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以多年生草本黑麦草为对象,模拟喀斯特生境土壤特征设置浅而宽(Shallow and wide, SW:30×30×5 cm3)和深而窄(Deep and narrow, DN:10×10×45 cm3)两种土壤容器,以正常降水量为对照供水(W100%),设减水50%(W50%)和减水70%(W30%)共3种水分处理进行盆栽实验,探究了两种不同土壤生境中土壤水分变化对黑麦草生长及光合生理的影响,以进一步理解喀斯特地区植物的适应对策。结果显示:(1)SW生境对水分变化敏感,随供水减少土壤含水量显著下降。轻度减水下植物叶面积增大,光合速率提高,地上部分生长得到促进,但水分严重减少对其生长和光合生理有抑制作用,但地上质量分数和水分利用效率却显著升高;(2)DN生境保水能力较好,随供水减少土壤水分含量下降较为平缓。叶片相对含水量、气孔导度和比叶面积在各水分处理之间差异不显著,但严重减水条件下总生物量、地上质量分数和水分利用效率均有回升。研究表明:浅而宽生境中植物倾向于通过提高地上部分的生长,保持较高的光合速率,并向地上部分分配较多生物量来应对水分胁迫;...  相似文献   
为探讨嘉宝果(Myrciaria cauliflora)叶片多酚的分离纯化方法,对4种树脂(NKA-2、NKA-9、HPD-826和HPD-400A)进行了筛选,并分析了其多酚的抗氧化、体外降糖活性和组成成分。结果表明,NKA-9树脂适于嘉宝果叶片多酚纯化,最佳工艺条件为:上样液质量浓度2.00 mg/mL、洗脱液乙醇体积分数70%、上样流速1.0 mL/min、上样量204 mL、洗脱流速0.9 mL/min、洗脱量70 mL。嘉宝果叶多酚纯度可达69.86%。嘉宝果叶片纯化后的多酚抗氧化及α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性高于纯化前,但α-淀粉酶抑制活性低于纯化前。HPLC结果表明,嘉宝果叶片中含有杨梅苷、芦丁、金丝桃苷和鞣花酸,其中鞣花酸含量最高[(16.15±0.49) mg/g]。因此,NKA-9树脂适合分离纯化嘉宝果叶片多酚,纯化后的多酚抗氧化及α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性增强。  相似文献   
为了解嘉宝果(Myrciaria cauliflora)的挥发性成分,利用顶空-气相色谱/质谱联用技术对其不同发育期的花、果、叶的挥发性成分进行测量。结果表明,萜烯类是花、果、叶的主要挥发性成分,随开花进程呈增加趋势,随果实和叶片成熟进程而下降,单萜类是其中的优势成分,主要有α-蒎烯、β-蒎烯、D-柠檬烯、β-罗勒烯等;花苞期、初花期和嫩叶以β-蒎烯含量最高,盛花期和老叶以α-蒎烯最高,末花期和果实中均以D-柠檬烯含量最高,嫩叶中α-蒎烯和β-蒎烯的总含量高达62.07%。酯类在花期中以初花期含量最高(16.92%),在果实中以完熟期含量最高(14.81%),老叶中酯类含量(4.35%)显著高于嫩叶(0.26%)。因此,α-蒎烯和β-蒎烯是花、果、叶共有主香成分,柳酸甲酯和苯乙醇是花苞期和初花期特征主香成分,毕澄茄烯是完熟果特征风味物质,β-石竹烯是嫩叶特征主香成分,桉叶油醇和β-胡椒烯是老叶特征主香成分。  相似文献   
以"陇春27"号水培小麦幼苗为研究材料,外源添加水杨酸(SA)、一氧化氮(NO)清除剂(carboxy-PTIO,c-PTIO)、NO供体硝普钠(SNP)、硝酸还原酶(NR)抑制剂钨酸盐(Tungstate)及NO合成酶(NOS)抑制剂(L-NAME)进行不同预处理,分析其在镉(Cd)胁迫下根的生长和叶片叶绿素含量的变化,探讨SA和NO互作对小麦幼苗Cd胁迫的缓解机制。结果表明:随着Cd处理时间的延长,小麦幼苗根中SA含量显著降低,NO含量则呈现先增加(6 h和12 h)后减少(24 h和48 h)的趋势;Cd胁迫抑制了小麦幼苗根的生长,减少了叶片叶绿素的含量,而一定浓度的SA或SNP预处理可以缓解Cd胁迫对小麦幼苗根长的抑制作用,增加叶绿素的含量。c-PTIO、L-NAME和Tungstate单独预处理显著抑制了小麦幼苗根的生长,减少了NO的含量,但不影响叶绿素含量。SA400+L-NAME预处理可以缓解Cd胁迫对小麦幼苗根长的抑制作用以及叶绿素和NO含量的减少作用;SA400+c-PTIO或SA400+Tungstate预处理可增加Cd胁迫下叶绿素的含量,但对根的伸长无影响。进一步研究发现,Cd胁迫抑制了NR的活性,而SA400预处理可以使Cd胁迫下NR的活性增强,不同处理对NOS的活性均无影响。综上所述,Cd胁迫导致小麦幼苗根内源SA含量降低和NO含量先升高再降低;外源添加SA或SNP预处理缓解了Cd胁迫对根生长的抑制和叶绿素含量降低的作用;外源SA通过影响NO的产生从而提高小麦幼苗对Cd胁迫的耐受性,最终缓解了Cd对小麦幼苗的毒害作用。  相似文献   
为研究花青素苷的转运,利用电子克隆和RT-PCR方法,从普通烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)花中分离了1个编码谷胱甘肽转移酶(GST)基因,命名为NtAN9(GenBank登录号KX356542)。NtAN9包含一个690bp的开放阅读框,编码229个氨基酸残基,属于phi型GST。NtAN9基因组结构由3个外显子和2个内含子组成。多序列比对分析表明,NtAN9与矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida)花青素苷转运相关的GST基因PhAN9具有88%的一致性。系统进化分析显示,NtAN9与花青素苷转运相关的GST基因聚为一支,是PhAN9的直系同源基因。定量PCR分析表明,NtAN9基因在含有花青素苷的四个花发育时期中均有表达,其中在开花前的第Ⅲ期(2cm花芽4cm)表达丰度达到最高,而在不含花青素苷的根、茎和叶中不表达。由此推测,分离得到的NtAN9可能具有类似PhAN9的功能,与烟草花青素苷的转运与积累相关。NtAN9基因的分离与表达分析,为进一步研究烟草花青素苷的转运奠定了基础。  相似文献   
少年儿童接种乙型肝炎血源疫苗的效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
5~15岁的HBV易感儿童,按0、1、6月程序接种10μg×3乙型肝炎血源疫苗(北京生研所批号8615-1A、8722-2)。接种后1~2年他们的抗-HBs阳转率为~92%,无一例HBsAg阳转;未接种疫苗的对照组儿童,抗-HBs阳转率仅2.08%~2.60%,HBsAg阳转率分别为3.23%和2.08%。流行病学保护效果良好。易感少年儿童接种乙型肝炎血源疫苗将加快控制乙型肝炎的进程。  相似文献   
An infectious clone of the Periplaneta fuliginosa densovirus (PfDNV) has been constructed and the PfDNV genome can rescue from the plasmid and replicate as the wild-type virus in nymphs of P. fuliginosa. To investigate the ability of the cloned PfDNV genome to be used as a stable and persistent expression vector, we constructed seven recombinant plasmids in which the GFP reporter gene was inserted into the genome of PfDNV. When these recombinant constructs were transfected into hosts, the GFP was expressed efficiently in every clone. Southern blot analysis revealed that recombinant plasmids had integrated into host genome. Infectious recombinant virions could be produced from plasmids in which the GFP gene was downstream of and in frame with the NS3 and NS1 coding regions. These results indicate that PfDNV genome can be used as an insect vector for the transfer and persistent expression of an exogenous gene.  相似文献   
