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To identify prostate cancer (PCa) patients with a high risk of recurrence is critical before delivering adjuvant treatment. We developed a classifier based on the Enzalutamide treatment resistance‐related genes to assist the currently available staging system in predicting the recurrence‐free survival (RFS) prognosis of PCa patients. We overlapped the DEGs from two datasets to obtain a more convincing Enzalutamide‐resistance‐related‐gene (ERRG) cluster. The five‐ERRG‐based classifier obtained good predictive values in both the training and validation cohorts. The classifier precisely predicted RFS of patients in four cohorts, independent of patient age, pathological tumour stage, Gleason score and PSA levels. The classifier and the clinicopathological factors were combined to construct a nomogram, which had an increased predictive accuracy than that of each variable alone. Besides, we also compared the differences between high‐ and low‐risk subgroups and found their differences were enriched in cancer progression‐related pathways. The five‐ERRG‐based classifier is a practical and reliable predictor, which adds value to the existing staging system for predicting the RFS prognosis of PCa after radical prostatectomy, enabling physicians to make more informed treatment decisions concerning adjuvant therapy.  相似文献   
Multimodal communication in animals is common, and is particularly well studied in signals that include both visual and auditory components. Multimodal signals that combine acoustic and olfactory components are less well known. Multimodal communication plays a crucial role in agonistic interactions in many mammals, but relatively little is known about this type of communication in nocturnal mammals. Here, we used male Great Himalayan leaf-nosed bats Hipposideros armiger to investigate multimodal signal function in acoustic and olfactory aggressive displays. We monitored the physiological responses (heart rate [HR]) when H. armiger was presented with 1 of 3 stimuli: territorial calls, forehead gland odors, and bimodal signals (calls + odors). Results showed that H. armiger rapidly increased their HR when exposed to any of the 3 stimuli. However, the duration of elevated HR and magnitude of change in HR increased significantly more when acoustic stimuli were presented alone compared with the presentation of olfactory stimuli alone. In contrast, the duration of elevated HR and magnitude of change in HR were significantly higher with bimodal stimuli than with olfactory stimuli alone, but no significant differences were found between the HR response to acoustic and bimodal stimuli. Our previous work showed that acoustic and chemical signals provided different types of information; here we describe experiments investigating the responses to those signals. These results suggest that olfactory and acoustic signals are non-redundant signal components, and that the acoustic component is the dominant modality in male H. armiger, at least as it related to HR. This study provides the first evidence that acoustic signals dominate over olfactory signals during agonistic interactions in a nocturnal mammal.  相似文献   
Studying the microbial symbionts of eukaryotic hosts has revealed a range of interactions that benefit host biology. Most eukaryotes are also infected by parasites that adversely affect host biology for their own benefit. However, it is largely unclear whether the ability of parasites to develop in hosts also depends on host-associated symbionts, e.g., the gut microbiota. Here, we studied the parasitic wasp Leptopilina boulardi (Lb) and its host Drosophila melanogaster. Results showed that Lb successfully develops in conventional hosts (CN) with a gut microbiota but fails to develop in axenic hosts (AX) without a gut microbiota. We determined that developing Lb larvae consume fat body cells that store lipids. We also determined that much larger