Expression of modified xynA gene fragments in Escherichia coli BL21 was studied, using the complete xynA gene from Bacillus subtilis BE-91 as the positive control. The technical workflow consisted of the following steps: (1) predicting protein structures relative to the xynA gene; (2) designing primers for modifiers; (3) amplifying the modifiers; (4) integrating the modifiers with the pET-28a(+) vector; (5) transferring the recombinant plasmids into E. coli BL21; (6) evaluating and analyzing the expression of modified cells. The results were: (1) the xynA gene from BE-91 with the untranslated region deleted on both ends was able to promote XynA activity by 28.9 %; (2) deletion of the 1- to 16-amino acid (AA) coding sequence in the open reading frame on the 5′-end, deletion of the 209- to 213-AA fragment on the 3′-end and deletion of the 20 AA on both ends could promote XynA activity by 27.2, 27.7 and 24.0 %,respectively; (3) deletion of the 1- to 29-AA fragment on the 5′-end and deletion of the 197- to 213-AA fragment on the 3′-end could reduce XynA activity dramatically by 95.6 and 74.8 %, respectively; (4) inactivation factors of XynA would be either the first β-fold and the hydrophilic structure domain or the last two α-screws and the seventeenth turn region. The results mean that any deletion in the catalytic domain would lead to a decline or inactivation in XynA activity while the deletion of any sequence outside the catalytic domain could effectively promote XynA activity, as such sequences are unnecessary for XynA function. 相似文献
Migration and accumulation of microglial cells at sites of injury are important for nerve repair. Recent studies on the leech central nervous system (CNS), in which synapse regeneration is successful, have shown that nitric oxide (NO) generated immediately after injury by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) stops migrating microglia at the lesion. The present study obtained results indicating that NO may act earlier, on microglia migration, and aimed to determine mechanisms underlying NO's effects. Injury induced cGMP immunoreactivity at the lesion in a pattern similar to that of eNOS activity, immunoreactivity, and microglial cell accumulation, which were all focused there. The soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) inhibitor methylene blue (MB) at 60 microM abolished cGMP immunoreactivity at lesions and blocked microglial cell migration and accumulation without interfering with axon conduction. Time-lapse video microscopy of microglia in living nerve cords showed MB did not reduce cell movement but reduced directed movement, with significantly more cells moving away from the lesion or reversing direction and fewer cells moving toward the lesion. The results indicate a new role for NO, directing the microglial cell migration as well as stopping it, and show that NO's action may be mediated by cGMP. 相似文献
Reactive carbonyl species methylglyoxal (MG) has always been regarded as a cytotoxic metabolite, but now is emerging to function as signal molecule in plants. However, whether MG can induce salt tolerance is elusive. In this study, treatment of wheat seeds with NaCl reduced seed germination, plant height, root length, fresh weight, and dry weight, indicating the inhibitive effects of NaCl on seed germination and seedling growth. The inhibitive effects of NaCl were alleviated by applying exogenous MG, but aggravated by the MG scavenger N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), suggesting that MG could induce the salt tolerance of wheat. In addition, MG increased glyoxalase I and glyoxalase II activities and decreased endogenous MG content in wheat seedlings under NaCl stress, whereas coapplication of NAC weakened glyoxalase activity and enhanced the endogenous MG level. Also, MG activated superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, and glutathione reductase activities; increased glutathione and ascorbic acid levels; and decreased superoxide radical production and H2O2 and malondialdehyde contents under NaCl stress, while NAC reversed these physiological parameters. Furthermore, MG also induced the accumulation of proline, glycine betaine, and soluble sugar under NaCl stress, whereas this accumulation was weakened by NAC. This work reported for the first time that MG could induce the salt tolerance of wheat, and the acquisition of this salt tolerance was involved in the activation of the glyoxalase system and antioxidant system, as well as the accumulation of osmolytes. 相似文献
