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江西金盆山自然保护区位于江西省龙南县、全南县与信丰县的交汇处,为武夷山脉与南岭山脉之间的过渡区域,保护区植物种类丰富、区系地理成分复杂。经野外实地调查、查阅相关文献资料,对保护区内种子植物的科、属、种分布区类型进行统计分析。结果表明:(1)金盆山保护区共有野生种子植物161科659属1 474种,其中裸子植物6科7属7种,占江西裸子植物总种数(83种)的8.43%,被子植物155科652属1 467种,占江西被子植物总种数(4 369种)的33.58%。(2)区系分析显示,金盆山保护区内科的分布区类型中热带分布和温带分布分别占总科数(除去世界分布)的64.22%和35.77%,热带分布占优势地位;属的分布区类型中热带分布和温带分布分别占总属数(除去世界分布)的50.95%和47.55%,二者接近平衡;种的分布区类型中热带分布种和温带分布分别占总种数(除去世界分布)的33.98%和37.15%,而且中国特有种419种,占总种比的28.88%。(3)金盆山保护区种子植物具有单种属、寡种属多,植物区系起源古老的特点,其中有寡种属212属,占总属比的32.17%;单种属374属,占总属比的56.75%;其中寡种属所含种数537种,占总种比的36.43%。(4)与邻近6个保护区的植物区系比较表明,金盆山保护区与武夷山脉的联系较南岭山脉更近,而且金盆山保护区表现出比邻近的阳际峰等武夷山脉地区热带性质更明显。  相似文献   
We propose a novel parallel computing framework for a nonlinear finite element method (FEM)-based cell model and apply it to simulate avascular tumor growth. We derive computation formulas to simplify the simulation and design the basic algorithms. With the increment of the proliferation generations of tumor cells, the FEM elements may become larger and more distorted. Then, we describe a remesh and refinement processing of the distorted or over large finite elements and the parallel implementation based on Message Passing Interface to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the simulation. We demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the FEM model and the parallelization methods in simulations of early tumor growth.  相似文献   
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous small noncoding RNA molecules that negatively regulate gene expression. Herein, we investigated a selective number of miRNAs for their expression in skin tissue of Liaoning Cashmere goat during hair follicle cycles, and their intracellular regulatory networks were constructed based on bioinformatics analysis. The relative expression of six miRNAs (mir-103-3p, -15b-5p, 17-5p, -200b, -25-3p, and -30c-5p) at anagen phase is significantly higher than that at catagen and/or telogen phases. In comparison to anagen, the relative expression of seven miRNAs (mir-148a-3p, -199a-3p, -199a-5p, -24-3p, -30a-5p, -30e-5p, and -29a-3p) was revealed to be significantly up-regulated at catagen and/or telogen stages. The network analyses of miRNAs indicated those miRNAs investigated might be directly or indirectly involved in several signaling pathways through their target genes. These results provided a foundation for further insight into the roles of these miRNAs in skin tissue of Liaoning Cashmere goat during hair follicle cycles.  相似文献   
Previously we successfully produced a group of EGFP-expressing founder transgenic pigs by a newly developed efficient and simple pig transgenesis method based on cytoplasmic injection of piggyBac plasmids. In this study, we investigated the growth and reproduction performance and characterized the transgene insertion, transmission, and expression patterns in transgenic pigs generated by piggyBac transposition. Results showed that transgene has no injurious effect on the growth and reproduction of transgenic pigs. Multiple copies of monogenic EGFP transgene were inserted at noncoding sequences of host genome, and passed from founder transgenic pigs to their transgenic offspring in segregation or linkage manner. The EGFP transgene was ubiquitously expressed in transgenic pigs, and its expression intensity was associated with transgene copy number but not related to its promoter DNA methylation level. To the best of our knowledge, this is first study that fully described the growth and reproduction performance, transgene insertion, expression, and transmission profiles in transgenic pigs produced by piggyBac system. It not only demonstrates that piggyBac transposition-mediated gene transfer is an effective and favorable approach for pig transgenesis, but also provides scientific information for understanding the transgene insertion, expression and transmission patterns in transgenic animals produced by piggyBac transposition.  相似文献   
Mimicry target-directed micro RNA degradation is widespread and highly conserved among eukaryotes. However, little is known about its mechanism of action. In this letter, by using STTM160(target mimic of mi R160) as a reporter, we show that dysfunction of HAWAIIAN SKIRT(HWS) suppresses the pleiotropic phenotype of STTM160. Small RNA sequencing and Northern blot analyses suggested that HWS only affects a subset of micro RNAs. Intriguingly,we identified a stable coexistence of mi R160/mi R399 and their mimicry targets within the AGO1 complex when HWS is compromised, pointing to a possible role of HWS in the clearance of RNA-induced silencing complexes associated with mimicry target.  相似文献   
通过对秦岭山区中国大鲵(Andrias davidianus)栖息地生境因子调查、统计,利用R语言分析了各因子与大鲵生境选择的相关性,得出研究结果:秦岭山区影响大鲵生存的主要因子为栖息地类型(相关系数r=0.98),其次是水温(相关系数r=-0.8)、河岸坡度(r=-0.6)和p H (r=-0.6);浊度(相关系数r=0.5)、电导率(r=0.49)、DO(r=0.4)、人为干扰(r=0.35)和海拔(r=0.31)对大鲵分布影响不大。研究结果为探讨中国大鲵对野生环境的适应性选择提供了参考。  相似文献   
<正>In an essay written by the evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky in 1973, he pointed out that "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution." An interesting phenomenon in biology is the presence of variable numbers of chromosomes in different organisms. Besides several species, which possess multiple circular chromosomes or simply linear chromosomes (Baril et al.1989; Suwanto and Kaplan, 1989; Jumas-Bilak et al., 1998),most prokaryotes only possess one circular chromosome. In contrast, the genomes of eukaryotic species are usually packaged into linear chromosomes with numbers varying  相似文献   
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