In this article, a new mechanism influencing the transport of microorganisms through unsaturated porous media is examined, and a new method for directly visualizing bacterial behavior within a porous medium under controlled chemical and flow conditions is introduced. Resting cells of hydrophilic and relatively hydrophobic bacterial strains isolated from groundwater were used as model microorganisms. The degree of hydrophobicity was determined by contact-angle measurements. Glass micromodels allowed the direct observation of bacterial behavior on a pore scale, and three types of sand columns with different gas saturations provided quantitative measurements of the observed phenomena on a porous medium scale. The reproducibility of each break-through curve was established in three to five repeated experiments. The data collected from the column experiments can be explained by phenomena directly observed in the micromodel experiments. The retention rate of bacteria is proportional to the gas saturation in porous media because of the preferential sorption of bacteria onto the gas-water interface over the solid-water interface. The degree of sorption is controlled mainly by cell surface hydrophobicity under the simulated groundwater conditions because of hydrophobic forces between the organisms and the interfaces. The sorption onto the gas-water interface is essentially irreversible because of capillary forces. This preferential and irreversible sorption at the gas-water interface strongly influences the movement and spatial distribution of microorganisms.  相似文献   
Spinocerebellar ataxia 3 (SCA3), which is a progressive neurodegenerative disease, is currently incurable. Emerging studies have reported that human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (HUC-MSCs) transplantation could be a promising therapeutic strategy for cerebellar ataxias. However, few studies have evaluated the effects of HUC-MSCs on SCA3 transgenic mouse. Thus, we investigated the effects of HUC-MSCs on SCA3 mice and the underlying mechanisms in this study. SCA3 transgenic mice received systematic administration of 2 × 106 HUC-MSCs once per week for 12 continuous weeks. Motor coordination was measured blindly by open field tests and footprint tests. Immunohistochemistry and Nissl staining were applied to detect neuropathological alternations. Neurotrophic factors in the cerebellum were assessed by ELISA. We used western blotting to detect the alternations of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), IGF-1, mutant ataxin-3, and apoptosis-associated proteins. Tunel staining was also used to detect apoptosis of affected cells. The distribution and differentiation of HUC-MSCs were determined by immunofluorescence. Our results exhibited that HUC-MSCs transplantation significantly alleviated motor impairments, corresponding to a reduction of cerebellar atrophy, preservation of neurons, decreased expression of mutant ataxin-3, and increased expression of HSP70. Implanted HUC-MSCs were mainly distributed in the cerebellum and pons with no obvious differentiation, and the expressions of IGF-1, VEGF, and NGF in the cerebellum were significantly elevated. Furthermore, with the use of HSP70 analogy quercetin injection, it demonstrated that HSP70 is involved in mutant ataxin-3 reduction. These results showed that HUC-MSCs implantation is a potential treatment for SCA3, likely through upregulating the IGF-1/HSP70 pathway and subsequently inhibiting mutant ataxin-3 toxicity.  相似文献   
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