amounts of lipid accumulate in fat body cells of parasitized CN hosts than parasitized AX hosts. CN hosts parasitized by Lb exhibited large increases in the abundance of the bacterium Acetobacter pomorum in the gut, but did not affect the abundance of Lactobacillus fructivorans which is another common member of the host gut microbiota. However, AX hosts inoculated with A. pomorum and/or L. fructivorans did not rescue development of Lb. In contrast, AX larvae inoculated with A. pomorum plus other identified gut community members including a Bacillus sp. substantially rescued Lb development. Rescue was further associated with increased lipid accumulation in host fat body cells. Insulin-like peptides increased in brain neurosecretory cells of parasitized CN larvae. Lipid accumulation in the fat body of CN hosts was further associated with reduced Bmm lipase activity mediated by insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling (IIS). Altogether, our results identify a previously unknown role for the gut microbiota in defining host permissiveness for a parasite. Our findings also identify a new paradigm for parasite manipulation of host metabolism that depends on insulin signaling and the gut microbiota.Subject terms: Animal physiology, Microbial ecology  相似文献   
Daptomycin is a cyclolipopeptide antibiotic produced by Streptomyces roseosporus. It is widely used to treat drug-resistant bacterial infections; however, daptomycin yield in wild strains is very low. To improve the daptomycin production by the strain BNCC 342432, a modified method of ribosome engineering with superposition of streptomycin resistance was adopted in this study. The highest-yield mutant strain SR-2620 was obtained by increasing streptomycin resistance of BNCC 342432, and achieved daptomycin production of 38.5 mg/l in shake-flask fermentation, 1.79-fold higher than the parent strain and its heredity stability was stable. The morphological characteristics of the two strains were significantly different, and the 440th base G of the rpsL gene in the mutant strain was deleted, which resulted in a frameshift mutation. Our results demonstrate that gradually increasing strain resistance to streptomycin was an effective breeding method to improve daptomycin yield in S. roseosporus. Open in a separate window  相似文献   
为了综合评价枝条覆盖对不同立地(平地、丘顶、丘间低地)平茬花棒(Hedysarum scoparium)生长特征和浅层土壤水分的影响,以吉兰泰荒漠-绿洲过渡区平茬花棒为研究对象,于2017年4—10月对覆盖与无覆盖平茬花棒物候期、土壤容积含水量、土壤储水量和生长指标等相关指标进行测定。实验结果表明:(1)枝条覆盖有利于平茬花棒提前萌芽,较无覆盖提前5 d以上。(2)枝条覆盖使不同立地平茬花棒生长初期和生长末期0—100 cm土层平均土壤容积含水量增加20.12%以上,且土壤含水量变异系数随土层深度增加变化减缓;土壤储水量在生长初期和生长末期枝条覆盖较无覆盖增加27%以上。(3)枝条覆盖使平茬花棒株高、新生枝数、基径、冠幅较无覆盖增加10.91%以上,同时其生物量鲜重和干重较无覆盖分别增加4.45%—24.17%和3.78%—18.93%。尤其丘间低地平茬花棒生物量增加效果更加明显(P>0.05)。但枝条覆盖不能改变平茬花棒生物量分配格局;(4)枝条覆盖和平茬对花棒生长均具有积极作用,枝条覆盖对丘间低地平茬花棒生长促进作用最好。  相似文献   
以随机整合方式获得的转基因动物外源基因的拷贝数、整合位点及染色体核型等遗传背景并不清楚,可能会存在外源基因的沉默整合、无效整合、毒性整合以及其表达水平不可预测等问题。文中选取了6只原代(F0)及其相对应的子一代(F1)的人乳铁蛋白(hLF)转基因山羊作为研究对象,分别颈静脉采血、提取DNA,通过染色体核型分析、实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)、ELISA和Westernblotting等检测技术,研究其外源基因的遗传背景与表达水平。结果显示,6只F0代转基因山羊的染色体没有明显的形态变异、数量改变等异常情况。相对拷贝数高低不同(2–16),且能够稳定地遗传给下一代,F0和F1代hLF基因拷贝数一致。F1代转基因山羊表达hLF水平最高可达1.12 g/L(L3-1,拷贝数8)。结果表明,整合的外源基因能够稳定地遗传下一代,也没有对转基因山羊个体的生长发育造成障碍,而且拷贝数高低与hLF表达水平无明显的相关性,这为转基因山羊及其他转基因动物的新品种培育奠定了基础,解析了遗传背景。  相似文献   
基因编辑技术发展现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章德宾  罗瑶  陈文进 《生物工程学报》2020,36(11):2345-2356
鉴于以CRISPR/Cas9为代表的基因编辑技术在可操作性、经济性和时效性上取得的革命性突破,以及国内外对此技术的研发和应用现状,中国有可能在基因编辑技术的下游技术研发(特别是植物基因编辑的应用)、专业公司孵化等方面取得突破。因此分析目前中国基因编辑技术发展的关键需求、潜在应用领域就显得尤为迫切和必要。采用问卷调查和计量方法对基因编辑技术发展的关键技术需求和最潜在应用领域进行研究。首先建立有序多分类Logistic回归模型并进行因变量分析,通过显著性检验在4个方面共24个问卷问题中选择8个存在显著因果关系的自变量,然后基于有序多分类Logistic回归模型,分析8个问题中不同选项对基因编辑技术发展的具体影响作用。调查结果表明多数基因编辑领域的研究人员认为在注重基因编辑基础技术研发的同时应更多地关注如何进行技术产业化,要注重在植物领域发展潜在竞争优势;促进我国基因编辑技术发展不仅需要科研机构参与,更需要包括高校、政府在内的多方力量协同作用;正确引导公众的基因编辑技术舆论认识和建立安全规范体系较为迫切;技术风险规避的重点应放在生物武器和生物恐怖、基因编辑相关传染病、物种基因改变对生态环境的...  相似文献   
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