 5' untranslated and coding regions were 79 and 90% identical for rabbit and human muscle glycogen synthases, whereas the 3' untranslated regions were significantly less similar. The enzymes had 97% amino acid sequence identity. Interestingly, the NH2 and COOH termini of rabbit and human muscle glycogen synthase, the regions of phosphorylation, showed the greatest sequence variation (15 of 19 mismatches and two insertion/deletion events), which may indicate different evolutionary constraints in the regulatory and catalytic regions of the molecule.  相似文献   
N-cadherin is the predominant mediator of calcium-dependent adhesion in the nervous system (Takeichi, M. 1988. Development (Camb.). 102: 639-655). Investigations using antibodies to block N-cadherin function (Bixby, J.L., R.L. Pratt, J. Lilien, and L.F. Reichardt. 1987. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 84:2555-2569; Bixby, J.L., J. Lilien, and L.F. Reichardt. 1988. J. Cell Biol. 107:353-362; Tomaselli, K.J., K.N. Neugebauer, J.L. Bixby, J. Lilien, and L.F. Reichardt. 1988. Neuron. 1:33-43) or transfection of the N-cadherin gene into heterologous cell lines (Matsunaga, M., K. Hatta, A. Nagafuchi, and M. Takeichi. 1988. Nature (Lond.). 334:62-64) have provided evidence that N-cadherin, alone or in combination with other molecules, can participate in the induction of neurite extension. We have developed an affinity purification procedure for the isolation of whole N-cadherin from chick brain and have used the isolated protein as a substrate for neurite outgrowth. N-cadherin promotes the rapid extension of neurites from chick ciliary ganglion neurons, which extend few or no neurites on adhesive but noninducing substrates such as polylysine, tissue culture plastic, and collagens. N-cadherin is extremely potent, more so than the L1 adhesion molecule, and comparable to the extracellular matrix protein laminin. Compared to laminin, however. N-cadherin promotes outgrowth from ciliary ganglion neurons extremely rapidly and with a distinct morphology. These results provide a direct demonstration that N-cadherin is sufficient to induce neurite outgrowth when substrate bound and suggest that the mechanism(s) involved may differ from that induced by laminin.  相似文献   
Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) bldB mutants are blocked in the formation of aerial hyphae. A phage library of wild-type S. coelicolor DNA was used to isolate recombinant phages which restore wild-type morphological development to several bldB mutants. Of several mutations, one, bld-28, previously mapped at bldB was not complemented by the cloned region, indicating that the bldB locus is composed of at least two distinct genes. Partial localization of bldB-complementing activity showed that a 1.5 kb fragment is sufficient for complementation of the bld-15 mutation whereas bld-17 requires the same region as well as additional sequences. Under stringent conditions, genomic DNA hybridizing to the cloned sequences was absent from other Streptomyces species, including the closely related Streptomyces lividans 66. DNA sequences causing marked plasmid structural instability in S. coelicolor, but not in S. lividans, are also located in this region.  相似文献   
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