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Chagas disease also known as American trypanosomiasis, is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi and transmitted by triatominae-contaminated feces. It is considered a neglected tropical disease that affects 6 to 7 million people worldwide. The reactivation of Chagas disease occurs when the chronically infected hosts are not able to control T. cruzi infection, generating recurrence of the acute phase. HIV is the main immunosuppressive infection that can lead to the reactivation of chronic Chagas disease in AIDS conditions. In co-infected patients, the reactivation of Chagas disease is related to their high parasite load, high HIV viral load, and CD4 T-cell counting less than 200/mm3, which may evolve to meningoencephalitis and myocarditis. Eight T. cruzi/HIV co-infected patients under antiretroviral therapy (ART) and ten Chagas disease patients without HIV infection that attended at Study Group of Chagas Disease, Hospital de Clínicas, University of Campinas (GEdoCh/HC/UNICAMP-SP) and Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas SP (PUCC/SP) were evaluated. Tests for Chagas disease were performed, such as qPCR and T. cruzi blood culture. The patient’s medical records were analyzed to verify clinical and epidemiological data, viral load, and CD4 T-cell counting since the outset of ART. For both groups, we found no statically significant differences between parasite load via blood culture and qPCR. In T. cruzi/HIV co-infected subjects, we observed a significant increase of CD4 T-cells counting and viral load decrease, which became undetectable over the years after ART. Parasites isolated from the patient’s blood culture were genotyped, being the majority of them infected with TcII and one case of mixed infection (TcII and TcV/TcVI). These results were expected according to the region of origin of the patients. We suggest that the parasite load be monitored through qPCR in T.cruzi/HIV co-infected patients. We conclude that ART in people living with HIV improves infection and immunosuppression control, enabling the natural evolution of the American trypanosomiasis.  相似文献   
Myosin filament–based regulation supplements actin filament–based regulation to control the strength and speed of contraction in heart muscle. In diastole, myosin motors form a folded helical array that inhibits actin interaction; during contraction, they are released from that array. A similar structural transition has been observed in mammalian skeletal muscle, in which cooling below physiological temperature has been shown to reproduce some of the structural features of the activation of myosin filaments during active contraction. Here, we used small-angle x-ray diffraction to characterize the structural changes in the myosin filaments associated with cooling of resting and relaxed trabeculae from the right ventricle of rat hearts from 39°C to 7°C. In intact quiescent trabeculae, cooling disrupted the folded helical conformation of the myosin motors and induced extension of the filament backbone, as observed in the transition from diastole to peak systolic force at 27°C. Demembranation of trabeculae in relaxing conditions induced expansion of the filament lattice, but the structure of the myosin filaments was mostly preserved at 39°C. Cooling of relaxed demembranated trabeculae induced changes in motor conformation and filament structure similar to those observed in intact quiescent trabeculae. Osmotic compression of the filament lattice to restore its spacing to that of intact trabeculae at 39°C stabilized the helical folded state against disruption by cooling. The myosin filament structure and motor conformation of intact trabeculae at 39°C were largely preserved in demembranated trabeculae at 27°C or above in the presence of Dextran, allowing the physiological mechanisms of myosin filament–based regulation to be studied in those conditions.  相似文献   
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of synchronization with prostaglandin F2α in Baixadeiro mares during the rainy and dry seasons. Fourteen mares were synchronized by administering two doses of 1 mL prostaglandin PGF 2α and monitored by rectal palpation and ultrasound for the assessment of follicular development and uterine echotexture. Of this total, nine mares allowed the collection of blood, in which the blood was collected by venipuncture of the jugular vein to determine progesterone (P4) by ELISA. Mares showed no differences (P > 0.05) in weight, body score condition (BSC), tone, uterine edema, frequency of ovulation, synchronization interval, estrus, and the total number of follicles between periods. However, there was a difference in large increased follicle diameter (P < 0.05) during the dry season. The average concentrations of P4 in mares differed (P < 0.05) between the pre- and post-ovulatory phases for both seasons and after ovulation, with higher concentrations in the rainy season. Furthermore, statistical differences in daily light (P < 0.05) were observed between the dry and rainy periods. Thus, we conclude that mares from the genetic grouping Baixadeiro showed no reproductive seasonality, though there was a difference in luminosity between the rainy and dry seasons. The treatment with two doses of PGF 2α was effective in synchronizing the mares, promoting the return of estrus in the dry and rainy periods. The mares remaining cyclically active throughout the year provided there were appropriate forage availability and quality levels to allow for normal values of body weight and condition.  相似文献   
Abstract To quantitate ammonia production by the intestinal flora, ammonia levels in arterial blood and the venous effluent of the small and large bowel of conventional, selectively decontaminated, germ-free and gnotobiotic rats were measured.