In many clinical settings, a commonly encountered problem is to assess accuracy of a screening test for early detection of a disease. In these applications, predictive performance of the test is of interest. Variable selection may be useful in designing a medical test. An example is a research study conducted to design a new screening test by selecting variables from an existing screener with a hierarchical structure among variables: there are several root questions followed by their stem questions. The stem questions will only be asked after a subject has answered the root question. It is therefore unreasonable to select a model that only contains stem variables but not its root variable. In this work, we propose methods to perform variable selection with structured variables when predictive accuracy of a diagnostic test is the main concern of the analysis. We take a linear combination of individual variables to form a combined test. We then maximize a direct summary measure of the predictive performance of the test, the area under a receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC of an ROC), subject to a penalty function to control for overfitting. Since maximizing empirical AUC of the ROC of a combined test is a complicated nonconvex problem (Pepe, Cai, and Longton, 2006, Biometrics62, 221-229), we explore the connection between the empirical AUC and a support vector machine (SVM). We cast the problem of maximizing predictive performance of a combined test as a penalized SVM problem and apply a reparametrization to impose the hierarchical structure among variables. We also describe a penalized logistic regression variable selection procedure for structured variables and compare it with the ROC-based approaches. We use simulation studies based on real data to examine performance of the proposed methods. Finally we apply developed methods to design a structured screener to be used in primary care clinics to refer potentially psychotic patients for further specialty diagnostics and treatment. 相似文献
Targeted therapy has gradually become the first-line clinical tumor therapy due to its high specificity and low rate of side effects. TOPK (T-LAK cell-originated protein kinase), a MAP kinase, is highly expressed in various tumor tissues, while it is rarely expressed in normal tissues, with the exceptions of testicular germ cells and some fetal tissues. It can promote cancer cell proliferation and migration and is also related to drug resistance. Therefore, TOPK is considered a good therapeutic target. Moreover, a number of studies have shown that targeting TOPK can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells and promote their apoptosis. Here, we discussed the biological functions of TOPK in cancer and summarized its tumor-related signaling network and known TOPK inhibitors. Finally, the role of TOPK in targeted cancer therapy was concluded, and future research directions for TOPK were assessed.
TWINSCAN is a new gene-structure prediction system that directly extends the probability model of GENSCAN, allowing it to exploit homology between two related genomes. Separate probability models are used for conservation in exons, introns, splice sites, and UTRs, reflecting the differences among their patterns of evolutionary conservation. TWINSCAN is specifically designed for the analysis of high-throughput genomic sequences containing an unknown number of genes. In experiments on high-throughput mouse sequences, using homologous sequences from the human genome, TWINSCAN shows notable improvement over GENSCAN in exon sensitivity and specificity and dramatic improvement in exact gene sensitivity and specificity. This improvement can be attributed entirely to modeling the patterns of evolutionary conservation in genomic sequence. 相似文献
We estimated the rate of extra‐pair fertilizations (EPFs) in waved albatrosses (Phoebastria irrorata) on Isla Española, Galápagos, Ecuador, using multilocus minisatellite DNA fingerprinting. Waved albatrosses are socially monogamous, long‐lived seabirds whose main population is on Española. Aggressive extra‐pair copulation (EPC) attempts have been observed in the breeding colony during the days preceding egg‐laying. Our genetic analyses of 16 families (single chicks and their attending parents) revealed evidence of EPFs in four families. In all cases males were the excluded parent. These data suggest that waved albatrosses have an unusually high rate of EPF relative to taxa with similar life histories. Future behavioural observations will determine the extent to which forced vs. unforced EPCs contribute to this high EPF rate. 相似文献
A novel polypeptide, velvet antler polypeptide (VAPPs), having a stimulary effect on proliferation of some cell was isolated from the velvet antler of sika deer (Cervus nippon Temminck). This polypeptide consists of a single chain of 32 amino-acid residues VLSAT DKTNV LAAWG KVGGN APAFG AEALE RM. VAPPs showed marked stimulary effect on rat epidermal cells and NIH3T3 cell line (dose range from 10-40 mg x L(-1) and 5-80 mg x L(-1), respectively). 相似文献