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The cellular form of the prion protein (PrPC) is found in both full-length and several different cleaved forms in vivo. Although the precise functions of the PrPC proteolytic products are not known, cleavage between the unstructured N-terminal domain and the structured C-terminal domain at Lys-109↓His-110 (mouse sequence), termed α-cleavage, has been shown to produce the anti-apoptotic N1 and the scrapie-resistant C1 peptide fragments. β-Cleavage, residing adjacent to the octarepeat domain and N-terminal to the α-cleavage site, is thought to arise from the action of reactive oxygen species produced from redox cycling of coordinated copper. We sought to elucidate the role of key members of the ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase) enzyme family, as well as Cu2+ redox cycling, in recombinant mouse PrP (MoPrP) cleavage through LC/MS analysis. Our findings show that although Cu2+ redox-generated reactive oxygen species do produce fragmentation corresponding to β-cleavage, ADAM8 also cleaves MoPrP in the octarepeat domain in a Cu2+- and Zn2+-dependent manner. Additional cleavage by ADAM8 was observed at the previously proposed location of α-cleavage, Lys-109↓His-110 (MoPrP sequencing); however, upon addition of Cu2+, the location of α-cleavage shifted by several amino acids toward the C terminus. ADAM10 and ADAM17 have also been implicated in α-cleavage at Lys-109↓His-110; however, we observed that they instead cleaved MoPrP at a novel location, Ala-119↓Val-120, with additional cleavage by ADAM10 at Gly-227↓Arg-228 near the C terminus. Together, our results show that MoPrP cleavage is far more complex than previously thought and suggest a mechanism by which PrPC fragmentation responds to Cu2+ and Zn2+.  相似文献   
The rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae is a global food security threat due to its destruction of cultivated rice. Of the world's rice harvest, 10–30 % is lost each year to this pathogen, and changing climates are likely to favor its spread into new areas. Insights into how the fungus might be contained could come from the wealth of molecular and cellular studies that have been undertaken in order to shed light on the biological underpinnings of blast disease, aspects of which we review herein. Infection begins when a three-celled spore lands on the surface of a leaf, germinates, and develops the specialized infection structure called the appressorium. The mature appressorium develops a high internal turgor that acts on a thin penetration peg, forcing it through the rice cuticle and into the underlying epidermal cells. Primary then invasive hyphae (IH) elaborate from the peg and grow asymptomatically from one living rice cell to another for the first few days of infection before host cells begin to die and characteristic necrotic lesions form on the surface of the leaf, from which spores are produced to continue the life cycle. To gain new insights into the biology of rice blast disease, we argue that, conceptually, the infection process can be viewed as two discrete phases occurring in markedly different environments and requiring distinct biochemical pathways and morphogenetic regulation: outside the host cell, where the appressorium develops in a nutrient-free environment, and inside the host cell, where filamentous growth occurs in a glucose-rich, nitrogen-poor environment, at least from the perspective of the fungus. Here, we review the physiological and metabolic changes that occur in M. oryzae as it transitions from the surface to the interior of the host, thus enabling us to draw lessons about the strategies that allow M. oryzae cells to thrive in rice cells.  相似文献   
以toxR基因为靶基因,通过优化反应条件建立了快速检测副溶血弧茵的TaqMan实时荧光PCR方法.特异性试验表明,该方法能选择性检测副溶血弧茵,而与金黄色葡萄球菌、沙门氏菌、单增李斯特杆菌等多种常见的食源性病原茵没有交叉反应:灵敏度试验表明,该方法最少可检测到25个拷贝的toxR基因重组质粒,对纯培养物和模拟食品样品直接检测的灵敏度分别为21 cfu/mL和210 cfu/g;重复性试验表明,同一样品于试验内及试验间的变异系数分别为0.9%和1.3%:所制作的标准曲线在2.5 × 101~2.5 × 106拷贝数之间有较好的线性关系,能对副溶血孤菌进行准确的定量分析.结果表明,本研究所建立的副溶血弧菌实时荧光PCR检测方法具有特异性好,灵敏度高、重复性好的特点,能进行定量检测,而且检测时间从核酸抽提到出实验结果仅需要3 h.是快速检测副溶血弧菌的有效手段.  相似文献   
新城疫病毒单克隆抗体的特性及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了8个分泌抗新城疫病毒(NDV)特异性单克隆抗体(McAb)的杂交瘤细胞株,根据它们的免疫生物学特性可以分为三种类型:(1)具有FA和ELISA特性(FN1、FN4、FN29、FN30、FN35、FNl22);(2)具有FA、ELISA和HI特性(FN7);(3)具有ELISA、HI特性和中和能力(FN106),根据FN30和FN106的ELISA试验,可将11个NDV毒株分为二种不同的抗原群,应用FN4-FITC,FN7-FITC和FN29-HRP试剂,对人工感染NDV和野外送检病例检测结果表明,单抗试剂的DFA阳性率(92.3%)高于病毒分离阳性率(87.2%),两种方法的符合率89.7%,这些单抗试剂用于临床诊断敏感性和特异性高,且方法快速、简便。  相似文献   
