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Magnesium deficiency and oxidative stress have been identified as correlative factors in many diseases. The origin of free radicals correlated with oxidative damage resulting from Mg-deficiency is unclear at the cellular level. To investigate whether hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is associated in the oxidative stress induced by Mg-deficiency, the effect of Mg2+ deficiency (0, 0.4, 0.7 mM) on the metabolism of H2O2 was investigated in cultured chick embryo hepatocytes. After being cultured in the media with various concentrations of Mg2+ for 1, 2, 4, 6 and 10 days, parameters of H2O2 production, catalase activity, lipid peroxidation, intracellular total Mg and cell viability were analyzed. Results demonstrated that long-term incubation of chick embryo hepatocyte in extracellular Mg2+-deprivative and Mg2+-deficient (0.4 mM) states significantly enhanced the production of H2O2 (approximately twofold, respectively) and lipid peroxidation in the cell cultures, while decreasing the cell viability. Additionally, the reversing action of Mg2+ re-added to 1.0 mM and the partial reversing action of dimethylthiourea suggested that (i) [Mg2+]e deficiency induced the increase of H2O2 production, (ii) [Mg2+]e deficiency decreased catalase activity in chick embryo hepatocyte in vitro, subsequently causing oxidative stress and cell peroxidative damage.  相似文献   


This study evaluated the effects of ultrasound combined with the homemade nitric oxide (NO) micro-bubble destruction on the in vitro proliferation, apoptosis, and migration of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Furthermore, we studied whether or not irradiation of the NO micro-bubble combined with bone-marrow derived MSC infusion had a better effect on treating myocardial infarction. The possible mechanism of MSC delivery into the infarcted myocardium was also investigated.


The murine bone marrow-derived MSCs were isolated, cultured, irradiated, and combined with different concentrations of NO microbubbles. MTT proliferation assay, annexin V-FITC apoptosis detection, migration assay, and RT-PCR were performed 24 h after the irradiation. The NO micro-bubbles was a intravenously injected, followed by the infusion of MSCs, which were labeled by CM-Dil. Myocardium was harvested 48 h later and the distribution of MSCs was observed by laser scanning confocal microscope after frozen sectioning. Echocardiography, histological examination, RT-PCR, and western blotting were performed four weeks after the cell transplantation.


Ultrasound combined with 1:70 NO micro-bubbles had no significant impact on the proliferation or apoptosis of MSCs. Transwell chamber findings demonstrated that MSCs migrated more efficiently in group that underwent ultrasound combined with 1:70 NO micro-bubbles. The Real-time PCR results indicated that the expression of CXCR4 was much higher in the group undergoing ultrasound combined with 1:70 NO micro-bubbles. The normalized fluorescence intensity greatly increased in the group of US+NO micro-bubbles and the cardiac function was also markedly improved. Immunohistochemical staining showed that the capillary density was much greater in the group of US+NO micro-bubbles as compared to that of the other groups. RT-PCR and western blotting also revealed a higher SDF-1 and VEGF expression in the group of US+NO micro-bubbles.