When the anaerobic flora was removed by decontamination a significant decrease in ammonia levels was observed in the effluent of both the small and large intestine. Decontamination of aerobic flora did not result in depression of ammonia production. Gnotobiotic rats colonised with an anaerobic flora or with a mixed aerobic and anaerobic flora, showed a slight increase in ammonia levels. No increase in ammonia production was observed when rats were colonised with aerobic flora. These results indicate that the Enterobacteriaceae were not responsible for ammonia generation.
The increase in ammonia levels after colonisation with anaerobic or mixed anaerobic/aerobic flora did not completely restore ammonia levels, despite reaching bacterial counts which were comparable to those in conventional rats. This may be explained by the limited number of species with which the rats were colonized. The finding that aerobic flora does not significantly contribute to ammonia production suggests that neomycin, known to be exclusively effective against aerobic flora, must have other effects to explain improvement of hepatic encephalopathy.  相似文献   
Pulse modulated fluorescence has increasingly been used as an ecological tool to examine changes in the vertical distribution of microphytobenthic cells within the upper layers of estuarine sediments (most often using the minimum fluorescence yield F(o)) as well as to indicate the health of the community (using the maximum PS II quantum efficiency F(v)/F(m)). However, the practicalities of in situ measurements, often dictates that short dark adaptation periods must be used ( approximately 15 min). The use of far-red light as an alternative to dark adaptation was investigated in natural migratory microphytobenthic biofilms and artificial non-migratory biofilms. Prolonged periods of darkness ( approximately 24 h) were not adequate to achieve 'true' measurements of F(o) and F(v)/F(m), which require complete oxidation of Q(A) and full reversal of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). In some instances, stable values were only achieved using far-red light. Prolonged exposure to dark/far-red light led to a downwards migration of cells in natural assemblages, as seen by a reduction in both F(o) and the maximum fluorescence yield (F(m)). In non-migratory biofilms, F(m) increased in the dark and far-red treatments, indicating a reversal of NPQ, whereas F(o) decreased in far-red light but increased in the dark. It is suggested that far-red light and darkness differentially affected the balance between NPQ reversal and Q(A) oxidation that lead to the measured F(o) yield. The use of far-red light as an alternative to dark adaptation is discussed and the implications of short (e.g., 15 min) dark adaptation times used in situ are discussed with reference to the vertical migration of cells within sediment biofilms.  相似文献   
In Spain, 85% of patients with genetic hemochromatosis (GH) are homozygous for the C282Y mutation of the HFE gene. H63D and S65C mutations of HFE may also play some role in the disease. The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of C282Y, H63D, and S65C mutations of the HFE gene in newborns in Catalonia, Spain. One thousand one hundred forty-six newborn screening cards were selected randomly. DNA from these cards was extracted and HFE mutations were analyzed with the LightCycler equipment (Roche Diagnostics Gmbh, Mannheim, Germany). Sufficient DNA sample was obtained to screen for the three mutations in 1,043 cases (91%). The allelic frequencies of C282Y, H63D, and S65C mutations were 0.03 (IC 95% 0.022-0.037), 0.2 (IC 95% 0.19-0.22), and 0.01 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.006-0.015), respectively. The frequency of C282Y homozygous newborns was 0.001 (95% CI 0.0005-0.0014). The frequencies of newborns doubly heterozygous for C282Y/H63D and C282Y/S65C were 0.01 (95% CI 0.005-0.02) and 0.002 (95% CI 0.0002-0.01), respectively. The allelic frequency of C282Y mutation is similar to that observed in Southern France, in the Czech Republic and in some areas of Italy. The allelic frequency of H63D mutation in Catalonia is the highest reported to date. Nevertheless, S65C is infrequent. These data should be kept in mind when designing hemochromatosis genotypic screening programs in Catalonia.  相似文献   
