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Okadaic acid (OA), a protein phosphatase inhibitor, was found to induce hyperphosphorylation and reorganization of vimentin intermediate filaments in 9L rat brain tumor cells. The process was dose dependent. Vimentin phosphorylation was initially enhanced by 400 nM OA in 30 min and reached maximal level (about 26-fold) when cells were treated with 400 nM OA for 90 min. Upon removal of OA, dephosphorylation of the hyperphosphorylated vimentin was observed and the levels of phosphorylation returned to that of the controls after the cells recovered under normal growing conditions for 11 h. The phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of vimentin induced by OA concomitantly resulted in reversible reorganization of vimentin filaments and alteration of cell morphology. Cells rounded up as they were entering mitosis in the presence of OA and returned to normal appearance after 11 h of recovery. Immuno-staining with anti-vimentin antibody revealed that vimentin filaments were disassembled and clustered around the nucleus when the cells were treated with OA but subsequently returned to the filamentous states when OA was removed. Two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis further revealed that hyperphosphorylation of vimentin generated at least seven isoforms having different isoelectric points. Furthermore, the enhanced vimentin phosphorylation was accompanied by changes in the detergent-solubility of the protein. In untreated cells, the detergent-soluble and -insoluble vimentins were of equal amounts but the solubility could be increased when vimentins were hyperphosphorylated in the presence of OA. Taken together, the results indicated that OA could be involved in reversible hyperphosphorylation and reorganization of vimentin intermediate filaments, which may play an important role in the structure-function regulation of cytoskeleton in the cell.  相似文献   
Progression of resting quiescent G(0) cells into early G(1) and transition across the restriction point are highly regulated processes. Mutation of proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes regulating these transitions are targeted during oncogenesis. Recent work has underscored the importance of the G(0) to early G(1) transition and metabolism to neoplastic cells.  相似文献   
Human bile contains a considerable amount of endogenous beta-glucuronidase. The effects of pH and bile acids on its activity have been studied in regard to its role in the pathogenesis of cholelithiasis. beta-Glucuronidase, purified from human liver to homogeneity, was structurally stable between pH 4 and 10, but was active only over a much narrower range of pH, with a pH optimum of 5.2. The inactivation below pH 4 was due to its irreversible denaturation, whereas the inactivation at higher pH was due to a true reversible pH effect on the enzyme velocity. Kinetic studies revealed that hydrogen ion acted as a substrate-directed activator of the free enzyme, but not the enzyme-substrate complex, with a molecular dissociation constant of 4 X 10(-6). The enzyme activity was not affected by unconjugated bile acids, primarily due to their extremely low water solubility. Conjugated bile acids, on the other hand, exerted heterogeneous and pH-dependent effects on the enzyme. At pH 5.2, taurocholic acid and glycocholic acid were substrate-directed activators of the enzyme; taurochenodeoxycholic acid and taurodeoxycholic acid, competitive inhibitors; and glycochenodeoxycholic acid and glycodeoxycholic acid, mixed inhibitors. At pH 7.0 all taurine and glycine conjugates behaved as substrate-directed activators. Though beta-glucuronidase activity at pH 7 was only 23% of its maximal activity at pH 5.2, conjugated bile acids tended to restore its activity to a certain extent at pH 7. Thus, endogenous beta-glucuronidase could play a significant role in pigment cholelithiasis.  相似文献   
The relationship between overnight postabsorptive (fasting) respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and plasma FFA concentrations was addressed using data from three separate protocols, each of which involved careful control of the antecedent diet. Protocol 1 examined the relationship between fasting RER and the previous daytime RER. In Protocol 2 fasting, RER and plasma palmitate concentrations were measured in 29 women and 31 men (body mass index <30 kg·m−2). Protocol 3 analyzed data from Nielsen et al. (Nielsen, S., Z. K. Guo, J. B. Albu, S. Klein, P. C. O''Brien, M. D. Jensen. 2003. Energy expenditure, sex and endogenous fuel availability in humans. J. Clin. Invest. 111: 981-988.) to understand how fasting RER and palmitate concentrations relate within individuals during four consecutive measurements. The results were as follows: 1) Fasting RER was correlated (r = 0.74, P < 0.001) with the previous day''s average RER, and less so with RER variability. 2) Fasting RER was correlated (r = −0.39, P = 0.007) with fasting plasma palmitate concentrations. 3) The pattern of the RER/palmitate relationship was similar within individuals and between individuals; a negative slope was observed significantly more often than a positive slope (χ2 test; P < 0.001). Our findings suggest that, despite a fixed food quotient, the slight departures from energy equilibrium in a controlled General Clinical Research Center environment can effect plasma FFA concentrations. We suggest that including indirect calorimetry as part of FFA metabolism studies may aid in data interpretation.  相似文献   
