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油松鳞叶中细胞核穿壁现象的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用薄切片和超薄切片技术对油松衰老鳞叶中细胞核穿壁运动进行了观察研究。首次,细胞核内的染色质逐渐收缩集中,形成染色深的球状体,以后,细胞核逐渐与细胞壁接近。接着紧贴细胞壁的细胞核通过细胞壁上的通道或胞间连丝转移到相邻的细胞内,此外,还发现有多种其它的转移方式存在。研究结果表明细胞核的穿壁运动现象同时存在于连子植物和裸植物中,电镜观察进一步证明细胞壁道在细胞核穿壁之前已形成。  相似文献   
卡氏膜球藻(Hymenomonascarterae)是一种单细胞海藻,细胞圆球形,表面覆盖一层球形石(Coccoliths)。两条鞭毛稍不等长,着生于细胞前端,鞭毛长约为细胞直径的1.5倍。在25±℃,光照强度2000lx,光暗时间比14:10小时条件下,用MESⅢ培养基培养卡氏膜球藻,发现细胞在光照条件下伸出鞭毛,活跃游动;在黑暗条件下缩回鞭毛,沉于培养瓶底。进一步试验证明:1.光刺激细胞伸出鞭毛,黑暗刺激细胞缩回鞭毛。2.鞭毛的伸缩与培养中的光暗周期变化严格对应,即光周期开始后20分钟,细胞开始伸出鞭毛;暗周期一开始,鞭毛就向细胞内收缩。3.在连续光照条件下,鞭毛的周期性伸缩现象消失。所以,卡氏膜球藻鞭毛周期性伸缩是一种受光暗周期调节的外源节律。这种鞭毛伸缩的节律现象在藻类是第一次报道。  相似文献   
通过对两种肥力条件下的“8455”小麦植株化学成分与麦长管蚜和麦二叉蚜种群消长关系的研究与分析,结果表明可溶性糖、含钾量、含水量是影响麦二叉蚜种群消长的主要因子,胱氨酸是影响麦长管蚜种群消长的主要因子。  相似文献   
Two novel 46-chromosome doubled haploid lines, W66 and M17, derived from separate hexaploid triticale x bread wheat crosses, were characterised using cytological and biochemical markers. Both lines were shown to be relatively stable cytologically, over 11 and 8 generations of selfing, respectively. By examining mitotic and meiotic chromosomes, the stabilities of the two lines were shown to be similar with frequencies of 2n=46 in 74.2–85.5% of cells. However, over selfed generations, the rye chromosomes were shown to have lost some of their heterochromatin, which made it difficult to establish their continued presence using cytological techniques, such as C-banding alone. Cytological evidence from pairing studies, C-banding, and fluorescence in-situ hybridization, showed that both M17 and W66 are wheat/rye multi-addition lines with rye chromosome constitutions of 1R+6R, and 1R+4R, respectively. These conclusions were confirmed by isozyme and storage-protein analysis.  相似文献   
2个小麦-黑麦-中间偃麦草三属杂种F1的减数分裂方为复杂,中期Ⅰ染色体平均每细胞构型为19.53Ⅰ+13.47Ⅱ+0.70Ⅲ+0.06Ⅳ和19.99Ⅰ+13.42Ⅱ+0.65Ⅲ+0.04Ⅳ+0.01Ⅴ,后期Ⅰ染色体分配不平衡,单价体并不一定排列在赤道板上,产生各种类型的异常四分体。18株花粉植株染色体组成类型多样,在2个花粉植株中分别观察到端体和等臂染色体。单倍体花粉植株中期Ⅰ染色体配对频率较高,交叉值为1.51-3.85。本文还讨论了三属杂种和花药培养的结合应用。  相似文献   
A systematic approach is presented to obtain the best door gap quality through optimal door fitting in automobile body manufacturing. First, three indexes of gap quality are defined; they are: (1) door gap width deviation relative to design nominal; (2) door gap parallelism; and (3) car-to-car gap consistency. Then the door-fitting problem is formulated into a general constrained optimization problem. The effects of optimal door fitting on the three quality indexes are evaluated through computer simulation. These results provide a lower bound on the design of nominal door gap by considering process capability. Finally, a computer-aided fixture adjustment scheme is developed to orient a door in a body side opening to achieve the optimal fitting. The amount of adjustment, with the desired orientation obtained from optimization, is calculated based on parametrically modeled local surface features of the fixture and the door. The adequacy of door feature modeling is verified through a door-fitting experiment.  相似文献   
通过对N、P、K不同施肥条件下的“秦油2号”油菜植株内含物等与萝卜蚜有翅率关系的研究,建立了8个数学模型,结果表明可溶性糖、总N、糖与蛋白质之比和丝氨酸与萝卜蚜有翅率有密切关系,其次是天门冬氨酸、苏氨酸、谷氨酸、甘氨酸、丙氨酸、蛋氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、酪氨酸、含水量、水溶性蛋白、酰胺氮和含P量等.  相似文献   
零下低温对杂交杨树皮层膜脂组成的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以不耐寒的美洲黑杨(Populusdeltoidescv.“Lux”I-69/55,父本)和耐寒性较强的欧美杨(P.euramericanaclcv.I-45/51,母本)的4个杂交F_1代无性系(95杨、559杨、600杨和1381杨)为材料,分析了零下低温寒潮前后枝条皮层的脂质组成。结果表明,寒潮影响下,皮层中磷脂含量增加而组成基本不变,膜脂脂肪酸组成的变化规律是:寒潮前脂肪酸不饱和指数(IUFA)值大的无性系,寒潮前后的IUFA值变化量小;寒潮前IUFA值较小的无性系,寒潮前后IUFA值变化量较大。本文借用力学概念,提出相对抗性概念,给出杨树无性系的相对抗性序列。序列表明F_1代无性系的耐寒性已较不耐寒的父本提高,这与田间观察基本一致。  相似文献   
胡金林 《蛛形学报》1994,3(2):127-130
记述了采自河南省内乡宝天曼自然保护区的地蛛属蜘蛛1新种:宝天曼地蛛Alypnsbaolianmanensis sp.nov.,该新种近似于绥宁地蛛Alypus suiningensis Zhang,1985。  相似文献   
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