NO micro-bubbles could be used in the cell transplantation, which efficiently promoted the MSC homing into the infarcted myocardium.  相似文献   
The metabolic cooperation in the ecosystem of Bacillus megaterium and Ketogulonicigenium vulgare was investigated by cultivating them spatially on a soft agar plate. We found that B. megaterium swarmed in a direction along the trace of K. vulgare on the agar plate. Metabolomics based on gas chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF-MS) was employed to analyze the interaction mechanism between the two microorganisms. We found that the microorganisms interact by exchanging a number of metabolites. Both intracellular metabolism and cell-cell communication via metabolic cooperation were essential in determining the population dynamics of the ecosystem. The contents of amino acids and other nutritional compounds in K. vulgare were rather low in comparison to those in B. megaterium, but the levels of these compounds in the medium surrounding K. vulgare were fairly high, even higher than in fresh medium. Erythrose, erythritol, guanine, and inositol accumulated around B. megaterium were consumed by K. vulgare upon its migration. The oxidization products of K. vulgare, including 2-keto-gulonic acids (2KGA), were sharply increased. Upon coculturing of B. megaterium and K. vulgare, 2,6-dipicolinic acid (the biomarker of sporulation of B. megaterium), was remarkably increased compared with those in the monocultures. Therefore, the interactions between B. megaterium and K. vulgare were a synergistic combination of mutualism and antagonism. This paper is the first to systematically identify a symbiotic interaction mechanism via metabolites in the ecosystem established by two isolated colonies of B. megaterium and K. vulgare.  相似文献   
阴山山脉是中国天然侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)林分布的西北界, 侧柏林也是阴山山脉最主要的森林群落之一。它具有较好的固坡、保土、涵养水源及改善生境的作用。为了解阴山山脉天然侧柏林种群、群落特征和空间分布规律以更好地为侧柏林的经营提供理论依据, 我们以阴山山脉大青山及乌拉山段天然侧柏林为研究对象, 通过样方调查, 分析了侧柏林的植物区系特征, 并根据群落各层片物种优势度将该区侧柏林划分为6个群丛类型, 分析了各群丛特征及其空间分布的生态序列。结果表明: (1)阴山山脉天然侧柏林群落共出现维管植物96种, 隶属于30科70属, 种的地理成分包括8个类型18个亚型, 其中东古北极分布最多, 其次为东亚分布; (2)从群落结构分析, 发育良好的侧柏群落表现为完整的乔木层和草本层, 灌木盖度普遍偏低, 基本不能成层, 在干扰较为严重的地段甚至消失; (3)各群丛侧柏的径级结构基本呈正态分布, 属于稳定的群落类型, 侧柏的平均株高随胸径的增大整体呈增长型; (4)该区侧柏林受干扰较严重, 加之严酷的生境条件, 建群种侧柏的平均胸径较小且植株分叉较多, 不适合作为用材林, 建议将其作为生态公益林及种源林加以保护利用。  相似文献   
Pan Y  Chu T  Dong S  Hao Y  Ren X  Wang J  Wang W  Li C  Zhang Z  Zhou Y 《Molecular biology reports》2012,39(9):8581-8594
The study was designed to investigate feasibility of tissue culture in vitro utilizing static culture method. Annulus fibrosus cells obtained from spine of rabbits were cultured. Results showed that fibrous tissue infiltration could be detected in shallow layer. With extended time, tissue infiltration depth increased, but there were still a large amount of holes in central part. Fibrous tissue infiltration was detected in the control side products and inner infiltration wasn't obvious. Hydroxyproline content of the control side products gradually increased with extended culture time. Hydroxyproline content of the control side products in the third and fourth month was significantly higher than that in the first month, but lower than those of the experimental side products and normal annulus fibrosus cells. DNA content of the control side products in the third and fourth month was significantly increased compared to the first month. DNA content of the control side products at each phase point was significantly lower than that of the experimental side and normal annulus fibrosus cells. Furthermore, there was lower expression levels of the type I, II collagen mRNA and protein in the experimental side scaffolds compared to the control side product. This study demonstrates the successful formation of Intervertebral disc Anulus Fibrosus in vitro by static culture method.  相似文献   
The molecular weights and radii of gyration of Streptococcus salivarius levan fractions were obtained from light-scattering measurements in water. Sedimentation coefficients and partial specific volumes of the fractions were also obtained. Double logarithmic plots of [η] versus M?w and S0 versus M?w yielded slopes having values of 0.17 and 0.62, respectively. The data and various calculated parameters show that levan from Streptococcus salivarius is highly branched and behaves hydrodynamically as a compact particle of spherical symmetry.  相似文献   
Tylonycteris pachypus is a gregarious bat species with tens of individuals in a colony. The mechanisms by which mother bats recognize their pups and adult bats recognize each other are not clear. We hypothesized that such recognition is achieved by chemical discrimination and performed experiments to test the hypothesis. Results showed that mother bats were much more attracted to the scent from their own pups. For adult bats, females were attracted to the scent from both male and female groupmates but had a higher preference to the scent from female than from male groupmates. Male bats were much more attracted to the scent from male groupmates while showed no preference to the scent from female groupmates. Within a group, both female and male bats had no difference in preference to the scent from the same or opposite sex. These results suggest that mother–pup and groupmate recognition of T. pachypus can be achieved by olfactory cues.  相似文献   
长白猪、枫泾猪和它们的杂种后代Ag—NOR的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
于汝梁  辛彩云 《遗传学报》1992,19(4):304-307
4头枫泾猪,3头长白猪和5头长白×枫泾杂一代的NOR平均数分别为3.88、2和2.95。33头长白×枫泾杂二代猪(杂一代互交后代),其中7头黑猪的NOR众数为4,平均数为3.85;9头白猪的NOR众数为2,平均数为2.25;14头白猪的NOR众数为3,平均数为2.86;3头花猪的NOR众数分别为4.3、3,平均数为3.65、3.00和3.08。根据长白、枫泾和长白×枫泾杂一代和杂二代的NOR数目的区别和变化,NOR的遗传符合孟德尔定律。根据NOR数目与毛色的高度相关,提出了决定猪的黑白毛色的基因位于8号染色体并与NOR连锁的假设。猪的毛色除由位于8号染色体上的毛色基因所决定外,还应受其它基因位点的影响。  相似文献   
We examined hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP)-mediated interactions between Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE) and tolbutamide, an oral anti-diabetic agent, in aged and young rats. Tolbutamide was orally given to rats with or without GBE treatment, and time-dependent changes in blood glucose were monitored. The basal activity of six CYP subtypes in liver was lower in the aged rats than in the young rats, while the inductions of these enzymes by 5 day pretreatment of 0.1% GBE diet were more in the aged rats. Further, the pretreatment of GBE significantly attenuated the hypoglycemic action of tolbutamide in the aged rats, corresponding well to the enhanced activity of (S)-warfarin 7-hydroxylase, which is responsible for CYP2C9 subtype, a major isoform metabolizing tolbutamide. In contrast, the simultaneous administration of GBE with tolbutamide potentiated the hypoglycemic action of this drug. The in vitro experiments revealed that GBE competitively inhibited the metabolism of tolbutamide by (S)-warfarin 7-hydroxylase in the rat liver microsomes. In the young rats, the 5 day pretreatment with GBE significantly attenuated the hypoglycemic action of tolbutamide, but a simultaneous treatment had little influence on the tolbutamide effect. In conclusion, the present study has shown that the simultaneous and continuous intake of GBE significantly affects the hypoglycemic action of tolbutamide, possibly via a hepatic CYP enzyme-mediated mechanism, particularly in the aged rats. Therefore, it is anticipated that the intake of GBE as a dietary supplement with therapeutic drugs should be cautious, particularly in elderly people.  相似文献   
Liu  Siqi  Wang  Bo  Li  Xiaojing  Pan  Jingxian  Qian  Xuexue  Yu  Yahui  Xu  Ping  Zhu  Jian  Xu  Xiaofeng 《Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture》2019,137(3):485-494
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - Callus is a remarkable regeneration tissue. The genes correlated with root development can be involved in regulating callus development in higher...  相似文献   
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