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Azole-resistant environmental Aspergillus fumigatus presents a threat to public health but the extent of this threat in Southeast Asia is poorly described. We conducted environmental surveillance in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam, collecting air and ground samples across key land-use types, and determined antifungal susceptibilities of Aspergillus section Fumigati (ASF) isolates and azole concentrations in soils. Of 119 ASF isolates, 55% were resistant (or non-wild type) to itraconazole, 65% to posaconazole and 50% to voriconazole. Azole resistance was more frequent in A. fumigatus sensu stricto isolates (95%) than other ASF species (32%). Resistant isolates and agricultural azole residues were overrepresented in samples from cultivated land. cyp51A gene sequence analysis showed 38/56 resistant A. fumigatus sensu stricto isolates carried known resistance mutations, with TR34/L98H most frequent (34/38).  相似文献   
CmPI-II is a Kazal-type tight-binding inhibitor isolated from the Caribbean snail Cenchritis muricatus. This inhibitor has an unusual specificity in the Kazal family, as it can inhibit subtilisin A (SUBTA), elastases and trypsin. An alanine in CmPI-II P1 site could avoid trypsin inhibition while improving/maintaining SUBTA and elastases inhibition. Thus, an alanine mutant of this position (rCmPI-II R12A) was obtained by site-directed mutagenesis. The gene cmpiR12A was expressed in P. pastoris KM71H yeast. The recombinant protein (rCmPI-II R12A) was purified by the combination of two ionic exchange chromatography (1:cationic, 2 anionic) followed by and size exclusion chromatography. The N-terminal sequence obtained as well as the experimental molecular weight allowed verifying the identity of the recombinant protein, while the correct folding was confirmed by CD experiments. rCmPI-II R12A shows a slightly increase in potency against SUBTA and elastases. The alanine substitution at P1 site on CmPI-II abolishes the trypsin inhibition, confirming the relevance of an arginine residue at P1 site in CmPI-II for trypsin inhibition and leading to a molecule with more potentialities in biomedicine.  相似文献   


A recessive mutation “c” in the Mexican axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, results in the failure of normal heart development. In homozygous recessive embryos, the hearts do not have organized myofibrils and fail to beat. In our previous studies, we identified a noncoding Myofibril-Inducing RNA (MIR) from axolotls which promotes myofibril formation and rescues heart development.


We randomly cloned RNAs from fetal human heart. RNA from clone #291 promoted myofibril formation and induced heart development of mutant axolotls in organ culture. This RNA induced expression of cardiac markers in mutant hearts: tropomyosin, troponin and α-syntrophin. This cloned RNA matches in partial sequence alignment to human microRNA-499a and b, although it differs in length. We have concluded that this cloned RNA is unique in its length, but is still related to the microRNA-499 family. We have named this unique RNA, microRNA-499c. Thus, we will refer to this RNA derived from clone #291 as microRNA-499c throughout the rest of the paper.


This new form, microRNA-499c, plays an important role in cardiac development.  相似文献   
Plasmodesmata (PD) form tubular connections that function as intercellular communication channels. They are essential for transporting nutrients and for coordinating development. During cytokinesis, simple PDs are inserted into the developing cell plate, while during wall extension, more complex (branched) forms of PD are laid down. We show that complex PDs are derived from existing simple PDs in a pattern that is accelerated when leaves undergo the sink–source transition. Complex PDs are inserted initially at the three-way junctions between epidermal cells but develop most rapidly in the anisocytic complexes around stomata. For a quantitative analysis of complex PD formation, we established a high-throughput imaging platform and constructed PDQUANT, a custom algorithm that detected cell boundaries and PD numbers in different wall faces. For anticlinal walls, the number of complex PDs increased with increasing cell size, while for periclinal walls, the number of PDs decreased. Complex PD insertion was accelerated by up to threefold in response to salicylic acid treatment and challenges with mannitol. In a single 30-min run, we could derive data for up to 11k PDs from 3k epidermal cells. This facile approach opens the door to a large-scale analysis of the endogenous and exogenous factors that influence PD formation.  相似文献   