Radioiodinated human choriogonadotropin was affinity-cross-linked with a cleavable (nondisulfide) homobifunctional reagent to the hormone receptor on porcine granulosa cells and the solubilized sample was electrophoresed. Cross-linked samples revealed four additional bands of slower electrophoretic mobility in addition to the hormone alpha, beta, and alpha beta dimer bands. The four bands corresponded to masses of 68, 74, 102, and 136 kDa whereas the alpha beta dimer band corresponded to 50 kDa. Formation of the four bands requires the 125I-hormone to bind specifically to the receptor with subsequent cross-linking. Binding can be prevented by excess of native hormone but not by follitropin. A monofunctional analog of the cross-linking reagent failed to produce the four bands. They were also produced by cross-linking Triton X-100-solubilized hormone-receptor complexes. Reagent concentration-dependent cross-linking revealed that their formation was sequential; smaller complexes formed first and then larger ones. When gels of the cross-linked sample were treated with reagents that cleave covalent cross-links and then electrophoresed in a second dimension gel, 18-, 24-, 28-, and 34-kDa components were released, in addition to the alpha and beta subunits of the native hormone. Simultaneous peptide mapping of the cross-linked complexes in the gel matrix with Staphylococcus V8 protease or papain revealed progressive proteolysis to generate terminal fragments of 30 or 27 kDa, respectively. These fragments were unique to and commonly present in the 74-, 102-, and 136-kDa hormone-receptor complexes but were not produced by proteolysis of the cross-linked human choriogonadotropin (hCG) alpha beta dimer or the hCG alpha subunit. Apparently, the radioactively labeled segment(s) of the alpha subunit of 125I-hCG was cross-linked to the 24-kDa component. The results demonstrate the protein nature of the receptor and suggest that 125I-hCG was initially cross-linked to the 24-kDa component to generate the 74-kDa complex, then the 28- and 34-kDa components were sequentially cross-linked to the 24-kDa component in the 74-kDa complex to generate the 102- and 134-kDa complexes.  相似文献   
The South American weakly-electric knifefish (Apteronotidae) produce highly diverse and readily quantifiable electrocommunication signals. The electric organ discharge frequency (EODf), and EOD modulations (chirps and gradual frequency rises (GFRs)), vary dramatically across sexes and species, presenting an ideal opportunity to examine the proximate and ultimate bases of sexually dimorphic behavior. We complemented previous studies on the sexual dimorphism of apteronotid communication signals by investigating electric signal features and their hormonal correlates in Apteronotus bonapartii, a species which exhibits strong sexual dimorphism in snout morphology. Electrocommunication signals were evoked and recorded using a playback paradigm, and were analyzed for signal features including EOD frequency and the structure of EOD modulations. To investigate the androgenic correlates of sexually dimorphic EOD signals, we measured plasma concentrations of testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone. A. bonapartii responded robustly to stimulus playbacks. EODf was sexually monomorphic, and males and females produced chirps with similar durations and amounts of frequency modulation. However, males were more likely than females to produce chirps with multiple frequency peaks. Sexual dimorphism in apteronotid electrocommunication signals appears to be highly evolutionarily labile. Extensive interspecific variation in the magnitude and direction of sex differences in EODf and in different aspects of chirp structure suggest that chirp signals may be an important locus of evolutionary change within the clade. The weakly-electric fish represent a rich source of data for understanding the selective pressures that shape, and the neuroendocrine mechanisms that underlie, diversity in the sexual dimorphism of behavior.  相似文献   
Accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau in the entorhinal cortex (EC) is one of the earliest pathological hallmarks in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It can occur before significant Aβ deposition and appears to “spread” into anatomically connected brain regions. To determine whether this early-stage pathology is sufficient to cause disease progression and cognitive decline in experimental models, we overexpressed mutant human tau (hTauP301L) predominantly in layer II/III neurons of the mouse EC. Cognitive functions remained normal in mice at 4, 8, 12 and 16 months of age, despite early and extensive tau accumulation in the EC. Perforant path (PP) axon terminals within the dentate gyrus (DG) contained abnormal conformations of tau even in young EC-hTau mice, and phosphorylated tau increased with age in both the EC and PP. In old mice, ultrastructural alterations in presynaptic terminals were observed at PP-to-granule cell synapses. Phosphorylated tau was more abundant in presynaptic than postsynaptic elements. Human and pathological tau was also detected within hippocampal neurons of this mouse model. Thus, hTauP301L accumulation predominantly in the EC and related presynaptic pathology in hippocampal circuits was not sufficient to cause robust cognitive deficits within the age range analyzed here.  相似文献   
γ-Butyrolactone derivative molecules in Streptomyces play a crucial role in cell density control, secondary metabolism, and cell differentiation. As their synthesis level in the cell is very low compared to those of similar N-acyl homoserine lactone molecules from gram-negative bacteria, it is very hard to analyze them even with several hundredfold concentration of the culture broth. We have developed a very quick and easy detection method using an affinity capture technique with His-tagged receptor proteins and electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Using Streptomyces coelicolor as a model system, SCB1 was detected from only 100 ml of the culture broth after solvent extraction. This method can be further applied to detection and quantitative analysis of butanolides and inhibitor screening of the receptor molecules.  相似文献   
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