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 根据内蒙古典型草原地带的羊草+大针茅草原退化变型一冷蒿群落封育12年(1983—1994)的动态监测数据进行分析,对群落恢复演替轨迹取得以下认识: 1.依据群落优势种的更替及主分量分析结果可将恢复演替过程划分为冷蒿优势阶段、冷蒿+冰草阶段、冰草优势阶段、羊草优势阶段。 2;退化草原群落在恢复演替过程中,群落生产力的变化表现出阶梯式跃变和亚稳态阶面相间的特点。第一次跃变发生在1984年,上升到第二个阶面,第二次跃变发生在1990年,进入了第三个阶面,已接近于原生群落的生产力。 3.群落生产力与水资源量的关系因恢复演替阶段不同而异。第一亚稳态时期,群落地上现存生物量大体处于166g·m-2的水平上,生长季降水量达176mm以上时,增加降水对群落生产力的提高不发生显著影响。第二亚稳态时期,群落生物量与降水量之间的相关性显著。可推算出群落于物质生产用水量介于1.1~1.6mm·g-1之间。此值在1.1mm·g-1时,群落对水资源的利用效率最高,而在1.6mm·g-1时群落生物量达到最大值。 4.在恢复演替进程中,群落密度的位点常数约为271.5株·m-2,循此常数上下波动,表现出拥挤与稀疏交替发生的过程,构成了恢复演替的节奏性变化。群落生物量的跃变与亚稳态的形成,以及群落密度的拥挤与稀疏交替作用是群落恢复演替的内在机制。恢复演替的速度,到第10年发生了1.78个半变的生态距离。5.草原退化群落恢复演替过程中,按照其节奏性及生产力跃变与亚稳态的规律,调控放牧利用强度或采取技术措施,调节群落拥挤和稀疏的交替过程可加速恢复演替进程。  相似文献   
 广东鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林的主要优势乔木树种荷木和黧蒴幼苗生长于自然光照和人工调节CO2浓度为500±50μl·L-1或空气CO2(350μl·L-1)的气罩中3个月。高CO2浓度下生长的黧蒴和荷木植株总干物质量分别增加26.6%和16.6%,根部增加量最大,地上部分所占的比例降低,根冠比上升,基径增大而株高降低。高CO2浓度下生长的叶片密度及比叶重增加,叶肉细胞间隙体积减少。单位干重的黧蒴叶片可溶性糖含量、全碳、磷、钾含量在高CO2浓度下稍为下降,果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖、全氮、镁含量及N/C比明显降低。而全钙含量无明显变化。  相似文献   
马铃薯人工种子的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
唐巍  欧阳藩 《生物技术》1996,6(5):11-13
本研究以虎头(H)、克四(K)和Favorita(F)三个品种的马铃薯不定芽在液体培养条件下诱导生成的微型薯为试材,经筛选后获得的大小一致的微型薯经过适度的低温处理后,用4%的海藻酸钠和2%的氯化钙溶液,在附加一定的植物激素条件下,进行人。种皮包埋形成人工种子。在无菌条件下,三个品种的人工种子萌发率均达90%以上。在土壤中,人工种子萌发率可达60%以上,萌发的人工种子中80%能够形成生长发育正常的完整植株。  相似文献   
用自制的氨基PEG化试剂rIL-2进行化学修饰,研究了试剂浓度,溶液pH,反应时间等与PEca-rIL-2产率及IL-2活性保持之间的关系,建立了一套获得稳定修饰度的PEG-rIL-2的方法。研究发现,反应时间跟修饰度关系不大;溶液pH对修饰度有一定的影响,中性pH以上反应都可进行;而试剂浓度直接决定修饰度的高低,过量越多,修饰度越高,而生物活性保留也越低;但低度修饰,对活性几乎没有影响,可保留活性在95%左右。  相似文献   
木瓜蛋白酶PPAⅢ自水解作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木瓜蛋白酶PPAⅢ自水解作用王秀艳,周慧,葛玉斌,李惟(吉林大学分子生物学系,长春130023)PPAⅢ、papain、pepsine、stembromelain等都属于以Cys-SH为活性中心的酶,同种分子之间存在着一种相互切割的趋势,称为酶自水解...  相似文献   
海南坡鹿对生境的选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1987~1994年,在海南省大田自然保护区及其外围地带对坡鹿的生境选择性进行了调查,发现坡鹿对自然生境有较强的选择性。对不同的生境的选择频率为:落叶季雨林生境47.93%;灌木草地生境39.14%;有刺灌丛生境10.72%;人工林生境2.21%。还对各种生境进行了评价;并提出了保护生境的对策  相似文献   
J M Staub  N Wei    X W Deng 《The Plant cell》1996,8(11):2047-2056
The pleiotropic CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC (COP), DEETIOLATED (DET), and FUSCA (FUS) loci are essential regulatory genes involved in the light control of seedling developmental patterns in Arabidopsis. Although COP1, DET1, COP9, and FUS6 (also called COP11) have been cloned, their biochemical activities and interactions remain elusive. We have recently suggested that multiple pleiotropic COP, DET, and FUS genes may encode subunits of a large regulatory complex. In this study, we generated specific antibodies against Arabidopsis FUS6 and show that accumulation of both COP9 and FUS6 is coordinated in the pleiotropic cop, det, and fus mutant backgrounds and in wild-type plants throughout development. Both COP9 and FUS6 cofractionated into identical high molecular mass fractions in an analytical gel filtration assay, and neither was found in its monomeric form. Moreover, antibodies raised against either COP9 or FUS6 selectively coimmunoprecipitated both proteins. We have also developed an Arabidopsis protoplast immunolocalization assay and demonstrated that the COP9 complex is localized in the nucleus and that its nuclear localization is not affected by light conditions or tissue types. The integrated genetic and biochemical results strongly support the conclusion that both COP9 and FUS6 are components of the nuclear-localized COP9 complex. Therefore, we have provided the strongest evidence for the conclusion that at least some of the pleiotropic COP, DET, and FUS loci act in the same signaling pathway.  相似文献   
远交系小鼠胚胎干细胞系的建立及嵌合鼠的获得   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ES细胞(EmbryonicStemCells)是来源于小鼠早期胚胎的多潜能干细胞,它可以在体外大量培养。并以单细胞的形式注射到早期胚胎里,发育为嵌合体。到目前为止,通常使用的129小鼠品系是来源于近交系(inbred)小鼠的胚胎.与之相比,远交系小鼠应当具有较强的生命力和抗病能力。曾有人报道过建成了远交系小鼠胚胎干细胞系,但是尚没有见到获得嵌合鼠的报道。有人甚至认为:由于不同品系小鼠所具有的遗传背景不同,有的小鼠不能建成ES细胞系。最近,本实验室在这方面做了有益的探索,成功地建成了远交系小鼠胚胎干细胞系,并在这里报导首例用远交系小鼠胚胎干细胞系培育成功嵌合体小鼠。采用源于Swiss小鼠远交群的昆明(KM)品系小鼠囊胚建成了三个小鼠胚胎干细胞系(KE1.KE2.KE5)。核型正常率均达到70%以上。自第八代起分批冻存,复苏后,培养至第12代,消化成单细胞,通过囊胚显微注射,将其注射到615品系小鼠胚胎。在幸存的幼鼠中获得了一只来源于KE1细胞的嵌合鼠(Table1).其毛色表现为受体鼠(615)的白色中嵌合有供体鼠(KM)的黑褐色(PlateI-A).嵌合鼠与受体鼠的杂交后代鼠中仍然出现了受体鼠的毛色类型(  相似文献   