Respiratory viruses (including adenovirus, influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, coronavirus, and rhinovirus) cause a broad spectrum of disease in humans, ranging from mild influenza-like symptoms to acute respiratory failure. While species D adenoviruses and subtype H7 influenza viruses are known to possess an ocular tropism, documented human ocular disease has been reported following infection with all principal respiratory viruses. In this review, we describe the anatomical proximity and cellular receptor distribution between ocular and respiratory tissues. All major respiratory viruses and their association with human ocular disease are discussed. Research utilizing in vitro and in vivo models to study the ability of respiratory viruses to use the eye as a portal of entry as well as a primary site of virus replication is highlighted. Identification of shared receptor-binding preferences, host responses, and laboratory modeling protocols among these viruses provides a needed bridge between clinical and laboratory studies of virus tropism.  相似文献   
The discovery that genetic mutations in several cellular pathways can increase lifespan has lent support to the notion that pharmacological inhibition of aging pathways can be used to extend lifespan and to slow the onset of age‐related diseases. However, so far, only few compounds with such activities have been described. Here, we have conducted a chemical genetic screen for compounds that cause the extension of chronological lifespan of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We have characterized eight natural products with such activities, which has allowed us to uncover so far unknown anti‐aging pathways in S. pombe. The ionophores monensin and nigericin extended lifespan by affecting vacuolar acidification, and this effect depended on the presence of the vacuolar ATPase (V‐ATPase) subunits Vma1 and Vma3. Furthermore, prostaglandin J2 displayed anti‐aging properties due to the inhibition of mitochondrial fission, and its effect on longevity required the mitochondrial fission protein Dnm1 as well as the G‐protein‐coupled glucose receptor Git3. Also, two compounds that inhibit guanosine monophosphate (GMP) synthesis, mycophenolic acid (MPA) and acivicin, caused lifespan extension, indicating that an imbalance in guanine nucleotide levels impinges upon longevity. We furthermore have identified diindolylmethane (DIM), tschimganine, and the compound mixture mangosteen as inhibiting aging. Taken together, these results reveal unanticipated anti‐aging activities for several phytochemicals and open up opportunities for the development of novel anti‐aging therapies.  相似文献   
Shock wave lithotripsy is a commonly used procedure for eradicating upper urinary tract stones in patients who require treatment. A number of methods have been proposed to improve the results of this procedure, including proper patient selection, modifications in technique, adjunctive therapy to facilitate elimination of fragments, and changes in lithotripter design. This article assesses the utility of these measures through an analysis of contemporary literature.Key Words: Shock wave lithotripsy, Upper urinary tract stones, ComminutionShock wave lithotripsy (SWL) is commonly utilized to treat patients with upper urinary tract stones. It is now clear that proper patient selection, modifications in treatment technique, and employment of adjunctive measures can be utilized to optimize SWL results. In addition, certain future changes in lithotripter design may prove to be beneficial. Herein, we review methods to improve SWL results.  相似文献   
SAS-6 is required for centriole biogenesis in diverse eukaryotes. Here, we describe a novel family of SAS-6-like (SAS6L) proteins that share an N-terminal domain with SAS-6 but lack coiled-coil tails. SAS6L proteins are found in a subset of eukaryotes that contain SAS-6, including diverse protozoa and green algae. In the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii, SAS-6 localizes to the centriole but SAS6L is found above the conoid, an enigmatic tubulin-containing structure found at the apex of a subset of alveolate organisms. Loss of SAS6L causes reduced fitness in Toxoplasma. The Trypanosoma brucei homolog of SAS6L localizes to the basal-plate region, the site in the axoneme where the central-pair microtubules are nucleated. When endogenous SAS6L is overexpressed in Toxoplasma tachyzoites or Trypanosoma trypomastigotes, it forms prominent filaments that extend through the cell cytoplasm, indicating that it retains a capacity to form higher-order structures despite lacking a coiled-coil domain. We conclude that although SAS6L proteins share a conserved domain with SAS-6, they are a functionally distinct family that predates the last common ancestor of eukaryotes. Moreover, the distinct localization of the SAS6L protein in Trypanosoma and Toxoplasma adds weight to the hypothesis that the conoid complex evolved from flagellar components.  相似文献   
Mobility is crucial for the maintenance of viable metapopulations, but quantitative data to evaluate risks due to insufficient individual mobility of focal insect species are mostly lacking. We selected the butterfly Brenthis ino, a species typically confined to wet fallow grasslands in Central Europe and performed a mark–release–recapture study in a 3.2 ha study area with one big and one small patch of suitable habitat from 22 June to 23 July 2010. The position of each butterfly capture was measured with a GPS and transferred into a GIS. In total, we marked 984 individuals in 1,545 capture events and estimated that the cumulative population size was 2,400 individuals. The initial increase of adult males proceeded much faster than for females, similar to the protandrous population build-up known from other butterflies. Moved distances for both sexes usually did not exceed 80 m, and about 40 % of all individuals used less than 2 % of the available suitable habitat. All individuals switching to the other patch returned later to their patch of origin, confirming that B. ino is highly philopatric. We conclude that low effective mobility in B. ino produces much smaller home ranges than suggested by merely observing flight activities in the field, and that low tendencies towards long-distance movements significantly hamper the maintenance of metapopulations when patch density decreases due to landscape fragmentation.  相似文献   
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