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A novel OSPGYRP gene encoding a rice proline-, glycine- and tyrosine-rich protein was isolated from cold-stress treated rice seedlings using suppression subtractive hybridization. Both amino acid sequence analysis and subcellular localization confirm that OsPGYRP is a novel protein involved in vesicle trafficking. The expression of the OSPGYRP gene was induced by cold, salt, and osmotic stress. In addition, expression of the OSPGYRP gene in E. coli increased the resistance to cold stress. These results show that OsPGYRP is a novel protein involved in vesicle trafficking and plays an important role in plant adaptation to stress. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Hydraulic traits and hydraulic-related structural properties were examined in three deciduous (Hevea brasiliensis, Macaranga denticulate, and Bischofia javanica) and three evergreen (Drypetes indica, Aleurites moluccana, and Codiaeum variegatum) Euphorbiaceae tree species from a seasonally tropical forest in south-western China. Xylem water potential at 50% loss of stem hydraulic conductivity (P50stem) was more negative in the evergreen tree, but leaf water potential at 50% loss of leaf hydraulic conductivity (P50leaf) did not function as P50stem did. Furthermore, P50stem was more negative than P50leaf in the evergreen tree; contrarily, this pattern was not observed in the deciduous tree. Leaf hydraulic conductivity overlapped considerably, but stem hydraulic conductivity diverged between the evergreen and deciduous tree. Correspondingly, structural properties of leaves overlapped substantially; however, structural properties of stem diverged markedly. Consequently, leaf and stem hydraulic traits were closely correlated with leaf and stem structural properties, respectively. Additionally, stem hydraulic efficiency was significantly correlated with stem hydraulic resistance to embolism; nevertheless, such a hydraulic pattern was not found in leaf hydraulics. Thus, these results suggest: (1) that the evergreen and deciduous tree mainly diverge in stem hydraulics, but not in leaf hydraulics, (2) that regardless of leaf or stem, their hydraulic traits result primarily from structural properties, and not from leaf phenology, (3) that leaves are more vulnerable to drought-induced embolism than stem in the evergreen tree, but not always in the deciduous tree and (4) that there exists a trade-off between hydraulic efficiency and safety for stem hydraulics, but not for leaf hydraulics.  相似文献   
In order to elucidate the domestication history of Peking ducks, 190 blood samples from six Chinese indigenous duck breeds were collected with186 individualsgenotyped by 15 microsatellite markers. Both the FST and Nei’s standard genetic distances (Ds) from the microsatellite data indicated high genetic differentiation between Peking duck and other Chinese indigenous breeds. The haplotype network with mtDNA data showed that most of the Peking duck haplotypes were distinctly different from those of other domestic breeds. Although the H01 haplotype was shared by all domesticated duck breeds, Peking ducks displayed 12 specific domestic duck haplotypes, including four similar haplotypes H02, H04, H08 and H22, that formed a single haplogroup (A). Both H02 and H22 haplotypes were also shared by mallard and Peking ducks, indicating that Peking ducks originated from wild mallard ducks.  相似文献   
基于QuickBird和GIS的沈阳市城市景观格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用高分辨率遥感影像QuickBird和GIS研究沈阳市三环内景观的空间格局及其属性特征.结果表明:(1)研究区域内农村和城市景观并存,斑块数量集中在城市中,在建街区无论是面积还是斑块数量均占有可观的比重,说明城市处于快速扩张时期;(2)研究区域可以划分成以市中心为圆心2 km为半径间隔的5个同心圆,各地类的重心近似分布于圆上,由内而外的顺序是道路<老式居住<公共绿地及广场=公共设施=铁路<工业用地=在建用地=水体<农村各地类=防护林.居住用地距离市中心距离的规律为高层≤多层老式≤混合≤多层≤别墅;(3)道路面积>防护林面积,但是防护林植被>道路植被,防护林能够有效提高交通及附属用地的绿化率;(4)农村面积<城市面积,阴影绝大多数集中在城市,农村植被>城市植被,农田的高绿化率对研究区域的绿化率影响很大;城市4类主要用地中,居住区的绿化率(23.3%)<工业用地(28.92%)<公共设施用地(32.32%)<公共绿地及广场(73.83%);居住用地阴影率(26.22%)>公共绿地及广场(16.33%)>公共设施用地(13.41%)>工业用地(8.73%);(5)就居住用地而言,多层老式居住用地的绿化率(19.76%)>高层新式居住用地(10.31%),而小于其余7类居住用地.高度类型相同的情况下绿化率均是花园式>片块式,阴影率差异不大;花园式4类间,绿化率顺序是高层<混合<多层<别墅,阴影率顺序恰好相反;片块式4类间,绿化率顺序是高层<多层<混合<别墅,阴影率顺序恰好相反.  相似文献   
