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不同生态环境对蒲公英超氧物歧化酶(SOD)的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
选择干生,湿生,阳生,阴生四种生境中生长的蒲公英Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz分根,叶,花分别测定了SOD活性和比活性,并比较了同工酶谱的变化情况,结果表明不同生境未能改变SOD的同工酶条带数,但对其活性大小有影响,这种影响尤其表现在根上,湿生和阴生根的SOD活性明显高于干生和阳生根的SOD活性,显示出蒲公英的不同器官适应不同的环境效应。  相似文献   
为了更好地对脱氧核糖核酸酶解动力学过程进行研究,建立脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)酶解液中4种脱氧核苷酸(腺嘌呤脱氧核苷酸(dAMP)、鸟嘌呤脱氧核苷酸(dGMP)、胞嘧啶脱氧核苷酸(dCMP)、胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷酸(dTMP))的高效液相测定方法,能将酶解液中4种脱氧核苷酸完全分离并准确定量。在此基础上,对DNA酶解的动力学进行初步研究,其反应机理为不存在底物和产物抑制的双底物顺序反应,动力学方程为x=1/bin(1+abt)(其中a=0.3723p0—0.974;b=-0.0493p0^2+1.1150p0-1.1103),该方程可以很好地描述DNA酶解过程,误差仅为3.31%.  相似文献   
In angiosperms, chlorophyll biosynthesis is light dependent. A key factor in this process is protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR), which requires light to catalyze the reduction of protochlorophyllide to chlorophyllide. It is believed that this protein originated from an ancient cyanobacterial enzyme that was introduced into proto‐plant cells during the primary symbiosis. Here we report that PORs from the cyanobacteria Gloeobacter violaceus PCC7421 and Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 function in plastids. First, we found that the G. violaceus POR shows a higher affinity to its substrate protochlorophyllide than the Synechocystis POR but a similar affinity to plant PORs. Secondly, the reduced size of prolamellar bodies caused by a knockdown mutation of one of the POR genes, PORA, in Arabidopsis could be complemented by heterologous expression of the cyanobacterial PORs. Photoactive protochlorophyllide in the etioplasts of the complementing lines, however, was retained at a low level as in the parent PORA knockdown mutant, indicating that the observed formation of prolamellar bodies was irrelevant to the assembly of photoactive protochlorophyllide. This work reveals a new view on the formation of prolamellar bodies and provides new clues about the function of POR in the etioplast–chloroplast transition.  相似文献   
分别用浓度为25mmol/L、50mmol/L、100mmol/L和200mmol/L的NaCl、Na2SO4和Na2CO3的营养液培养小麦4d,较之不含盐的营养液,其自由基含量上升,产生速率增加,叶片质膜透性增加。不同盐的影响也不同,在低浓度时,NaCl的影响大于Na2SO4,高浓度时,NaCl影响小于Na2SO4,Na2CO3的影响最为显著。实验结果也表现出小麦叶片自由基含量和质膜透性呈现较好的相关性。因此可认为,盐胁迫促使自由基含量增加,自由基通过过氧化作用影响质膜透性,从而影响植物的生长。  相似文献   
Regeneration of pulmonary epithelial cells plays an important role in the recovery of acute lung injury (ALI), which is defined by pulmonary epithelial cell death. However, the mechanism of the regenerative capacity of alveolar epithelial cells is unknown. Using a lung injury mouse model induced by hemorrhagic shock and lipopolysaccharide, a protein mass spectrometry‐based high‐throughput screening and linage tracing technology to mark alveolar epithelial type 2 cells (AEC2s), we analyzed the mechanism of alveolar epithelial cells proliferation. We demonstrated that the expression of Hippo‐yes‐associated protein 1 (YAP1) key proteins were highly consistent with the regularity of the proliferation of alveolar epithelial type 2 cells after ALI. Furthermore, the results showed that YAP1+ cells in lung tissue after ALI were mainly Sftpc lineage‐labeled AEC2s. An in vitro proliferation assay of AEC2s demonstrated that AEC2 proliferation was significantly inhibited by both YAP1 small interfering RNA and Hippo inhibitor. These findings revealed that YAP functioned as a key regulator to promote AEC2s proliferation, with the Hippo signaling pathway playing a pivotal role in this process.  相似文献   