Ribosome biogenesis requires >100 nonribosomal proteins, which are associated with different preribosomal particles. The substrates, the interacting partners, and the timing of action of most of these proteins are largely unknown. To elucidate the functional environment of the putative ATP-dependent RNA helicase Dbp6p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is required for 60S ribosomal subunit assembly, we have previously performed a synthetic lethal screen and thereby revealed a genetic interaction network between Dbp6p, Rpl3p, Nop8p, and the novel Rsa3p. In this report, we extended the characterization of this functional network by performing a synthetic lethal screen with the rsa3 null allele. This screen identified the so far uncharacterized Npa1p (YKL014C). Polysome profile analysis indicates that there is a deficit of 60S ribosomal subunits and an accumulation of halfmer polysomes in the slowly growing npa1-1 mutant. Northern blotting and primer extension analysis shows that the npa1-1 mutation negatively affects processing of all 27S pre-rRNAs and the normal accumulation of both mature 25S and 5.8S rRNAs. In addition, 27SA(2) pre-rRNA is prematurely cleaved at site C(2). Moreover, GFP-tagged Npa1p localizes predominantly to the nucleolus and sediments with large complexes in sucrose gradients, which most likely correspond to pre-60S ribosomal particles. We conclude that Npa1p is required for ribosome biogenesis and operates in the same functional environment of Rsa3p and Dbp6p during early maturation of 60S ribosomal subunits.  相似文献   
All previously obtained wolf (Canis lupus) and dog (Canis familiaris) mitochondrial (mt) DNA sequences fall within an intertwined and shallow clade (the 'wolf-dog' clade). We sequenced mtDNA of recent and historical samples from 45 wolves from throughout lowland peninsular India and 23 wolves from the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau and compared these sequences with all available wolf and dog sequences. All 45 lowland Indian wolves have one of four closely related haplotypes that form a well-supported, divergent sister lineage to the wolf-dog clade. This unique lineage may have been independent for more than 400,000 years. Although seven Himalayan wolves from western and central Kashmir fall within the widespread wolf-dog clade, one from Ladakh in eastern Kashmir, nine from Himachal Pradesh, four from Nepal and two from Tibet form a very different basal clade. This lineage contains five related haplotypes that probably diverged from other canids more than 800,000 years ago, but we find no evidence of current barriers to admixture. Thus, the Indian subcontinent has three divergent, ancient and apparently parapatric mtDNA lineages within the morphologically delineated wolf. No haplotypes of either novel lineage are found within a sample of 37 Indian (or other) dogs. Thus, we find no evidence that these two taxa played a part in the domestication of canids.  相似文献   
The TetL antiporter from the Bacillus subtilis inner membrane is a tetracycline-divalent cation efflux protein that is energized by the electrochemical proton gradient across the membrane. In this study, we expressed tetL in Escherichia coli and investigated the oligomeric state of TetL in the membrane and in detergent solution. Evidence for an oligomeric state of TetL emerged from SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis of membrane samples as well as purified protein samples from cells that expressed two differently tagged TetL species. Furthermore, no formation or restoration of TetL oligomers occurred upon detergent solubilization of the membrane. Rather, oligomeric forms established in vivo persisted after solubilization. Mass spectrometry of the purified protein showed the absence of proteolysis and posttranslational modifications. Analytical size-exclusion chromatography of the purified protein revealed a dimeric TetL in dodecyl-maltoside solution. In addition, TetL dimers were found in a number of other detergents and over a wide pH range. It is therefore likely that the oligomeric form of the protein in the membrane is also a dimer.  相似文献   
The precise molecular mechanisms responsible for sepsis-induced myocardial dysfunction remain undefined. Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4) engages lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and activates signaling pathways leading to the expression of proinflammatory cytokines implicated in myocardial dysfunction. We determined whether TLR-4 was necessary for LPS-induced myocardial dysfunction in vivo. The effects of LPS on left ventricular (LV) function were studied in mice with defective TLR-4 signaling (C3H/HeJ, TLR-4 deficient) and wild-type mice (C3HeB/FeJ). Mice (n = 5/group) were injected with LPS or diluent, and LV function was examined by using two-dimensional echocardiography and conductance catheters. LPS significantly decreased all indexes of LV function in wild-type mice when compared with controls; LV function was not depressed in the LPS-treated TLR-4-deficient mice relative to controls. LPS increased myocardial nitric oxide synthase-2 expression and cGMP only in wild-type mice. This study suggests that TLR-4 mediates the LV dysfunction that occurs in LPS-induced shock. Therefore, TLR-4 might be a therapeutic target for attenuating the effects of LPS on the heart.  相似文献   
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