组蛋白甲基化与乙酰化作为共价修饰的两种不同方式,参与许多生物学过程,并在基因表达调控中有重要作用.探讨组蛋白甲基化、乙酰化以及二者之间的关系,对认识疾病相关基因功能有重要意义,并可进一步了解基因转录的表观遗传学调控机制.  相似文献   
巨噬细胞迁移抑制因子(MIF)在调节固有免疫和获得性免疫中发挥重要作用,在炎症、败血症和自身免疫疾病中都有它的参与.MIF可以刺激巨噬细胞表达TNF-α、IL-1#、IL-6和IL-8等多种细胞因子.在最近的研究中发现,外源性的MIF可以上调RAW264.7细胞中TNF-αⅡ型受体的mRNA水平,细胞自分泌的MIF对维持TNF-αⅡ型受体的基线水平有很大作用.这种调节作用可以被Src和JNK抑制剂所阻断.在巨噬细胞活化过程中,MIF这一新发现的功能提示它在放大炎症信号的同时,还能消减TNF-α可能引起的凋亡和细胞毒等副作用.  相似文献   
The production of cellulolytic enzymes by Aspergillus niger on lignocellulosic substrates groundnut fodder, wheat bran, rice bran and sawdust in solid state fermentation in a laboratory scale was compared. Czapek Dox liquid broth amended with cellulose (0.5%) was used to moisten lignocellulosic solid supports for cultivation of Aspergillus niger. The production of filter paperase, carboxymethyl cellulase and -glucosidase were monitored at daily intervals for 5 days. The peak production of the enzymes occurred within 3 days of incubation. Among solid supports used in the study, wheat bran was the best solid matrix followed by groundnut fodder in production of cellulolytic enzymes in solid state fermentation. Groundnut fodder supported significant production of FPase (2.09 FPU/g), CMCase (1.36 U/g) and -glucosidase activity (0.0117 U/g) in solid state fermentation. Considerable secretion of protein (5.10 mg/g) on groundnut fodder at peak time interval 1st day of incubation was recorded.  相似文献   
本研究以优良杂交品种"两广二号"家蚕为试材,克隆了该杂交品种家蚕两个抗家蚕核型多角体病毒(BmNPV)基因:脂肪酶基因Bmlipase-1和丝氨酸蛋白酶基因BmSP-2,测序并分别与不同品种蚕的同源基因序列进行比较。结果显示,"两广二号"家蚕Bmlipase-1基因ORF长度为885bp,编码294个氨基酸,BmSP-2扩增长度为855bp,编码284个氨基酸;它们的核苷酸和推导氨基酸序列同源性皆达92%以上,Bmlipase-1更保守,同源性大于99%";两广二号"家蚕的Bmlipase-1基因脂肪酶活化部位和BmSP-2基因酶催化三联体位点的氨基酸残基与不同品种蚕的完全相同。以上结果说明这两个抗病毒基因在蚕的遗传进化过程中高度保守,提示其可能在机体消化或者免疫防御方面起着重要生理作用。将这两个抗病毒基因在大肠杆菌BL21中进行融合表达,获得的融合Bmlipase-1和BmSP-2蛋白分子量分别为47kD和42kD左右。  相似文献   
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)-based metabolomics has been facilitated by the con- struction of MSz spectral tag (MS2T) library from the total scan ESI MS/MS data, and the development of widely targeted metabolomics method using MS/MS data gathered from authentic standards. In this report, a novel strategy called step- wise multiple ion monitoring-enhanced product ions (stepwise MIM-EPI) was developed to construct the MS2T library, in which stepwise MIM was used as survey scans to trigger the acquisition of EPI. A total number of 698 (almost) non- redundant metabolites with MS2 spectra were obtained, of which 135 metabolites were identified/annotated. Integrating the data gathered from our MS2T library and other available multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) information, a widely targeted metabolomics method was developed to quantify 277 metabolites, including some phytohormones. Evaluation of the dehydration responses and natural variations of these metabolites in rice leaf not only suggested the coordinated regulation of abscisic acid (ABA) with metabolites such as serotonin derivative(s), polyamine conjugates under drought stress, but also revealed some C-glycosylated flavones as the potential markers for the discrimination of indica and japonica rice subspecies. The new MS2T library construction and widely targeted metabolomics strategy could be used as a tool for rice functional genomics.  相似文献   
A facile and efficient method to differentiate the 2,3-diols of glucopyranosides based on 1,2-orthoesters strategy was developed. Stable thioglucosides were employed as the starting materials to prepare the corresponding 1,2-orthoesters. When treated with HCl aqueous solution and followed with Et3N, differentiation of the 2,3-diols was efficiently achieved along with the generation of a convertible anomeric hydroxyl group. In addition, an easy and practical method based on NOE was proposed to determine whether the 1,2-orthoesters were endo-type or exo-type.  相似文献   
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