Perennial bioenergy crops have been shown to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, potentially offsetting anthropogenic C emissions. The effects of perennial bioenergy crops on SOC are typically assessed at shallow depths (<30 cm), but the deep root systems of these crops may also have substantial effects on SOC stocks at greater depths. We hypothesized that deep (>30 cm) SOC stocks would be greater under bioenergy crops relative to stocks under shallow‐rooted conventional crop cover. To test this, we sampled soils to between 1‐ and 3‐m depth at three sites in Oklahoma with 10‐ to 20‐year‐old switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) stands, and collected paired samples from nearby fields cultivated with shallow rooted annual crops. We measured root biomass, total organic C, 14C, 13C, and other soil properties in three replicate soil cores in each field and used a mixing model to estimate the proportion of recently fixed C under switchgrass based on 14C. The subsoil C stock under switchgrass (defined over 500–1500 kg/m2 equivalent soil mass, approximately 30–100 cm depth) exceeded the subsoil stock in neighboring fields by 1.5 kg C/m2 at a sandy loam site, 0.6 kg C/m2 at a site with loam soils, and showed no significant difference at a third site with clay soils. Using the mixing model, we estimated that additional SOC introduced after switchgrass cultivation comprised 31% of the subsoil C stock at the sandy loam site, 22% at the loam site, and 0% at the clay site. These results suggest that switchgrass can contribute significantly to subsoil organic C—but also indicated that this effect varies across sites. Our analysis shows that agricultural strategies that emphasize deep‐rooted grass cultivars can increase soil C relative to conventional crops while expanding energy biomass production on marginal lands.  相似文献   
猪胃肠道黏膜二糖酶的性质   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究了猪小肠中麦芽糖酶,蔗糖酶和乳糖酶3种二糖酶的生化性质及活性分布。试验以3头“杜加”生长猪为对象,屠宰并刮取胃底部,十二指肠,空肠上段和回肠黏膜。其中空肠黏膜用于3种二糖酶生化性质的研究,包括酶的最适温度,热稳定性,最适pH ,pH稳定范围和金属离子对酶活性的影响;胃底部,十二指肠,空肠上段和回肠黏膜用于测定3种二糖酶活性以揭示其在胃扬中的分布规律。试验结果表明:麦芽糖酶,蔗糖酶和乳糖酶的最适反应温度分别为50,45和55℃,最适pH分别为6.8,6.5和6.0;乳糖酶的耐热温度(70℃)高于麦芽糖酶和蔗糖酶(50℃);不同pH对3种二糖酶活性影响不大;金属离子Cu^2 和Fe^2 对3种二糖酶均有激活作用;而Mn^2 有抑制作用。此外,Zn^2 能抑制麦芽糖酶活性,提高蔗糖酶活性,而不影响乳糖酶活性。3种二糖酶活性在肠道中由高到低的分布为:空肠,回肠,十二指肠和胃;其中麦芽糖酶在空肠和回肠中活性相近。回肠和空肠黏膜中的麦芽糖酶活性均显著高于十二指肠和胃中的酶活性,十二指肠酶活性显著高于胃;空肠中蔗糖酶和乳糖酶活性显著高于回肠,十二指肠和胃底部。从3种二糖酶活性大小看,胃底部和十二指肠中的麦芽糖酶活性显著高于蔗糖酶和乳糖酶;空肠上段和回肠中的麦芽糖酶活性显著高于蔗糖酶活性,蔗糖酶活性又显著高于乳糖酶。上述结果表明,3种二糖酶的生化性质具有一定的差异,在胃肠道中的活性分布规律相似。  相似文献   
细胞因子Midkine(简称MK)是新发现的一类肝素结合因子家族中的一员。1988年,Kadamatsu等利用差异杂交法在经维甲酸诱导分化的小鼠畸胎瘤细胞株HM-1中首先克隆到小鼠MK基因。人MK基因则最早是从λgt10人胚肾(20-24周)cDNA库和EMBL-3人胎盘基因组库获得。成熟  相似文献   
The pseudokinase mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein (MLKL) is a core effector of necroptosis, and its function in necroptosis is widely studied. However, the function of MLKL in apoptosis remains unclear. In the present study, the role of MLKL in chelerythrine (CHE)-promoted apoptosis was studied. A special band of MLKL (i.e., *MLKL) was observed after treatment with CHE. MLKL and *MLKL were accumulated in the nucleus upon treatment with CHE and MLKL silencing reversed the CHE-induced apoptosis. Blockade of CHE-triggered reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation or inhibition of CHE-activated protein kinase-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK)-eukaryotic initiation factor 2 α subunit (eIF2α) pathway reversed the apoptosis. A decreased ROS level inhibited CHE-mediated nuclear translocation of MLKL and *MLKL and the activation of eIF2α, whereas MLKL or eIF2α silencing did not affect the CHE-triggered ROS generation. Furthermore, MLKL silencing prevented the CHE-activated eIF2α signal, and eIF2α silencing blocked the CHE-induced nuclear translocation of MLKL and *MLKL. Our studies suggested that CHE possibly induces apoptosis through the nuclear translocation of MLKL and *MLKL, which is promoted by a mutual regulation between MLKL and PERK–eIF2α pathway in response to ROS formation. The present study clarified the new function of MLKL in apoptosis.  相似文献   
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