A previously undescribed skin abnormality, referred to as “linear skin markings” (LSM), has been identified in free-ranging common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida (IRL). The lesions were identified during photo-identification surveys conducted from 2002 and 2015. LSM presented as distinct, parallel lines running dorso-ventrally on the torso and varied in length and width. The goals of this study were to determine (1) prevalence of the condition in IRL dolphins, (2) age and sex distribution of affected animals, (3) spatial and temporal distribution patterns, (4) duration of the condition, and (5) development of hypotheses regarding the etiology of the condition. Among 1,357 individual dolphins identified during the study period, 96 (7.0%) showed evidence of LSM. Nearly all (98.8%) cases with an established home range occurred in the northern and central regions of the IRL. The majority of cases of known sex were female (85%), of which 100% had given birth to one or more calves. The mean age of animals with LSM when first observed was 7.3 with a range of 1–20 years. The maximum observed duration of LSM was 15 years. Once observed, the condition persisted indefinitely. The etiology of LSM has not been established.  相似文献   
Upon the 20th Anniversary of the Society for Melanoma Research, we highlight the perspectives of patients aiming to help improve future experiences, outcomes, and their quality of life over the next 20 years. Five melanoma patients generously shared their inspiring and enlightening stories of diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes. Many patients had excellent medical teams that synergistically worked together to provide an accurate diagnosis, effective treatment options, and supportive care. However, it is clear that health inequities persist in communities where people of color are predominant, affecting early detection, patient experience, and outcomes. These stories shed light on the unique challenges faced by patients and how the lack of melanoma awareness and adequate resources, especially in communities of color or low socioeconomic status, can contribute to disparate outcomes in melanoma care. We expect that these stories will raise awareness about the progress in melanoma treatment but also the existent disparities in melanoma diagnosis and treatment and the importance of early detection and prevention.  相似文献   
The ubiquitin–proteasome system is one of the main proteolytic pathways. It inhibits apoptosis by degrading pro-apoptotic regulators, such as caspases or the tumor suppressor p53. However, it also stimulates cell death by degrading pro-survival regulators, including IAPs. In Drosophila, the control of apoptosis by Bcl-2 family members is poorly documented. Using a genetic modifier screen designed to identify regulators of mammalian bax-induced apoptosis in Drosophila, we identified the ubiquitin activating enzyme Uba1 as a suppressor of bax-induced cell death. We then demonstrated that Uba1 also regulates apoptosis induced by Debcl, the only counterpart of Bax in Drosophila. Furthermore, we show that these apoptotic processes involve the same multimeric E3 ligase—an SCF complex consisting of three common subunits and a substrate-recognition variable subunit identified in these processes as the Slimb F-box protein. Thus, Drosophila Slimb, the homologue of β-TrCP targets Bax and Debcl to the proteasome. These new results shed light on a new aspect of the regulation of apoptosis in fruitfly that identifies the first regulation of a Drosophila member of the Bcl-2 family.  相似文献   
Genetic association analyses of rare variants in next-generation sequencing (NGS) studies are fundamentally challenging due to the presence of a very large number of candidate variants at extremely low minor allele frequencies. Recent developments often focus on pooling multiple variants to provide association analysis at the gene instead of the locus level. Nonetheless, pinpointing individual variants is a critical goal for genomic researches as such information can facilitate the precise delineation of molecular mechanisms and functions of genetic factors on diseases. Due to the extreme rarity of mutations and high-dimensionality, significances of causal variants cannot easily stand out from those of noncausal ones. Consequently, standard false-positive control procedures, such as the Bonferroni and false discovery rate (FDR), are often impractical to apply, as a majority of the causal variants can only be identified along with a few but unknown number of noncausal variants. To provide informative analysis of individual variants in large-scale sequencing studies, we propose the Adaptive False-Negative Control (AFNC) procedure that can include a large proportion of causal variants with high confidence by introducing a novel statistical inquiry to determine those variants that can be confidently dispatched as noncausal. The AFNC provides a general framework that can accommodate for a variety of models and significance tests. The procedure is computationally efficient and can adapt to the underlying proportion of causal variants and quality of significance rankings. Extensive simulation studies across a plethora of scenarios demonstrate that the AFNC is advantageous for identifying individual rare variants, whereas the Bonferroni and FDR are exceedingly over-conservative for rare variants association studies. In the analyses of the CoLaus dataset, AFNC has identified individual variants most responsible for gene-level significances. Moreover, single-variant results using the AFNC have been successfully applied to infer related genes with annotation information.  相似文献   
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