In previous studies, tobacco protoplasts were transformed with the bacterial gene encoding neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPT II). Transformed calluses lost neomycin phosphotransferase II activity after several subcultures. Treatment of calluses with 5-azacytidine, a demethylating agent, restored enzyme activity, suggesting that methylation of npt II sequences might be responsible for loss of NPT II activity. Studies presented here were designed to test that hypothesis. Results indicated that the effect of 5-azacytidine could not be blocked by the DNA replication inhibitor, hydroxyurea, nor by the 5-azacytidine analogue, cytidine as would be expected with a DNA demethylation mechanism. The level of NPT II mRNA was not increased by 5-azacytidine. Treatment with cycloheximide, a protein synthesis inhibitor, had no effect on 5-azacytidine-increased NPT II activity. There was no increase of NPT II protein caused by 5-azacytidine, whereas 5-azacytidine increased activity of NPT II. In contrast, the auxin 2,4-D increased both the NPT II protein and activity. Assays for malate dehydrogenase demonstrated that the effect of 5-azacytidine and hydroxyurea on NPT II was not due to an overall effect on callus metabolism. In vitro studies involving standard bacterial NPT II enzyme and crude extracts from untreated and 5-azacytidine- or hydroxyurea-treated calluses showed that the activity of NPT II added to the untreated extracts was lower than the activity of NPT II added to the extracts from calluses treated with 5-azacytidine or hydroxyurea, indicating that there was an unknown factor (or factors) in callus extracts which affected the activity of NPT II and itself was affected by 5-azacytidine and hydroxyurea treatment. These results suggested that one effect of 5-azacytidine in increasing NPT II activity was posttranslational.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - NOS nopalene synthase - nos DNA segment encoding NOS - NPT II neomycin phosphotransferase - npt II DNA segment encoding NPT II - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
The Escherichia coli btuB gene encodes the outer membrane transporter for vitamin B12, the E colicins, colicin A, and bacteriophage BF23. Several series of mutant forms of BtuB resulting from the insertion of dipeptide sequences and from overlapping in-frame deletions and duplications were constructed. Strains expressing the variant genes in single and multiple copy numbers were analyzed for BtuB function, for the level of BtuB polypeptide in the outer membrane, and for changes in the outer membrane permeability barrier. Most dipeptide insertions had normal transport function and assembly in the membrane. Only 2 of the 27 deletions spanning residues 5 and 514 possessed transport function, and most of the remainder were not stably inserted in the membrane. Most duplications (19 of 21) retained transport function and were inserted in the outer membrane, although some were subject to proteolysis. Even long duplications containing as many as 340 repeated amino-terminal residues retained function, suggesting considerable plasticity in the sequence requirements for membrane insertion of BtuB. Expression of many deletion and duplication proteins conferred increased susceptibility to structurally unrelated inhibitors that are normally excluded by the outer membrane. These results could be consistent with the mutational disruption of extracellular loops or transmembrane segments of BtuB that constitute a gated channel, but the finding that alterations throughout the length of BtuB affect membrane permeability properties suggests that the altered proteins might perturb the outer membrane structure itself.  相似文献   
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